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<br /> ��"�` �' tM Pr 1��o uk�n or d�m�p�d,l.�nd�r�h�ll hav�th�opUon,In Its a1��nd abwlut�dl4arotlon,to�pply�II�uch P►ocNd�,
<br /> „..�'ix_� W►�hY
<br /> :.�- ,,''�'4"°"� a1Nr d�duopnp th�r�lrom�11 ca�u�nd�rp�n�N inaurnd by It In eonn�allon wllh woh ProaMdr,upon�ny lnd�bt�dn�u�u►�d
<br /> ',a •, � �. �. " h�nby�nd In�uah ord�r��L�nd�r m�y doNrmin�,or lo�pply�II woh ProoNde,�M�r�uoh d�duatlons,to th�rator�Uon o)lh�
<br /> ' � ProprAy upon�uah oondltlon�a�L�nd�r may d�f�rmin�.Any epplla�llon ot Proceed�to Ind�btodn��f�h�tl nol�xlmd or po�tpoM
<br /> � ^ ' ;. " 1h�du�d�f�of�ny p�ym�nh und�r th�Nol�,or ours�ny dN�ult th�r�und�r or h�r�und�r.Any un�ppll�d 1und��h�ll ba pald lo
<br /> •}rr��-..'n�;:.F : T�wtor.
<br /> �, .i,.-• .. . e. MNlorm�no�br t.�ndN.Upon th�ocaurr�nae o1 an Event ol Dal�ultheraund�r,or II aoy aat�s uke�or lepal proaa�dlnp
<br /> _.___..__. -. cammenoed whlch m�tsrl�Ny aNect�L�nder'�intensl In th�Property,Lender may In iU own dltaretion,bul wlthoul obllp�tlon lo do � � � L
<br /> ' so,�nd wlthout notic�lo or dem�nd upon Tru�to►end wlthout releadnp Tru�tor from ony obtlpatlon,do any aat whlah Truator ha4
<br /> , ���,�� � �preed but l�lb to do and msy al�o do eny other aot it deem�nsce�rary to protect Me eeouriry he�eot Trustor sh�ll,Immsdl�tdy
<br /> �' t�' ' � upon demand th�refor by Lender,pay to Lender all coep end expenies inauired and sum�expended by Lmder fn conneotlon wfth
<br /> � " �, the ex�ral�e by Lender of the lorepolnp riphu,topether wlth Interest lhereon et the daleult rate provldaJ in Ihe Note,whloh ehall be �
<br />------ eddad to the Indebtadneu securad haraby. Lender fhall not Incur aoy Ilablllty boaauw ol anythlnp It moy do or omft to do
<br />,' .: .,*.. .,..•• herounder.
<br /> Y"` . ,' . , _ . L 9. H��Mous Nl�btbl�.T�ustor shell keep the Property In complience wlth all appllcabte lews,o�dinancea end repulatlone � _
<br /> 3� :� .. reletlnQ to Induetrial hypfene or envl►onmenlal proteotlon(collectively relerred to hareln ae"Environmental Lewe").Trustor ehell
<br />• ' «--:.�.' - �'�''- keep Ihe Property Irae Irom�II aubstances deemed to b o heznr d ous or tox�u n d e r e n y E n v i ra nmentel Lew�(collectively relerred to
<br /> �• �• ' � � ' hetein as"Hezardous MpWriala'1.Trustor hareby warrents end repre�nnUr lo Lender thr.t thoro are no Hazardoue Malarlals on or � ___,___ __
<br /> � under the Property Trustor hereby apree�to Indamnily end hold ha►mlesf Lender,Its directore,oHiceri,employeae end apente.end -_
<br /> '^`"'"� t� • any eucceaton to Lender's intere�t,from and a�ainst any and all claims,demagee,loeses end ifpbllitles arisinp M conneaUon with —
<br /> " tha preaence,use,dlepoeal or transport of any Hezardoua Materials on, under,lrom or about the Propertyr.THE FORE(301N� �„ __
<br /> 10. Malpem�nt oi A�•Trustor hereby asaipns lo lender the rents,issues and protits of the Property:provided that Truator ��_ __�_....y__�
<br /> shell,untll ihe occu�renCe of an Event ol pefeull hereunder,have tho right to collect end retam auch rents,Issues and prolNs as they ��a4
<br /> � `� " ''' � �ecome due and payable.Upon the occurrenca ol an Event ol Delault,Lender may,elther in person or by apent,with or withoul , .,
<br />' `4 ''. rin in an ecdon o► Ioceeding,or by a�eceiver eppointed by a caurt and without regard to the adequacy of Ite securfly,enter
<br /> . b y P ` �.:�:.., _a.
<br /> � •,�"��'!��' upon and take posaession of�he property,or any pan lhereol,in its own name or I�Ihe name o1 the T�uatee,and do any acta whlch t {p ,�,; �.
<br /> :. '' '•�,X�;�,,: . . "'' deema neceaeary or deairable to preserve Ihe val ue,marketebilily or rentability of the Property,or a�y paR lhereof or Intereat therefn, L.J����-�Y�:
<br /> �� '•�; increaee ihe Income therefrom or protect the securiry horeof and,with or without taking possesslon o11he Property,Rue for or �?°�
<br /> : , otherwise collect the rents,issues and prollts thereal,includinfl those past due and un ald,and a ply Ihe same,less coets and �+�------'•-^"'
<br /> P p t^,�
<br /> expensea of operation and collectlon including attomeys'leea,upon any Indebtedness secured hereby,all ln such order aa Lender �"�;+°'j;'=--
<br /> � ,:��',.,;,:�:..,�,��.,;, mey determine.The entering upon ond takfng poesesslon ol the Pro e the collectlon of auch rents,iseuea and profits and the �-��� i-=--
<br /> P AY� �d;,'"r".
<br /> ,!�• ',�".1'��;�t-"''�''t�' ePPlfcapon thereof ae aloreseid,shall not cure or welve any defaull or notice oi delault hereunder or fnvaNdate eny ect done In ..�`_�, .,,,._
<br /> :�,;.;.;,./�����.;;;;�;" . reapanse to auch detault or purauent to such notiae ol default and,notw ithstanding Ihe aondnuance!n posaeselon ol the Properly or ,��.��'+���y,���
<br /> � �' � �� ! ��• ' the collecHon,receipt and applicatlon ot rente,ieaues or profits,and Truslee and Lender shall be entitled to exercfse every rlght �� , ,,., ry
<br /> - - - ,,:����f r1�Ks;,:;!;?�.�` provlded(or tn any ot the Loan Inptruments or by lew upon occurrence ol any Event of Oefaull,inoluding wlthout Ilmitalfon the riqht ',^� � ._ . fA_
<br /> �� ,, ;���Y�}.��;,'��j�f;;�';•�, . to exeroiae the power of sale.Further,l.ender'e rlghts and remedlea under thfs paragraph shall be cumulelive witn,end in no wdr a ' ;�_•--
<br /> '��.;�,,,•�;;;���5 „• Ilmitation on,Lender's rights and remedles��nder eny assignment o(leasea and ren�s recorded epalnstthe Property.Lender.T�ustee � Y�.(»S��'-,y-
<br /> � '�'"' and the receiver shell be Ileble to account onry 1or those rents actually recelved. Y`
<br /> �� ••`�� 11. Ev�nb of Wbult.The(ollowing shall constltule an Event of Oe(ault under thls Oeed ot�ruat ,�.
<br /> . • ' (a) Fallure to pay any Instellment of principel or fnlerest of eny other sum secured hereby when due; ,
<br /> . � . •. (b) A breach o(or default under any provision contalned In the Note,this Deed of Trus�any d the Loan Inatrumento,or any �,.�,.,,�,�,
<br /> ^ othor Ilen or encumbrance upon the Pro e ������
<br /> P �Y. �,.Y... ._...._
<br /> ^ (c) A wrll ol execulfon or attechment or any almilar prxesa shell be entered ayeinat Truetor whlch ahell become e Ilen on ��;,�.:..
<br /> the Property or any portfon thereol or intereal therein: ���F"''� '-�
<br /> (d) The�e shell he filed by or against Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any present or luture federel, state or other �
<br /> " � atetute,law or regulatlon relating to benkruptcy.Inaolvency or other reliel far debtors:or there shell be appolnted any trustee,
<br /> , receiver or liqufdator ol Truator or Borrower or of all or any part of the Property,or the renta,isauec or prollts thereol,or Trustor ; . , ,
<br /> or 8orrower ahall make any generel assipnment lor the benel�t of creditors; ^���-
<br /> (e) The aele,tranafer,lease,ess►gnme�l,conveyence or lurther encum6rance of ell or eny paA of or eny fntereet In the `•, . , �-
<br /> , Property,ellher volunterlly or involuntarlly,wfthout the express wnqen consent ot Lender; provlded that Truslor shall be F � �•w-�,_,
<br /> � , permllted to execute a lease of the Property Ihat doas not contem en oprion to purchase and the term of which doea not exaeed ! , .,, __��--�_'
<br /> one year, � �, , • �-
<br /> (Q Abandonment of the Properly;or r °�`
<br /> (q) If Truator ie not an indlvldual,ihe issuance,sale,trenaler,a s9lynmenl,conveyance or encumbrance ol more than e total "'r.-�
<br /> '�.�
<br /> ol perceM of(if a corporat�on)its issued and outstanding stock or pf a partnership)a total ot percent of y ' •.• ;;rr-
<br /> • partnershlp Interests durfng the perfod thls Deed ot Trust remalns a hen on the Property. � • Y` Y�_�
<br /> � ,. 12. R�m�dl�s;AccN�nNon Upon Ddwlt.l n the event ol any Event ot DefauN Lender may,without nouce axcept as requlred by = ,
<br /> • •• lew,declare e l l In de b te dness secure d h e r e b y t o b e d u e e n d p a y a b l e a n d t h e s a m e s h a l l t h e r e u p on b ecome due end payable I �
<br /> � wlthout any presentment,demand,proteat or notice ot any kfnd. ThereaNer lender may: i
<br /> (a) Demand that Trustee exercfae the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shall thereafter cause 7rustor's
<br /> '.: Intereat In the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distnbuted,all in the manner provided in the Nebraske Truat Oeeds ,
<br /> • AcC �
<br /> . (b) Exercise eny and all rlyhts provided lor�re any ol the Loan I�struments or by law upon ocCUtrence of any Event of �
<br />� - pelault;and �
<br /> (c) Commence an aetion to foreclose tn�s�eed of Trust as e mortgage,appomt a recewer,or specilwelly enlorCe any ol the �
<br />� ' •� covenanta hereol. ,
<br />� � No remedy herefn conferred upon or reserved to Tru9tee or Lender�s intended to be exclusive of any olher remedy herefn,fn the
<br /> Loan Inetruments or by 18w provlded or permltted.but each shall be Cumulatrve.shall be in addUion to every other remedy given
<br /> hereunder,m the Lo9n Instruments or now or hdrealter exist�ng nt law or in equrty or by statute,and may be exercised Concull9ntly,
<br /> , fndependently or suCCesswely.
<br /> 13. Tru�tN.The Trustee may resign at any t�me w�t►+out cause, and Lender may at any t�me and without cause appomt a
<br /> successor or substitute Trustee.Trustee shall not be liable to any pa�ty.i�clud�ng without Ilmqetlon Lender.6orrower.Trustor or any
<br /> purchaser o1 the Properry,for any loss or damage unless due to reCkiess or wdlful m�sconduct,and shall not be requ�ted to take any
<br /> ection �n connection wlth the enforcement of Ihis Deed ot Trust unless mdemmf�ed, �n wntmg,lor all cosls.cnmpensation or
<br /> expensea whfch mey be associeted therew�th In add�tion.Trustae may become a purchaser at any sale of the Properry�udicial or
<br /> _..�.,o....,...w. .,cdori hv law nr sell the
<br /> � � under the power ot S81e granteo nere�n�,posipone i�n na�a vi nii J� di�y Mvid'v�.v�•.�.+. ...�...�v•�•%�'=••--^-•
<br /> Property as a whole,or m seperate parcels or tots al Trustee's d�scretion
<br /> 14. F��and Exp�nt�s.In the event Trustee seils the Praperry by exerc�se of power ol sale.Trustee shall be entdled to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds lirst to payment ol all costs and exponses ol exerc is�ng powef of sale,mcluding all Trustee's feee.and Lender's
<br /> and Tru8tee's ettorney's lees.actually incurred to extent perm�tted by applicable law-In the event Borrower or Truator exercfses eny
<br /> rfpht provlded by taw to cure an Event ol 0elault,Lender ahall be ent�tled to recover from Trustor all costs and expenses actually
<br /> incurred as a rd�rutt ui Trustor's detuult, including w!thn��t I�m�tauan all Trustee's and atlorney's fees,to the extent permltted by
<br /> epplfcable law.
<br /> 15. Futuh AdraneM. Upon request of Borrower, Lender m8y, at its option, make add�lfonal and future advancea and re-
<br /> advancee to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,with inte►est thereon,shall be secured by th�s Deed ol Trust.At no tfine shall
<br /> the pnncipal am0unt of the mdebtedness secu red by Ih�s Deed ol Tru st.not mclud�ng sums advanced to pr otect Ihe secur�ty of Ih�s
<br /> Oeed ot Trusf.exceed the onqinal pnncipal arnount atated herain,or 5 1 6�50Q�00 _wh�chever�s greater
<br /> �
<br /> • '. __ � - - - -
<br />