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<br /> Y, Cp�llon.The proceeda ot any awsrd ur c1Alm lor demaps�,direct or comequendel,ln connaatlon wllh ony � , , :. _-
<br /> ' " cond�mnatlonorWhntaklnpolth�Prop�Ay,apulth�rwl,orforconv�yanc�lnli�uofcond�mnoUon,aralwnbywsiynW
<br /> ... ,,.^ �nd/hall b�piid t0l.�nd��. -----
<br /> . ;° � In dM wont ot�Wt�l qkinp ol th�Prop�rty,tho proCNds�hall b�applled to ths�umt Mcured by thls ONd ol TrusA wlth
<br /> ths e�cMS,il anY.pNd to Borrow�r.In the w�nf ol e p�Alol takinp ol ths Prop�rty,unlMS Borrow�r and Lsndsr oth�rwl�s ,;.�;�,_
<br /> aprMlnw►ItlnQ,thonshallb�appUedtothasumsaeauredbythisDesdofTrusleuchpropoAlonolMsprocsedsesisequ�ito �— �'�4_: =:,__
<br /> th�tp►oportIonwhiahfM�mountotth�sumssecw�dbythfsQNdofTrustimrn�diot�lyprlortolhedateolt�klnpbeAntothe
<br /> fair m�ricet velw ol th�proDKN fmm�dl�tely prfor to tho d�t�of tekinp,wlth tM b�l�nc�of th�procMde pdd to 8or�ow�►.
<br /> ��Uw p�oporty Is obandoned by Bonower,or If,efter notice by Lender to 8nnower th�t th�condemnor ollers to meke an �T-•,°t_•___ _
<br /> � � award or fNH�a cl�lm br d�m��n,Borrow�r hlls to r��po�d b L�nd�r wlthin 30 day�after th�d�ts wch notice is mallod, b;; _ - -
<br /> ;i: • � " Land�r is authorized to collect and spply ths procMd�,al L�nd�r's optlon.�Ith�r to nstw�tfon w rpAfr of 1M Prop�rly or to t:,••: _
<br /> th�sums wcured by ihis Desd of Trust � �'"
<br /> • UMqrs Lsnd�r and Borrower otharwite apree in writinp,any such epplfcation of procaeds to principal shall not extend or � _�-
<br />� po�tpone tht du�d�t�of the monthly fn�Wlm�nb rafarr�d to In pa�apr�phs t ond 2 hewf or chanQe th�emount ol such —. •
<br /> ; ' � �' inatallmente.
<br /> • 10. Qono�Nol RN�awd.Exbnaion ol the time for pa ment or modMioetlon otemoAizetlon ol the suma secured by Ihia � '°��
<br /> Oeed o1 Trust pranbd by Lendsr to eny auccessor In interest of Borrower sholl not operate to retssse,fn any menner.lhe �'� '
<br /> � IlabitlryoNh�orfpinal8orrowerend8orrowsr'ssuacessorsiMerei�Lendershelln4tberequfredtocommenaeproceedinga �• � �'
<br /> again�l such wcce�sor a refuse to extend Nme for peymenf or othn►wise madify emoNzaGon of the suma secured by th is ` _ ___
<br /> Opd ot Trust by rerwn of any demond made by the oripk�al Bonower and Borrower'a aucceaso�s in interes� ;_�_
<br /> ��, Rprb�ara�bY 1,�nd�►Nul�W�hr�.Any torbeerance by Lender In exe�cisinp any ripht or remedy hereunder,or � ,,._
<br /> � � " otherwise aBorded by appliceble law,shdl not be a walver of or p►ecluda the exerciae ot eny such right or remedy.The ,�..
<br /> � procurement of Insurance of the peymentof taxes or otharllens or char�es by Lendorsholl not be a waivor ot Lender's riphtto "'�
<br /> acceterats the mahxity o1 the Ind�btsdne�s secured by tt►is Oeed of Truet � -
<br /> 1Z. q«n�dN�Cumulatiw All��m�diss provid�d in Ihfs Dsed ot Trust are distinct end cumulative to ony other riqht or •
<br /> remedy under this Dead ot Truat or aflordod by law or equity.and mey be exe►citad concunenqy, indepondendy or L _ _�_ _
<br /> successively. -
<br /> 19, SuceMwn and As�lans 9ound:Jd��nd S�wr+�WWliht C�P�• The covenants end apreeme�ts herein � � _
<br /> contained shell bind,end the�Tphta hereunder ehell inureto.the�e�pective successora and asef�nsof Lender and Borrower. V� +,
<br /> aubject to the provi�ions of pare�reph 17 hereof.All covenants and epreemente of Borrower ahall be Ioinl and aeverel.The ' '
<br /> ' capNons and beadinps ol the peraqraphs of thfs Deed otTru9t are for convenience only and are not to b�uwd to intarp�et or , _
<br /> define the provlaiona hereol.
<br /> 1�. NMia�.Exceptfor any notice requi�ed under appliceble law to be qiver In another manner,(a1 eny notice to Borrower
<br /> provided for in this Deed of Trust ahall be yiven by mailinp auch notfceby certilied mefl addressed to�orrower at the Prope►ry �
<br /> Addresa or at auch other add�ess as Bor�ower mey dealpnata by not�e to Lender as provided herein,end(b)any notfce to =-
<br /> � lender shall be9iven by ceMified mafl,relurn receipt requeated,to Lender'saddr�asetated herein or to euch other addreaa as �-
<br /> Lendermaydesi�natebynoticetoBonoweraaprovidedhe�efn.Anynotice;rovidedfo�InMi�DosdofTrushhallbodeamed , ;�•-.,�
<br /> ro have been�iven to Borrower or Lender whsn 91ven in the menner desiynated herein. ��,_
<br /> 16. UnNorm DMd ot Tni�DovKnlnp Law;S�v�nbipry.The fwm ol deed ot trust combines unilorm covenante lor
<br /> na!lonel use nnd non-!iMform covenants with limited varfatlone by jurlsdfctlon to conetltute a uMbrm aecu�Ity f�ttrument _.��'._
<br /> 9 P P�Y• s tocated.tn -
<br /> covedn reol ro Thia Deed of T►uat ahell be yovemed by the Iew ot me�urisdiction i�which ihe Pioperty 1
<br /> the event that any provlslon or clause of thia Deed ol Truet or the Note contlicte wlth appIlcable lew,auch conlllct shall not
<br /> affect other provfslons ot thls�eed of Truat a the Note whlch can be glven eHectwithoutthe conflicdnp provisions,end tothis •
<br /> end the provlafons of the Deed ol Truat and the Note are declared to be severeble.
<br /> 16. BarowK's Copr.Borrower ahell be turnished a conformed copy of tho Note and of this Deed of Trust at the tfine ol
<br /> � � executfon or aRer recordetlon hereoL
<br /> 17. TnnNe oHh�Prop�rty:AswmpNon.If all or any part ol the property or an intereat thereln is sold or transferred by
<br /> Borrower wlthout Lender's prfor written consent,excluding(a)the creatlon of a Ilen or encumbrance subordinete to this Qeed
<br /> of Trust,(b)the creation of a purchese money aecurity interest for houeehold appliances,(c)a tranafer by devlse descent ar by � �.-
<br /> operetlon of lew upon the death of a�olnt tenant or(d►the9rant of any leaaehold lnterest ofthreeyeara or lena not contelning an �
<br /> option to purchase,Lender mey,at Lender's option,declare all the sums secured by thia Oeadof Trust to be immedietely due
<br /> end peyable.Lender ahell have wafved auch optfon to accelerate if,prlor to the sele or henefer.Lender and the person to -
<br /> whom the Properiy is to be eold or transferred reachep reement In wrlting that the credit Af such person is seNafectory to �
<br /> Lender and that theinterestpayable on the sums secured by thia Deed of Tru91 ahall be at such rate as Lender shell requeat It
<br /> Lender hes waived the optlon to accelerete provided In this paragreph 17,and if 8orrower's succeasor in interest has
<br /> executed a wrilten assumptlon agreement accepted in writing by Lender.Lender ahall release Borrower from ell oblf9edo�s ,
<br /> under thls Deed ot Truat and the Note.
<br /> If Lender exerclses such optlon to accelerate,Lender shall meil Borrower notice ol acceleratfon in accordance with
<br /> perayraph 14 hereof.Such notfce shall prcvide a perfod of not less then 30 dayslrom thedate the noUCe Is mailed withfn whfch
<br /> Borrower may pey the suma declared due.II Borrowor lefls to pay such sums prlor to the explratlon of auch period,Lender
<br /> mey,without lurther noUce or demend on Borrower,invoke eny remedfes permitted by paraqraph 18 hereot.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bonow�r�nd L�nde furfhK cov�nt and a�a Idbwc
<br /> � 10. AccNKatlon;RNn�dIN.Except as provided In paragraph 17 hereof,upon Borrower's breach ol any covenant or
<br /> agreement of 8orrower In thls Deed of Trust,including the covenants to pey when due any sums secured by this Deed of Trust
<br /> Lender prior to ecceleratfon shall mafl notice to Borroweres provlded in peragraph 14 hereof apecihrinp:(1►the breach;(2►the
<br /> ecllon required to cure such breech;(3)a date,not less than 30 days from the date Ihe notfce fs melied to 8orrower,by which
<br /> I such breach mustbe cured;and(4)that faflure to cure auch breach an or before thedete specitied in the�otiCe may result in
<br /> eCCeleratlon of thesumasecured by this Deed of Trust and sale of Ihe Property.The notice ahall further fnform Borrower otthe
<br /> 1� right to relnstete aRer ecceleretion and the rlpht to bring a couN ection to asse�t the non-ex�atence o1 a detault or any other
<br /> defense ot Borrower to acceleratlon and aele.If the breach is not cu�ed on or belore thedate specllled In the notice,Lender at
<br /> � Lender's optlon mey declere all of the sums secured by Ihis Oeed of Trust to be immedlately due and payable wlthout tu�lher
<br /> � demend and may Invoke the power of sale and any other remedles permitted by eppllceble law.Lender shall be enlNled to
<br /> � � collect all reaeonable costsand expenses fncurred in pursufng the remedies prov�ded in the perayreph 18,mcludinq,but not
<br /> limlted to,reasonable aflorney's tees.
<br /> II the power ot sele Is fnvoked,Trustee shell record e notice of detault In each counry m which the Property or some part
<br /> thereol Is located end shall meil copies of such notfce�n the manner preacnbed by applicable law to Borrower and to 1he olher
<br /> pereons prescribed by applicable law After the lapae ol such time as mey be rRquired by appllcable lew.Trustee shall give
<br /> publlc notice ot sale 10 lhe persons 8nd in the mannar ptescnbed by HpphcaWe law.Trustee,wrthout demand on Borrower,
<br /> ' shall sell the Properry at publlc auctfon to the highest bidder at the time and place end under the terms designated in the notice
<br /> of sale in one or more parcels and f�such order es Trustee may dotermme.Trustee may poslpone sale of all or any parcel ot
<br /> the Property by publiC announCement at the time and place ot any prev�oualy sCheduled sele.Lender or Lender's desi9nee
<br /> may purchese the Property at any sale.
<br /> Upon recelpt of payment o1 the price bfd,Trustee shell deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the PropeAy sold
<br /> � The recitels fn the Trustee's deed shall be pr►ma tac�e evidence ot the tnith of the statements made therein.Trustee shell epply
<br /> ..._._��_...:........._..�e��.,ou.aee.,,,or,io��ara and wxoensea of the sale.includino,but not Ifmited to,
<br /> � R18plOCBFt�liiViu�vanioii�u�o�vu�.....�y.........�«�..._...'___..__-"_' . - •
<br /> � Trustee's fees ot not more then_ %of the gross sale pnce,reasoneble attorney'afees and costs o1 idle evidence:
<br /> (b)to all sums secured by thls Oeed of Trusk a�d(c)the exceas.it any,to the person or peraona legally entitled thereto.
<br /> 19, BorrowK't Rlpht lo R�In�tN�.Nolwithstending Lender's acceleratlon ol the sums secured by this Deed ol Trust,
<br /> Borrower shell have the right to heve any proceedings begun by Lender to enforce the Deed ol Truat dlsconlinued af any time
<br /> prior to the earlterto occur of(i)the tiRh day before the sale ol the Property pursuant to the power of aele contefned in the Deed
<br /> ol Trust(ii)entry ol a�udgment enforcing th�s Deed ol7rust if:(a)Borrower pays Lender ell suma which would be then due
<br /> under thfs Oeed ol Trust,the Note and notes secunng f uSure Advances,if any,had no acceleratfon nr.r.u�ecl•(b)8orrowe►
<br /> cures all breachee of any other covenants or agreements of Borrower conteined m this Deed ol Truat:lc)Borrower pays all
<br /> reasonable expensea fncurred by Lender and 7rustee enlorang the covenants and agreements of Borrower contalned in thfs
<br /> Deed of Trust and fn enforcfng Lender's and Trustee's remedfes as pronded in paregraph 18 hereol,fncludmg,bul not limited
<br /> to,reasoneble attarney's feea:and(d)Borrower takes auch action as Lender may reasonably require to assure thet the Ifen o1
<br /> thfs Oeed ol Trust,lendor's intereat in the Property and Borrower's oblfgation to pay the sums securod by this Deed of Trust
<br /> � shell continue unlmpefred.Upon such pavment and cure by Borrower,th�s Deed of Trust and the obllpabons secured heroby
<br /> shell remefn in full fOrCe and eNect es fl np acceleration had occurred.
<br /> I
<br /> 'i �
<br />