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v �� � .�k1.'2sn�LMi1 : y � � � ;�t::;`,��'^`0.: .::r; frtR . �. - ' . •�.� � __ —_. <br /> ..yF :1 f ;, . .���_ - i �- <br /> ;t" "� .''}'+i. ti:.�t - �-..•';,;. .n. +`4• , � <br /> . `d •. �' - • !�" ,i .-t':�Y, - � � �-. �.:. . ' .�a.±..�e� ......_ <br /> •�4• .+. s. ���:;�.ir! �7Ah'y, , . • ..�-...�_-.�.-_�""_-- <br /> • ;i::.'ir.•..c'. <br /> - Y'+� .a;.4i.1: . • •�� �r''_ . �: -_ <br /> .. '� Y��S ' •t✓" -. <br /> �! �y-._ • ''.....:y;��y 1':: ,. ., �:�' __ <br /> . . �nJ-�F'i:��!�!4'. � �� --- ' -- <br /> _ . '"ir�:s�.r`r�iw`." - <br /> ��=; 1.4�g�-��� 92— io�zu <br /> ,:�� <br /> _ ..�:�,_ .:s:,°.: �° ' • <br /> > �,•�i :•:., ._. � �,,'�; - <br /> --� 4�,,;�-��•-,�;. pAymenls.which ue referrcd lo in P�rag�uph 2,ur chunge the umount of�uch paymen�s, Any exceti+prixeedg over an <br /> amount requlred tu pay�11 outstanding indebieJmxs un�icr�he Note wxl thix Sccurity Ineuument xhwll be paid to tho entity <br /> � • • � - • IeQelly entillcd thereto. <br /> ' 8. Fees. Lendcr may collec�fecx and clwrgc�aulhuriud by the 5errclury. <br /> � ,c�.� .'...� ,�"r, 9. Grounds Por Accelerntion oP Ikbt. <br /> .,;•� (A)Detpull. Lender mvy.except ux limiicd by rcgulutiunK intiucd by the Sccr��ury in ihe cu,c oi puyment defaulis. <br /> _ . require immediale puyment in full of all sums w:cured by this Security Imtrumem iL• � �, <br /> �.;�,,,��,� (i)Bortower detaulls by failing lo puy in full w�y nwnihly paym�n�rcyuireJ by�hi�Security In+trument pdor --- <br /> . �o or on the due date of the next montbly puyment,ur <br /> � Y .. =•^ lii)Borrowcr defaultx by failing,for a pentxi uf thiny duyw,w perf�orm uiry uihcr�bligutions ccxnuined in thiy � <br /> ,_ ° � Securily Instrument. <br /> � Ib1 SAIe Without Credit Approvs�l. Lender shull,if permitteJ by upplicuble low und wi�h�he prior upprov�l of the <br /> . � • Secrctary,require immediate puymcnt in full af all the sums srcured by�his Securi�y Inxuumcnl if: c _� <br /> . (i)All or part of�he Propehy.or n beneficial intcretit iu u tru+i uwning all��r part af thc xold or <br /> � ° otherwise trun�+frrce�i luther than by dcvisc ar descent)by the Borcower,nnd _ __ <br /> (ii)The Property is nat occupied by the punhu+er or grontee us hiti ur her principal residence.or the purrhs�+er <br /> . . _—_ <br /> i or grw�ter due, ,u �x:cupy ihc Praperty but his or her cmJi� hus nat bcen approvcd in ucrordtutcc: ___ _ — <br /> with the reyuirements of the 5ecretary. <br /> • Ic)No Waiver. If circumslances uccur that would pennit Lcnder to reyuire immediAte puyment in full,but Lende� <br /> ��� �4i,� does not reyuire 4uch Payments,Lender docs not wuwe its righ4s with respect�o�ubxequent eventx. __ <br /> "'�"•�'•.;,a••`�• Id1 Re�ulations ot HUD Secrettuy. In muny circumstances regul�tiuns�ssued by the Secre�ury will limit Lender i. � - - <br /> � righ�s, in �he case of puymern defauUs, to reyuire immediu�c ps�yment in i'ull und foreclose if not pnid. This <br /> ".. „ . • Securiry Inc�rument due,not uuthorize s�ccelerauan or foreclasurc if not permilted by mgululion�of the Secrewry. �.- . __ �, <br /> � " le)Mortgage Not lnsured. Barrower vgrces thut should thir;Security Inrtrumem und the note,ecured thereby not ___ <br /> � be eligihle for insurunce under the Natianal Housing Act within th� from the � <br /> , � date hereof,Lender ms�y.ut it+option+uid nutwithstanding anything in�aragiuph"YT,rcyuire immediatc p;►ymenl in � ' <br /> � ' full of all sum�c secured by�his Security Inatrumenl. A wril[en slatement��f uny uuthorizrd ugent uf Ihc Secrewry <br /> dated subseyuent to th fram ihe dute hereof,derlinin�w imure�hix Securiry �__ <br /> " ^ Instrument and the note�cu�e�ii�'ereby,shall be deemed umclusive pr�f of,uch ineli�ibility. Nawiths�anding <br /> ' . ' �he foregoing, thi. option muy not b� exercixd by Lender when the unavailability of incurunce i,calely due to °—�—,sr�.�� <br /> � " Lender.failure�o remit u mortguge in,urance pn:mium�o the Secretary. <br /> , �• 10. Reinstatement. Borrower hus u right to be remstuted if Lender hux reyuircd immediute puymen� in full because .. . <br /> of Barrower� failum to pay un amount due u�xier the�Nate or �hi+ Security In,trument. Thiti nght upplic� cven u8e� , -��.• <br /> _ __ • foreclosure proceedings ure msti�uted. To reimtate thc Security Inx�rument, Horrower shull trnder in s+ lump xum nll • �.' <br /> amounts rcyuircd to bring BoROwcr's ru:count cumni inciuding, iu i{lc rxiClll iI1Cy di��)F1IlEidiiiliiti 6t�L;OiTO1L'Ci URtJCT ihi�; ___�---- ----� <br /> ' . Security Inxtrument,foreclosure co�ts and rcu�onable unJ cuswmw�• u�torneys'feex and expen�rti properly ussix:iated with ip��� <br /> � the foreclosure pra:eedin�. Up�x�reinswtemen�by Horrower,ihis Security Intiln�mrnl and�he obligutionti�hAt it securer. <br /> +haU remain in etfect us it I.endcr hud nat myuimd immc:liute puyment in full. Huwever,Lcnder is nut rcyuired to�ennit ' <br /> ieinslatement if: li) Lender hus uccepted rcinsiutement ufter the camme�ncement of forcclosurr proccedingr: withm twu �<<+i�� <br /> ' yeurs immediately preceding the rommenccment of u curnnt forrrlo.urc pr�weeJing, liil rcin�tatcmcnt w�ll prcclude � �,��,� <br /> ' � ' foreclo�ure on diiferent grounds in Ihe I"uturc,or 1 iiil rcin�tatemrm will aJvencly u[tecl the priurity of Ihe lien creuted b�• t� ,,x• <br /> ., this Security lastrumcnl. � m <br /> � l l. Borrower Not Released; Forbearunre by Lender Not u Wafver. Extension M' Ihc time uf puyment or �' �•�•• �' <br /> modification of umoni2ution of the,umx tiecured hy Ihiti Security In.tnimem�ranteJ By LenJer ta iu�y yuceesxor in mtercst ' +� <br /> ,. ' ' of Bormwer shull not oper:�te to rclea+c thr liubili�y af thr�xiginul Horrower or Hortowcr's�ucre�sor m interev�. Lendar 4 . - <br /> tihull nc►t 6e reyuineJ to ci�mmencc pr�kcedings ug•rm,� :my +ucrr+.ur in imcrc.�or rrfuse io exlend time F'cx prymant or <br /> o�herwise mcxiit'y umnniiutiun ol'�he�um+�ecurrd by this Srcurity Imuumrm hy rea.on of uny demund made by the <br /> � original Borrower ix intcrc+�. Any forlx•rr•rncr by l.rnJrr in exercising uny right or remedy tihal l �� � • =_--. <br /> not be a wuivrr i�f nr precludc the exrni�r nf any riEhl or rcmedy � 'm��- <br /> ,._��"�, <br /> ' 12. Successurs und Assi�ns Bound:Jolnt and Several l.iabilily;�u-tiiune�s. The covenants und aKreemems uf j .�..�,4,�;, <br /> this Security Instrumem+hull binJ.mJ nrneli�the�ucces+on wid uy�ignti��I l.rnJcr anJ Rurrowcr,subject to Ihe provixionti i ••- <br /> of Pnragraph 9.b, Borrowrr; ruvenantti ancl agrcrmcnt. sh:dl tic .joinl und +c�•rral. Any Hurrowcr who co-.r�gns this ' � �'���;'��`.� <br /> Security Instrument but d�xr no�exrcute�he Nutr: lul i�ro->ignin�this Sccurity In.�rumem anly to mortgage,Rr.un and , .��� <br /> convey thal Borruwrr's imcres�in thc Pm�xny undcr�hc�cmis uf thi�Sccunty In,trumrnt;�b1 iti no1 pennnally obligaled to <br /> pay thc xum��ecund by�hi+Srrurity In��nimcn�: and 1c)aFree�thal l.rnJrr:uiJ iury u�hcr Borrawer muy ugree to extend, ` <br /> � modify,fixbear or muke uny uccommadutii�n� with rc�turJ lo�he tenm ul'thi,Serurity In.trumem or Ihe Nnte wi�hout thut � x.,.�•'' '�" <br /> • Bormwer�roment. ::';,`s`�""'1 <br /> � l3. Noticcs. Any nolicc ro Hom�wrr prxwideJ li�r in �hi. Scruriry In,Irumcnt +hull Ix givan by d�livcring it or hy � ,',,..°ia. "" <br /> mailin� it by firxt rlu�,m•ril unlcs, applirablc la���rryuirc+ ux uf :muthrr mrth��d. 'fhr nuticc�hall t►r direc�ed�o th� � . <br /> Pmperly Addrr��or uny�►ther uJdrra+tiorrowrr de,i�.nutc+ hy nutirr tn Lendrr, Any nutirc lu Lcndcr shall t+c givrn by � <br /> first rlu,s mui) tu Lcndrr'� aJdrc+. .lated hrnin ur uny ;iddre�� Lrndcr dr,i� nutice to Borruwer. Any notire I <br /> . pniviJrJ for in lhis Sccunl�•In.trum.nt.hull Ix dccmcd to hi���txcn gi��rn�u Hurr�,wrr or Lrnder ahen Eivrn un providcd 4 <br /> ' • � in this pursi�raph. : <br /> 14. Governinu (.AK':tieverubility. Tl�i.tircurity In.irumrut .h:►II txr �:u�rrnrd h� Frdcrul la�v und thr law•ut'Ihc : <br /> F juri�dicuon in��•hirh thr 1'ropcny iti I�x:utcJ. In thc evrnt ih;n,nn pruvi,iuu��r rl:�u.�of thi�tircurity Intitrument�►r thr � <br /> , N�►�e ronfliccs wi�h appliruMr lua. �u►h �•�Hillirt �hall nuI:dtc�•1 nth��r pro�i.iun,ul�hi�tiecurity In,uumrnt or the Notr <br /> . which cun Ik givcn ettect withuu�thr runllirtinE pruvi,iun. li��hi.rnd Ihr pnn�i�iunn uf thir tirrurity Intitrument anJ Ih� . <br /> ' Notc urc dcclarcJ lu Ix.rv�ranlc. <br /> I5. Bnrruwcr's('opy. 13nm�arr+hall Ix e�vrn unr a�nlnrmeJ cop� „1 thiti ticcutiq in+�rumcm. <br /> , ,' ' • 16. As.r•iRnment of'KeMs. liorr�iw�r uncundiiiun:lll4 iN�l�!IIS:uid�ran.tcr.iu(.endur all the►cnt�and revrnuc.of the <br /> � - ' Properly. Hurn�wcr authorit�•l.�ndrr or Lrndrr',a�cnl�to�ullrcl Ihr rcnl�:inJ rc�•rnuc,and hcmhr Jircch rarh tcnan�uf <br /> thr Pro�xny �o puy thc rcnt.tu I.cndcr„r Lcndrr',:��;rnt.. Huwrcrr.pnur tu I.rndrr', nulirc to I�nrruwrr ut'Borruwcr'. <br /> , hn�uch ut'any covcnant�tt:tgrccment in thr tirrurit� In.trumrm.f3��rr��acr,hall rullcct:aiJ receiv�:dl rcros anJ revcnur.��f <br /> Ihc F'ro�xHy ati trustrr fur thc Fx rnrlit ol l.rnd�•r;�nJ I;i�rruwrr- 1'hi.:�,.i�:nnu m rt rent�ctrn.ti�ut�,an;ih���lutr a.�i�nmrnt <br /> and not an atisi�nmcnt lor uJditiunul�ccur�ty�►nh. <br /> „. <br /> .. -- - If Lendcr�:wrs n��ure ut hreurn m tS(I(TO��I•f: I:U:nl�rni��CiC�vC�i i�) n�r��inrc� .ilaii id�iiciai i:j u�n i�:'"w�i si.,iiu:,iii <br /> for benclit��t'Lrndrr��ily.��,n��rrr�� <<��n�.um. •rcurcd h� �hr Sc�uruv In,trumrnC �h►l.rndrr�hull tx cntiUrd t�► <br /> collect and rereivc aU ul'Ihr renh ul'the I'ro�xny:;md��•�rarh�rnnm uf thc 1're�prrt� ,hall pay:�II nnu due wid unpaid tu <br /> Lrndcr ur L�nder;agrnt un Lrndcr��viiurn demunJ ta Ihc�rnunt. <br /> Rorn�wer h•r+ nc►t rxrcwed:my priur a,.i�nmcnt ul'thr nn�� and ha, nul unJ �►ill nat perf��rni am' :Il'I lll:ll N'UpW <br /> prcvcnt Lrndcr 1'nim exrrri+inE iu riphl�undrr�hiti I:u ugraph I6. <br /> Lrndcr �.hall nut hct rryui�rd t�� �•ntrr n{+��n. �,�kr �•�,nir��l uf��r maimain ihr I'�u�xrt� ixti�rc ur attrr gi�mg no�irr��f <br /> hrcach tu Ronuwrr. Iluwcvrr. Lrndcr ur a juJicially ap�xiinlyd rerei�rr ma� Ju .��:n am timr thrn i. a hmach. .1u� <br /> �pplication uf rent�,hall n�n rurc ur aaivr any Jrfault�,r m��did:nr atn ��Ihrr ri�ht��r rrineJ��uf LrnJrr. Thi.a.�ignm�nt <br /> ��t'rent�uf ihr Pruperty.hall�cmiinutr u•hcn Ihr Jclx�rrurcJ h} thc tirrurit�� In�trumeni i,�,aiJ m lall. <br /> �ra�e��+.���r.�c�•�� <br /> i <br /> . , i <br />