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<br /> - " �_���� S� Hw�d or propeKy Iu�wance. Bcirrowe� chAll kap the impravement� now exicting ar herrafter erectad on Ihe
<br /> �„�l,,.,��R „�� Property inwrod�inw lass by t�►�. hazards incluJod within thc �crm 'cxtcnJal cuverugc" wK!any othcr haryrd�. includin� —
<br /> — flnode ar Ooodin�,tor which Lender roquirea i��surnnce. Tl�is inwrwwe sh�ll be muimeined in thc um��unty wxi fi�r the periada
<br /> -=a==��=��� thwt l.ender roquires. The insurwke carrier pmviding the inzurunce shull be choxn by &�rmwer subj��ct ti� Lcruler'+upproval
<br /> — , which W�all not be unreasc�rwbly withheld. If&►rrawer fuils tc�mainloin coverLge dexcrihed s�bewe, Lender muy, W l.ender'�
<br /> i�' ' uption,obtudn cuvemga a pratect l.ender's rights in the Propeity in arcordnnre wilh purugraph 7.
<br /> �'"'J All insurance poUcfes and rcnewals sh�ll be Acceptuble w Lender and shall include u titandurJ mongAge cluuse. Lender
<br /> ?�. . �„��'�:'�''..
<br /> �_---- �- .+� Fhall have�he�iRht ta hald the policies and renewals. If I.erxler reyuire+.Borrower tihull pramptly give to l.etxler ull rcceipts of
<br /> �;�� --
<br /> -= paid prcmiums wid►enewul notices.In the event uf loss,8urrawer shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier a n d l.e n der.
<br /> �.��,;, Lendcr may make proof of lo:s iP not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> - - '�'-•-: Unlrss L.endar and BoROwer ahetwice ugree in writing, insurunce proceeda shs�ll i�upplied tci res�orution�ir repair of'the
<br /> ��r.�o��.f�. .
<br /> _ s. � property dameged,if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Le��der's,ecurity is nut leti.ened.If the restoration or
<br /> -::;.��-.�� "�o� repair is not economicully fea.�ible or I.ender's security would be lessened, the insuran�:e proceeds shull be applied to the sums
<br /> _ ,.�s�.. ;�`1�•�:t n secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with uny excess paid lo &�rrower. If Barrower abancions the
<br /> � �,:►y� :'�,;�� ,� Property.or does not answer wi�hin 30 days A natice from l.ender thA[the insurunce currier ha�u1'tered to settle u claim, then
<br /> _ _-- ----�� LerWer may collect the insumnce proceeds. Lender may use thc prcx:eeds to repair�r restore the Property or �o pay sums _____
<br /> "°"- ���� securod by thia Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-duy period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> ��4 ^,:�5,.':.� . :.x . .
<br /> _— �,,;,:;�.,�4,t . Unlecs l.ender nnd Borrower otherwir,e agree in w�iting, uny applicution of pmceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> 'q;�� . ��,` �M.,°i n ' postpane the Jue date of the mc►nthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 ur chunge the umount of the payments. If
<br /> 'r?�°?'�.4���n - under puagraph 21 the Property is ucquired by L.ender, Bnrrower's right to Any insurance policies und pracealr resulting irom �'
<br /> - . ;a� `'�'° danwge to the Property prior t�the acquisition ahell pu.cs ta Lender to the extent af the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument "_--�
<br /> -��- _ ' immediutely prior to the acquisidon. _
<br /> — ' .��• • "" 6,pecup�ncy�PreservAtlon.Maintenwnce And Protection of the PropeRy;Borrower's l.oAn Applics�tbn;Leasehalds. __
<br /> .����' • •fl �° Borrower shall�ccupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrawer's principal resiJence within sixty dnys after the executian of
<br /> �. '` -
<br /> �"° :'�. this Security Instrument and shall continue to accupy the Properry as Borrower's principal residence fur nt Icast one yesu u f�er
<br /> �.,
<br /> --• �'. . , . the dute of occupancy.unless Lender atherwise ugrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonubly withheld, or unless
<br /> - � -• extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's ��ntrol. Borrower shall not destroy, damAge or impair �he
<br /> -_ • � . Property,ullow the Property to dete�lorute, or rnmmit wuste on the Properry. Borrc�wer shall 6e in dePault if vny farfeiture —
<br /> - ' ' ' � , ection or pmc�eeding. whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's giwd faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the �.
<br /> s". • � F `°� Propeny or othenvise muterially impair the lien rreated by this Securiry Instrument ar l.,ender's uxurity interest.Borrower may --
<br /> "-`�� - �tl cure such a default and reinstate,ar•provided in parugrnph 18,by cnuxing the uction or praceeding tu be dismi�+�cd with a ruling _
<br /> . sR.�.�.a:,. .
<br /> •-j� �°�u that, in I ender'c good faith determination, precludes farfeiwre of the Borrower s intcrcst in the Pmpeny or uthcr nwterial
<br /> _ . ' „ �.I���� � � impairment of the lien created by �his Security Instrument or Lender's:;ecurity interest. Borcower shall also be in defuult if -`"
<br />- � Borrower,during the loan applicution pracess.gAVe materially false ur inaccurute infurmution or statements to l.ender lor failed �;d_
<br /> ` - . to provide L.eixier with any materiul informution)in conrn�etion with the liiun evidencai by the Nde,includinR,but not limitod !�-
<br /> � ' „�_ :.� to, representations conceming Bort'ower's cxcupuncy uf the Property�.ti u priix:ipal residence. If this Security Instrumarn iti on u
<br /> • o �e. If Bormwcr ac uires fee title to thc Pm rt . the � �'�
<br /> • leasehold, Borrawer shull comply with ull the pmv�s�ons f the lea, q p� Y
<br /> ,• � les�ehold und the fee tide tihull not merge unless Lcrxler•rgrc�s to thc mcrgcr in writing.
<br />, „ � 7.ProtecNan of I.ender'g Rights in the Property.If&►rrower fuils to perfiirm�he covenanty und ugrei:mems contained in ='_
<br /> " this Security Instrument, or there is u legul prcxeeding that may signiticantly aifert I.ender'ti rightK 1n the Pmperty Itiuch as a
<br />, , � proccxding in bunkruplcy. probate, ti�r condemwtion or forteiwrc or to cnforce laws or regulationsl, then l.ender muy da and �t:';
<br /> � �• pay for whatever is nec�ssary to protect the vulue oi the Pmpeny and Lender's righls in the Property. I.ender's uctionc may -
<br /> °" ' - include paying any sum+ u�ureJ by a lien which hu� priority uver thiti S��urity Ins�rument, •rppearing in roun, paying
<br /> , � reasonuble attorneys' fees und cntcring on the Propeny to muke repain. Although Lxncler may take ac�ion under this parugr+iph �"�.r
<br /> - 7,I.ender do�w not have to do so.
<br /> � • " Any amounts disbunal by l.e�xlcr unJcr this puroFrs►ph 7 ,hall berome additionul debt of Bormwer secured by this v_
<br /> � , � • Security Instrument. Unless Borrower anJ Lender ugn�c to othcr trnm �if p•ryment. �hese umounte shull bear interetit from the —_
<br /> ' ' date uf disbursement •rt thc Notc rute�nd .hall bc payable. with intcrest, upon notice fmm l.endar to Borrower requesting —
<br /> .,.. . . , pAyment. �_.
<br /> � �• 8. Mort�e Insurnnce. II'l.endcr rcyuir��l montiuge insuruncc a.+a rundi�ion of making�hc:loan�xureJ by thi�Security �
<br /> . Inxtrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums rc�uircd to muintuin the murtgage inxurunce in effe�:t. !f, for any revsun, the
<br /> mortgage insurancc roveruge rcyuired by l.endcr I•rpses��r rea�cs t��he In effect,Bonowcr shull pay�he premiums required to ����
<br /> �� ' obtuin coverage wubstantiully cyuivulent a�the m��nguEe insurunce previou�;ly in ci'tcct, at a cu�t whstanti:�lly eyuivalent to the
<br /> �. wst to Borcowcr of the�nortguge imuranrr prrviuusly in cftect. 1'rom •rn altcrnate m�inEu�e in.urer appmved by Lendrr. If •
<br /> substuntiully eyuivalent manguge insurancc ruvcragc i.nut available, Burr��wer.hull pay tu Lcnder carh month a,um cyual to
<br /> one-Iweltlh oP thc yeurly monguEc inwrunrr prcmium bcing paid hy B��rrowcr�shrn thr iu.uranrr ruvcragc lap���l ur rcas�d to
<br /> ' ' � be in effect. Ixnder will uccept,use anJ rewin the�r puyo�ent�u� a lu« re+crvr in licu ul' nx�nEage in�urunce. Lu„ reserve �
<br /> � ., Fam 3D2@ 8190 {�-
<br /> Pay�)u�8 I •
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