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<br /> ppoo roodpt ot pwyaieat ot the prlcc b�d,Tnutee �N dellver to /he purciw�er Tnu�t�e'o deed coav�yitq{ Ibe _
<br /> pnoppty. Tbe recit4b in Ihe Trw,lee'e deed rbaU be W'imA fACie cvtdence of tik lruth of the+�tAtementH mAde thereln.
<br /> TruKoe ahuU�pply the P�'oce�ot the ak in Ihe folbwlnR orders (p)to all casln wad expe�u�er nt exemlcln�the power ot
<br /> �ale•pad the�ale�Inctudla�tl�e{wyment ut the TrwRa'g teee pctually incun�ed.not to excecd t`,��, ,,,:•�, 96
<br /> — ---�� lb��11�101M���lO�IN!WII!110(0111 Mihll ii�(�i[MItWWMIbM qKd�YiM�itX wnd resuunAble�ttorneyK'fa�x�a permitted
<br /> by Vw;�)a wU wuu�cw�by tqq g�r�ty Imtn�mant;�ad(c)any cxce�w to Ihr person ur personr I�IIy eatitled to
<br /> it.
<br /> --- _ - -----� 22. Reconveyswce. Upon p�yment of nll sumv secured by ihis Securi�y Instrun�ent. LenJer �hull reyueRt runtee to F
<br /> rccamey thc Pmperry and shall eurrender �hiR Security instrument and oll nates evi�iencing debt secured by �h�r Se�;u�ity
<br /> lnstn�ment[o T�ustoe.Trustee shall raonvcy the Praperty wlthout wuRanty and wUhuut churge ta the perwm or persor�r te�ully
<br /> ---- entiUed to it.Such petson or person.�shAll Pay any r�cordatian cr�sts.
<br /> � 23.Su6�titute Truatla. Lcnder,wt its aptlan,may from lime ta time remuvc Tru�tec and app��bt u�uccess��r truste�ta r
<br /> _-��� any Tmstce appointod hereundcr by nn jnrtrument recorded in�he awnty in which this Scxurily Insirument iti recordc�l• Wi�hc►u� _
<br /> _ z-----°-�=•�;� comeyance of the Property�the succassor trustee shall succeed to�Il the tille, power und duties confcrced up�m Trustee heroin -
<br /> "'i'"`a"'��z:" And by licuble luw.
<br /> - ------ ya��yyue� tor IYotloes.parrowcr requests tF�t rnpiea of the notices of defswlt und sa�e be sent ta&�rn�wer'K addross
<br /> ""-"°-'-"�:=�� which is U�e Property Addrcss. �
<br /> � 2S. Wders to Ibts 9ecurity lastnuueat. If one c►r mare riders are rx�x:utrJ by Barmwer wid racorded toEe�her with this
<br /> - —�;�..,.;� Securfty Ir+suument.the covenants end agceements af es►ch such rider s:bnll be incar}wrat�d into and shall anxncl turi eupplement
<br /> the rnvenants and agreements of this Security In�tcument ns if'the�ider(el wero a part af this Scxudty lruitcumau�� NFCb
<br /> - -=-_=_�� [Cheak applic�bk boxles)1
<br /> �
<br /> L�. � i Y Ad'ustable Rate Rider Condominium Rider 1-4 Family Rider -
<br /> ----���"�•`:�
<br /> -----� Graduated Payment Rider Plenned Unit Develop►rMent•Rider Biwcekly Payment Rider
<br /> -'�'`'"'�``"" '� Balloon Rider Rate Improvement Rider Second Homc Rider
<br /> '1� ,
<br /> ?�� V.A.Rider Other(s)l�P���Y)
<br /> �S�A.�t�i{rT,� '—�+'; :
<br /> —:t,�'"wi_F��?�" '
<br /> - _� ^ �; �=TRrET, DES MCiSPdC`_. T�', `�i>:'�i9�FE,�',:'.
<br /> ����'''°`�.=°� AEF'AI�1 MENT, 4i�._, .,.W. 71a w .
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<br /> `_ .,,,._��:::: �� --
<br /> �.�,„;.r,�y,ti�:� BY SI(iNINCi BBLOW. Borrower occepta and agrees to the temns d covenants conGdnai in this Security In�lNment
<br /> �•=����3.„n'�._ • in any rfder(s)executed by Bormwer and recorded with it.
<br /> •_..�:::::Y�.t.'��S�i�►_. Witnesses: . ISesil)
<br /> .����i.;�;�:�.� '
<br /> . ,.;},..�'' v NN I S A. II. :F��-r�1!'iw -Borrower
<br /> �`,„.•�y:
<br /> .� .� :� I���r`'t1• � •
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<br /> i�',CS,i.�v'y.A �.����
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<br /> �Y4-,1"�a3i�t:. .;"��,I� 1._. L1 IGCNT'�I(1�.. •Burtower
<br /> -a• -...: .,. ,
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<br /> � •='a�IE�C'.va'.~k1; ::.
<br /> ' �. • . STATE OF NERRA5KA, t-IALI_ County ss: _
<br />'1' • --�w�-••� � The foregoing insirument was ucknowledged Ix:fare me this 5th day of MAY . 1992 • �
<br /> ' n���-,, :. , m. d County. the date afaresaid.
<br />-;? ..-.,- ..,'.��: Witneas my hand and notarial seul at 4RAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA _
<br /> _ ,a ' � � � F
<br /> :: _ . . : �•� My Commisaion Expires: T/2/92 � _.
<br />'�ilr' Nuwry Publk
<br /> �, ' ,,:,�Yr'�,���;.'Y,'r��:.".�. GENEIIAI KOT,1flY•Sl�b ol NlEIiSl4i
<br /> _ ;• :�f,:;:;;% " i �A' MARUAItFTM.pIILON
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<br /> ��? '�'ds . '��t?.t�-+ MYComm ExD.1Wy2.1997 -
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