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� ' �fr' ' �� , �7�� t�tyn�:-.�w::_' :�� - �t:S'^irt�` IFCi .JI{:4�Ti v ��rd:.H^.�. . �, -k .,� .t�.� ceor�u.awr� <br /> ( 1 i t �ty�.h...;.. .. , �. � :i:'��111 ' . i r. .:-- _ - - <br /> �1� • �A(' -. - . � '� �� . �� ./1•L r�"'��:� 1C1- t .l�!. ._• �R� j J I I 1 t SiL H� � �__....�.�_ __-. <br /> ��y ' ,�: �t,*� '��}'.f'taF.f'{•• .: . . ._ .fti�s:td lw,:y«.�•.v: ..o-x.�.ac -,m�....o-..n.---�•--� - - <br /> 1 ,-''4-y�{.�`y • ` �i9l7i��'^.+�li�t T:''1ri!!r'� 'i' — _ <br /> .S �-r-X�it•1:u , _--rr=�..___.-. <br /> . � • I� _ :in . ...r+t#' .. �---�,�, - <br /> , . ('z :— <br /> � '.,T�. .�. ... � � � <br /> ' , -- <br /> — � - ' - �- - .:dre ' . . __--.. <br /> .:,-�._.... .. . � <br /> �aY '_' _— - . - �_—__=�- .'_'_'_ ... <br /> - � .. - _ _ �i. .... <br /> ����►�s g2 soae�s �':��-- --- <br /> _ ��_��.:-���.-z1-. <br /> � ' , 1, P�ym�nts,Bnrrowrr sqree�to m�kr all payment�on Ihe�ecured debl when due.Unle��Borrower an�c l.end�r�pre�othelwlRe,any payments — <br /> ' � ., ' L�nd�r r�ceivss Irom 8orrawer or 1or 9orrovwr's bonefit wlll be appllnd(IrN to�ny emount�6or�owe�owr�an th��ecured d�bt�xclu�fw of <br /> s `,- or��xcus�a°IY id+idul�d p�ymmt un il Ih�nourod dobt�pY pdd in lullpr�p�ym�nt al th��arsund d�bt occuro for�ny ro�son,it will not r�due� �_����-- <br /> ` Z. CuLn�AWiln�t TMb.8orrowar will p�y all t�xe�,ss��4sments.and other charge�attribulable to Ihe prqperty when duo and w{II d�t�nd tllle <br /> , or d�finsYSewhlcha8orrowir m�y hiv��p�vin�t p�rtPas who�supply labo►�or�maur al��t�I�mp ov�orQm�int�afnrtha propany n�nY riphu,ol�fmt <br /> ' � 3, �eµv�no�,Borrower wfll keep the property Inrured u�dar lerm�atceptebla to lender at Borrower'a eMpen4e and lor Lender's banefil.All �-��- <br /> Intur�nce policies shdl Include s itanderd mortyega clauee ih lavor o(Lender.Lender w111 br named es los�peyee or ee 1ho fnsur�d on�ny _ <br /> - Yueh Insuranc�pol�cy.Any ineurence proceed�moy bo�pplled,within Londer4 discrAtf�n. to either the reqorallon or repeir al the damaged � _ : ` _ <br /> • ' . � � �. propertyortoth�socunddebt.IfLende�nqufmmortpepeinwrance.Borrowerapreettomaintpinauchin4uranceforailqnqaaLendsrr�quim. - <br /> ' 4.Prop�rty.Borrower wlll keep the property In y�od eondltlon and make ell repain reaeonably neee4aary. - <br />�T. . othuitorinmyobliy9lion�tecuredby hl daedotirucLBorroWerwlllpeytheteamountat le�deraiapovd dinCove ani9olihadeed it�sted <br /> 8.P�br 8aewity lot�t�sts.Unlesa Bor►ower first obta�ns Lender a written consent.8orrower will not make or permit eny changea to any prlor � <br /> o clud+��Borro�we s�covenan c to ak paymenlR when d e 1iQe�+���under any prior mprtyage,deed ol truot or otbor secunty aqreement, = ---- <br /> � °--- <br /> •� 7.llssignm�nt o/Rams�nd Pront��Borrower assigns to Lender ihe rents and proli�s ot Ih�property.Unleos Borrower a�d Lender heva dyraecf <br /> otherwise in writing,sorrower may collect and retain the rents as long as Borrower Is not In de(ault.If Borrower defaults,Lender,1.ender'a f�3_ <br /> ''�!'�• �; agant,or a Court appb-inted recalver may taka poseession and menage the property and collect Ihe rente,AnY rents Lender collects shpll6e <br /> '�,•ti , '�;;;.;';.'���;%t�'�:;��:;';`_�?;; applied Grot to Ihe costa ol managing the propeny,Including couh Co9is and attomeys' faes,comm�esions to rental agente.and any other _ <br /> �• � ••' .';I;'��;:.,r;,. ,;�•.� neeessary related expenses.The remaining emount ot renta wfll then apply to paymento on ihe seeu�ed debt eo provided in Covenont 7. <br /> ,�,:' '.. . �..,��,'.;��4. , <br /> . i�::.;:::�;. ��•Su_;.��.,;,..: <br /> �'1 ��•'•�'� 8.I.��a�holds;Condominiums;Pl�nnod Unit Davelopmartt�,Borrower agrees to comply w(th the provisians o(any lease if thie deed ot truct �.' <br /> � :1�,,:r•.� �,;r,�, __ _�._� <br /> ' � duNes under thedcownantt by/avva Sor requlatfonc ot the ondomi in um orpplsnned unit development.Borrovwr wfll pe�form all of Borrowor'a _, '_ <br /> ` , 9.Authorky of Land�r to P�rform fOr Borrowoc If Borrower(ails to perform any o( Borrowa►B duties under thla deed ot Iruot,Lender mey �� , `i� <br /> ' perform the duties or cau�e them to be performed.Lender may sign Borrower's name or pay anv amount ft necessary for performa�ce.If any � A- <br /> conctructlon on the property is diacontlnued or not carried on m a►easonable menner,Lender mey do whatover lo nace4aarY to protaot l.enda►'s <br /> securfty Intereat in Ihe property.Thls may Include completing the constructfon. = <br /> Le�der's failu�e to per(orm wlll not precluda Lender Irom exerasing any ot it�othar righta under Ihe law or thh dead ol truct. / � <br /> Any amounts psid by Lender to protect Lender's aecunly fntere�t wdl be eecured by thio deed ol trust.Such amounls w111 ba du�on dem�od f <br /> �nd w�ll beu mtero�t trom the d�te ot the p�ymern untU p��d ui full at the fntYresl rete m e11YCt on th�Yocurod dobt. <br /> ,. 'T�, <br /> 10.Odault�nd Acc�l�ratlon.119o►�ownr fafls lo make any payment when due or draeka any covenents under thif deed o1l�uet or a�y obligellon �� <br /> secured by thit�eed of t�uct or env pr�or morlqage or cleed ol trust, Lender may occelxrate theceble law.�f tho��cured dobt a�d dem�nd <br /> immadiate payment a�d may invoke th�powYr of sale and any other remediec perm�tted Uy ap{� �. <br /> - -- - �,-- -- <br /> hereto�,a�stthe�add�e�c of ea h�s'uch pe aon bai set foAh herein opfes of the noticeY of dalault end aplo ba sent lo aach peroon who i��pa�iy <br /> 12.Powu of 5�1�.If the Lender mvokes the power ol sale.the Trustee shall lirst record in the oHico ol lhe reglater ot deeds of aach countY �� <br /> wherein the trust p►operty or some part or parcel thereof is s�tuated a nollce ol deleult contafmnq the informatlon raqwred by law.The Tru4tee , <br /> chall also mail caples oi the�otice ot default to Ihe Borrower.�o each person who fa a party hereto,end to other percons ac prescrlbed by <br /> appflcable lew. Not lese tha�one month a(ter the Trustee records the noHce ol default, or two months ii the trust property i�not In any ' <br /> Incorporatad cllY or vlllage and is used in tarm{�g operations carried on by the truator,the Trustee shall ghre public notice ot eale t0 the persons . <br /> • and in the manner prescrfbed by applicable lew.Truslee,without demand on 8orrower,shall sell the property at public auctfon to the hlghest �.. ; <br /> bldder.I(required by the Farm Homeatead Protettion Act.Trustee ehall otfer the property in two separale sale�ac requlred by appliCable(8w �,_� <br /> Trustee may po�tpone sale o(all or any parcel ot the property by public announcement at the tirne and plece af any p►evlously scheduled sale. � <br /> Lender or its desfgnee may purchase the property at any sale. � _ <br /> Upon recelpt o(peyment o1 the price b�d.Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustees deed conveying the property.The recitals conteined ' _ <br /> in Truetee'e deed ahall be prima lacie ev�dence ot the truth of the statements containad therei�.Trustee shall apply the proceeds o(the eale i� i _�_t._ <br /> • • the following orde�: Ia1 to ell expenses oi the sale, including, but not Ilmited to, reasonable Trustee's(ees.reasona6le adorney's teea and �, .... <br /> refnstatement loes;lb)to all cums secured by thic deed o(truct,and Icl tlie any,to the peraons lepally endtled to receive it• � • __ <br /> 13.FonClo�ure.At lender's optlon,this deed ot trust may be loreclosed In lhe manner provided by applicable law for forecloaure o1 mo►tgapes � • " <br /> • ' on real property. ., ., <br /> 14.Insp�atlon.Lender may enter the property to inspect It If Le�der gives Borrower not�ce be(orehand.The notice must atate tha reasonable � �,�,;5��-'� <br /> cause for lende►'s inspectlon. • ".'`.�°"'�. <br /> � 18.COtld6mrf�tion.Borrower ass�nns to Lender the proceed�ed as p ovided�neCove�nant 1 a7h s aca gnmen1t Ia sub�ectto the ite�mc of any prior ` � � , <br /> o(all or any pa►t of the property.Such proceeda wfll be upp' 'i. <br /> . ' Becurity agreement. <br /> �� ' � ' anyWemedy upon r8orr wer's de eutY Lendebdo s notwa venany r�ipht to eger cons der th h�ov n��a aetault f Ilhappe a egainy not exercfoing � . :i._ <br /> 17. Jolnt�nd Sovar�l Liabllfty:Co•afpn�rs;Suteeeso►s and AasfQns Bound.All duues unAier this deec�o�trust are joint and several.Any Borrower � . <br /> who co•signs this deed of trust but doas not co-sig�i the underlymg debt inslrumantlsl does sn nnly to yrant and convey that Borrower's interest <br /> in the property to the Trustoe unde►the terms ot this deud of trust.In addit�on.such a Borrower ag�ees that the Lender and eny other Borrower <br /> under thia deed o(truat may extend,modify or make any other changes in the terms oi th�s deed of trust or the eeCUred debt without that . <br /> Borrower a consent and without releasing that Borrower(rom tho terms ot this deed ol trust. � <br /> �' The dutfes and benefits oi this deed ol trust shall bind and benefit tlie succossors and ass�gns ot Lender and Borrower. � <br /> 18. 1�lotle�.Unless otherw�se required by 18w.any nohco to Borrower shall be g��en hv delrvenng�[or by maiGng it by Certilied mail addressed <br /> ma I t Lender's address o,i ho�ont sido of thisrda aJ ol t�ust.o�to aev otho�al In�sss wl�ch8ondcrlina�designat dnAny otheenot ce to Lenider <br /> shall be sent lo Lender's addmas es stated on th��hont a�du ol Ili�s deed of trust <br /> � A�1�/fIOIICB SIItlII nN dC@�11P.(I 10 hOVP F7PNn yrven Io 8orroWe�nr L�!711IQ�WllQll l�14N�1 111 IF�P�t1AnI1Pf SIdIQA i1bOVB <br /> 19. Tranabr of th�PropKty or s Bonoflelal Intarast i�tha Borrower.N aIl nr a�W uart o�the prn�iarty or any mta�est m�t is sold or trens(e�red <br /> wAhout Lender's p�ior wntten consent. Lunder may dema��d�mme�Ai•+ie P:+v"�"^� �������' S�c��rrd debt Le��der may also Jomdnd immad�ate <br /> paymunt d the 9orrower�a nu�a nuturAl person and a benrlic�.d�ntnr«st m the Borrower iy sold u�translerre�.However,lender mav not demand <br /> payment m th��abova sduolwns d rt�s prohibded bV lederal law.�5 uf the Jat�•of this deeed„1 Uust <br /> 20. RYCOOVeyenCl.When tha obhgaLOn setur¢d by Ih�s dc�!d nf trust ��as hci�n P•+��I..u�d Lender has no(urther oNl�gat�un lo make advances <br /> under the��islrurnents or egreements secured by th�s deed o(trusl,th�:Trusteo shall.upon wnttun requost by the�•onvey thu husl <br /> proporty-The Lender shaU deliver to Ihe Borrower.or ro Bonowcr's suacssor �n uuwast. �ha trust deed and the��oto or other evfdence oi the <br /> oblfpaUO��so 9ausl�ed. Borrower shall p8y any reco�daUon costs- <br /> 21. 5uecessa Trustea.Lender,at Londer's opUOn.may remov�z Tn�stee and upuo�m a successor t�ustee by�hng a copv ot the subsbwLOn <br /> of trustee as requued by epplicable Inw.and fdinq Ihe substduuon of trustee for reco�d�n the office of the rog�ster o(deeds o(each <br /> to a Ilthe po'weG duties gauthor ty and t tle�o(the Trustee named m the deed of hust end�of a iy�successor hustee!�he p�aUertv Shell succeed <br /> ` � OCP-M7G NE BACKSIOE FEVi51UN OA7E �2�2 90 � <br /> �( <br /> ; + � <br /> . . ��.. <br />