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<br /> �`•;:�ti,#,•�; ` upplicublc Ivw muy�pecify for rcinstutemcntl hcfi�rc Kwlc oi the Pmpchy purr�uunt lo nny �wcr ut'xale contAined in thir
<br /> 1�.. ..
<br /> - -�,.�,,,.;,�;�.:�,:��„'._• Secu�lty Instrument;or(h1 en1ry of o,iuJgmem enf�rcing thi9 SM:urfty Inalrurnenl. Thi►�concii1iunx are Ihat Borrower: lu)
<br /> �� -;.� . ; puyK Lender all xums which Ihen wnuld he due under �hih kcurity Inxl�umenl wxl Ihe Nate uK iF nn xceleralion had
<br /> ��: '�*:�+�� � c�cuurrcd;lbl cures any defuult oi uny�Wher cavenanlK ur ag�eeatemK;lcl puyx ull expen+e.r incuneJ in enfureing this Secudly
<br /> �fi .•, ^
<br /> ,f#�:,, � In+lmmenl, including. but n�►1 Nmitcd 1�, rcufiunuble uuorneyri fcex; urv.l Id> tukex nuch action us Lendcr moy rcasauibly
<br /> ' � requin Iu axtiurc tha��hc licn of ihiK Sccurlty Intiwmem,l.cndcrk righta in thc Pmperty und Hnrrnwcrk obliga�ion to poy thc
<br /> '��t.w a'' humg r�ecurcd by lhix Secu�ity In�uument shuU cantinue unchunged. Up�m reins�utemenl by Bumower, Ihia Security
<br /> �"• ° �" In�trument�md Ihe nhligatinns recured hereby++holl remuin iaily effectivc ae if na uccolerwiun hwl accuRed. Huwover,thir
<br /> �:_ .,.sic..._ �.__,--
<br /> _ ^k: �,sm�,x�, ��r „ nght to rcin��ate.ball nw upply in Uk ca�uf ucccicrudort undcr pnrngruph 17.
<br /> ��r�+��,'j��::.- L9. �iole of Notet Change aT l.opn Servker. The Note or u p�tlal lntcrest in the Nac(together with this Security
<br /> �i:r.r.-:••�. -• Inslrument) muy be xald one or more timec without prior natice to Borrower. A zale may result in u change in the entity
<br /> ,? �:"� ��.t� Iknown as the'I.c�wn Servicer"►Ihut collectn monihly payments due under the Nate und this Security Instrument. There nlxo
<br /> +•' t'°:�'' ; , � muy be one or more changeg uP Ihe Losui Servicer unreluted to u xule of the Note. If tbere fK u chonge of the I.oan Servicer.
<br /> '�"�''�"�` ��' Borrower will t�e given written notfce of the change in uccordwtce with purngruph 14 ubove and upplicuble law. 7'he notice
<br /> ^��, `_ „
<br /> - :•'• '. � will state the name and uddrexs af the new Loan Servicer und the uddress to which puymenls should be made. The notice will
<br /> _;r.� . . '. ,,'.
<br />_=_��.�'�-���:`•• �` , also cantain uny othcr informutiun rcyuired by applicablc law.
<br />:.a�' .;��=,-�.-=_;�:.: ... I 1A1. Hav.�rdous Subafancea. Borrowcr aht►II not cuure or permit Ihe presence,u+e,disposal,storage,or relense of any c
<br />-- � �'�� Huzurdous Substunces on or in the Property. Borrower shal l not do, nor ullow anyone eise to do,unything aifecting d�e
<br />-_s . ' V ' I Property thnt is in vfolntion of any Bnvironmental Luw. The preceding iwo sentences shall not ap�sly i�t��presence,use,ar
<br /> ��j'?`�� '�� storage an the Propeny af small quantiti��s of Hx•ra�d�as Substancex thot ure generully recognized to be pppropriute to normal
<br /> _}'�_ ,� ' � � � � reside�tiul uges and to maiatenanc.:af th..^.uy�rty.
<br /> -�Y '�•. � � Barrawer xhall prompdy sivc Lender written notice of uny investigAtion,cluim,demund,lawsuit or ather Action by any
<br /> � "q-3o�,i:.�4�.r~'� � g�vernmental ur re�ulutary agency or privaie psuty imolving the Property and any Huzardou�Substance or Enviranmental . �
<br /> . L�.;:�.
<br /> ,-�. �i, .:qlv�`i'�'nr :".�,i:.i{.,- �
<br /> �,;�. .j= ;�f::.N _ _ � . I.aw of which Bcxrower hux uctual knawledge. If Borrower leums, or is notifed by uny governmental or regulawry —
<br />�'i�'���� ;!, . , ,' .A,,; nu�ho�ity,that any removul or ather remediaiion nf nny Hazardouy Substunce uffecting the Propeny is neceasary, �arrower
<br /> � ' � ' ���'` � shull promptly take ull nocessary remedial actionz in uccordance with Environmental Luw.
<br /> • '•:t•.:!;�
<br /> ` '��"'�.� As used in this paragraph 20,"Ns+zardou�Substunces°are�hose rubstunces deFined us taxic or huxurdaus xubstunces by —
<br /> . ,'�,...,...
<br /> . . :�•u�;t`.,ij� � ; Environmentnl Law and the folMwing xubstuncc�: gusoline, kerosene,other flammubl�ar laxic petroleum products,toaic ��-�`
<br /> . ' fr'Nr.. pesUcides und herbicides, volulile solventti,muterials containing usbestas or formuldehyde, and radiaactive materials. As _ _—___
<br /> � � , uxed in�his paru�raph 20,"Environmental Law" meuns icderul laws and laws uf Ihe jurisdiction where the I'roperly is lacated
<br /> ' " '.�� � • �hat relutc�o heulth,sufery or environmentul protection. ��. _
<br /> `• •• NON-UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Bortowcrund Lcnder furthcrccivenant und ugree as follows:
<br /> ' •'� ;•��"'i',., Zl. Acceleraqon; Remedies. I.eader shAll give notice lo Borrower prior to aceeleraUon following Borrower's ����'--
<br /> � � "��; ;�'�. breACh oP any covenAnt or ugreement in thls Security lostrument Ibut not prior lo acceleration under paragraph 17 —
<br /> ::. .., ,.,:, ;� unless applfcable Iww provides otherwlsel. The notke shall Rpecify: la)the defauM;lbl the actian required to cure the
<br /> = drfau!!:fc!s date,not l�ss then �dayc irnm the date the noNce is�eiven to Borrower. by which the dePault must be
<br /> � ���;• ' cured;and(d)thot foilure to cure the default on or bePore the dete spec(fled in t6e notice may result in acceleratiun uf _____
<br /> ��;��• ' the sums secured by lhis 5ecurity Inslrument und sale oi'the Property. The notice shall Further iniorm Borrower of —_—__
<br /> � ��-A`'�; . the right to reinstate uiter acceleration und the ri�ht t�►bring u court uMion to assert the nun•existence uP a dePault or
<br /> ". . - any other defense oP Rorrower to accelerntinn und sale. If Ihe deYQUlt i� nut cured un ur before the dote speciffed in
<br /> . the notke�I.ender al itc opUon muy reyuire irnmedfete puvment in full ui's�ll sumg tiecured by thix Security Instrument ___
<br /> � •- whhout furlher demuad ond moy invoke the powrr oP snle und uny nther remediex permitted by applicable law. �---r,�
<br /> n
<br /> � • L.eoder shall be en/itled to collect s�ll expense� incurred in pursuin�the remedie�provided in thix par�Rroph 21. �T °'•'�'�='�
<br /> includinR,but niN limiled lo.reutiunable utlorneys'Pees ond cusls nP litle evfdence.
<br /> �. . • If the power uf sale is invoked.'IFuzlee shu0�ecord s�noticr oP defuuU in ruch county in which anv ps�r!of thr ---
<br /> ' Pro rt is lucated and shull muil coplex of tiuch nMice in Ihe munner pr��crlbed by uppllcable law lo Burrower und 1�� �'''�`�'�'�-
<br /> • Pe Y �:•s.:, `�. .
<br /> • «�:t,�;.: . .•;<• �� the other persons prercrfbed by upplkubl�law. AfYcr Ihe tlmc�equired by upplicuble law.Trutilee sh�ll uivr public , , ,, , .
<br /> . . nulice of sale to tiic personw und fn the munnrr preycribed by upplicable luK•. '1'ruxtee, wilh�ml demand on Borrower. J �
<br /> ; shall sell the Properlv at public aucti�n ta Ihe hi�he�t hidder ul tbe lime s�nd place und under/he trrms desiRn�ted in �. ,,�,:,_:_
<br /> „ p � the nolfre oPsule in one or more parcels und in um order 71�us1��dete�minrs. 7Yuslce rnav��stpnne sule uf ull or unv '
<br /> • parcel oF the Property by public annuuncement at thr tfine und pluce of any previou�ly scheduled wle. Lender ur its ,,LLti. ,;
<br /> ' . desi�nee m�y purchase tt�e Praperly ul unr sale. ��"�'� c�
<br /> .,.:�• �.�.
<br /> Upon receipt uf pa yment ui'the price biJ. 'IYustee zhull deliver tu the purchasrr 7Yuslee'x deed cunveyfnR thr �
<br /> , . , •• � Property. The recitals in the 71�uslee'x deed tihxll br prims�fucie evidence��i the truth of the ztutementR made therein. �
<br /> � •• 7Yuatee shall Apply the pruceeds uf the sule in thr fullu��in�urdcr: IuJ tu all coxts und expenses uf exercizing the puwer
<br /> �:
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