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<br /> �` ' � - ic� S .., ��4`, ` a1 ' s` � ' • .
<br /> 1�r� .. : . 2. �� . -�.• - . _ . , . 4.� .. " '. � ., -
<br /> t .. �M1 , �� \ , • 6 . F �4 ('h'� , , - _ �4 t`���. '
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<br />__ • 3�a.,;�..�.'a i.cr;.��:.:,or shall bo given Qne eeniormed capy of the Nate ea��f this$ecurity Inst�v�►eat �'_T_`
<br /> D7. "�'�c�'er a3 Yh�Pro�rtp os a B�ac�Ictal Iatet�at in�orro�rer. I4 eU ar aay pare of ths Property or any T
<br /> intcr�3 e�it is s3:3�ss transietted lar if a Y�e�icial inter�t in Borra�ver ie sold or uans4srred and Boirower�s nat a
<br /> assuu°al�anj�ith�su2 Lend�'s prior w�ittea conscnt�Lender msy,Bt��op���,�U�n��m�u���►t�a ruu oi ':�:=
<br /> all auma�d by this&ecurity 1n.strussaea�However. this option ehell not be eaercised by Lender ai exerctse is "-
<br /> p�hnbitd l�y federal taw es of 3he date oi this Securitq Iaatswaeat e�- �=
<br /> Ii I�des exercis�s this tion.t.eader shall�ve Borcowe�aotice oi acoeleration.The notice shall provide a periad ��_
<br /> rcis s op
<br /> ot r.ot l�t6ma 30 days�rom the dste the no�tioa is deiivxred ar ma�ed within which Borrower must pay all sums sxured � r:-
<br /> bp t�ss Spca�ri�y Ynstrumea�I�Borroc�er faila to pay th�a sumspn or to ths 2ion o4 thns period,Leader may invoke "--_a=
<br /> any��t3ia�per.�ttEd try this�ity I�trtuaeat withoui f u r¢h e r aoti�e or�c��a n�on Banower. -
<br />:;� 1f3. Harr�wer's BiQht to I3eiastata I�Borrower meaLs certain coaditions.Borrower eball have the right to have �;` �
<br /> en$o;�ms�st of thia Securitp Instrumeat disoontinued at an,y tirne prior to the�arlier o�(a)5 daqs(or such other�eriod F_ .,-
<br />; �, essgsplis�hla law maq spe�fy far reiastatemeut)before sale of the Prop�y pursuant to aaypower o�sata conta�ned in `�_;..-
<br /> thie S�ratp It�strumenfi ot (b) ea4ry►04 n�gmmt a�iorcing this�ecunty Yastrumea�.Those coaditioas are thnt _,
<br /> B�rr�va�: t�j P a Y e Lendcr ell sums wlucm en w,uuld be due uader ffiia Sec�srity Iascr�ment and the Note a�ii no F=.� :,
<br /> ecce4axa3ian had occune�;(b?cures eaq dafault of any other oovenaat8 or agreement�(c)Paps sll eypenses incusred i n =_
<br /> en#�rtis�th�s Security Instrumea�including.but not limited w�n�aable at40rneys'fe�aad(d}takes such sction as �
<br /> I.�det maq a�asonaislp require to assure tbat the lien o f t h i a S e c u r ity I n s v umen t,L e a d e r's n g h t s in the Pm p e r t y and --�„
<br /> Bflrra�rer's�lsligution ta pay the sums se�us�d by this Security Iastrusnent sliali coatiaue vzrchanged.Upon reiasmte:ment
<br /> � bp Borro�sr,r.this Secueitp Iastrumen4sud tlie obligations sarored h�rehg shall remaia fu?l.�-�ective as if no aaxlet�tion �_�
<br /> hed o�.How�ver*thisrightwr�nstaYesball nate p ply int�caseof acceleratio�vIIt�iee�ra�raph 17. �.�'�
<br /> 19.�ule of Note;���e o f L o a a Setvicxr.T ha Nota or a parti a l in�e r e s t ia r h el'��(m�h c�with shis Sec�rity
<br /> Inatrumn�t}may be sold one or more times without prior aotice to Bormiver.A sale m.�p t�sult ia�durnge in 4$eentit9 ''""``
<br /> (kao�n ea t�e°Laan Servicer"?that callecta manthlY P3Ymenta di�under tha Note�d�is Securit�t�stivme��.There �
<br /> et ro map b�one or mare c h a n g e s o i t he I a a n S e r v iar u n s�l a t e d to a s a le p f t he N o t�I�t here is a c h s n g e o i t h e g,o a n
<br /> Sssviora,B(srrower wili be�vea writtea noiice oY the c in acxordaace with pazag�►�a 14 abovc sad applicabi��lew. �.-:-
<br /> # 'I]�a�otice tvill stata the name aad address ot t�a new Loaa�eNicer a�d the nddre�to wi�ch paymeat�ahoutd be mada �-.:
<br /> f. T�e ao4ia�$iv'sll also coataia any other information�equired by agplicahle lav�. .
<br /> =„ 20 Att�rdoua Sobstsaces.Bnrmcver eball no2 cause or t the pres�ace,�.se.d�' nsa1.�ge.or releas:of
<br /> °'�• anp Iis�daus Substauces on or in the Propertg.Borrower not do.u�c allow anpece ef�io du`mything a�fxting
<br /> s ,
<br /> �,- tt�e prope�tp 4bat ia in violation uf any Envisonmental Law.'Y'he precodiag two seateao�a."�all,not a ly w e presenos,
<br /> ` u9e� ot siarage oa th���perty of emall quantities of H�rdous Suhsteacea th�� y recogniud to ba �:'-.
<br />�.3°.. t�t�normgl s��ntid us�s and w mainter�ance ef thePraperty._ �
<br /> . �smatver sLall�rasPflY gtve Ler►der wrixtaa notioe of nny it►vmtigab.c�.,ci.�i�„<�aad,lawsuit or othet action by .
<br />:{, .i . amp governmeatal �m�ulatory a�ency or privata party involviug�1vs��.�a» an� Ha�rdovs Substaus:e or �-
<br /> . Es��rss�nn:e�tal Law r�wgicL BorroWer hes acwal icnowledge.If Borra��,sc r:��u�tified by aay goveramental or �:.
<br />'�i�.� mithoa that any nmoval ar other remediatiam cF€aap IIiaz�.�o���r3�usace affeeting the Prag�is
<br /> �1�9 t9•
<br />�:�' �• n�r�.�c�.arower shall prompd�take all aec�ary remedicsll't rtr;9��osrsa in acwrdaace wi�m 7�vironmental d.ew. �-
<br /> � As u�ia this P�BmP�Z0, Hszardous Substanoes"are those subatas►ces de4'�ed as wxic or hn�ardous substaaces
<br /> 1 ;; hy�r►vu+nenmraatel Law and the following substaaces gasoliae.�ar other flammable ot toYic g�..twleu�n pro8ncw. ----
<br /> w�sic �p�/Qcid�aad Js�abicides„ vols�e solv�alr-, anaterieis oontaini�ng as�bestas or �ormaldel�,�;�fand radioactive �:.l:._ .
<br /> r'.n"� • w w �, ��•4�_
<br /> ma�ensas.As usad in t�sgaragragb�l. 8nvira�aeutal Law meaas federal laws sad laws oi the j�ction phe�the
<br /> �' Prap�tY isrlocatedti�tseTstato health.safaty or envimAmeuta!protection.
<br /> .' NU�•UNIFORM(AVENANTS.Borrower and 1 eader furtheroovenaat and agroe as foltow� �
<br /> `� Z1. Accelera4iarl; Remedies. Leader shaU give aotice to HornaRer prlor to accx2ention�ollo�ria=
<br /> � � g�rrotsst's bre�s�c��ay covenant or ssreecneat in this SecnYity Instroment(bmt aot priar to acceleratien � . '6�:-
<br /> �. ; und�r pnragraP�►IZ rc�lte,se appLcab2e taw provi8es o4herwiss�.T ha aotioe s L�8 1 s p e c i fy:(a�t ha�fau 1 4;(b)t h e
<br /> sc3ion nc+quired td�sare the deia�lt; (cy a dat�.not tess thsa 30 days�ro�the 8ate the notice is�tven to
<br /> t��F Bnrrois��by�vhicb t�a deianit ffiva8 be cored;�a8(d)that i�itura to cora the d�isolt aa or beiare the atato
<br /> ".�.; spseitiGfd ln!ho!+�ntice naay result in aooeleration of the sums secured by thia Sceas�ty Iastrameat sad sato of - .
<br /> ; the Proptrty.Tha r�otica s1asU fnrth�iatorm Borrower oi tho rip,�tt to reiastate after acetleratton sad the
<br /> rip,�t ta bria�a ca�mattt actioa to usert the aoa-eYisience of a defi�ult ot my other defeaso of Bortowes to
<br /> :• ; aooclerutdaa and s�..�f the defaott 3e not c�ed an or beiore the d�te speciiied ia the natd�a,Leader.ae ita �
<br /> �• � optiom,�iaayreqo�ammedi�te p�ymeat i�.�mll oi aU sums s�cured by tLie Secortty Ir.�+ttument wlthoot
<br /> �� - faat4�er ttemand aad msy i�volce tho power o!eale aad wy othe�remed�as p�rmittecF fi�i:sppl�ubte law.
<br /> �,: Lcndcr�ho11 Ue eatitled to colf�r:s a11 expeasea iacurred in pnrsuia$the:emedicra��vu�:fl ia this pua�raph __
<br /> � � :� Zl,incitid�a�,but aot limited tab ceusanable attarnoys'feas md costa o�titlo�vidl�eQr�. _�--
<br /> r, .
<br /> � , It tho power of eale is iavok�,'�rastaxalaabi reeord a aottoa oi deiaoft ia eacltt�:.ar��i*in rahicL� pass of j�;.::,
<br /> c
<br /> ;� ttae P�r�ipezty�a Iaca.r,r�D and sh�➢D.�ail oa�s.�af sacL aotice ia the msaaer�ra�eribe�.t��r:�plicab e la�v to ,�
<br /> 'i � Borrotiver an8 to t0�a�her pe�sc�s prese�u�i�xedl by applicablo law.After the 4urr�azqair� 1�y app]icabte Lw.
<br /> Tros4ea�hall give ysw�lic notic�r�C sale to theperaons au,�..in the maaner preacr}t1t�r3!by applicabla l�w.Ttr��tee.
<br /> wi�orat de�suad nn IDonower.sfln11 seU the Propartp rcR ublic tuction to the tM��est bldder at the tic�s�ss:ond
<br /> n
<br /> ; p9aa�o�nd vnder th�.tera�desi�,nated iri tlte aotioo 04 ss�e in one or more patc;� and ia aay order Trusteo
<br /> dcicrrhines.Trusrr.��asy postpoae sale o!all or any pucol ot the Prag..-rty by publieaa�auucement at tho
<br /> tirno�d pl��e o�au:�previonaly schedoled sala.Lender or its dcersi�neo atsq purchasc txr�L�sogerty at aay
<br /> safl�. �
<br /> � , .
<br /> �i
<br /> . . i.►.aoir o
<br /> '� �—Ulf�iL��atuw� �.s.e o.e IateiateyL�
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