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<br /> 5 THIS DEED�B'fEtUST(°Seturity Ins-hum�t")i,mas�on s�y 1, 1996 .'P�e in�tor is _
<br /> ' �omas II. P��exs and Sheryl �. Petezs i:
<br /> � husba�td and �rlfe as jaint tenan�s. .__
<br />:. � ("Bomuwer").Tha austee is Naewest Bank Nebrasr.a� Natioaal Qasocia�ina
<br /> I`.:'
<br />.:_� .
<br /> ("'IYustee').'I4�e 6e�e�CCiary is Noswent �an�: l�ebrask3, Natioaal �tssociat�.oa . —
<br /> ' wtuch is orIIanized aM existing nnder thE ta�vs af 4Tnited 9Catss of A�ri� .a�d ahnse
<br /> � ��s 3404 West 13th Street. Grand Islaaai, Nebrae�a b8803
<br /> . ("d.euder"l.Borrowrr awes Leuder the psInrap�f.�m uf _.
<br /> '-��•� Bollru�N.S.� 25 000.00 )• � tl
<br />;:�,� Tvanty f3ve t�rareaad b ao/la0 -
<br /> . T h i s d e o t i s e v i d e n s t�.'b y_�i d a r m a m�r's n�t a d e t e d d i e s�;;j e d�e s s t h i s �'"u c i L Y fa�t s�a�i(°Nn�e"?.�rh!�h pmv�dex for
<br /> ;� ��Y PaYmeau.witbt ttfs.fiill'He�bt..if not paid e�da�r,due an3 payable on (� ' . :,�. .2 Qp3) '
<br /> :� This Secuaity lnstnuopc�if��emu�s w Leader:(�)tt��f�aym�t of the debt evide4�d by tts����anth�n�est.and all renewats,
<br /> � exiensioas and a►ordifi�sioas af the Nate: (b) tls�r PaYmeat of ap other svm4, with intems+t, a�l+r�s��i�Rder�agraP�7 to
<br /> ' " �� pratect the securit5+.of Uils So�vrity tn � n� mod(c?the petfo�of Eortozvet's Co��ti�ltrii�:i�. For this .
<br /> ' ` purPosr: Anrrower irn,wocably grants and waveys to Tmstoe. iz�tiust. arith goHer of salas.We fi�sa�rag descrihed PmF�Y
<br /> taca�ltie�;iia11 � C.auntY.KetrrasYa:
<br /> . ,
<br /> ;i:
<br /> , , :c .� �
<br /> '�''-;;; . '`i��:�:; lLot 18, .W�otern Heights Secoad• City of Grs�id"'�Fi�'aRd s , -
<br /> � . . . Hall Ccnin�y, Nebrauka ''�.�
<br /> ..:�. . ..
<br /> �,.� � .
<br /> =';; . � . ...
<br /> �,.. _ .
<br /> : '.;.:� :..:,: �;':;..� �
<br /> '' �' `•.tu� .rlk�t�e Yddress of Gr ' � ' ��� [8tr.ect,CStY?, � ,
<br /> , .� �`-� '• :.' ��G},�,...� 4245 Lar3at Lane,("Pro�pe�it���7dress"13.�
<br /> •. ��i; � � 68803
<br /> ' ' ' [�P�1 �
<br /> . . ��•� � . k
<br /> . `:;��t . ��:l�:l�7t�ETNER W1TH all the umzavements aow or hereaftcr enxted on the� prape�ty��all easements,a�purzenuwes.and '
<br /> � . . 6xtar���cow or hetr.after a paYt of the property. All re�:ue�eas and addid��.a�rill,also be aavered 6y tfis Soairity ,
<br /> :, .,x .; . btstrua�ra►t.All of the foregoing is refcned w cnal�i9 Security Iushumen��s tP�°�'r�,�exiy." ;
<br /> � _ � . BORROWER COVENAIr"fS that Borro�c�ia1 tawfal{y seised of tti1��Inlr�6areDy oonveyed affi 9.zs tlie rigbd to graat and ' ;
<br /> . . convey the Propetty aad tl�t the Pnnpetry is uzqn�tc5obe�ed,eacept fos efr:ure.6tartcES of teoord.�tnrrnv,er cvarrants and will �
<br /> � � cletttu).;t�sralSy tfte ade to the Pcapeny ugainst ell clain��.w!detra�s.snbjea co any es�cumbrances�f a�oord.
<br /> � �`��N SECiTRITY INS'IYiUMENT oombines unifo�cnvc�tsnts for nadonal us$ue,d aoce-unifoim wven�nts witb limited
<br /> � variif�i;i�G 6y jiuis�idion to canstitute a uniform seauity iffifxumct�*coverIng xeal praperty
<br /> ,� uf�OTtM COVENANTS.Bomawar en9 Ir.�der wv�nuE r.�d agcie a��ollows: �
<br /> � 1. Aeydtl�i dP•P�iFacip�and Interes?f �PAYmmt�a'1 Lqte�tus�',�l�.Borrower shail pmmptiy �ay w6en d�ne '�e
<br /> prinapat of and int�t oa the debt evideaoed the Note ant!any prey�ya�:r�t and late chargcs due uader th�Idote. •
<br /> 2. Fumds for Taaes aad I�urnnoe.Sub�oct w appll�tble lacv or to a tvritten araiver by Lender.Boaower�shnll Qay tm ,
<br /> � �� Lcnder on ttte day mo�'ithly paqr.�oc�ts Fue due under the Noto.until the Note is paid in fcIlf,n sum("Funds')for.(E)yeariy tues
<br /> ts
<br /> `.�' and asstssmects wtricH rt�r atta�,Qrioriry over thIs Security Instinment as a llea on the Property(b)Yearty Imse��id payments
<br /> � or ground rents on th�Pmp:rty.if uay:(c)greatiy ha�ud or prape�ty insurunee premiums•(d)YearlY flood insuran�e preauwa3,
<br /> . � if any;(e)Year1Y mort�ge insurance p�mi;u�.�f aay:and(�a�r ss�PaYnble by Borro�ver to Lender. in s000rdance wit�
<br /> the pmvisioaa of paTa�raph 8,io lieu of the pay�nent of mortg�ge ins�r.ujoa pnemt�ms•7't►rse items are ralle��Esrmw It�'3-°
<br /> Lender co3y.aq any time.ooL"ect and hold Funds in an a�armt not to exceed che ma�imum an►aunt a lender fo:a fade�aUy
<br /> .. relat:d rrx�rtgage[aan may m�quire for Borrmwer's escro�accannt under the federat Ke�!Estate Settlement Proccdur�Act of
<br /> ig74 as amended from tame to time. 12 Li.S.C.Section Z�OI et seq.(°RESPA').uatess•another taw that appl�s to the FutxLs
<br /> ;e:;u I�;srs sr.-�unt. tf so, l�r.d�r may.at any tim�.eolt�c ansl hold Fans in an amount not to exaeed the les.ser um.oum.
<br /> �'.� Lender en�y estem:.te the amaunt of Funds due on the basis of cument data s:nsl reason�OOle estimates of expenditares of fumre
<br /> Essrotiv Ttems or othenvise in 2acordante with a�licable law.
<br /> BEBWAB�iA-Sirtg?e Fnm.:ty-Fanri�f Pltael:r�e Mtac UAlIFORH!lPJS7RU�1tEt�Y iocm 3028 8l90
<br /> . �HI 12T97 MiG vrev r�oasance Fo�r+s�r��sizs3-eiea•�soo�s2i�zs� �,�o+a ��J91
<br /> . �, .
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