�F-�r� � .•-�a^-�-r'+ver+.e�r,�,�+r".�.�- ,•_�..�r,, • .— .- _.
<br /> , T.�'��� .��L?'i ' ,�
<br /> .�L. � '`�',ti' . - .
<br /> - '}
<br /> ' • •'-_.___'_.-_-__'___._ -... _._ ..
<br /> �•�M 'Iti.e� �
<br /> ��� S2— 1O�8s3
<br /> -__-'-"°`—° � oi'Ihe 1'ro rt ar fur cunve ance io licu ol'condemnutiun,un hcreby�►si�ivai and
<br /> - -��.,.�_r,-� condemnalion or olher takin�of Any pun pe Y� Y
<br /> ciwll be paid to l.cndcr.
<br /> ---== In ihe event af u total talcing uf the Pro{+eny, the pmeeeJs tihall be applied to �he �umx r,�cureJ hy thix Secudty
<br /> ��--�='.-'�' �nslrumcnt,whe�hcr nr nut�hcn duc,wilb uny excetiti paid�o Bo�rower. In Ihe cvcnt of A paniul tuking oi'�hc Property in
<br /> �b�� � which Ihe fair murke�value of�hc Pm�xny imrnediutely beioic thc taking is eyual�o ur greu�cr thun itx umount of thc sums
<br /> �...eY�� 't'. , . +,
<br /> '�r�-t:•�_•� ,.�
<br /> ��y„�, , r:ecurcd by this Securily In�uumcnt immediutcly lxfi�m thc lakinb unle�x Bom►wcr und Lcndcr o�hcrwisc agrec in writing,
<br /> � ='-' � the num�secured My �hiti S��curi�y Instnimem xhall br.�educed by �he umount of�he procreda muUiplieJ by tfrc folluwing
<br /> ._�_.
<br /> ^"!'� --- '"-,:Y-=''j,;:•'.� irartion; (u1 the t�HUI�moun�af Ihc�un�sccumd immeJiAtely befom the�uking,drvided by Ib1 the fuir murket vuluc o 1
<br /> =� ` propeny fmmediu�ely befixe thc �u�;ing. Any balance sh�ll be puid to Burrower. In the event of a paniul Iaking uP the ` -
<br /> - I�ropcny m which Ihc fuir msu�et vuluz of�he Prop�:ny immediutely befare lhc taking iti Icss thun the wnoun�of the sums
<br /> �� � .
<br /> ��~"• xecured immediutcl bcfore the taking, unlcss Borrowcr anJ Lcnder �Nhcrwi.c Agree m wri�ing ar untes�upplicable law
<br /> �
<br /> y� otherwifie pmvidex.lhe pnxeeds.hsdl be upplied�o the sums securctil by this Security Inswment whether or nut�he aums iue
<br /> .r,'rn�,: ,__ti
<br /> ° .,•,.a... then due.
<br /> __—.__� •' • •'`�•=��• �(��propeti,y iti ab:►ndooed by Burmwer,or if,nfler nutice by Lender ta Borrower Ihat the condemna affen to make
<br /> ---- -'`"'�"s':�:",:.�r, �n awtud ar+eUlc a rlaim for dumagc+.Borrowcr fvils to re+pund ta l.ender within 30 dayK afier the dute the nwice is given.
<br /> =�,..�.},�r�r��:
<br /> � .�;�::.:;.t;,i�;.•,�� ..° , LenJer is autharized�a coUect and upply the pmceeds,at ils oplian,either�o restoration or rep:ur of the Hopeny or to the
<br /> �.� sums recur+eJ by�hix Securitv In+trumem,whet6er ur nat�hen Jue.
<br /> �~ ---:,-- .�-- -, I;�de., I.�ndcr and Sorsowcr other.:•ir.s:�bmr i:z,•,riting.any u�+pli�minn�f pra:eeds tu Qrincipal shall not extc-nd or
<br /> • �;�.';,a:�°� �d po,tpone�he duc data af the mon�hly paymem��eferred�o in puragrrphti I smd�or change the amount of xuch paymeMs.
<br /> .� ;.�,,�.,�; I1. Borrowe� hot Releasedi PorbearAnce By l.ender Nol a Waiver. Extcngion of the timc for p�yment or
<br /> . ,. �''��•^, , modi�ca�ion of amorti�u�i�m of the�ums secured by thiti Securiiy lnstrument grunted by Lender Io any successor m interest
<br /> � �,;i-;�,�_;•�_,;;^:..�o ' of Borrower shnll not aper�►te�o nleasr the liubiliry oC thr original Borrower or BorroWer�succes,o�s in intrresl. Lender
<br /> ��_:�.R;�;�:,,a shAll na l+e reyuircJ �o commenre pmceedingti again+t s�ny successar in interest ar refuse�o ex�end time for payment or _____
<br /> _� ,.., . olherwi,e mudify umonizaliun of the rum��ecured by ihis Securi�y In+tnimcnt by rcation of any demand made by the original
<br /> � . Barrower or Barrawer's successon in intero+�. Any forbewunce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shnll not be u
<br /> woiver of or preeluJe Ihe exerci�e of ut►y right cir remedy.
<br /> �� - • t2. Successor's and Aissisns Bound;Joint end 5eveml Liability:Casi�;ners. The rovennnlx and ugrcements uf this �
<br /> .,u: •.c^.'�•� :.''..
<br />--- � � Sc�uriry In�trument �hull bind and Uenelit thc succe�sors und as�ignx of Lender und Bormwer, +ubjcct ta Ihc provi,ions of
<br /> � '• � pwugraph �7. Borrower+cuvenunh und ugreementti tihall be jaint and several. Any Borrower w�ho co-,igrtm ihi. Security
<br /> :`%-.� '''""'u '��;`. �nxUument but dcex not cxecute the Nute: Inl i.ro-.igning thi+5ncuri�y Instrumem only to mongA�c,gran�und cmvey thut
<br /> ' ���� • " • � Borrow�r�imereat in ihe PrapeAy under the�erms of thi�Securiiy In+trument; (b1 is not penonally obligated to pay�he sums
<br /> secured by thiti Securiry Inslrument:und Ic)u�ree�Ihu�Lrnder and uny other Borrower may ugree lo�xtenJ,matify.forbear
<br /> .,� „ or mnke any accommaiu�ion+ with regard to �he term. of this Security In��rument or the Note a•ithou�that Borrower's
<br /> •-''� - cunsent.
<br /> •'.;.,, �.�;.�- 13. Loan ChnrRes. If the loan ::crurcd hy thi� Srwurity Intitrumrnt i. .ubject to u law which set� m•rximum loan
<br /> • , -_�
<br /> ' churges,and�hat luw is tmally�nterpreted w�hu��hc imen�u ur o�hrr iumi ci�a�ge.�.�iiected�tir to he co!lccied in co»nectias =-=__
<br /> ° • � wilh the loun exceed Ihe pertniued limits.then: la1 any wch lo;ui charge xhull he redureJ by Ihe amuunt necessury to reduce ---
<br /> ' the churge to�hc p:rmi��ed limit:und(bl any wm.ulreudy collected from Barrower which rxceeded�rtnilted limit,will he ��,
<br /> � • • refunded to Borrower. Lender muy ch�x.xe�o m;�l;e thi,refund by reducinF the primipal owrJ unikr tlx N��te or by m�king a
<br /> ��
<br /> ' . dir+ect pnyment to BoROwer. If a rel'und reducc+principu4�he rcduclion will lx�tre•rtrJ ar u par'tial prepaymen�without any
<br /> • ., prepuyment chnrgc undcr Ihc Nrnc. _
<br /> .,'•y'•h� • 14. Notkes. Any nrnice la Borruwe�provideJ for in this Security Intitrument �hull t►e given by deliv�ring it or by
<br /> J muiling it by fint cla.}mail unlc.s applicuble law rcquin,utie uf:mcNh�r mcihcxi.Thc n��ice.hull lx�Jirected tu the Pn�peny �-
<br /> a Addresti ur uny ��ther•rddrr�ti Borrower designutrs by no�ice ta Lcmier. Any notice tu Lrnder�hall Ix given by fint rla..
<br /> � - muil lu Lender ti udJrc+++tated hcrcin or any uthcr adJrcti.Lrnder Jc+ignatr.by nuticr tu Bom�wrr. Any ncxicc providcd for �s`--
<br /> . � in this Sccurity In+trumen� +h�ll lx JecmeJ �u havc Ixrn€i�en io 8iircuwcr ur l.endrr whrn Fiven u+priwided in thi+ _ _
<br /> , � puragraph.
<br /> • 15. Governin�Law; SeverAbiUty. Thi.Srcurity Intitrumcnt .hull Ix govemrJ hy fcderal law •rnd the luw of thc �"
<br /> 4',•�±
<br /> � ^ jurialiclian in which Ihe Pn►�rty i�kxalrJ. In thc rvent that any nrovi.inn or rluuu�uf ihi.Scruriry In�tnimrnt or the Note �_ ;
<br /> • , contliati with upplicublr law..uch conllirt tihull n�n alfcrl uthrr pruvixiun.uf�hi+S�curily Imtrumcm or the Nulc which ran �.-�_
<br /> . • be given et'fec� wi�how thr c��ntlicting provi,ic�n. Ti►�hi.end Ihe praviti�on.of�hi� Securny Imtrument�nd thr Nate+ue �-�
<br />