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<br />{,, • � pAif11E8:Thit Du�d of Truet is made on �n 1- 199� ,amonp tM Orantar, / �
<br /> , �. . , �. . • Richard�eg� Plambacic����Lp�rson. _ 1"eorrower"1.0 `—
<br />• ',�� ;"';; :'�. ,... . �� County,tVabra�ka{'Truatae"1,end tfie Beneffci�ry, � �=_-_ _ _
<br /> whos�nddenes�ddres9
<br /> , ,o corporation or�aniz�d �_
<br /> N.6raa1� whooe addrns i� .� � �x $• ��ue� 69820 ---�_ _
<br /> �:� and exittlnp under th�law�oi _ (•�n�r"1. �::��.
<br /> CONVHYANCE:�or value recelved Borrower Irrevocabl grante and conveys w Trunee,lo trust,with power at sale,ihe real property�of rihioh '°"w ___ _
<br /> . 8orrower is lawfully sei=od,deser�bed below and all buildinge,fizwre�,and exining and tuture improvemenu thereon and all righu�of•waY, ?±�
<br /> , �t�,.,.1�,�,•, ; . eaeemente,rent�,ia�ues,profib, income,tenementa, heredit�montc,privilqet and any appurtenancee thereunto belonalnp (alt called the f-�;�,`i _ - ---
<br /> i; r`t, �:;� •properry"1. farn4,d 'ra1 a..A .Pfobta�ka 6A8�1 *� � '��V��� -
<br /> .� � � `' PFIOPERIYAODRESB: R2� �, t° 88
<br /> . .rtt , "�j�,�f},�:�`.t 161nN1 � ICMYI I�IpCod�1 , 1!l4,���,_I.
<br /> LEGAI.DESCRIPTiON: �� ���" -
<br /> •t� ' ,� -..� -
<br /> 't"Ir; . r . . aza�=�•-=--
<br /> '� . � Lot Fous (4)� Block Si.x (6), Wiebe Addition� Craad ieland, Ha].1 CouatY. Nebraeks. o;;��.;;�:.__
<br /> E, - ...�
<br /> .- �•ssi:f.__.
<br /> �'��
<br /> . �.
<br /> ,�
<br /> Y
<br /> � . rl
<br /> - ' , located in .— �� --- -- ----- ---- CoumY.Nebraske. ;�. +w;J
<br /> TITI.E:8orrowar covinanq and warrYntY tftla to the property,except for � �'�"�"����
<br /> . . �.i;8%�p:.v'A ,v
<br /> .�. �� , '�:.
<br /> SECURED DEBT:Thl�deed of truat secures to Lender repayment of tho aecured debt and the performenoe of the covenent�and agreements . .�: .�r+'.�,.-
<br /> contafned in thie deed of truat and In any other dceument Incorporated he rein.Seoured debt,as used in ihis deed o(truet,includee any amounta
<br /> • 8arower owe�to Landar under thla dead of truat or under any inatrument aecured by thin deed of trua6 and ell modificatiom,exlemlonY�nd ._.�_3 �
<br /> �• renewsls thereof. -�-
<br /> '. Tha secured dabt Is evfdencod by(List all in4trumente and agreementa secured by thls deed of trutt and the detaa thYraof.l: ,
<br /> (�, �� s e1nt,���1�Q9 fn tho �nnt�,_,�y���.;:.�s- ' •^
<br /> _ �
<br /> � .�•1, • ` , ,
<br /> �� ❑Futun Adwnc�s: The above amount {s secured even thaugh all or part of it may not yet be advanced.Future advencec are
<br /> • ' • � �•;�;', contemploted end wlll be secured to the some extent as if made on the date this deed of trust is exeCUted. �
<br /> ❑Revolvinp Hne of credit agreement dated _ -_ _ _ ,with infUal annual Interest rate ol °/a• � __—
<br /> All amamts owed under thia agreement are secured even though ell amounts may not yet be advanced.Future advantes under �L•
<br /> �� .,� !he opreement are contemplated and wlll be secured to the same extent as i(made o� the date thla deed of trwt Ic executed. . ', �:a-n..
<br /> . .. !E'";'"��,,.
<br /> The above oblipatbn is due and payable on --_._M$Y-�a-�-��-- ---- - - if not peld earller. • ��
<br /> �" The tota)unpald belance secured by thia deed oi trust at any one tfine shall�ot exceed a maximum principel amou�t of •
<br /> Tmant�wOna Thnusaad ]b�lare �d QQ(14.o-M�"Douars IS --.�a0�0�QQ 1,plus interest. , ._.
<br /> ' plus any amounta dlabursed under the terms o(thls deed of truai to protect the secunty of thls deed of truat or to periorm any of the , ., ;,•�;
<br /> covenants contained in thfa deed of irust,wlth intereat on such disbursements. , `��`.,�
<br /> ' d ed of truat ma var accordinp to the terma o1 ihat obligation. � "
<br /> D V�rl�bb R�t�:The intereat rate on the obllgat�on securod by th ia e Y Y
<br /> ❑A copy of the loan agreement contefning the terms under which the interest rate may vary�a attached to thia deed of trust and �
<br /> made a part hereof.
<br /> RIDERS: ❑Commercial ❑ - ' . - -
<br /> Pursuent to Ihe Parm Homealead Protection Act,des�gnnUOn of hOf11L'SIOdd I �s attachod to th�s deod of uust and made a Part
<br /> hB�60} �� has bcon disclo�mc�d:�he d��d�unu��iti dt�achcd to ihis clrril nl tnc:i dl�d m.uli•.i��dr� Nrrrnt
<br /> SKiNATURHB:8y dpninp b�bw.Borrowar apreea to the terms�nd eov�n�nts cont�inwl in this do�d of tru�t,Ineludinp thoso on tha t�varse
<br /> sid�.�nd in�ny rid�ra de�aribed above aigned by 8orrower.
<br /> _ . _ _ _. � � p.�. n,�,�_ _.
<br /> ACKNOWLEOGMENT: STATE OF NEBRASKA, __ _. . . Hp�tBrd __- County ss:
<br /> The foregoing instrument was:+cknowledged be�o�e me this 18C day of r�X- -- - - • 1992
<br /> by ---_Bichard_Dea�4lamheck� a.eic�le Par�n --- - _ . _.. .. -- - .
<br /> , �Tmeau
<br /> � . CorporN�or �Nam�•N C�..,,ur,�eun u�P.uu���n������
<br /> . . Pltln�nhlp Of ...,_ _.- _ -'_. ._.. .
<br /> � �,,,��,,,,,,� e _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __. _ __ _ o behalf o he corporation or partnershlp.
<br /> . My commlasion expfrea: 12�28�g2 ( ""'--` ��
<br /> �Sesn I {y1!::�V. I� :r' �No�drvHibi�ri
<br /> This Instrument was prepared bV B�g�uB_St8t8�A6k«�'���1_*:",�• .��.___ _... . __ _.. _---- _
<br /> .. %:'1 : � �..r ,
<br /> c 1885 BANKEHS SVS7fM5.INC.ST ClOUD.MN 68�0� FORM OCP MiC E �lA� t!P f�:nH�•'�K�• ; NEBRASKA �
<br /> � 06YYIaR10:1 Y'. n.� l t
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