»�'!�'!';� �. . . . . :f:�'t+ci��4E�� � - , .c -� ' .-'" s_xm .�.•.,. .. ---
<br /> ` Jfi; . ' � � n a� " .� �
<br /> . r '• , f �;- -�,r�� it ..._ .
<br /> ' '.��Y S� i � �f b'. �t "�-- .�:-i,:_...d?S;.d..1 ' ..4i�� _ __— �-i-�
<br />, •Fr t,E '�' �,r'' s c i�`f c i-. �r;
<br /> ���:;
<br /> � �� �.O���d ���
<br /> . , � :
<br /> i�,����0f���� or sn interest in it ��?;_;
<br /> ' �ty or n�2ncTic4fll•�Ct4er�st!n�orrovr2r.If till or any past of the PeaP�Y Y
<br />:'::�.` , is sold or tr.�nsferred(or ti a be��l�cial interest in Qcrrmtv�r is soid or tr,a�sferrc-�and Barrawer is not a aatural g�s�nl with�uc ��"�"
<br /> Lender's priar written car�seat. Lender m�y. �s iEe�c�ition, require insz:xdiate payment in full �f?�l sums 5ecured by this ;��°,.
<br /> Securit}�I�ttument.Ho�vever.tkis apti�n sh:1l nat�:�c�:'���d•�'Y��er if exercise is prohibited by federnl law as of the date �}ri
<br /> of this&�rity Instiv�atertt.
<br /> if Ixr�er exezci.�thls agtian. Leuder shral gi�s�IDt+ira+��=*��r.nice of accelerat�on.The notice shall provide a periad of not ��4
<br /> u�
<br /> le�s tlran 30 days fmm the date the nouce is dr.lia,vrrrl3 ar rmiit�l within v�i�ish Borro�rer must pay all sums secared by this �Y.�.
<br /> S�SUrity pnstnun�►t.If BL►tiTOiYCT I31IS IO p�)����1�+PnOi t0 tj10 C��tlFf.iQ1S.9f tgE19 pPIIOd.L.ender may invoke any remedies _,_
<br /> permitted by this�aLwrit�r insttument without furth�r nosir�or den��d.un$1:�cea's��er. �.�pL,
<br /> [� fl8. Ba�s�o�c��'s Y�ight to Rejr�ie. If Hmmrower' mte� cert�n ooa��°�S. g'OnO�er shall huve the right [o have
<br /> -••�� TO
<br />� enfarcement of this Security Instnunent disoontirfu�at aup u[�►°Psiar t°the ea�ter°f:(a)5-dnys(os such ather periad as ��,�_.;
<br /> � applicabte law m�y spec�fJl for reinsta?em�nt} befnra sale of the PcopertY ptusuant to any povier of sale contained in tflis �f:�,
<br /> �eca�iry Instiument:or(b)enuy of a judgtn°nt enft�cing tl�is Security Insuument.Tho�cond'snons are Urut Eorrower.(a)paYs ��L,,.
<br /> '; !. �A�Q at�sum.s�yh��thZn would be due und�this.��Ey Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration hud occuaed:(b) ��ys
<br /> cu�s an?�defanit af any ather covenants or agro:m�: (o}.p�ys ali ex�euces incurred in enforring this SecuritYir�o assum ---
<br /> �'�:, inctuding,6ut not lin,iced to. re�sonabtE attom�ys f�:ax+:9 t�i):��s s��acti°n as Lender muy reusflnably recN __�
<br /> that the lim of this S�.vri:y Ins.��um�rt. 1-en�eT's riS�ts in 4l�a�s�r}txrey and Borrdwer's obl'agtuion to pay th�sums secured bY ----
<br /> �' this Security Ins¢nuneut shall oontinue unc'h�¢►gerJ. i:p�� ctanst�.emgnt by Bornnwer. this Security inztrument and the =_—
<br /> �`%��' obligations secutn-J h�ebY sha11 remai��u'J eff���•a�`'��o��0��QO��.However.this right to reinstate shall - --
<br /> ' nat apply in tUe cx�e of a,.�eeter�ion under paragnrcph 17. �`�`"'�
<br />����.F 19. �ale oY Na2c; Ci�ur�ge o�Y.oan S�rv�arr.The Note or a pard��intes�st in the Note {wget�cer witti this Securiry —
<br /><.,..�,• Inswment)may be satd one oT more tim�.s without prior notice to Borrower.A Eale may res�tlt i�n amc�t.1'he also y{be one —
<br /> as thc'Lazn Servicer")that colte�ts monthly pa}�msnts due under the Nat�and this Securicy R�:,...
<br />,f.`:'��,; or mnre changes of the Loan S�rviczr unielated ta a sale of the Note.If.th�se is a c6ange of tt�e l.oan Senricer,fiorrower will be
<br /> h h 14 a��c�a�r3r appiicabie iaw.'Itie nodce will state th�name and ---:-
<br /> given written noti�e of th�change in at�ordamao anth yaragrap �'==`
<br /> address of the new I.Qan 3ervicer and the zdetta� co wt,iclr paymen�r,P�traitt be raade_ The notice wili also contain any other �b.;,..Y;_
<br /> .. �'' infomration required bY aPPUcable taw. ��--
<br /> , •� disposal. st�e, or r;.lcsse of aity �'"'`�'
<br /> `,�'• 7J.1. �arardnas Sab�4an�. �arro��m�sh�il uot c�e or�gerffit the presence,nse, _
<br /> •'`�•'; Ha7s►tdovs Substances on or in tha Pt�r{�erq+- Barrower stw91�aot do. nor allow an�ane else to do. anything affecting the — Y,
<br /> property that is in violation of any Hm�rmm►cmal Law. 'IF�e preceding two s�enteaees shali not apply to the presence.use. or ��._
<br /> '•` ��� storage on the Propeity af sm�ll quanddos af�snmr�dous Substances tha�a�generally reco�to be appropreate ta normal �.�
<br /> . ,.� �esidenaa!uses and to rt�aintenan�of the PcoAecky.�
<br /> h
<br /> :M`, ga�N��p��npdy �ieo I.�,r�or cvtitu�nodce of azry imlestigz�rim.c[sim, demand. lawsuit or ottier actian by any '�};
<br /> '� govemmental m'►ES�latory agency er private p�rty invalving the Property and ar►y Hazarda�s Subsiaace or Envunnmental Law
<br /> "'"'` of ufiic9�Bormwer has aceual kna►�ltr.t�.Yf Borrovuer leams.or is notified by any govemmental or regnlatory authority.that ..
<br /> any removsl ar ather remediatian af anY.b�uda�Snbstancs affeding tlne Properly is necessacy+,Borrower s�a11 prompdy takc '�y,:
<br /> . alt necessar!r�rnedl�i.r.ctions in aoaordz.n��vith�F..nvironmental Law. �:
<br /> ,,�.�:I� � As used in tfii�{s�aS�aPh 20, 'Hsumdnus SY=bstances"are those.snhstaaces defined as toxic or l��zerdous substanoes isy _
<br /> ;<;,i.�
<br /> • � Eavirionmental i,aiv:rr�.� the foUowing s�ibst��s: gasoline, kerosene. other flarumable or toxic p�rriieum pmd�cts. toxic
<br /> <. psstiCidrs and herbicides.snlatile�lvems.materials contanung t+sbestas or formaldehyde.and radioactiys�n%aterials.As used in
<br />-_�"�gi this�v�agraph�Z0. "Et�Smrtm�r,iN��aw" means federal lunr�rs�d laws of the jurisd'ncdon where [6e �:aYrx.y is 4c��tc;1 tha: R�:�,
<br />{7;`�';�,; relate to heaith,safety ar.env�ronas�s�ta1 pmtoctina. . - -.--
<br />,',.`.�?�'1 . NON-UN�ORM Ci'iVENAN'TS.Barr+d�v�nc�i Lender futther arv�atte and agcee tis fallows: � �:��.-
<br /> %:<;.�;�� �21.Accel�atEon;'�Yeaa�e�.I.eud�r�ti.il:i�'�natiae to Eorrowes�►rir�r to a�derat�on 4utlowing Borrowea's breach �
<br /> CA
<br /> '���.:f i ot�;y oov�nt or agrremeat in thts�ut4�'r lnstr�nea�t (bm not �r to acaelet�tton ander para�ph�17 e�s����
<br /> �`., • agpi[cabte lasv provides othersqise).i'hc astfce si�ti speaPye (a)t6e ctafauLt; (b)¢hc scstiea r�t�l to c.nc�c t4ce�d'u�3.. � � -��:
<br />. ,...,.
<br /> �. ,.... . o�_
<br /> :.,;;.> (c)o dsite,noi[ess tl�n 30 days i'c+nm the dsste the not�ae is given W Borrower,by whfcb t�e default must be a�S;� :. ���^
<br /> •�..;:; (d}that faiIure to cure 4he de[anit on or.before the date spe�fTtte�ce shaU f�er inform Barrower of t3��b^t''�� '. . ---
<br /> �;: , secared by this Sec�rsttY I�mer�t and saY:of the Prop�ty
<br /> Y
<br /> '�;:f' reiflstaie after.�ci�E4eratton and ihe�igp3 W bsing a oaart�on to assest�e aon�existeace of a defau[t or at�rj''otht���; --
<br /> •�r��•� ddeu�e of'Borrower to ua�eleration aud sa1e. It the dRfantt Is not cared on or 6efo�the dutc s�e¢iftecD dn the aotfce, :
<br /> L�n�',at its ogtion,m�y �uEne immedtate�yment in f�11 oi all saa�v se+�n�bq ttils Secntlty Instrum�i�withoat
<br /> fa�li��emaad aad�ny ianvo-'�n.tis�.power of saiethe ectu�c�tes ro ded in t��' ��ph 22�incdutdinB,�n'�aaited _�
<br /> � � ' e n t i t d e H t o boIIec►all es p e n.s e s ip�i�r,red in pursvinS p -----
<br /> �..S W.rn�sonable atWrneys'fees and casts o f t i t te e v i d e�o e. of,tise �
<br /> Ii tfle poc�er of sale is iuvo�ced.Tc�ste�sball recror6 a notlee oF dtTauit in exh co�ty in wLteL an9 part
<br /> Yroperty is tocated smt!s6u11 mail aopI�of sad¢nottce in t6e manner p�by applic�bie[s�w to Bocmwer ana to ---
<br /> t6e other persong pr�srrlbed by upPltcable law.After tke time reqaired by applica6ta law,Trustee shull g1'ive pub�Ic nosice
<br /> � o!sale to the pe�so�and in flcG ta�anner prescsibed by applirabte Lflw.Teu.stee.�vttt�nat demu�d on Borrow�r,shall sell ---
<br /> �� •;+� the Ptoperty si public nacrlon tc�the 6i�+'t bid8er at the time and piace and unde�tS�e terms d�s9gastt�d in t[te notice of �,,,,,�
<br /> . �.,:;�j�, sate in one or morP p�rreLs�nd tn any an�ter Trostee 8eterminc�.Tr�stee m�y�ta��saae sale of a91 or any psurel of the p.
<br /> .;•.4� . Pt�operty 69 PuWic annuanccment at tdic�dtue and piace of aay p�viot�s9y scheduted sate Lc��PS or�te d�tgtt�map _ �
<br /> .. � pnrchsise the Propeaty ai any s�e.
<br /> � ..� =w
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