. .. . . � . . • ,J , :e � , i:''f' + . .
<br /> kt_' � �` �, , . . . 4,Z` ' . �6?.e.�t , c - r ��� ,. �._ .
<br /> � ..E � .h` � c - ..���` � Q
<br />.. t < , h • Y . �`i S�C`.1l%C�:.h S=�_: .F.G� ��F �YC� 4� ,.a�'..`C!•,`�•`f - ` } ,`�•
<br /> �°�� �� �
<br /> '- at tha optioa o�Leader, if mortgago im-�nce covcrag;, f ia the amoun4 sztd Yor th��t�tl�at �a rFqtut�s) �_
<br /> prrsvided b�sa insuser apgmved by Lender a�aia beaomes availabl�and ae obieiaed.�areo�ver sha31 pay 4fia pr�miwft� �-�-�-
<br /> • requir,d to maiatain mortgag�insurance in et�ect.or to provide a Ios9 zeszsvo,until the raquiroment for mortga�e �.:
<br /> ins:uenca eads�na�ordasc$witD a�q�vrittea a�easneat betWaen�arrowe4 aad Lendes or applicabie taw. ---
<br /> .9.Inspectiam.Leader os ite sgetat may mtice reasoasbla entries upon end inspxtiosts of�Pra�rty.LeAd�r sh�11 �"�-=
<br /> c
<br /> ;',� give Borro�cr rxotica et t�ti�e of or grior w an inspection Bpecifq'ct�re:�anable catts�for the iaspection. ��
<br /> 10.Coaderanatian.l�proceeds oi any award ar claim for damagas,direct or oonsequential,ifl{�IIIIECttOD Wltb,
<br /> � a��ca3dem�tion or oti��taYang of any�rt o�th�Pmperty,or far conveyance in lieu o4 coademaafion.ar�e hsrebp ` `
<br /> ��: a�ig�and ahsll�gsid ifl Lsn�ss. ��
<br /> Ia the evea#of a totat taYing oY tha Fra�erty.the gr�aeeds�htill be appli�to the sttras sactjred by this Security �°'-
<br /> IasEru�ent,wf�etDet os tt�nt tbsa det�.with any exoe�paid to Bonower.In the event of a partial t�lti�g oi tho Propctty,in �
<br /> whi�ch the fair inartc�t value of 4�a Propestq imnaedia4ely before tha takiag is equal to or g�a8et thaa th$amouat o�the �:�=
<br /> � sums sxured by this SxuritY Imtument i�amedistely befare ths tekia&us�1�s�orra�and Leadet ot�erwise agree �
<br /> _F,:.� in writmg,th�a�s�us�ed by this Security Iastrument sbaU ix reduced hy th�amouni o#the praceeds anultiplied by ' �—�"
<br />,-".��: the follovring fi�tiap:(a)tha total amouat af the ea.ms sec�sred imme�a*elq bcfora the�g,divided bq(b)t3te fair i:.
<br /> :;�jti�{�: :
<br /> ���.,;; msrkot valu�oE tha Prog�tp intmediatelq b�4are the tai�ng.Aay balanx ahall b�gaid to Eurrower.In t�e eveat a$a
<br /> �;��� . ��ta�g ad the Prage'rt3p in ehich tha fair market vr�lsuci of the Propertp imm�iateiq befare tiae tt�itsag is Iess t�a� �--
<br /> , :i���nount o4 the suIIas s�tued imsnediataly�ore the taYin�,unl�Bosrower�d Lender otherwise agrea i�writi�8 ��
<br />,p � ��.` �:;�nle� apg�b2e law otherwiEe providr�, ths prooeeds shall be agplied to ffie sums � bg this 5ocuritq �
<br /> . , � Insserument��or�t thesvms are th�du� ,
<br /> �. 4' � . I3 the �Pta�ty is ab�udoned by Bo�auraer.or ii,efter notica�I.eader w Bomower t.�aY the coade�or o�fees to
<br /> �.1: • mstce an awnrd or scttie a claim for damagr�,BanaWet fa�s ui rtspond to Le¢der within 30 daps a€tes the 8atn ti�e E� T
<br /> ��'`� � notic�is ven,Lendtr is authorizad to coltact and a I thQ at i�
<br /> ,,t. � Bt PP Y F� �an,either to restora8ioa or repair of the
<br /> f:E:y Praperty or to 2he sums socured by this Security lnswment,whetlur or not tYien dae. =
<br /> '�,s UaYess Leadsr aad Bostower oth�rwise a ia writin ,anp a l�cation of �ta
<br /> ,K� H� � PP� � L�+�.F��l�t eztead or �
<br /> ,�,� P�PoAe tbe due date of the mantLlY�aYa�ents reftrt�to in patagraphs 1 aad 2 ar d���e azaount oi st�h
<br /> �r�,� PsYmeats. - : �
<br /> ,��u� .
<br /> ,,,f.'�.' :: 11.Borrower Not Released: Forbeanace Bg:�der Not a Waiver.�..-csi�e�"�i�:�e�ar payraant or .
<br /> .'r�ipa�afication oi amoriizatian of t�e suma eecured�:�s Secsurity Instivmext��....^�bp`�°.�r..°r te���7.�ox in � �'
<br /> � �;��t�aY Bare+ower sUa11 nat aperata to reiease t�r�+�r�ity o!the originaE'�tes��r�owe��:�cc�sors i�r�.. . _--
<br />. ' : .��.Lender eball not be rtquired to c��mence�c'.�ooedim��,Btipse any succ�sos i�iS�i�se or tefuse ta extm'd�`.�, �.,
<br /> r��`` ' t�i�.4or PaY��t or otherwIsa modnfp e�rtiaatia��P ttie sum��s�au,.°ed�this Socuri��.m�nt by reasan of a��. _. :
<br /> ^'�4�i�'� � .",�atipad a�de�ry the ar�gutal Bortower or bi�rros:��:�as�:�inite�st.A�;,?;°�r�i3y i:ett�at`�sa esercisi�� � �",- -
<br /> , ° . . 4u��£�h4 or ies�edy e�aU Ant be a waiver o4 or preclv�14�exercise of eay ri��sir��c'l'.�ga•�::'... ' :� � �:�-
<br /> � �# . 12.Sncces�ga�d Acsigna Houad;Jo�t�s.$i�'t:�r�ral LiaBiliiy;Co-si�,atts:�.�'�szeaanmat�agrcements - .°
<br /> �::;rti. of this Se�curity IpstAUm�nnt shall b'sad c�a�bme�it v�e�'��tace�a�:s.°�e�igas ai Len3:r"��'33orrower.subjat;t w the
<br /> .;i•.:�
<br /> :;,1,,�'t, pr�visioas of Qmtagraph 17.Bortowefs aavenants ead agrremsntG��.be juiat and sevei»,��.LSSta���orrower eho cobigas
<br /> :,��`��'. thia Socurity In.swment bYct•du�nat execute tltee Nat� (a�is�ug ttd+s Security��ir�,ment oniq to martg�ge,
<br /> ���:f-;: �ant �nd co�vep tbat B�nosre�'s iuterE.3t in thg P�o�sig u�rler ffie terrt►�s.�i`�his Secii.^ity Iaswrt�en�(b} is aot'
<br /> .�,.� perwnaUy obligaud to psp tti�aums secured by this SeaurIty Inxt�meAt;er.a.�(r)agoes xliat Lender aad aay other
<br /> .,?�: ; Bartowe�zaay agree to eztead.snodify,forbear or iaalce anq accomaaodations aiCth regsrd to the terms oi this aavritp
<br /> .��;.� It�rumest az�.,.�..o Note withoui that B�rr+owet's oons�en� .,;;�•. —
<br /> �3.Laa�'ff�a�r=es.Ii ti�s lou�sxured by thie Sa�sity Instrument is subject�to s law which eota maiimum.l,�z��s�.;.,
<br /> ' chsrges.auc3 t�t taw is i'wilty inticrpretod ea tbat the int�eat or athcr loan chargcs col2ecoed or to ba collect��Etia;;:' - -
<br /> "� ;i conjaectiori with the 2�a esaed tha permittad limi�.thea:(o)nuy such loffi charge shnll be reduead bp tha omoutrt � ���,
<br /> aeoesssry to reduce the chuga ta the panaitt4d limi� aad (b)anq sums slready collectod frnm Borrower wl�ch� --_
<br /> .�,,�,.;�,'. aicealal pen�'�tted Wnits wiU bo retu�cbd to Bonoxer. Leader msy choo�a t�mafta t�s refund by roduciag the ' ==�
<br /> ,f.�;�'r-� .�� priaolp�t owq�x�d�r the Nate or bp m�g s direct papmaat to BorroWer.If s refund r�priacig�l.the r�dvctaoa
<br /> :c�° �`,� eilt bo mato�.st's�a P�P�Yment wit�out any PrePeYmeat cbarge under the Nota. �`��•
<br /> ;'t���:.�: � .`�..�.��.,Noticea.Any r�tias to Borrowcr provided far ia tLis Socurity Inswment sha11 be gi�ren by detivcriag it or by ��_
<br /> � �ip�}��E'sag it by Ylrst cl�as�ail unless applicabla law requis�es uss of another mathod.The uotice sJsall be direcied to the�
<br /> ;,�•i : .�i�r,�eriy A d d r e s�or u►Y o t�r a d d r e e B B orrovver d e s ignn t�by no fice t o I�e n d e r.A ay.so t ice t o 1.e Q des s h a l l b e givea i iy .�``
<br /> •'. �l:i � fust cl�sa mail to LeAdefs addnss ateud hereia or anq other addrrss I:ender designates hy aotice to Barrawer.tlny
<br /> � aotice providcr�'for ia tl�s Security Ia4tr�mmt el�all be doemod tv havo l�een given to Borroc�er or i,ender whe,��v� • �-- •
<br /> . •�' � ea pto�nded in�nie P�BnFb•
<br /> �� � 13.(�overaln�Law,.�.�evarab9lity.Tf►is Secueity Instrument sha11 be gav,ncaed by fedcral law anr�;.t1�law of tha .`,���}
<br /> � ; Nn�diction i�wtuch the_Y?rts;�..°riy is tocated.ln tha event thtt aay provisi�on ar.c�a��'s of this�ecurity Ir�t,"vment or the ���',��.��
<br /> ..�.-
<br /> . ' �� Narto conflicts witb applica��'.e law�sucb oonfliet eh�ll not aft�othet provisiou���t'ii�r.�i.°asrtq Instrument os ffie N'oui �•..;
<br /> � �R Rluch caa be��v�n�ftect arithout t!»ooaYlictiag provision.To this end the p�rovfr�ueua is�?'t�pu3 Secvrity Iastnrment am3�� . —
<br /> ;;r�,� the Note uo 6e�"lared to b�c�verab2t� , , . .�1.�.
<br /> , ytk:_:
<br /> i
<br /> ..�; . ; • - . , - � ncr..;
<br /> i.}�'�; 1�Fi'��3t�asaio� n�.�e�s �E0�! �;,;::
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