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<br /> .�;ti: .,� :.�� 16.MUcw�u+.ow ProYMlom.
<br /> :a 5 :.r: .,��
<br /> �xt,��� . ��) ��r No1 p�Ma�d,Extenslon ot th�time tor p�yment or modllicatlon ol amoAlzatlon of th�eumt swund by Ihl� —
<br /> �^~��_: ;' �:..' ; _ Dad of Tru�t pranted by Lendar to eny�ucae�aor in Intere�t ol8orrower�hall not operate to relwae,In sny mann�r,the Il�bility
<br /> - `�;- Q'�;�. ' pf th�o►tpinal 8onow�r�nd Bonower's euacestors In Interes�Lender thell not be raqulred to commence proceodlnp��pelnN —
<br /> �'�`'�`� such�ucc�ssor or refuse to extend dme for peymont or othervvlse modiy amortization ol tho eums s�cursd by thl�DNd of Tru�t
<br /> '���t^� 3�� � '��`�' by reason of eny demends mad�by the ort Inal Borrower and 8orrower's successors In intereat - -
<br /> _.�,. ,:: . a �=--
<br /> 's,tijv;t:�,�Jn�`,:�:•� .
<br /> (b) L«Id�r'�Pow�n.Wlthout affeatinp the IlabiAy of any other peraon liabte for ihe paymant ol any obUpation harein
<br /> ;,��::,•,.�.........� .
<br /> ; ,.: . t mendoned,and without aHectlnp the Ilen or aherye o1 thla Qeed o1 T�us1 upon a�y po►tion o1 the Properly not then or theretofore
<br /> � ,,;,,,;���.. n • • relaa�ed a�security lor the lull amount ol all unpwid obh�ouona,Lender may,lrom time to time and without notice(q relea�e eny
<br /> � - � •``:'�'0� penon so Iiable,(Iq extend the meturity or alter any o11he terms of any such obllgationa,(iH)�rant othar Indulpences,pv)releaea
<br /> °;'•� �' � ' ��`• or reconvey.or cau�e to be releaeed or raconveyed at any time at lender's option any parcel,ponion or all oi tha PropeKy,
<br /> _�, : .� ;' .._ .
<br /> ,. . (v)teke or relwlae eny other a addftianal aecuriry ior any obNpetion hereln meMloned,or(vi)►►�ake compositions or other ---
<br /> --- • '..�`•° '-~ arranpementa wlth debtoro in relattan thereto.
<br /> -- � , ' (c) Forb�anna�by L�nd��Nal�Waiv�r.Any lorbearanee by Lender In exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or
<br /> ="-�-'':. , - otf�e►wlee afiorded by applicabta law,shall not be a walver ot or preclude the exe�clee ot any such rlght or remedy.The _
<br /> _ -- . . . • procurement of Insurence or tha payment of taxes or other liens or chargea by Lentler�hall not be e waiver af Lender's tipfit to _
<br /> %_°j� � ; eccolerate the maturlry o11ha indebtedness eecured by thls Oeed ot Trua4 --••-_
<br /> ,, (d) Suecawrs�nd Aalpn�8ound;JaNN�nd S�v�ral Wbilily;Captton�.The covenents and apreementa hereln con-
<br /> -• �• talnsd aholl bind,end the rlphb hereunder shell fnure to,the respecllve aucceeaors end aeafgna ot Lender and Trustor.All
<br /> �:;;� � , , covenento and egreements of Truator ahall be�olnt and several,The aeptloru and headinys ol lhe para�raphs ot thls Deed of
<br /> • . Trust are lor convenlence oMy and are not to be uaed to Interpret or deflne the provlafons hereol. . K __
<br /> ,M1• � , ' (e) 8puat lor Notluf.The parUes hereby request thet a copy o(any noUce of detault hereunder and a copy af any noHce
<br /> " 01 talo hereunder be mailed to each party to this Deed ot Truet at the eddress eet forlh above fn the menner preacrfbed by
<br /> ',• • �.�'�'�' � applicable law.Exce t lor an other notice requlred under appllcable law to be given m another manner,eny nolice provfded
<br /> %;�. ''' ' , �,._,, P Y
<br />� ��' ' ���' ��' 10�in thle Deed ol Truat ohall be given by malling such notice by certitfed mall eddreeeed to the other partl�s,at the eddreae eet —
<br />'':'•� • ;1 ', •• r•c,,`;`.I',', �
<br /> - ',�•r:,•,,�.', . ; .,... fohh above.Any�otiae provided for in thls Deed of Truat shall be eHective upon meilin In the menner designeted herein.It
<br /> �;�,,�.:.;�ct:- �• Trustor la more than one peraon,notice sent to the addreas aet fohh above shall be nodce to ell auch pereona. __
<br /> �. r�7`;,:"�:.;�;,�.�: .
<br /> . •. '.,i,,�,...r,.r. (q IMp�oqon.Lender may make w cauee to be made reaeoneble entries upon and Inspections of the P►operly,provided �,�_
<br /> ���u�"�j����." that Lender shall give Truator notice pdbr to any euch Inspectlon epeciyinp reasonable ceuse therefor related to Lender's p����
<br /> .������h�{r`^ •,, inWreat In the Property. ----
<br /> �%;:;..._
<br /> � '�,`:.: ••r!%����,r,� (p) R�eonr�rane�.Upon paymeM o1 ell sums aecured by Ihia Deed of Trust,Lender shall requestTrustee to reconvey Ihe _
<br />".� .. ',,�,Y�1�'' ,� ,.�,
<br />;;,,,,t. , .���,;';"jj�.�,•.�. Property and�hall aurrender thia Deed oi Trust and aU notea evidencing indebtedness secured by thie Deed o1 Truet to Truetee. M,L;
<br /> ,}, • � ,�. ,f .' (•, ' Truatee ehell reconvey the Property without warraMy and wlthout char�e to the person or peroono leqelly entltled thereto. "''"
<br /> Tru�tor ehall al1 coats of record8lion.it an ��
<br /> � .�:, l j� '4:'. ti,.;. . Pay y.
<br /> `�• ��'��—�� (h) P�non�l Prop�rly;S�cudly A9r��m�M. Ae addluonal eecurlty 1or the paymenl ofi iha Noin,Truator neraby flranis —
<br /> . � �'' Lender underthe Nebraske Uniform Commercfal Coda e security intereat In all flxtures,oqulpment,end other parsor.at properly
<br /> • � • � � used In oonneatlon wlth the real eatete a Improvements loceted thereon,and��ot otherwise declared or deemed to be a part ot
<br /> ' �", ., the real estate seaurad hereby.This Inetrument shell be construed es a Security Apreement under sefd Code,and the Lender =-=
<br /> . shall heve all the riphtd and remedles of a seaured perty under aefd Code in additlon to the riphts and remedfes created under
<br /> and accorded the Lender pursuant to this Deed ol Trust;provided that Lender's righte and remedies under this parapraph shell ���;;:
<br />' �� be cumulative with,end In no way e Ifmlletion on,Lender's righls end remedles under any other securly epreement clpned by �_
<br /> � Borrower or Trustor. �='�-
<br /> " � p) Ll�n��nd Encumbnnc��.Truetor hereby werrants and represents thet there is no delault under the provfsiona of any ���._.-�
<br /> � monpepe,deed of trust,leaee or purchaee eontracl describing all or any pert ol lhe Property.or other contract,inetrument or
<br /> .. apreement constitutlnp e Ilen or encumbrance agalnat all or any pa►t oi the Property(collectively,"Lfens"),exlstl�p as ol the �
<br /> � data of thls Deed of Trust,0nd that any and all existing Liens remeln unmodilied except as disclosed to Lendar fn Trustor's �
<br /> wdtten dbcloaure of Ilena end encumbrances provided lor here!n. Trustor shall timely perlorm all 01 Truator's oblfpaqona,
<br /> covenanb,repreaentetlona and warrantles under any and all exisiting and future Uena,shall promptly lorwerd to Lender copfas �i_�rt
<br /> ol all noHcea o1 delaull sent In conneatfon wlth any and all existmg or luture Uens,and shall not wilhout Lender's prlor writWn �°•;�:
<br /> � consent In eny manner modity the provfalons o1 or allow any luture advances under any exiatlnp or luture Liens.
<br /> Q) Appllc�don ol P�ynnnU.Unless otherwlae requfred by law,aums pald to Lender hereunder,including without IlmlteGon R.1:_
<br /> � paymenln ol principal and interea6 ins�rance proceeda,condemnation proceeda and rents and prolfta,shell be applfed by ,
<br /> Lender to the amounts due and owing from Truslor and Borrower�n such order as Lender in fta sole disc�etion deema deal►abte. �I ' '
<br /> (k) S�v�abllfly.If eny provlslon ol thfa Deed ol Trust conllicts with applfceble law or la declared Invalid or otherwfee f
<br /> � � unentorceable,such conllict or Invalidity shall not aHect the other provfsons of this Deed ot Trust or the Note which can be
<br /> ' given eflect wllhout the contlictfnq provlsion,and to this end the provf alons ol thfs Deed ol Trust and the Note are declared to be �
<br /> ' savorable.
<br />• , (I) TKmt.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"ahall include both ainguler and plural,and when the Truetor and Borrower �r
<br /> ere the same person(s),ihose terms as used in Ihls Deed of Trust shall be interchangeable. `�._,:
<br /> • S� (m)Gov�minp I.�w.This Deed of Truat ahell ba governed by the law�of 1he Stete of Nebreake.
<br /> E`:..
<br /> '' Trustor has executed this Deed ot Truat as o1 the date written above. • �
<br /> - .-•1 �'
<br /> ' ) �. •►
<br /> . . Larry W. Owle rustor �;' .
<br /> � ,. � , ,
<br /> Barbara Fowle ^ Truscor
<br /> �
<br /> '.� `. . .
<br /> � . � :. , ,
<br /> , I
<br /> I
<br /> ;
<br /> �. �
<br /> � _
<br />