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<br /> --- 12. Succer�orr pnd A�rIWw Bcwndi Jniat aqd bleveral I.IabHily; Co-SlQnenv. Thc cuve�wnls an�l �grccments nf this
<br /> Security Inctrumenl shall bind wd boncfit thc succe.csors and +u�signs of l..ender und Bimawer, subject to the proviaiana af
<br /> -= parograph 9.b. &�rmwe�a wvenant� and agreementx sha��he Joint wxl r;everul. Any Borrower who ca-si�ag this Security
<br /> ---���- -- In�lrum�nt but daes noi ezecvte the Nwe: (u) is carigning this Security Inrtrument anly w monguge. grant and ccmvcy lhat
<br /> °---°_�=���':� 8omower's imcrctit in�he Prapeny u�dcr the�erms uf Ibis Security InztNment: Ibl i.r•nnt per.+onully obligated ta pay thc sums
<br /> socurod by Ihis Socurity Inctrumcnt;and(c)agrees that l.endrr smd any aher Bnrr+�wer may a�ree t�extend, m�dify, forbear or
<br /> �=g`�''"-'�'-,"�.-�� meke any ncoMrunodatian�wlth regard ro ihe termv nf thix Security Instn�ment or the Nae withaut that Bonower's cc►�uent. �
<br /> �-"°"'S'�°'��°� 13. Notices. Any natice ta Borrower pmvided far in thfs Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by m�iling
<br /> -- -_--� • - it by firxt cluss mail unlesa opplicnble law rcquireq uze of anather method• The notice shall t►e directed to Ihe Praperty Address
<br /> _�.=zbL��-.�;�� or any cuher add�ess Horrower desi�mtes by natice to l.ender. Any notic�e to l,eader whs�ll be given by first class muf! ta
<br /> �,.y .,,.r ,� $, Lendcr's address steted herein or any address La:nder designutes by notice to Barmwcr.Any notice provided f'ar in thia Secu�ity
<br /> ��.�.::K�--' [nstrument sh�ll be dcemed ta have been given to Borrawer ar I.ender when given as pravided in this parag�Aph.
<br />- --- �.Wra.;����''�.�, —°-
<br /> '�"'_'y���"�'�;'..;" 14. Coverniag Iaw; Severalsiltty. Thia Security Instrument shall be govcrned by federul law unJ the luw of the
<br /> _�,__„_._.,._.,..�-, . --
<br /> ;-�� : .-:.
<br /> , � .� jurisdic[ion in which the Propeny is lacated. !n the event thut any pravisian�►r clAUSC of 1 is cunry Instrument or t e ote _
<br /> ,4��-, cuntlicta with�pplicnble law,such mnflict shall not uffect other provisions af this Security Instrument ar the Note which can be
<br /> ' `° � `"'"'' given effect without the contlictinQ pmvision. To thia end the pravisions of this Security Instrument and the Note ure declared
<br /> �� ,,
<br /> --,,�-Y , , to be scverable.
<br /> __�— ,-.vr�'•_�: .. r�- —
<br /> ��Zu.._�
<br /> --_. :- ;� , 15.Barruwer'�Copy.Bomower shall be given onc coniormed copy ot this Securily Instrument. �_
<br /> �-__
<br />-�=_' � ���� �,�.:�•�� ., 16. Assignment of Rents. Borrower unconditionally assigns und�runsfen tn Lendcr all Ihe rents and revenues of the —,
<br /> �_ �=��r��:����••--• � propeRy. Borrower authorizes L.ender or I.ender's agents to collect the rents and revenues und hereby directs cach tenunt of the W�°_
<br /> -_�� �����''•�''°:,• , Propeny to pay the rents to l.ender or L.ender's agents. However,prior to[.ender's nWice to Borrower of Borrower's brcach af
<br /> _���;�`°'�;°' ' any covenant or agreement in the Security lnstrument.Borrower whaU collect nnd ieccive uU rents uncl revenue,of the Propetty �=
<br /> _-_ . as trustee for the benefit of Lender and Borcowcr. This assignment uf rents constitutes an absolute s�aaig�unent und not an
<br /> s assignmerN for udditional sercurity onty �v
<br />�--_-- - ;:i'�{�"""'...�e'r...., . —�,..
<br /> .,���� .:.r ,
<br /> � �w��' If Lender gives notice of breACt�to Borrower: (o)ull rents receivcd by&ircower shall be held by Borrowcr us trustee for ""-'`_`
<br /> rs:r.►�:w►+....� be��s����nclPr only, to be applied to the xurns cecured by the Security Ins�rument;Ib)l.ender shall be entided to c�llect and _
<br />_ . ��,. e•,...,_.��. --
<br /> . •� • reccive ull of the rents of the Properry: and (r1 euch tenunt of the Pmperty shall pay all rents due und unpaid to l.ender ar
<br /> � • :r `� :; Lender's agent on L.ender'a written demand to the tenant• --
<br /> �'�:'�'t;,r•_�. �,':i:;;,'
<br /> :,.:,;.,,• �� �.•
<br /> ��;�°C?';y�:- ',-• � �� �� Bc�rrower hag not execu�ecl uny prior assignment of�he rcnts and has not und will no�perf'orm uny act that would prcvent _.
<br /> � � � �. . �
<br /> -:�'._
<br /> ����` •,.�.°,. `:'';`�; �� Lender from exercising its�ightg undcr Ihix paragruph 16. —
<br /> � .`�"'. ., •.•..;,�,
<br /> -�r • �'" Lender shall not be rcyuireJ to entcr upnn,takc contr<d ut'ur mainwin Ihc Prnpeny beforc or af�cr giving noticc��f bresxh
<br /> '�-''r " to Borrower. However. I.e�nder or u judiciully app�inted r�weiver muy do so at any time�herc is u brcuch. Any upplir•rtiun oF ___
<br /> �����` rems shull not cure or waive uny Jefault ar invulidule any�nhcr right ur rcmedy of l.ender. This arsignment of rents of the �
<br /> . ; ' Property shall terminute when the debt.crured hy thc Sccurity In�trunknt i.paiJ in fulL —
<br /> �,,r. ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.&mower anJ l.endcr I'unhcr covcnant and ugrcc a�liilluwti: �
<br /> , 17.Foreclogure Procedurc.If l.cnder mquircx immediate puyment in full undcr paru�ruph 9. [.ender may invoke the =._
<br /> <.:'•;+�8. power oF sale und any other remedieti permitted bv upplicnble law. Lcnder shall IK enNtled tu callect ull expe�t+cg �
<br />_ :+�.�"��• " incurred in pursuina the remedles under this paragruph 17. includin�. but not limited to.rcasonabte pttorneys' fees and �;;:;
<br /> � ` costs of litle evidenrc. -
<br /> ' • r'�°� If the puwer of sale is invoked, Trurtec shull rerord u nutice of defuult in each count�• in which any pvrt of the +�=
<br /> 1 • � � Property Is located and r:hall mxil copies of such noNre fn the munner pn�ribed I�y applicable luw to&�nv►wer and 10 �--
<br /> t`� : . �'=
<br /> . the other penons prescribed by opplkable Is�N•. After the timc reyuired by upplir�ble law�.Tru,1�r�Iwll Rivc pubflc notice __
<br /> . � '�`'� �" '' oI sale to the persons and in the manner prescrli►c�d bv uppllcuble I�►w. Trust�r, aithout demund on i��rrnwer, �hull seU -_
<br /> �`' . � c'�"�� `� the Property s�t public nuction to ti�e highest biddcr ut tlK tinu und placc ond undcr the term+diwiunuted in the notice of �r
<br /> ` � - solc in one or more parccls and in any iKder 7'rurtce detcrmin�h.'fruskr mu� ��+/p��nr ssde of all��r um• purcel of the r '
<br /> ' ' ° • Prnperty by public announr.ement at thc timc und placc of uny preciousl� uheduled sulr. Lcnder or its d��i�ncc may �
<br /> ;� ` >, . . purchase thc Property at any a�ale.
<br /> �.
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