... _ _ .. .. ..s, . . . . _.__
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<br /> _ >T.T„__ _"- .
<br /> _} .�_ .�.. .� . _v` 't . .� ' ., ' . . . f -� � - . � 4 r. . �r � `Y . . .
<br /> .� .. '� _ . x . . � ' .. .� . ' .`,� • • ; ..
<br /> '�'�_ _{t-tr•_ s __ -tl,�. 1� t,. ..�. .'�<.,.< _ r:..dY..�t�.,.-. �� �.�:._ _ ..
<br /> �-
<br />_�; g�' !_�
<br /> _ paYasents�ay no ianger[sz�uired.at th2 vption af Lender.if r.��tgage ir,surarfce cov;.rage tin tite etnount uais8�or�� `_
<br /> �ttai Lcnder e�quires)psovidet!by nn isisurer apgmved by Leuder ugain becomes available and is o4ssaintd. 8nrro�ver sdtall pay `£�F:�
<br /> th¢preminms requiteb to muntain atortgage insumace ir+efiect,or to provide a loss resrrve,until�g reqtairement for mo�tgaae ��-�=-
<br /> ;�,;.� iiLUrance ends in cocoMartce wit6 uny wcitten agteecntat hetweea�orrower and L.ender or apptics6!e(aw. ��-
<br /> . 9.Ias��ttose.Len�er a�r its b�ent mny make[ea�onable emries ugun and inspections of the Froperty. L�ender shal}give �°-
<br /> Bomnver noticz at the tiics�e of or prior m an inspection specifying reasonab2e rause for the inspection. ...
<br />� 10. Cond�•nnation. 71te proc�ds of any award or claim for dama�es.direct or wnsequ�nsi�l, in conetection�vith arry
<br /> condemnation or other taking of any part nf tS�e Propz�rty,or for rnnveyas�ce in liea of wndemnation,ure hereby assigned and �.:', �
<br /> '�7 sltalt be paid w I.endet. � _.
<br /> •. In t�ce event of a totul taking of the i��eety.the proce�ds shall be appG�l to the s�ams secured by this Security Instrument. �_°
<br /> � ' whQth�r or aai ttt�n dt�s. �vith any excess ptud to Borrower. In the event af a paitial aai¢in�of the Property in wlich the fa�r _
<br /> ' market vsiluo of the Pro�resty immediately before the takia�is eqisal to or gteater than the cunount of the s�ms sesured by this
<br /> Seairirj Instnunent imznedia2ely before the taicing,antess Bocrower and Lender atherwise ugree in writing.the swns setur�!by =_--
<br /> � thia Sewrity Instrua[tnt sUalt be reduced by the amaont of the pmoeeds mult�slied by the following fraction_ (a) t�e tata! �_
<br /> amonnt of the sums secaired'smmediatsly before the takirt�.divided by{b}the fair�arfei vatue af the Property i�rr�edi�tety
<br /> �� heforz tiie taking. Any balar.ce shail be paid co Borrocver_ Ia ttte event o€a partiat tnkiag of the Prope�ty in vahich the fair �-,__.
<br /> mur?cet valus of the Property immediately before the taking is less thnn the atttaunt of the sums secured ima�ediately 6efose the
<br /> .;. �� taldng.unless IIorrower and Lender otherwise agree in aritin�or unIess applira�ole Iaw othemrise provides.the proce�shall '�_-_
<br /> ��.
<br /> be appliod to the sums secured by this Security Instrament�vhether ar nnt t3ze sums tue then due. _—-
<br /> If the F�aperty is abuadoned by�orrower.or if.after notice 6y Lender to�orrovrer that the condemstor offers to make an
<br /> - uward or s�tie a claim for damages. 8orrower faiis m respond to Lender�vithin 30 days after the date the nouce is given.
<br /> .i' Lender is antharuod w coilec4 aud n�pply ths proceeds,at its opdan.eith�r to r�toration or repair of the Pmperty or w the sums ;�_
<br /> • '� SeCUTOd by tItis Ses�rity I�sh'ament.cvh�ther or tmt ttcen dtte. . iE,:�
<br />• iTaless l�nder and Borrower othe�rise a� in writing. any a�lication aE proce�s to principal si�all not extend or
<br /> gosxpans the due dtite vf the awntlily payments referre�fo in paragtaphs 1 and 2 or c6�ge the araoant of such payments. ��`=�`'_
<br /> 11.Borrower�lot IItdeased;ForSear�ce By iRUder Not a Waiver.Fxtension of the tiffie for Qaym�nt or modifcatian I�
<br /> � of suwrtizatiojs of the sun2s secured by this Suvriry Instrumeni gcanted Bgr Leader to any succe.ssor in interest of Botroaer�hnQ! ��;
<br /> •, �'• �wt opErate to rztease tha liability of the original Borroarer or Barranr�'s sao�sso�s in intecest. I.ertder shall noi be�guiied ta `�`°
<br /> armmetcce ProceedinBS agains�anY suooessoz in imer�ar refuse to�ct�d 4ime f�r payment or otherwise modify amoxtization =--
<br /> ,;�.f; of the sums sewred by this Security Ie�suument Iry cr��an of a�r.demand mu�de by the osiginal Borrower or Borracvea's "�
<br /> `'°�'� suoc�ssors in int�es�An fvrbearance by Leader�u��r.-zc��sia t or temed shall not be a waiver of or reclude�fte �
<br /> r������ Y g�� Y P ..:. =_
<br />'r�.�%;` �exeTCise of aay right or remecty. -;°'. q�+;::
<br /> �r,;'�s?. -. ;;::'
<br /> .c.�. 12. Sac�mars and�5�Eaand:doint aad!S�veral L3abilitY; C�Eg�a�s. The coveaanfs and agroements of this
<br /> ���;; �:�yr I��at slut M�.�and t�fs: the suc��y*_rs 2ad assians of[andc�au� [;orrowPr, subj�t to tis�.mrovisioas of _y
<br /> ,:;:{`= ' psyssa�ph l7. Bairowcr's:.atzvs�nt8 and agce2menu. a€sci21 be joint anr� sevetz3>kay Somower who casig�;:lltis Security � ,•
<br />'�:.'4�' Ins�uum$nt but does nai��s�s the l�nt,�(a)is ca-signing tlus Smr�it�r 1'�nsavmerrt only ta mortgage.Brant a�r3�nvey t�rat �.:�
<br />�r!>;,,� j ' Hortower's intenst in the PYt�perty undee ti:e term4 of this Security Tm:��tuaent;(b)is not nally u6li ed to =—
<br /> ;.,:.�_�i persa Sat PaY.��&fz�u�
<br /> . ,•�4 �t�d Uy tiais Security ta��,nrnent:and(c)agrces that Lender and any other Boaower may agreE to extead,mod"efy,fa�o� ��-•
<br /> �=�; sts�ke gs►y 2eanmmodaticm.r�e�itr�regard to the terms of tU'ra Seeuriry Insuumeat or Ne Ivote with�tt ii�BoTa�tt2's cur.s�nt. � `�"'
<br /> � 13.I.aan Ch�sges.t�'13�e(oan secaned by this Se�uity insuame�t is subject to a law wlucb sets�*+..=xir�*��Iuan charges. —
<br /> ' ' and that tew is finally int�reted sv that.t�e intcrest or other taan a�arges collecxed or t�6e cot3ected in aena;e�on wittc.il�a
<br /> '�?��'•`�'� taan ea�d tl� ued timits,ttuen:.(..eg�_aur.y aucb loan charge sh�It'.tie reduced by the amaunt necessary W r�educ�the cL•tt�� �`
<br /> �,�•. Peimi
<br />.�;��,�•-
<br />,i��r„�� to the peiamiueid limit;oucY tD�A�y sum�,ii'rr.�9 coltected from Bom�ver which ezceeded per�tted.limits vui!�lie r�fimde4 tn
<br /> .:�c.. � ' ..i�qrcawer. Lend�s mag<�uoncs.tid make this refvnd t'� �ducing the prine;p�l oaod uader �he Note or&yl'�sr�bng a direc;t ""':
<br /> :i ;:ir�yment to Borrower. t3,,rt:r��f�iad redna�s princi�ztiU,. tS,;� cpGuction will be treated as a partial pr�;t�ss:svithant aay . ;.;'�"
<br />`i;.��.;.:., p�Y�ent charge utfdet t�ie i�Tote. �''�`' :. . '' . � �' .�:
<br /> _ , , `''��.�'_ ,
<br /> . 14.Notloes.Any notiee to Borrawer prmvided 4'or in chls SecatsiY��%3nsuument shaU be�ven i�y delivering it oa by r�iF�airs!.;
<br /> ' et by fnst class�ail ualess applicable law requires usi.of another rri�od.7iie notice shall be d'uecied w the Praperty A�r�Yx -:: -:
<br /> ,�'�:.' ,
<br /> • " �; vr any other address Burmcver designaies by aati�+c:•.tia•Lender. Any aat[oe to 1 ead�r shal! be givea by Wf:��tass maii�� . �.,: ,� . ;
<br /> � t Lcnder's add�s stated IreAC�,��r airy other addres,P�n�ier desigaates by�otice'iir,l�ormwer. Any notire ptii�c�ded for in thLs `'.;�,fij;:.''
<br /> °' " Sesvrity instruno�nt shall6z�ti+:�med w have been given to Borrower or I.ender when giv�en as p�vidai in this pa�g�aph. .�.;,:
<br /> ` - '; 15.Govuatag Ia�; 5everstGi➢ity. 't9iis Securiry [nsuument shall ba gavem�d [�g �i�.dtcral taw and the law of the _
<br /> . jurisdiction in which the PMo�rty is lacated. In t6e event that any pmvision or clause of this�ui�rity Iast�umant or the Note _
<br /> '�'i comlids with applicx6!'e tuv►,:�¢:ch oonflict shall aot affect other provisions of W��Sr.�uriry Inst�ment or the;!1�ate���ich can ba .
<br /> ,`��'•� ' � � given effect without the crs�illfi:ting pmvision.To�i�i�u�d the pmviaions of this;�.3ri3y Iaswmer,t aad�t��t���laite are deciared ' S'
<br /> �L
<br /> ' 10(72 StV0i8b1B. , .. �•
<br /> <<� � � �1�,_•
<br />�� ;; � 16.Boreovrer's Cm�y.Borrower shall ise giveni.ci�,�carufatmed Go,py of the Note and of ti�ia.S�caiitiiy+'��r.t�em• ---h
<br /> �" _:
<br /> r�n„aoza srso
<br /> �. ; � Pew�6}B . d1�F��.
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