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'I�j;il�'. n+! `; .. � '�.:t 4; �:�.0 -----�--� .. <br /> k 4 k !u i Si�Sn:�.���rr::: <br /> _��,� ��G � _s!L tl!G'� __ <br /> �� <br /> .�.... rMfi��.�..,.. ���'P-+--...-- <br /> a ---° ' '�9K{��.r!4�'14;;vR:Y'••a�._ . . _ __ <br /> . _•:r., .. .. -. �• . <br /> . .. -;p•�y�� ... . �. _._� ,es�-- � ��:v=. <br /> '��1W ..��r�-- <br /> ��rrI1Ni11� — <br /> ...� __ `------------- <br /> �,, . : � 9�-- lo�7s � <br /> ; '`:�-��``� "�� 17.T er ot the Property ar p Beueliclrl Interest In Borrower.IP all or any �rrart of thc Propeny or any interext in it <br /> :��'�:L'-.• � <br /> --•��.ar r����:.•� is sold�r� naPerrod lar if a bcnct'icial intcrest in Born►wcr is u►Id ar trunsfenal unJ Bcirrower is not u nuwrul perr,nnl without <br /> -�:��,c:�:_�?.°-.�_;�� I.encler's priar wr�tten ronsent, l.cnder mny, at itR option, reyuire immcdiatc payment in I'ull��f all sumti yecur��l by ihia -- <br /> --� ------�-:�� ' Socurity Inswment.Nowever.thi�optinn�Iwll nut be excaiseil by l.emler if excrcise�s prohihit�l by fedcrul law uy uf the Jate <br /> _._-. .:�i]VY.KJ�•j,.�, . <br /> ', �����i�� .: of this Sccurity Insttvment. <br /> _� ��r�,�,,;...:�, . If Lender exercises Ihis option,l.ender hhall give Borrawer no�ice af uccelen�tion. Thc n�rc ia yhull prnvide u peri��J uf not <br /> ��.,•r,�„ , Iess than 3Q day� Prom the dutc thc auticc iti delive�ed or muiled within which Bomiwer nx���puy ull .rum� secured hy this <br /> t"'"'•..':". •. Svcurit Inslrument.If Borrower fails to pAy these aums priar to�he expiratiun uf thi�peric��ler muy inv�;kc uny remeJirs <br /> ,s.:v�as�x.�s.r�-.�. Y <br /> ;,��-������ - permitted by this Secu�iry hutrument without Wnher natice or demund on Bcirmwer. <br /> �:��.`=- .` 18. liorcower's R1Qht to Rdnstote. If &►rrowcr mects �rrtoin canditi�m+, Bnrrowcr �hull huvc �hr right lu huvc r- --��,_`__ <br /> � --a=�r=�-�•.. ' . <br /> � �� � enfbrcement oi�hi�;Security Instrument discontinued at Any cime pri�ir to the wrlier nf: �u1 5 Juy.���r ,urh othcr �xri� as <br /> —..�aa;�,.,.�<•h+�:� applicuble law mAy specify far reinstatement> bePore tiule of the Propeny pursuant to s�ny p�wcr nf �ule contuined in thix � _ <br /> �=^�'� � Securiry lnswment:or Ibl entry of u judgment enForcing this Security Instrument.TM►M canditions urc thal Borrower.lul pays � <br /> �,a.�.,�..... .;,`:... <br /> �~• ' i.ender ull sums which then would be dua under this Secunty Instrument und the Nate us if nu accekratinn hud ixcurred: Ib1 <br /> � • ` cures any defuult of any ather covenants or agreements: Icl puYs uU expenscs incurce�l i�entuning this Securily Inrtrument. <br /> �• including, but nat limited to, reationuble attarncys' fees:uixl (d)tAke�such actiun as l.cnaler may reusunably require to a++ure � __ <br /> ,��;_:,.�� that the lien of thi:+Security In��n�ment, l.cnder's rights in thr Property and Bonower's��bligution tu pay the,ums,��urul by , ,�,�.^c' <br /> . �••,;:•. this Securiry Instrument shall cantinue unchanged. Upan reinstalemen[ by BoRnwer. �his Srcunty Inytrumunt and the �` <br /> r'; .-;�:_. ,� ubligations secured hereby shall remoin fully effective us if no uccelera�ion hwl�xcurreA. Hnwever. �his right to reimtu�e�hall _ -_ -- <br />+,� not upply in the case of ucceleration under paragrnph 17. � <br /> 19. Sale oP Note; Chan�e ot l.oan Servicer. The Note ur u panial inlercu in thc Note (tugethcr with thi+ Security <br />��; .. I n s t r u m e n t)mu y be sold one�x mare�imes without prior naticc to Bar�awer. A sul�may result in a rlu►nge in thc rntiry Ikiwwn ��:--.. -_ _, <br />:=� ' ' ns the"l.oan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due unJer the Nwe nnd thix Security Inx�n�m e n t. T h e r e u l s u m a y b e one wL„ __ <br /> : y •`' or mare chsuiges nf the Loan Servi��er unreluted to u sale of the Nnte.If Ihere is a chun�e of�he l.oun Servicer.&�rrower will he <br /> �.':-���.-r- <br /> �'-,.:'�'�' - ' • given wrilten notice of the change in uccorJnnce wilh parngrnph�4 ubove and upplicabk luw.The n�Nice will ti�ute the n�une und - __ -� <br /> ' address of the ncw l.oan Servicer and the uddress to whicli paymen�s should be mude.The notice will �Itio contuin uny other ,y��_F <br /> • • • information required by applicable law•. `��, "` <br /> .��::.,.� -- <br /> � , 20. Hazardaus Substa�ccs. B�rruwer shull not cause or permit the prc�ence. use. Ji.p�sal. +�or�ge, or release of any „�r_- <br /> Hnzs�rdaus Subsmnces on or in the Property. &�rro�ve� shall no[ do, nor ullow unyone el�e tu do, anything uffecting �he + ���;,,=- <br /> �, ..'' Property thut is in violation oP uny Environmental�. The preceding avo xentence,zhull noi apply tu the pr��ence.uu, a� _, _,;,,_ -' - <br /> storAge on the Property oP�mnll quuntities�if Huaurdous Subslunces that are�enerall y recuEni�ed to be uppmpriate �o n��m�nl ��<<__�_ <br /> � �� ` residentinl uses And to muintenance of the Propeny. Le ��,� ' " � <br /> � " ' B o m�w e r s h a l l p r o m p t l y g i v e L e n d e r w r i t t e n n otice of un y imesti�atinn,claim,demand,lawauit or uther uctian bv uny a�;;;-�„ ._ <br /> govcrnmentul or regulatory ngency or private pprty involving the Propefly uncl any Hivar duus Su bstunre ar Envim n m e n t a l l.s i w �' ' :�„'...` <br /> ° of which Borrower ha+uctual knowl�Yige. If&mower leurns, or is notifieci by uny govemmental ar regulatory� authority.thut +��' :�. <br /> •• Any removal or other remediAlion of vny Hu�nrdous Substwne nffecting�he Property i,neces.sary. Born�wer,hal!promptly tnke T. .�:.�.� <br /> ull necessury remedial uctions in accurciance with Environmental Law. �M.�` .____ <br />_ <br />