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..�.,,..�. , ..,. --- -- -- <br /> • . . ,.— <br /> �,t. . ��:�� <br /> ' . . � � • •N�4.�A.. ' - . .i - . <br /> , ' l�r1K�� ��fil.�f�-�. ' . <br /> 1� 1•. ;4� . . .._._......._��._ _ <br /> _ . .. - -� � �.. <br /> �� _ _.�:.�� 92— i���o� <br /> -��.. . <br /> �� w.. <br /> ,,— ��;:�:.;te;� <br /> -----9•����-�� condemna�ian nr other�akfng of uny pun af the Property,or far conveyancc in licu of corulemnuli�n,am here6y uxxf�ned and <br /> ;��„Y„t�A,;y� xhull bc puid ta L.ende�. <br /> In the event of v taul tukiag of tha Propeny, the pracealy �+hull bc upplied w �he �umw Mcured by �hiw Sccurlty <br /> — --�`� Inslrumen4 whether or nc�t then due, wllh any eaces.r puiJ to Burmwer. In the event of u paAiul �uking of ihe 1'mperty in <br /> ``�'`•� which the fair mnrkct value�►f the Prupeny immcdiaicly befom thc wking i!:eyuul lo or greWcr�hnn thr um��um of Iha tiwnx <br /> :�� � ��� �ecured by�hi�Security Inctrumem immediutcly txti►re the tuking, un�ss Born�wer und l,cnJer olhcrwiM ugree In w�lling, <br /> `� "� Ihe sumx u�ured t+y thi�,Secu�iry intitrumem shull be reduced by thc umoum of thc pr�xecdz mulUplied hy thc followfng <br /> i'raction: lu)the totul umaun�c►f thc r.umx xccured immediutely hcfom the�uking,Jivided by Ih)the fair murket value af ihe <br /> _ -- - ' ';t.:i 1'r•up�rty immcdiutcly bcforc the tiiking. Any h;�l�mcr shall Ite paid tt� Bnrrowcr. In ihc �vent oi'u p+u�i�l tuking of the r <br /> PropeAy in which the 6iir murket voluc ot'thc Propeny immcdiately before the taking ir le�x ihun�he umount uf�hc tiumx <br /> _ � -."-.��gr ,,�•,.;,�• �ecured immediately hefore the iaking, unletis Barrower und Lender otherwlr,e ngree in writing or unlewti appHcuble luw <br /> __M__���;�.,. .; othenvir.c provfdes,the proceedr�xhull he upplied to Ihc+umx recured by thix 3ecuri�y InKlrument whethe�ar tmt�he sumx w+e <br /> ?��•,�,�>;`i: Ihen duc. <br /> ,�.r'�„�.�";�q;;,,:,�� �. If the Property ih ubundoned by Bn�rower,or if,Afler natice by I.ender to Borrower thut the condemnor affer�to make <br /> _ _ _ r-�.�,.�-• ��• •., : en awurd or cettle n cluim for damngrs,Borrower fnils to respond to l.ender within 30 duys ufter thc dutc thc notice fs givcn. — <br /> � :r•._�:.•- € .... �.. : <br /> -�--- �;•:�:• :�•. �,;� Lrnde�is authorized to collect und upply the prcx:eedx,�t itz opifon,either to resloruti��n�r repuir of the Propeny or to Ihe <br /> �c•-n?'�+;�=�'`;;,���: sum,secured by this SecurUy Instrument,whelher or noi then due. <br />,::=+: ,�•:,..�°:'..;;: � <br />-_��• .;,,��.:�.-.:;,.;-.,,�•=°,. Untcss Lender and 8arrower nihenvise agree in w�itinF. ,my :�pplir,i�inn nf pr�x•�edr• In princi�►al �h�ll n�H extend ur <br />_„°:` " �f� postpone ihe dur du�e of the monihly pAymeniti referred ta in purnga�ph� 1 ond 2 or chunge tbe umount of such paymenls. <br /> ,,.. ,�.;:,• �.,; ., ,�. <br /> �.::::r.:t :�•. 11. Bnrrower Not Rele�.4ed: Forbearance Ry I.ender Not a Walver. Extemion uf the time for payment �r _ <br /> _����:?��,�, '��� modifica�ion of amonizntion of the sum�securcd by this Secu�iry Ins�rument grunted hy Lender to uny successor in in�erest __ <br /> __� � 4�� '��l, of Borrower ahull not�peralc ro r�clense the IiAbllity of the originul BoROwer ar Borrower's successo�s in interest. I.ender _ <br /> "-- :�.��.+� �" ��� '`;'� shnll not be mquimd ta commence praceedingx ugainst any r�uccessor in lnteres�or refu4e �o extend time for payment or <br /> �k'�i ���'��`:�'xi�°r'�����tiF�C othenvise modify amonizution of the,um.�ecured by this Securiry in+irumem by rcawn af uny Jemund mndc by thc originpl -- <br /> t t,�,'r�f��� �' � ��4�y Barrower or Borrower's successor4 in intere.t. Any forbeurunce hy l.ender in exerciaing uny rlgh�or remedy shall not be w <br />.,�7;�� ,�f,,}.s�,�, . , :, wuiver af or preclude Ihe exerci�e oF uny right or remedy. t_�:_; <br /> Y,�,�,.j.��: -� � '� � .� 12. Successors and Asvigns liuund;Joint end Several Liabilily:Co-signers. The covennnts und ugrcements of this r; .; <br /> � •� ,, n,r,;��' Security Intilrument shall bind und henefit the successors und nssigns af Lendar und BaR�wer, subject ta the proviwionz af �ti ,,� <br />�^.��•� V, >� �r���.{��i paragrnph 17. Borrower's crnenunls und ugreements shull be joint :md severul. Any Borrower who co•si�tns this Security ��- <br /> '�t� . ,., •;.,,tf ;l:i Instrument but Joes nat execute the Nute: la)is co-signing this Securily Instrument only to mongnge,grnnt ond canvey Iht�l <br /> ;;_ '.''•�;:�{�;` Borrower+interexl in the Propeny undcr thc temix of this Security Instrument; (b)i�nw perxcxi+�lly obligated�a puy�he sums _ <br /> ' xecured by this Security Insuument;and lc)i�grecti that L.ender and uny oiher sorrower muy ugree to extend,m�xiify, forbesu ��� <br /> - � . ' or muke uny uccommadatfans with regArd to the tenns of�hix Security Invtrument o� �he Natr without Ihut Borrower's ���%=- <br /> �•`•:�;_ <br />.L .. , ; •. con�ent. �'�;:'_ <br /> t3. Loan Charges. If the loun secured by thi+ Securi�y Instrument is subject to u luw which sets muximum lonn �,Y..;� <br /> ;i ,:4. � r��i��r.,:�ad �hut luw iR tinully interpreted tio thu�thc interest or uther lo:�n churgex collected or lo lm collected in cannection <br /> • '. ' � with�hc loun exceed the permitted limilx,then: (a)uny.uch loun churge xhull he reduced by�he amount necesgury to reduce —_- <br /> . the churge to the pennitted limi�;und Ib)uny sumx uln:udy collected from Borrower which excecded permi�ted limlts will be ��"' <br /> , ,,,,'��,;K: , :. rePunded to Borrowcr. Lendcr muy ch�wxe to mukc Ihis mlimd hy reducing the principul uwcd undcr the Nute ur by muking u ,,.; <br /> ' direc�paymenl tu Born�wcr. If u refund reduccs principul,thc rcduc�ion will bc treuted un u puniul prepuyment without nny �_"' <br /> � "r- � � �� prepuyment churgr under the Note. = <br />._ . .� ��.. �r.�,a..J�' ___ <br /> • . . 14. Notices. Any noticc u► Bormwcr providcd li�r in thin Sccurity Inxtrumrn[ ,hull tx� givcn by Jelivrring it or by �_ <br /> . ��`;_„�` muiling it by fint clusx muil unlesx appliraMr luw reyuirc�u�e uf unuther methixl.Thc notice tihull tk direcled to the Pn�perty _ _ <br /> Addmss or uny other uddrex� Banower de.ignutes by nuticc tci l.cnder. Any iwticr tn Lrnder tihall Ik givrn by fir�t clu,ti <br /> , • mail to Lendcr�uJdre.s stu�ed hercin or uny other uiklrr+�LcnJrr dr.ign�u�,hy notice w fiurrower. An��n�►tice pruviikd fix <br /> •' • o orcowcr ar L.cndcr when ivcn us mvideJ in Ihis �.`'I <br /> � . .,.;; in Ihix Securiiy In.�rumen1 xhull t�e decmeJ �o huve hcen grv�n t B 8 P <br /> - • . parugruph. <br /> . . � . • 15. GovernfnR Severubility. This Sccurity In+irumeni +hull lx guvemeJ by (cJerul luw und�hc law ol'thr <br /> � jurisdictian in which the Pro�rty i+Ia:uteJ. In ihc event thut uny provisimi or clau+�of thir Securiiy In.trunxnt or the Note <br /> � • �� ronllict,with Applicuhlc luw,tiunc�untlirt�hull not nl'1'ect uthcr prin•i+i�ms uf thi�Srcurity�mrnl ur Ihc Nulc which run <br /> ,, he given effect withoul the conllic�ing pravi.ion. 'R� thfs� end Ux pnrvi.i�mti ul�hi� Srrurity In.rrument�+rnl the N�de ure _�.- <br /> • ' � declan:J to tx.evcrublc. ���=- <br /> � ., " 16. Burrower'�Copy. Bi�rrowrr,hidl Ix givcn unc cuntiinned r��py of Ilx Nolr anJ��f Ihiti Sccurit��Intivument. �.r�� <br />�- , • • 17. 'Iransfer of the Property or u Heneficiul Interest in Borrowrr. If uU ur iuiy pun of�hc Pru�xny ur uny intcrr+i in <br /> ��� • � it is soW or trunsferced(or if u tx�nrticiul intrrc.t in Bc�rri�wcr i+���Id ur trun.l'rrreJ imd B��RO�vrr iti nut u natural �xnonl <br /> . , without Lendcr:priur wriuen ronrcnt.Lcnder i1x option.rrquirc immrdiatr pnymrnl in full uf ull �umti+erurr�l hy <br /> � • thi�Sccurity lnstrument. Howcvcr,thix op�ion,hull not tx cxrni.rd by LcnJrr il cxrni.c is pruhibi�cJ hy teJcrul Imv n+o( - <br /> � ''� the datr of thix Sccurily Imlrumrnl. <br /> • � � ":��. If this op�ion.LenJrr.hall givr Rorruwcr n��ticc ol's�rrekrmion. Thc nutirc�hull prcwidc u period ul' • - <br /> �' • , not Icsx thun 3(1 duy.tiom�hr Ju�c thc noticc i.cklivcrrd or mi�ilcJ wi�hin whirh liurr���vcr mu.�p:�y hy�hi+ <br /> � � .�� '"•'�,�' Securiry Instrumcnt. If Borcowcr 1'uil. to puy Ih�u ,wm priur�o Ihr �Kpiration ��f�hi, �xriiKl. Lrndrr may invukc uny <br /> " remedies pcnniltcJ by Ihis Srcurity In.trumenl w•i�h�xu furlhcr nutirr or�km�ind on liorruw•cr. <br /> ��,•� ,, 18. Borrower's Riahl to Rrinslute. II' Burn>��•rr mcct, rrnain conditi�m�. Hnrru��cr •h:dl havr Ilx ri�!hl to havc <br /> . enforrcmcnt of thi.Srcuriry In.�runum di.rantinu�d al am•iimr pri�,r t��Ihe rarlirr uf: �;u S day,lur,urh nthcr reriixl :i. �� • <br /> � . <br /> ' � tiinlJcFawily-•Funnle�fuc/M'reddlcNucl'11FI1N�fIVti'I'Rl'\IF:YI'-•l�udurm('u�, V�WI I�NII'�•a��JM1l��l�a•�! . <br />. . t � <br />. Y <br /> r ' • <br /> . R <br /> _ �_,i. . •. _ . .. . . . .. . ..... . . .. . _ . .. . . . . <br /> � . <br /> i� 1- ., <br /> . , f . . ... ..� ... ' - ,- <br /> i � _ <br /> '! . �d . ... �. . <br />