, '_.�;::` _ ' . :. . . . . .. . , . �S . . �`").'n.::�. . .. .. : .. . . . _
<br /> 4 ;K 4 � � s.. _�.� +Y, r.. �.. .
<br /> � ' �,--,u... _
<br /> � •• y . f . ---� �,1 � .'r t 1C. � ��yµ�.;, r,p:.
<br /> .` dkr — �� �g1'L -
<br /> �,:;; g�- ����. -- �
<br /> ��^°:�:.,
<br /> The Fv�r.d.� sltaU ba htid in an institution whose deposits are iasured by u federal agertcy, in,truinznt2tity, or ennty .�,�,
<br /> (including L.ender,if Lestder is such sn institurioN or in any Federal Home I.oan�nk.Lend�r shall appiy the Funds to pay the ,�4 f,`
<br /> Escr��v Items.LenBer m3y irot ct�e Ea�rower for hold'sng and applyiag the Funcls.annuallY unalYring che es�c�otv accounc,or c
<br /> veriljrin�the Escroiv Isems,untcss l.ender pays Eorrotver inter�st on tl:z Funds an�applicable law pemuts Lendes to m�e such � :
<br /> �^ a ch�e.Horrever. Lcatder may reqtsire Borrower to pay a on�-prae charge for an in�cdent rai estate tax repurting servicc �o".:. •
<br />'"'�� used by Lender in oon�ection w�th tivs to�n, unless applicable fatv pmvides othenvise. Unless an ageement is mxde or •.<•,
<br /> , �licai�ie[a�v rei;uires interest to be paid,Lender shafl tmt bc ns�uired co pay Eormtver any interes[or eamings on th�Funds_ �
<br /> f�;,�roa•er a�Lemder may agree in wririn�.however,t�2A interest shall be paid on the Funds. I.ender shalt�ivc to Borro�ver.
<br /> � without d�ar�e. an an�a�!axouniiag of the Funds, stxnving credits and debits to the Funds and the puepose for which each �"i:�
<br /> uebit to the Fands�vas m�e.Thc Funcf�are pledged as addition�l security for ali sums secured by this 5ecunty inswm�ai• =:,-:,�.. ;.
<br /> If the�unds held by Lender exeeed the amouni.4 peimieted to be h�td by applicable law.Lender shall acoount to Borro�r•er .v•.�,.`
<br />=.?� for the excess Fnnds in aarrdanoe�vith the requireasena of applicable law. If the s�mount of the Funds held by L.en�er at any
<br /> e
<br /> time is nnl suffcient to pay the Esca'ow Items vrhen due.I.endes may s�o aotify Iiorrouzs in w'titing.and•in such case Borrower ' �.�••
<br /> �, s3�a11 pay ta Lereder the amn�.c�t naces.�ary to make up the d�ciency. Sorrowep shall mz�:e up the deficiensy in na mar�z than �.;A..,.
<br /> � twc►ve monthly payments,at Lendar's sole dissntion. ��=-�•'-
<br /> :. , Upon paYment in full of all sums secured by this Saca�rcty Instntmeau. Lender shall promptly refi►nrl to Barrower any
<br /> - Funds�sf�','�,�.1.Ender.If,under paragraph 21, Ler�der shall acquir�e or sell the Property.Lender.pnor to the acquisiaon or sale ��-�-
<br /> of ttce 1P*a�3[i�'. shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums sesw�ed by �F;�„_
<br /> �„i. urs��tS�,t�tnunent. _-
<br />' ��: 3.1l�pol�atfon of Fayments.Untess appficable!aw 8ziovides otheiwise.all payments received by Lender und�rparaguphs a;�_�:_-=
<br /> _': G.ap�2 shall be applied:fust.to anp prepaYaaent c�targ�duo under the Rote; sernnd.to amounts payable unde�pAmgraph 2;
<br /> �"�•';' thi�:to intErest due:fouTth,to principal due; and last,to any late ch�rges due under the Note. �_��•
<br />,:;;x;;` 4,CEiar��;E.ieas.Borrowes shall pt�y all t�es,assessments.c6tuges.fines an�impositions attributnble to the Property o�wv
<br />`',"`'j'• which m�y:assfsA•p,riority over this Secuncy instrument. and leasehald payments or ground rents, if any_ Borrower shaIi pay �__.
<br /> �Yi:
<br /> .F.-��. thess o3:��',.s i�t'km n��er provided in pasagrapb 2.or if not paid in that mmoner.Bor.ower shall pay titem on tims diieetiy ----
<br />, ;f�;�� to�st�r p:ssc��metf�r"n5vmd:.Boraower shall pnompUy fu�a►isli tb Lender all notices of amounu to be paid under ehis para�uph• �'-=1r.�_=:
<br /> �`-„s If.Bt�srmtieir�amlr�s?.�c�'q.nents dit�ectly.Borrower shall promptly fiunish W Lender receipts evidencing the payments. ,`,,r ,
<br />_ •;S�.
<br /> .:,.1.: &rim,n�r sl�tll�t��P�Y�?��*ge any lien which has prionty over tiils Secviity In..�trum�t unless Boriower. (a)agrees in ,,N,
<br /> .':::r: a�i�ta�A�"rn.nt of th�e obligatian secue�d by the liea in a manner acceptabte to Lender.(b}contests in goad faiW the lien �,t.,
<br /> rn� �.
<br /> bj, c►z.dreft�:ag�insE enforcem�nt of the lien in, t r�ceedin which in she Lendez's n�sinion operate to preves�x di�
<br /> qxStiaor�mtr�;,af��tlt°.lien;or(c)secvres from the holder�of the tien a�gteement satisfacxory to L�der subordimUng the Ei�ua r�`-
<br /> �}��,g�itty�Icrstiument.If I.ert�er deiermines that any part of the Pro�erty is subject w a lien v�ich may�in priority aver ��:��'-
<br /> � ��g�ty�ns�umenl.Gertder may give Borrower a notice ideutifying the lien.Eoaro�ver shall sa�s-fy dte Ii�or ake one or �:
<br /> ������: moie of the actions sd forth above within 10 days of the giving of nodce. �
<br /> '?':,..�
<br />°.�.,,fs� 5. A�rd or ProPesty Insur�aae. Bocrower shall keep the improvements now exisring or hereafter er�c�! on the �_;-,_._
<br /> :,.•,�:[r property insured agsinst loss by fim, harards included within the term 'extended covemge" and any othes hazaids. inctuding _. -
<br /> }.:,f. 3
<br />�.;;�'-� t3a�s or ftooding;fas�wt►i�Lender mquires insurance.T6is insurance shall be ma;i,rA;ned in the amounu and for the petc
<br />,.. y��. `�
<br />�'.�:f;; ��;�er�'Y(��in�urance camer providing tha insuranee shall 6e choseu by Barrower subjecx to Ix�der's approval , : n rf:
<br /> :'"•` ot�i�il�,sf�il�avE b��ornsbiy withheld. If Borrower fails w maintain cover�dr.scrihed above. Lender may.at Len�er's .,�,� :
<br /> m aocondunce�i�ir b 7. >45:,;_.
<br />, �rora,a�'azn covernge ta ptrtect I.ender's ri�hts in the Prop�rty' ��P _,_.,.__..
<br /> plt�f��utsuioe policies and mnewals sha11 be accepiable ta�Leader and�snclude a standard mort„?=.,�claase. Lea3eT _i:-
<br /> "�� shall have tGr:ri�ht to hold the policies and reaewals.If i.ercder rer�uirc�. Bor��:�er shall prom�tlY give to j.e�alt re��f a°--
<br /> p�id p�miums and renewa!aorioes.In the evgnt of loss.Borrowe,sh,�.��ive�mpt reotia.to the iasurar►re�;s�and L.�''-�t'. �''�.
<br /> f.�ader may mage proof of[oss if not mnde promptly by i3�rrower. shull be a hed to restosmSatar�n-repair of the
<br /> • iTntess Lender and Boreuveer otherwise agre�in vrriii,-�g,insurance proceeds DP� ��
<br /> '. ��yp�ny��g¢�1.if tha restorauon or repnic is eoono�c�lllly feasible aad Lendcr's security is not tessen�.&�t3i��tara�uoa or _
<br /> i
<br /> ;;<�f�, rr�sir is nos econarrucally feasibte or Lender's secur'sty would be lessened,the insuranoe prooeeds sha111�e aa�-�i���°the sutns ��;
<br />_:'i3;?j� :�cured by t}Fis Securtty Inswment, whether or not then due,with anyr excess paid co Eorrotver.If Borrower abandons the
<br />"`��' ` Property.or does not answei withtn 30 days a natice from Lender thfa the in.,�urance carrier has ofFered to settle a claim.d�en
<br />:;,;,'�i,wr�a.r Lender may colled th�e fcs��anoe prooee�s. Lender mu use the to repzir or mstare the Property_or to pay sums �,�+�:..,.
<br /> Y Pr°oeeds. !'�i;'•:
<br /> _',4,�„ secured bp this Security Iri:�xrimEnt,whether or not then due.77re 30-day pe�od�i!b�hegin ivhen ihe notic�is�:°Jen. '`��'4���„;
<br /> a a.:=•_
<br /> • ' Untess Leuder�uf i3r�ESOwer othenvise agree in vrriting. anY aPPliczticxr.a�r�oeeds to principaH.�S�s�h mot extend or -.�._..
<br />,'j�;,;:=y postpone tta�de�date of:dva monthlY PaYmcnts r�fer�ed to in para,�hs 1 andi Z or change the amount c��paymea,ts.Yf ::.-
<br /> ti::�'..: uader pa�upSn 21 the Ptnperty is aoqnired by i.ender.Bomower'��i�sz.w aoy insmanve polici�and pntae��s resultic►�;,,i�om !�>
<br /> '��'�•:• � darnnge w the Fropei¢y prior to ihe acs�uisition shall pass to I.endez�r�r iisaa extent of tbe samc s�ew,�d by this�rity Instrumant �
<br /> immadiatcly pnor to the�isntion. � _._.::..
<br /> . .� 6.Oocapancy.Preses��on.Mainteuaacr and i9hrnr.�c�an of tLe PropeR;�;i�re+ower's i�o�Apg�iaisYY�an:Leasebotds.
<br /> ' Borrower shall oocupy.est�bljsh•and use the Property as Borro�ver's principal r�s�3�ce arithin s"vcty days�r the executinn of �: _
<br /> this Sec�rity Insttume�t and shaSl continue to occupy the Property as Borraiver's principal residence for a4�feast a.ne year sdter ��
<br />`�;`��,.,�,, the date of oocapancy.unless L.ender atherwise agrr,�s in wnting,wtuc6 oo:uent shall not be anreasonab3y withheld.or unless --
<br /> ,.:,-�;� extPn,�a�g �ircumsta�sces exist which are beyond Borrower's oontrol. Bore�.��s shall not'desuoy, damage or impair the ---
<br /> .�;.',,, .Aropetty. allow the propercy to deteriornte. or commit waste on the Prope�y. Lua:rower shall be in def�lt �f any forfeitare ----
<br /> :�ctlon or piareeding.whether civil or criminal, is begun thai in Lender's goQd.r.ntit�judgment could resuif ir�'forfeiture of the 1�.-.�''
<br /> property or otkezwise m�erially impair the tien creat�by this Securiry dnstruu��:mr Lender's security ints��:su.Borrower may �;,.•--
<br /> .s,:.._...
<br /> care su¢h a defawit ancl reinstate,as Pmvided in pnrngiaph 18.by c�sing the xuon or praceedin�to 6e c;L�r��sed with a niliqg �
<br /> � - that. in i.��r�cr's gaod faith determination, preslude;forfeituce e1'iiex Bomower's interest in the Pe�p�'� or other material _
<br /> ' impditmend af the lien created by this Sacurity Inst�ument or Lc�r3�'s security interest. Eor�wer slcid 2Jso be in defatilt if �'-_.__.
<br /> &rrtower.during the losin application process.gave ma¢erialty false cr iusccurasn infomation or statemers+g cvo Ixnder(or failed
<br /> n
<br /> � � to pmvide Lender with any material infarm��ion)in cor,A.ection with the Ioan e�s�oed by the Nate,inc(uiiing,but not limited
<br /> ' � idence.If this 5ecurit Inshument is on a ��`�'":
<br /> to.re�r�;entations concemmg Borrower's occupuncy o��e Ptoperty us a pne�c.�a.i res , y �.�,,,.
<br />-{,���t�:;, ��t�eh�o:c}. Bflrrower shall rnmply with all the provlsians of the tease. If $orrower acquims fee titte to the Property. the
<br />;,;?�,?�;a; leas�i;�ard Qhe fee titie shall not merge unless Lender ugees to the me�er in writing. -_
<br /> 7.Pso2ection ot LendeJ's Itights in tlte Pt+�P�¢y-If Bom�wer fails to perform thc coven�nu ancl agreements containad in �, "
<br /> � t��o S�„curiry Inswment. or ther�is a legal prac�ing that may signi8cantly affeet lxnder's rights in the ProP�rty (such as a Y_--
<br /> . �. • ' �in banktuptcy.ptobate, for conttemnation ar forfeiture or ta enforce laws or regulutions).then Lertdet may do and
<br /> ���fa,r�u�t�.atever is necessary to protest the value of the Praperty and I.ender's rights in the Property. Lender s actions may ��_u=
<br /> uialdda�pn�+s�g any sums securrA by a lien �hich has priority over this Savrity Insnument. appeanng in murt, paying �__
<br /> r¢t+sctu�Dl��utEmmeys'fees and entering on the Property to malce repaits. Although Lender may cake action under thls paragraph �--�_
<br /> • � ' 7�Iy,'nds!t dmrs not have to do so. ��
<br /> � Any amnunts disbnrsed by Lender under this paragraph 7 sh�31 become additional debt of Borro�ver secwed by this ���-
<br /> Securiry instniment. Unless Bonmver and l.ender agree to other terms of p�yment,these amnnnts shall bear intemst from the i�:
<br /> • date of disbursemern at the Note rate and shafl be payable,with interest. tc�nn no�ioe from Lender to �omawer requestin� f�;~�
<br /> �.,....:
<br /> • payment.
<br /> � . 8.1►lodg�tge Ituurstrtse.if Lender required monga�e insurance as a condition of making the luan securaf by this Securiry �_
<br /> instrument. Barrower sha11 pay th� premiums required to m�intain the mortgage insurunce in effixt. If, for any rcason, the �•��
<br /> mortpgc insusa�cce covera;e reqnired by Lenc�er I�ses or cea�c.w to be on effect.Bom►a'er shall pay the pmmiums required to t�.�`;-�
<br /> � obtain soverage sufutantially e�uicafent to the mortgag=insumnee previously in effc�et,at a cost substantially eyuivalent to the �`�:•-•
<br /> rnst to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect. trom an altemate mort6age insurer appmved by Lender. If �,;.�._-
<br /> L�`,::;
<br /> - _..z•,
<br /> : . p,o,z o,a Form 3028 9J90 —
<br /> • • ,�,;.;
<br /> . . , .. - � .. �.. . . - , . ;tr,:,. F' � � � � • . -� ' � .
<br /> . . . , .
<br /> .. _ . .. �, _ , _ '-r°,. f. � . , ���+ � .
<br /> . �
<br /> , . .- . . .. �. �. . .
<br /> . .� , � ..:r' . . . .. . •'
<br />