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:e . ._ . _ M. w+v�t�o�e..::t• �riY. r....;r . .� .y.��.-:Y"."�_::�� <br /> �G y�� _ Yk"'yf�44-�t: ' . '-' ' • '.'V fIC114'h�� <br /> �.�. - ''�� . ' �"• .'_ ._Y <i�+��.'f. .-.. ^_ <br /> � `�.-.....�n�-.----'„_.�.. • <br /> �'I� . — <br /> . .. ,j�a�°rea.�:.._ -:l�.._- . <br /> Mi^• , „„�,"� . <br /> yi.r�- . —._�.::� _...._._- �- <br /> �....�.- ' �—__ _ . <br /> � <br /> � .�...._ �: . ,:� 92 ����::�3 -- <br /> r.. .:, ::, � : <br /> .c.�' `::.;� �u• . ' � <br /> .'�''t�r.�'�"�� 4 . ' aPPlicabk law may xpecify for relnstntemenq before xale uf the Propetty purr+u�l Ic� uny {xiwer ui rule a�t;�ineJ In �hir - -- <br /> �,�T.,��,:,�:,�,.L_*�-:-•�- ' Skcurity Inatrument;or lb)enuy oi a jwigment eoforring thia Security nstrumcnt. Tho�c ran�li�iunti ure lhat Durruwcr: Iul �, __ <br /> ��t� ,, pays Lcnder all �ums which thcn would bc due unikr thi» Security Inswment und Ilx Note u.r ji nu acccicruli��n haQ <br /> '.�,. .'�- - cecurred;lb)cures mry defaul�of any w1Kr cuvenunls ur ngrcemeMw:lc)p�ys aq expcnur incurrcd in cnfoning�hir ticcun�y <br /> � : �..;� Instrumem. including.but nw limiicd ta, rea�onable ouomcyx'fecs;and Idl u�ke+ �uch action a,Lendrr muy �au�nuhly <br /> •' require to assure thut Ihc lien of thix Sccurity Insttumcnt,Lcndcr��igM+in thc I'ropcny :u�d punuwer�.ublig•rhon w puy Ihc <br /> _ � sums secured by Ihis Securiry Ina[rument +hall conlinue unch�nged. Upon rcin�wtemenl by Hom�wcr, thi+ Sccurny <br /> _� _.__ _ _ In�tniment and ihN oMligationc secured hereby shall remain fully effeciive u�it nu arcele�►tiwi bud�x:curred, However,thix � � <br /> —f+^ --.- - riQht ia roinxtate shall not upply in d�e case af ucceleration under parag�ph 17. <br /> '� • : L9. Sale oi Notei Chaa�e ot L.oaa Serv+rer. Thc N�xe or a p:utiul imcre+t in thc N�Nr �a►Rr�h�r with thi�ticcuriry <br /> .— �, Instrument! may be sold one or mare�ime. without prior na�ice to soROwer. A +ule muy reruh in a chunge in ehe enti�y <br /> (luwwn as rhe"Loan Servicei7 thal collects munthly puyment�.due under�hc Nutc and this Sccurily Imtrumcnt. Therc ulu� <br /> G •� may be one or more ch:uiges of ihe L.oan Servicer unrelated to u tiak�.f the Note. If�hero is u chunge of�iu Loun Servicer. <br />� • ° . , Borrower will be given written na�ice oi the change in uccordunce with parugraph 14 ubuvc nn�applicublc luw. 71�e n�Nice <br /> wiU swtc�he name nnd uddre+�af�hc new Loan Service�nnd the uJdress ta which paymen�r.xhould be mudc. The nwicc will <br /> alsa canuun any other iniormation reyuired by upplic�ble law. =-- <br /> .:.., ,�;,w,"��.R '_ 20. H�up�dous 3ubslances. Bnrcower sh++ll nat cause ar pertnit�he preKncc.use.dis�ur.ul.�torag�,ur releu�e of any ^ ,� <br /> . , J - Hucurdous Substances on ar in �he Propeny. Borrawer shaU nut do. nur ulluw :u�yooc clK to do. anything aflc�clin�r �h�' <br /> Propeny thot is in vfolalion of uny�nvironmemul Law. The prccedin�iwo�entences,hall nut apply tu th�preren,���al �-..- <br /> ' :a ' . s�orrge on the Propeny of small quuntitieF af Hueurduus Sub»tsuicc��hat are gener•dly recogni:ed to be appr�.�priyta __ - <br /> � ' residentiul use�and to maintenunce of the�openy. <br /> � Barcower shal)promptly give Lender written notice of any inv�stigution,cluim.demand��:�W�uit ur alx�r uction by any <br /> • - • govemn►rulul ur r4�ulutnry ugency or privatc party involving thr Propehy and uny Hsuardoun Subyloncc or Enviranmental ` � <br />� • � ' Law of which Borrower huc ac�ual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notified by uny..povemmentnl or regul�tory <br /> . _ authoirity,thut nny r+emoval or other remedia�ion of any Hazatdous Substnnce ni1'ecting the Propercy is necess:►ry, Borrower � <br /> �; �.+ xhall promptly ts►ke ull nece�wry remedial ac�iony in accarciancs with Envimnmental L.uw. �_ <br /> As u�ed in this paruFraph 20."Hazardou�Sul►�tances"arY�hotie substance�defincd us toxic or hucarduu,Kub+� �,x_: <br /> � � � Environmental Luw und�he following sub+tanceti: ga�oliro:, kem.ene.o�her flammable or toxic petroleum prnducts.toxic �� <br /> . , „., .. pesticides und herbicide�, volutile,olvents, mnteriulx containing.usbea�a.or farmaldehydc, and radiouctivc matrri•rl,. A� ��-t�. .,° <br /> � ". , used in this parugroph 20,"Environmental Luw"nxan�federal laws and laws of the juriuiiction.N•here thc Property is lacuted -- <br /> �' •. that rela�e to heulth,sufety o�environmemal protec�ion. — <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borcower und LenJcr fuhher covenunt and agree us follows: ___ <br /> • ° 21. Accekration:Remedles. l.ender shell Rive noUce to �orrower prior to s�cceleratian 1'ollowinR Borrower's = <br /> - � breach of any covenanl ur a�reement in this Security Instrument Ibut not prior to acceleration under paragr�+ph 17 � <br /> untess wppHu�ble IAw provides Mherwfsel. The notice shall specifv: Is�l the deiault;lbl thr�cNun required lo cure Ihe �_ <br /> -- ' . dei'aull:lcl u dAte.not less than 311 days i�rom the daie ihr nuti�r is�iien io whirh Ihe�kfvult must bc _ _ <br /> � cured;and Id)that failure lo cure the dei'ault on or before the dale speciiied in the notice may result in accelemlion of <br /> ' � ' • Ihe sum.s secu�ed by this Serurit}•Inslrument and sale��i'the Properly. 7'he ootice shall further iniorm Borrower uf � <br /> � the riRht to reinstete aRer accelerAtion and the ri�M tc�bring a court aclion to assert the nun-existence ui'A defauU ar t� T.�:.� _ . <br /> � .. any other dePensa of Bor�ower to acceleratian and wle. If the default is not cured on�before Ihe dole specified in � _,,. _ <br /> � ::��� the notice.Lender ut its opUon muy requi�e immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this tiecu�ity Inslrument ky•�i�' <br /> ' •�" without Purther demand und may invuke Ihr power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applics�ble law. � <br /> � [.ender shall be eMilled Iu collect ull expense+ incurr��d in pursuinR Ihe remediec pro�•ided in thi4 paruRraph 2l. �� <br /> ' includias.but�ot limited to.reasonvble ulturney!:'feez und costs oi'litle e��idence. �;�:,;i:_ <br /> ' ' 1Pthe potver oP srle ia in�oked.'I�wlee+hall record u nutice of default in each cuunt�•in which unv part of the �.�:•-__ <br /> • Pra rty i�located�nd sh�ll muil coplrs ui'�uch notice in the munner rescribed by a licuble law to Burrower und w �,-- L� � <br /> � p PP �tf-c�+°. <br /> the other pe�sons prescribed by appllcublr luw. Af'te�the time required b�• applicable law.Tiru�ter shull�ive public .�,�.�,��-_ <br /> . � nolke oi'sale to the personti und in the munoer prescribed by applicable Is►w�. Trustee.�rithout demund on Rurrnx•er. � _ <br /> �� `` sh�+N sell the Properly at public aucliun lo thr hi�hrzt bidder at Ihe time�nd pluce und under the terms desiRn�led in ��.::�;'��_ <br /> �.., � the nolice uP sale in one or more parcel�und in am order'frutilee dete�minr�. 71�usler ma�•pnstpone wle of ull or�ny � ` <br /> .�; � parcel oP the Propert�•by publk annuuncement at Ihe lime und pluce ut an� prr�iously scheduled W+le. Lendrr ur its � _ ,;_: <br /> . deslRnee may purchase the Pruperly�t uny rale. � _ <br /> J , Upon receipt of puyment uf Ih� price bid, 71�uslee tihull deli�er to Ihe purchuser Trutitee y deed cumeyin�the <br /> Praperl��. '1'he recilals in the 7Yustee's deed zhull Ne primu fucie ecidence uP the lrulh of the ylutemeMs made therein. �,•. � ,���� - <br /> 7 1�uu�;tee s ha l l�pp ly I he prce e e ds o f I h e ralr in Ihe followin R�Mder: lu 1 to atl costx und expen+es uf exerci.�inu fhe puwer i. <br /> � , `.; T . <br /> . .�' _ _ A:l.. <br /> ` .� <br /> ,. t�Mm��at yw� ����e���..�,��,.,.�•..� � <br /> ,.� . <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> , <br /> . � •. � - <br />