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<br /> -- NUN-UNIFORM CUV ENANTS. Sorrowcr anJ L.endcr Punhcr covenunl anJ u rcc ur fbllowc:
<br /> � !7. Foreclasure Procedure. If l.cnder rcquires immediutc payment in fu�undcr purag�uph'a,I.enikr muy invukc�hc
<br /> - ------""- pawcr of,calc and any.al�cr rcmcdic�permit�cd by upplicublc law. Lcndrr�hull hc entiticd a�cullect ull cxpen+cy incurrcd
<br /> _- in pursuing thc rcmedicx provideci in this paragrnph 17,including,but nat limi�cd►o,rcuu►nablc uuonu�ys'iccs and cotil.r M�
<br /> �ille evidence.
<br /> �:�+� It lhe power ot sale IK Involied�7Yuslee shAll record a notice af deiault in each county in whkh Any part uf the
<br /> ;,��,��,.;,,� pru rty Is located�nd slu�ll mail copies of such notice M the manne� prc�ccrlbed by Ap licabte Inw tu Burrower And
<br /> 0pe
<br /> _ _- _ ---� to Iha other per�soag prescribed by �ppIkoble Ipw After Ihe time requfred by appl cable law.'IYuslee Fhall gIve
<br /> ---�°—�° publk nWke of sAle to the persons and In the manne� pra�cribed b applkpble IAw. Trustee�wilhout demnnd un
<br /> ro
<br /> ���'� Bonower�shall qell the PropeMy At publk auction to the hiRhest b der at the tlme und placr And under the term.g
<br /> ---";� desiQnattd in the notice oi'xwle fn one or mare parcelg And in any order 7'rustee determinrr�. 'IYuhtee�ns�y pustpone �-
<br /> '% - �'` x�le af all or any parcel nf the Property by publlc Announcemenl ot the lime s�nd place of uny prevlously schedWed _
<br /> =�" `'""`-==P��. s alc, Leader or iirf de4i gnee mAypurrhasc Ihe Praperly at aay sA�e•
<br /> -�°-----��_=.�� Upoo receipt of{wyment ol'lhe Prke bld.7lrustee shaH deliver lo the pu�chu.�er'I�u s t e e's d e e d c o n v e y i n g I h e
<br /> � Property. The recilals In the'Ifustee x deed Rb�ll be prima facle evidence ot trulh oP the statemenf��made theretn.
<br /> __ _ �Aid►1���r'.;°'. 7Yustee sh�ll s�pply!he proceeds nf the Kak in the followlnR or�er: la) lo All cacta nnd expen.ses of exercisln� the
<br /> •���• '` power of snle.aad Ihe�le.including the payment af Ihe 7t�uxtee'�r fees actuall�•incu�rcd�nut to exceed f i ve '%%.
<br /> ----- �.�v � of the principsd umount ui the note �t Ihe time af Ihe declaration of dePaull, und rea.gonable apuraeys'iee�ay R
<br /> -- ���i' � rmitted by law;lbl to pll cumR secured by thi�Security In�t�umenti ond Icl Any exces.v tu the penson ar persons
<br /> ``�_-'� �..�� �olly enNtled lo H. `
<br /> --�I=-•�� � i8. Re�woveys�uce. L'pan pay�jcnt a(a{i .uttiy:.ecar.3 by ihi:,Sec:urity lm;trumcnt.Lendcr::ha!!r��uest'Itustee��
<br /> �.�.,..,�.,...:.
<br /> ,w ;.,{�"�,-.� : reconvey�he Piropeny and shull suRender this Security In�trument aml all note+evidencinR debt+ecurcci by this Secunty
<br /> ��L�.-. • ,�,�.�. Instn�mem to'IYustcc. 'liu�tcc,ha0 rcconvey lha Properly withoul warrnnly und wUhnut rhurgc�o thc per.r•on or p�:nw�s
<br /> -__ �z-��,.'•r+'��`��':�, legally en�itled to it. Such p�:r�n ar person5+hall pay uny recordatinn cost+.
<br /> ����•-v-� • l9. Substitute 1lruatee. Lender,a�its op�ion,muy from tirm to�im�n'muvc'Ituslce unJ uppoint u+ucces.ex trua�eo
<br /> -""+��i�`f"��" to ony 7funlee appainted hereunJer by un instn�ment recurJed m Ihc counly i�which thix S��curity In�tn�ment is recordrd.
<br /> �� ' 'F= "'��� � Without cunvcyance of ihe 1'mpeny, the successor Iruslee shull .ucc��ed ta all Ihe title,puwer anJ duties rvnfrrned upnn
<br /> ,,,.s.�:�i:�.r,',,�i:r'., �-
<br /> _..=---�,.;;:�..��; 'Ih�stee herein und by upp�licuble luw. �_�.
<br /> . •:�aa;_,.r:- 20. Request for Notices. Borrowcr rcyuests �hut capies uf ti�natic�.�ot'd�fuult und ,ul� be senr �o Bamwer\
<br /> '��`�` •• addre�s which is�he Property Addmxs. _
<br /> .��•_�S-t�t:.�;F:- .;.-..
<br /> '!� 4 • � . Ridera tu Ihia Securily Inslrument. If une ar marr riders are execu�eJ hy Bnrr��wer und recarcied tosether with this
<br />._'.�ti��. �• ,
<br /> � Security Inxtrument, the ccwenanl.r• of cach ruch rider+hull Ix: incorpor•rted inlu unJ +hull umend and supplemern thc
<br /> -=� • ''.'.." ':;:�.��� �� covenants und ogreements of�bis Security Intilrumen�s�r if the riderl�)were in u pan oi'this Security Li��mme:nt• _�_•
<br /> ��. .;-�s� . (Check upplicable I+ux(e!till• �;..�__
<br />_-NR�- ,..:,?r �..:'�,t = --
<br /> �._.� � o .: —,.
<br /> . ' �Condaminium Rider �Gruduuted Pnyment Ridcr Orowing Ec4uity Rider ___
<br /> =� =,:
<br /> -;� ��a�•:s.,i.c:;i'�t�SL' . -- -
<br /> �.� --5;,,, _-- __
<br /> f i o �
<br /> ,", �Planned Uni�Devclopment Rider a Olhcr�Sp:cify� ADJU5TA8LE RATE R[OER _
<br /> . �i1Fr•
<br /> , BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower ucceptti •rnJ agrees lo the tcrmti contrineJ in pa�tes 1 through 4 of this Se�:urity
<br />. � „ Instrument und in any riderls)executed by Bnrcower und rccorJed with it.
<br /> - ,•�� , ., -_.
<br /> -, . � � ' , WII s: �
<br /> � � � -
<br /> l lScah r
<br /> - K E D SAWYER B"m'"a� E+�..
<br /> "�- �` , . _ _I-T 0 l. l5cal) �,:,..,
<br /> . HOLI.Y J S IYERS s��rmwcr
<br /> 'r; � '. ' ISeall � .
<br /> .. c.,.:;,;�.
<br /> •Y Burtuwcr �---
<br /> , . • �, . 1$ea11 ��
<br /> .� (�IIryOM'Cf ��
<br /> �� ' _—_.
<br /> - �•. � tir. __._.
<br /> STATE QF NEBRASKA, HAI.L County�+: ;�-
<br /> '�"i��. On Ihis 30th da�y��i qpr i 1. 1997. .ixlore mr. th¢ unJcr+igncd.u Nntary
<br /> ~ ` }��.:'- Public duly commi�xioncd:�nd yu��lit'ird lirc tiaid counly.�ur+�►n:dl�•ramc
<br /> a KYLE 0 SAWYERS AND HOLLY J SAWYEf25 HUSBANO fiND W[FE , ��� m���r�wn to ix thc
<br /> �� �.�, idcnticul persnntzl who�c namrl�l arr�ubtirrilxd tu ihc Ii�rcFi,in�in�trumcm+md ucAnuwlrJgcd thc rxecution thereu!to Ix ;
<br /> ' ;� t heir w�lunlury:+ct und d�cd.
<br /> • Wime..r my hnnd and notvnal.ral u� GF2AND I SLAND iu .aid caunt�•, thc ,
<br /> �� Jule uforcxuid. '
<br /> . , .• / , �
<br /> . 1�� � � � �
<br /> � M•('ommis�iun cxpires: -- �.-��-�-+--" --- n,ann w�l�c '
<br /> ' S R08E TA L REED '
<br /> , _ r .sute ot MeEiuMa [
<br /> ^ ROBERTA L.NEED -
<br /> �W Coam.6D.1u1�30.1994 IZEOl;ti1 f 1'OIt Itki('UN\EYr1\C'li '
<br /> , ' �.
<br /> � '1'hi undcr+i�ncd i.lhr huldrr�,f Ihr nute ur nutr,.crored hy Ihi� lkc�l ul liv.1. 1uiJ noh ur nutc,, lu�!ethir��ilh all
<br /> . �uhrr indchleJne..,ccurrJ by thi� lkeJ al l�u.l.Na�•e ixcn paiJ in lull. liiu .�re hrrchv dirrrted tu r;uirrl.aid nuir ur
<br /> nntr.anJ thi.IhcJ ul li�u+�.�vhirh:rrc dcli�crcJ hrrchy.;md ti�ncumr).���Ihuut��arran��.:dl Ih�r.l,�la nu��hcld h)}uu
<br /> under Ihl+Ikwd t�f'IYu�I lo Ihc Fxr+un or per,on,IcEally rnUUrd Ihc�clu,
<br /> Vutc: -- --- -- - - --- - -- - - - - .. .._.
<br /> ��4,c� �„i J p,,e��„
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