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201008701 <br />Ma�:�:�r:�r��u <br />A traet of ]and compxising a part of the Southwest Quarter of the SoutGwest Quartec (SWX/�SWI/4) of Sectxou <br />Twenty �ne (21}, Township Ten (10) Nort)a, Range Eleven (11) West of the Sth P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, <br />mare particularly described as fnllows: l3eginning at the Southwest carner af said Sectinn Twenty One (21); <br />tl�ence northerly alang aud upon the West line of said Section Tweniy One (21), a cUistauce of Twa Hundred <br />Eigl�ty-Oue (2$1.U) feet; thence defleeting right SS° 38' and running northeasterly a distunce of Four Hundred <br />Thirty-�ight and Five Tenths (438.5) feet; thence deflecting right 92. 59' and rnnning soutl�westerly a distanc� af <br />Two Hundx Ninety-One nnd Four tentIis (291.4) feet, to the south linc of said Section Tweuty-One {Z1); thence <br />running westerly alang and upon the south line af said Sectinn'I�venty-One (21), a dastance of I+our Hi�ndred <br />Thirty (43A.U) feet fo thc place of beginniug; exceptin; therefrom a certain tract uf land more partieu4arly <br />descrlbed in a Quit C.laim Deed recorded in Book 164, Page 316, reeords of Hall County, Nehraska. <br />