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<br /> �� UNIFORM COVENANTB.Borrowar and Lender covenant and agree as lo�lowa�
<br /> �� �, p�yn�� d pdne�psl �nd�MK�st,Borrower shall promptly pey when due the principel ot and �merest on the , `.
<br /> ' indebt�dnaaevid�ncsd by the Nots,prepayment end late charpesaa provlded In the Note,and Ihe pnnc�pal of end mterest on ` ,;�,r
<br /> �ny Future Advanc�f�scured by the D�etl o1 Truet. ' '
<br /> �. Fundsl�►T�a�d�nwnnc�•Sub�scitospp11cab1elaworloawrittenwelverbyLender,Bon�owerahallpayloLender �..,,._--
<br /> on the dey moMhly In�t�Nmsnri ol principal and inlereat era payable under the Note.untll the Note la pefd fn lull.a sum(hereln
<br /> "' "Fuads")squol to on�-twelM af the yearly taxes and aesessmenls which may attt�in priorlly over thfs Deed ot Trust,and � _ __
<br /> pround rentson the Proparty,if any,plus one-twel(th of yaerly premlum Instellmentelor hazard inaura�c9.plus one-twelflh o1 ;
<br /> yearly premium in�p�l lmen t s lor mo Ayage I�w r a n c e,i l e n y,ell ae reaaonabl y eatlmated initfally and irom time to tfmo by �, ��.,t,.f '
<br />� Lender on the buis d a�stmonts end bills and reasonabla esNmatea thereof. , - _ _:_
<br /> � Th�Fund�shall be held in an imtltutlon the deposits oraccou�ta otwhiah are insured or guaran�d by a Federal or state
<br /> agency(fnaludinp Lender if Lender i�such an InsNtutlon).Lender ahell apply the lunds to pay sa�d�texes,assesamenls, 'y'�L.__
<br /> insurancepremium�endqroundrents.Lendermay�otchargetorsoholdingandapplyingtheFunde.analy:ingsaideccount . _
<br /> or verilyfnp and compilinpfaid aseesfinent�and bflls,unleas Lender peYs Borrower Intereat on the Funds and appNca�ble law _-_ __ __
<br /> permits Lenderto meke�uch a charpe.Borrower and Lender mey agreeln writing atthe time of execut�on of this Deetl of Trust _;��_'__�
<br /> t het Interest on the fundl shall be paid to Borrower,and unleas auch aflreement is made or appliCalt►e law►equires auch . _
<br /> Intersst to be p0id,Lender ahall not be required to pay 8orrower any interest or earninga on�he FundB.I.ender shell ywe to ��;�,-
<br /> __JC�-aa-..c:�s-.
<br /> Borrower,without charge,an annual accounting ot ihe Funds showing credite and debits to the Funds and the purpese lor � A:..
<br /> Y whfah each debittotha Funds wes made.The Fundsare pledped as additional securiry lar the aums aecu�ed by this Deed ol
<br /> � , Trust. ' ��-
<br /> II the amaunt pt ihe funds held by Lender,togelher with the future monthly installm�nts ol f unds peyable pr�ar to the dua -:�_:T„�`
<br /> detes of laxas.assa�m�nts�fneurance prer►�fums and ground renta,ehaN exceed the amount repuued to,pay sald texes. .,.,�, ,,
<br /> aasesaments.inaurenae premfuma and ground renta as they fall due,auch exceas shall be,at Borrower s option,either :M ,___
<br /> promplly repaid to Borrower or credited to Qorrower on monthly fnstallments of Funda.If the amaunt of the Funda held by :;�:;�,
<br /> Lender shall not be euBiclentto pay taxes.asseasmente,inaurance premiums and ground rentses Ihey fall due.8orrower shall :,;'';,'_r
<br /> � pay to Lender any amounf necessery to meke up the deliciency wlthm 30 days from the date notice fa mailed by Lender to ; ,��'
<br /> Borrower requeadnp payment thereol. • , � ..
<br /> Upon payment fnlull 01a11 suma secured by thia Deed of Trust.Lender shall promptly relund to 8orrower any Funds held by + ..:;�;'..,
<br /> Lender.If under paragreph 18 hereot the PropeAV is sold or the PropeAY�s otherwiae acquired by Lender,Lender sholl apply, .
<br /> no later tha�immedletelyprior to the aale of the PropeAy or its acquisitfon by Lender,and F und8 held by Lender at the time of , , , . .
<br /> applfcatian ea a credit apeinat the sums aecured by this Daed of Truat. : ,
<br /> 3. Appllcallon ot P��m�ts.Unle9s app�fcable lewp►ovides otherwise,all peyments received by Lender under the Note � ; �`''
<br /> end peragraphs 1 and 27iereof ahell be apptied by Lender firat in payment of emounts peya6le to Lender by Borrower under �,
<br /> , peregraph2hereol,thent�fnterestpayebleontheNote,thenlotheprincipalollheNote.endthentointerestandp►incipalon •
<br /> any Future Advances.
<br /> 4. Ch�rq�s:LIM��.Borrowers shell pay ell texes,assessmentsandother charges,lines and impositions attributabla lo the ,,�„
<br /> Property whlch mey ettaln a prlorily over this Oeed of Trust,and leaaehold peyments or ground rents,il any.in ihe menner
<br /> provided under pa�apraph 2 hereoi or,if not paid in auch manner,by Ro�rower making ayment,when due,direclly to the � -
<br /> payee thereot.Borrower ehell promptly furnish to Lender all notices ot amounts due u�er thia paragraph,and in the event
<br /> Bonower ahefi meke paymmii dlrec8y. Sorrawcr ahef!promptly t�lrnish to Lender recelpte evidenc�ng such payments.
<br /> 1 Borrower ahell promptly dfecharge any lien whlch has priority over thls Deed of Trust;prOVided,thet Horrower shafl nai ba �q
<br /> � requiredtodiacharpeanY suchlfensolongasBorrowershallegreeinw►itingtothepaymeRtottheobligalfonsecuredbysuch . :p; .
<br /> Ilen in e manner acceptadle to l.ender,or shall in good faith aontest such Iien by,or defend en}orcement ot auch Uen In,�eqa► . •;;.
<br /> proceedinga whlqh operate ta prevent the entorcement af the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any pe�t thereol.
<br /> 6. Has�rd In�ur�ne�.Borrower shall keep the imp►QVeme�ta now exiating or he�eatter erected an the Prope►ty insured
<br /> � ageinat iase by 1ne,hazprda fncluded withi�Ihe term"extendQd caverage".and auch other haxards as l.ende►may requ�re
<br /> and in such amounta and for such perlode as Lender may�equira�provided,lhat Lender shel{not raqufrs that 1he amaunt of
<br /> auch coverqge axceed Ihe1 amounf of coverqqp rapuired to pay Ihe sums secured by Ihie Oeed A1 T�ust. i�
<br /> This insu�sneeCerrfer providing the insuranc9 shall b6 Chosen b 8orrower aubjecito approvel by l�ender:provfded,that •
<br /> undeep�r pr�aph 2 hereof or,d notpabd�in�uch�m n�n�r,by Bos ow��gmak ng paymentswhen due direct y to Ihe i eurance .
<br /> , ceRier.
<br /> All fnaurance pollc�es and renewals tha►eof shall be in form acceptabla to Lender and shall mclude a stan ar mo gage•,
<br /> clause in favor of and i n form accepteble to Lender.Lender ahell have ihe nght to hold the policiea and renewals thereof,and .
<br /> Borrower shall promptlylurnish to Le�derall renewal noticesandall recefptsol paid premiums.ln theevent of loss.Borrower �
<br /> ' shell give prompt noticelo the insurance cerrler and Lender.Lender may meke prool ot loss dnot mede promptly by Borrower.
<br /> I. UnlessLenderendBorrowerotherwiseagreeinwrfting,fnsuranceproceedsshallbeapplfedtorestoretionorrepairolthe
<br /> I Property dema�ed,p�ovlded such restoration or repeir is econom�cally feasible and the secunhr of this Deed of Trust is not
<br /> thereby Impaf�ed.II such reatoretfon or repafr fa not economfcelly teasible or�f the secunty o1 ihfs Oeed of Trust would be
<br /> impalred,the insurence proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by thfs Deed of Trust,w�th the ezcess.�f any,peid to
<br /> I Borrower.If the Property is abandoned by Borrowe�,or if Borrower lails to respond to Lender wlthin 30 deys trom the date
<br /> notfCe ia rnailed by Lender to Borrower thal the inaurance carrier otlers to setlle a claim for insurance benefits,Lender is
<br /> authorfzed to Collect and apply the fnsusence proCeeds at Lender's option ellher 10 restoration or repair ol the PropeAy or to
<br /> the sums secured by thls Deed of Trust.
<br /> Unleas Lenderand Borrower otherwise agree m wrding,any auch application ot proceeds to princlpal shall notextend o�
<br /> postpone the due dete of the monthly installments reterred to m paragraphs t ond 2 hereof or change the amount o1 such
<br /> fnatellments.lf under paragraph 16 hereot the PropeAy Is acqu Ired by Lender,all nght,t�tle and Interest ot Borrower�n and to
<br /> any insurance pollcles and In and to the prxeeds thereof resulting from damaee to the Property pnor to the sale or acquisd�on
<br /> � shell pass to Lender to the extent ot the sums secured by thfs Deed ot Trust immediately pnor to such sale or acqu�sition. .
<br /> g, pr�tKVadon andMalnhnane�of Prop�rfli;���s�holds;CondoMlnlum�:P��nn�d Unit D�rNopm�nts.Borrower shall
<br /> �; keep the Property In good repair and ahall not commit waste or permit impairment ot daterioratlon of the Property and shell
<br /> comply wfth the provislans o1 eny lease if this Deed of"f rust is on a leasehold.If this Deed of Trust Is on a urnt i�a condom�rnum
<br /> or a plenned unit development,Borrower shell pertorm all ol Borrower's obligntions under the declaration or covenants
<br /> creating or governing Ihe condominium or plenned urnt development,the by-laws and regulations ot the condominium or
<br /> plenned unit development,and constNUeM documenta.II a condominium or planned unit development nder is excuted by
<br /> Borrower and recorded together w�th thfs Deed ol Trust,the covenents and agreements of such nder shall be incorporated
<br /> ' inlo and shell amend and aupplsment the covenants end agreements of this Deed of Trust as if the rlder were a part hereof
<br /> � 7. Prot�cNon o1 LM►d�r's S�eudty.II Borrower fails to�erlorm the covenants�nd agreemenfs contemed in this Deed of
<br /> � TruBt,or i1 any actlon ar proceedmg�s commenced with meteriaily aNects Lender's mterest m the Property.�ncludfng but not
<br /> Iimlted to,em�nent dorneln,insoWency,code e�torce�nent.or a�rnngements or proceedings mvow�ng a bank rupt or decedent.
<br /> � then Lender at Lender s optlon,upon noUce to Borrower,may make sucn;�ppearances,disburse such suma and take such
<br /> action as�s neceasaryto proteCl Lendor's Interest,mc�udmg,but not limrted to.disbursementof reasonable attorney's fees and
<br /> ! the De d of Tru t So rr owe�shal�l�ay 1he premiumsurequved to mea nlain such$nsurence in eHect�unt I sluch time ast he
<br /> � � requf�ement tor Such insurance termfnates m accordance wilh 8orrower's and Lender's wneen agreement or appI�calbe law
<br /> Horrower shall ppy the amount of all mortgege�nsurance permwms m the manner prov�ded under paragiaph 2 hereof.
<br /> e.,v nmrn�nts dishursed bY Lender pursuant_to this ParaQraph 7, w�th mterest ihereon, shall become add�t�onal
<br /> �.. .�.. m� nlhnr fnrmc.�I nAVMAII�C11CI1
<br /> indebtednessof 8orrowersecured by thls Ueea o►i rusi.iin�cssaov��t.:.a����:..-..�..���h'--�-•••- -
<br /> � amounts shal�bepayablo upon notice Irom Lander to Borrower requesting payment hereof,and shail bear m,terest from tne
<br /> deteofdiebursementattheralepnyablelromtimetotimeonoutstandingp rinC�paiundertheNoteunles5poymentotinterest
<br /> at such rate would be contrary 10 app liceble I�w, in which event such amounts shall beur�nterest at the h�ghest rate
<br /> � � permisaible underepplicable law-Nolhing Conta�ned in thls paregraph 7 shall requ�re Lender to incur any expense or take any
<br /> � actfon hereunder.
<br /> 6. In�pletlon.Lender may make or cause to be macfe reasonnbie entr�es upon:�nd�nspections ot the Properry.prov�ded
<br /> � thet Lendar r�hellgive Dorrower nonce p��nr to any such mspect�an spec��y�ng reaso��:�ble causethere�o�e�eialFd to Lc�nder s
<br /> interest in the Prope�ty.
<br /> � � .
<br /> �
<br /> �� —_. -
<br />