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..nirrLw.--!s�r __" _� . _•,r(-�... <br /> �o�� �...-_—._'.__ k. .-' � t'_H� . . .1... -'�-: <br /> � - r 1�'Yl' .,.�Arh��e .-. <br /> :� . . _ ._ -�__..,_..r.� - __-. <br /> ,� �-'._. <br /> _�-_ - - _�...�� � 92 1o��G <br /> � TOOETNER WITH all Q►c improvemcn�naw on c�rcaftcr croctal on�hc propeny,ond�I�u�ae+nent�.oPP�n��'�"•� <br /> — fixtures now on c��eaf�er a part of the p�oper�y. All replxemen�w and wWili�mx elwll ulca Ix wverod by thir Socu�lty <br /> IrWrument.All of the foregoin�is rcfcrrc�i to in Ihie 5ecurity Instrumcnt�r thc'Property.' <br /> BORROW�R COVFNANTS tiwl Borrower ia lawfully ccis:ai oi the extat�hercNy conveycJ a�xl hus thc righllo gm�t urd <br /> ___� convey the PropeAy and thal the Property is unenrumbered. except for encumbrwxec��f'recurd. &xruwer w:urant�wd wfll <br /> -- defead generally tl�e tiNe to the Property againat all cluim�wKl demarwlr�.�ubject tu uny encumbrances of recurd. <br /> -= THIS S6CURITY 1NSTRUMENT combines unifnrm covenonls fur rwtiunul use und nun•unifurm roveiwm�wilh limilod <br /> - � <br /> �'�"���=� vwriotinns by jurisdiaion to constiwtr a uniform uxurlry insirumen�cuvcring rwl pr�periy. <br /> — — UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower wid l.ender cavensu�t anci agrec as fallow.r•: — <br /> n�����-: 1. Pnyme�t ot Princlpol and latexestt Prcpoyment and I.ate Ciwrges. &mowcr ,hull promptly pay wben due Iho <br /> ���:,::�� <br /> ����..• principal of w�d imerest on the debt evidence.d by the Note and any prepayment Aml latc charges dur wxlcr the Note. <br /> '-`������ 2. Funds far Twus ond �m�urance• SubJ�< <a aPP�icable law or to u written wuiver by Lemler,Borrower nholl pay to <br /> Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,u sum 1"PunJs")far:�a)ycurly wxes <br /> �'`''�`�'"`` and assecsments which may attain pria�iiy over this Security Instrument ux a lien on the Prupeny:(b1 ycurly k.siachold puyments -- <br /> ��':"'�.�.`"`=' Pe Y Y Y Pr Pe Y P Y <br /> �+�`__ or ground rents on the Pr� rt ,if an :(c)yearl h�zard or a rt inwran��e remium�;(d)y�rl flu��t insurunce prcmiums. -- <br /> _�:� ... <br /> _..._y.�... ____ +f�y;(e)yearly mortgage insurancc:premiums, if any:and(tl uny sums payuble by Rorrower to Lender,in uceardun�:e with <br /> x ��,�a,��x;� ,;; the provisions of paragrnph 8, m lieu of the paymenl uf ow�t�age insurance piemiums. These itemg nre called "Escrow Items.' . . <br /> ti ` w '��" ° • Lender may, at any time. collect w�d hnld Funds in un amount not to exceed the muximum nmount a Iender for u feclerally <br /> r.°��-g-�--��� �� rolated mortgage loan may require for Borrower'c escraw acrnunt under�he federal Real Estate SetUement Pmcedure�Act�f <br /> �•=��.;;�;�4 �. 1974 as umende� from time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA").unless another law that applies to thc Funds <br /> �-� - �"'-`�"�'- � sets a lesser amount. If r,c�. I.ender may. ut enY ame• collect nnd hold Funds in An amount nut to exce�d Ihe lesser umaunt. ` <br /> �''..�r�..oa.�i�' k � i <br /> ;,�,�{���� [,ender may ertimate the��nt af Funds due on the basis of curnent data and reac�nuble estimates of expendiwres of future <br /> „ ��.r,�, Escrow Items or otherwise lii accordance with applicuble law. <br /> "- _ �;�±�'�;°'��%� The Funds shaU be held in an institution whose deposits ure insured by a federnl ugency, instrumentality, c�r enlity <br /> a`�'•�•"•�Y s<< (including l.ender.if Lcncier is such�n instiwtion)ar in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds ta puy the <br /> :,,..;:�:�._•-.� <br /> ! .=��-�' •�`-^�'°� Escrow Items. Lender may not chArge Borrower ior holding and epplying the Funds,annually analyzing t cescrow uccount.or <br /> _ ` verifying the Escrow Items,unless l.ender pays Ba�rower interest on the Funds And applicable law permits Lender to make xuch — <br /> _ �:;'rwa:.�t.:., . e charge. Hnwever,Lender may require BoROwer to pay u one-�ime charge far an independent reul estate tax reporting xcrvice __ <br /> =� �,,.';:��; .1 �°, used by Lender in cannection with this loun, unless upplicable law provides othenvi�. Unless un agreernent is made o� _ <br /> - —' ��� •;� ' applicable law requires interest to be paid, Lender shall not hc required to pay Borrawer any interc�st ar eamings on the Funds. _ <br /> `� •' �•� Borrower anc!I.ender n�ay ugree in writinR,however. that intemst tihall be paid on the Funds. l.ender shall give to Borrower, �-. <br /> ''i �'-.�-��•�•�•-��- withMit charge. an annual uccountin�e af the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Fundc and the purpose far w•hich each � <br /> _ <br /> =_ _. <br /> "�-� .,• �' • ' debit to the Funds wus made.The Funds ure pledged as additianal securiry for�II sums secured by this Secunty nstrument. <br /> `��� �'��•' • If the Funds held by Lender exceed th�umuunts permitted�o be hald by applicable Inw.Lencier shul I xcount to Bormwer <br /> ;�<�`� ���r�� for tl�e ex.•esti FunJc in nccorJance with the requirements of•rpplicable Inw. If thc amount of the Funds held by Lender at any __ <br /> .4�i. <br />�-;'~ � �°' `' tiine is not sufficient ta pay the Escrow ltem�when Jue, Lender mAy w notify Borcnwer in writing,und, in such rak Borrower [� <br /> � �``' ahall pay to I..ender the vmcwnt necessary a►makc up the de6ciency. &►rrower shall make up the deficiency in nc�mure than '` <br /> �;.~ ° twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discrction. <br /> `e�' ' ° Upon paymcnt in full of all �ums xecured by this Security Instrument. Lendcr shull prompUy rei'und to Borrower uny — <br />"�'`• ,���''``=� Funds held by l.enJer.If,un�ier purugraph 21, LenJer�hall acyuire��r tieU the Propc:ny.L.ender,prior to the ucquisition ur.ale <br /> :;;ar„ ; !�,yr.'rr�y-; <br />- of thc Propeny. shall apply any Funds held by lxnder at�he time ot'acquisition or sale as a credit aguinst�he sumy xK:ured by <br />-'� � � • ,;�- • , this Sccurity Instrument. �- <br /> ::�i�� .- 3. AppllceHon oP Ppyments. Unlc.s appliwble law pruvide.otherwixe,all paymentti received by l.ender unJer paragraphs __ <br /> -�,w�' • � ' I and 2 shall be applied: firct. to uny prepayment charKcs due undcr the Notc; second,to w�xwnc,p�yuble under paragraph 2; _ <br />-_��'"�'• third,to intcrext duc: f' princip•rl duc:und lu+t,to any laie ciwrges due under the Nute. � <br />-s�"• 4. CIwrR�.w; I.ienr. Born►wer shall pay all t�xe.,u,u,timents,churges, tines and impc�sitiuns attnbmuble to the Propeny � <br /> " . . ,;�''`_ which may attuin prioriry ovcr�hi. Security Imtrument. and leuschold paynxnt.or gr��und rents. if;uiy.Borrower shall pay = <br />- . , these ohligations in thc manner pmviJeJ in par�Fruph 2,or if not paiJ in thut munncr, &irrowcr�hall p�y thcm on timc dirccUy 1Q;� <br />___' ....�. tu the perum nwcd puyment. &�nower�hull promptly furni,h���l.rnder all no►icc.uf:►mount,�o be paid undcr this parAgrnph. ��- <br /> • ` � If Bonower mukcs these paymcnls dirccUy. Borc��wcr shuU pron�pUy 1'urnish tn L.enJcr rerriph cvidencin�thc payments. <br /> �� . . , Borrower tiliull promptly dischurgc any licn which ha.priurity uvcr thi,Srruril�• In�trument unletiti Borrower: (al agrees in _ <br /> --'• , i, writing to thc payment of thc obligntion scwred by thr lien in a munncr ucccptuhle tu LenJcr;Ibl cantetits in gaxl 1'aith thc lien — <br /> � �� , by, ar defends uguins� entiircemcnt uf thc licn in. IeEul rrocccding. whirh in thc l.cndcr'. upini�in uperutc ai prrvcnt the ° <br /> "� � �� • enforcement of the lien; �ir Irl��YUre+I'rum thc holder af thr lien an agrecment.atisl'uctury l�� l.rnJcr sulxmiinating thc lien to �- <br /> . • � . Ihis S�tiurity In+trument, If Lendrr detcrmine.that any part nt'ihr Pra�xny i,•uhjcrt to a lien�vhirh ma�•auain priuriry over � <br /> . Ihi�Sc:curiiy In,lrument. Lci►dcr muy gi�•c Rnrra���er:i nulicr idcntif�•ing Ihr licn. Borcowrr�hall �atisf�� tl�lien��r take unc or ��-•• <br /> more of the uclions set forth nlxwe within 10 dvy�al thc pi�•ing uP ni�tirc. �` <br /> . . , <br /> , '� ' Form 3028 9190 �a <br /> •� .� ..' P�{p 7 0l 8 �. <br /> � <br /> �> <br /> i � <br /> - - �.r�•:.,,;rr�--_ .:-:.-- . . . , � - , • , ., .. • . . <br /> • <br /> ! .. <br /> � E . <br /> . � - - i <br />