� �,�:c.. ._._.. _..a....� --� _. _ ---- . .
<br /> +�+'=
<br />� " ' ��m ������ Y_ � .
<br /> :
<br /> S. Hazuc�or H�so�rtq In►smas�e. Borroc�er shelt k�p the i�nprovements now eaistiag or Asreafter erected aA .-�...
<br />.zc.;� the Properey iaswe�a�nsi ioss bp fu'e.hazarda iaclude�withia the tetr�► "extendcd coverag�°arcd aay other hnzar�s,
<br />- - inclt�ing flonds ar floodin�,for�h,ic�I.en�;r�rir�i�-4-r��.This insurance shall�ra�intrin�c3 ia tt:e amoun*n �--`
<br /> �'__ �,d r s;ti���?�: �:L�ssde:res}uire.3.Tke i��ace carci�,�;ovidin�th9 insuraace stial� t�cha�►bp BQr�ovrer �;�_,:,
<br /> sub�ct to Lender's aggroval crhicb etu�ll not�unreas��biy withheld.IY Bono�rer isils tn maintain covrarsge d�enbeti :`
<br /> ' above,Leadar mag. at Lesder's option,obtain coverage to prot�ct Lender's rights in the Prog.,-rty in �ocardance with �f .
<br /> P�'a�Pb� =
<br /> All iny"ur�.r�cs g�li�sa�an�P reuervats s1ta11 ba a.ocepta6le to I.oader esid shall includ� a emndard martgage ciau�. ►;�'...
<br /> Laader shatl have t�e ri,{{�t to �a2d the policiea aad reaewals Ff Lensi�src rqqttiir�s, Barrower shall prnaePUY Bive to
<br />��_ Lender sll s�eipia of p�sd premiwne aud reaecval notice3.In ths event oi laie,Aotso�er shall give proenpt notice ta the
<br /> ��; ' ins�raace aarr,ier aad Leader.L�aSer may make pro�s►i of la�i�not made psompti�bp Borrower.
<br /> Unl�Lender�d Eormwc.r ottierESisa agt+ez in writing,insva�anee prac�eds si�a11 he a}iplied to resioratior�or repair
<br />�=��� of t�Progerty damaged,iP the restot�t�ion as r�pair is eooaomically feasible aad Lend�'s r�crurity is aat lesseaed.If the �:°:
<br /> restara4ion er regair is Aot eoonomicalty feasible or Lend.,Pr's securitq would be leffiened,the iasurance pracezds shall be ��;�
<br /> r ta
<br /> • �plied to the sums sxus�e�i bq this Se�urity Inssrumsn;whether ar not theu dus.�eith any escess paid ta�orrower.If �
<br /> Har�cver ab2nsYoas the Frog�rty,ar da�nQt ans.sen�vithin 30 days a notice fmia Lender that the msumnaa carrier has ���
<br /> n --
<br /> offe�3 4Q�:ttle a cluisi.then L.ender muy collect ti�e insurnnce proceeds.Lender may use the grooeeds to sagair or �-
<br /> � rtstare tho Ptoparc�'or to p3y sums s�ur�d by tbis Security lnstra�ment,whether or not then du�.The 3o-day perial wdl �_
<br /> ; ., lse�a wh�tl�a nMics is�iRen. ="'`-
<br /> • Unlc�I.rntder aftd 8opru�v�r othetwise agree in writing,anp applicationAf praceeds to grincipal shaU aot extend ar I�`�
<br /> ' ,:• pastpone the due�fa4e af:tha moathlY PsY�ents re4err�d to in parreg�aph�1�nti�ar chang�tha amovni of the paymeats. �"":
<br /> ` �. -
<br /> �',t;, I#undsr ParagxaPh 23 zha Froperty is asxiuired bp Lender.Btirro�rer's rigbi m an}� iA£usaIIt.�,pollCieS 0II$prot�eeds �.--
<br />.��'-�r� r�suttinQ Iros�damage sfl the Prop�j.prior w ths acquis�tion afiali pass to Lends�m Qiie�stcsnt of the suma secured by �'''
<br /> `-{� thisSecurer�.L�stru�en2immec�iaraip�rcartotheac�quialt�an. ---
<br />„, ,tr,
<br />•':�l;'r:� 6.Qccapancy,Pres�v�an.I9,nin�naace aud t�s+u4aatfrm of the Froperty;Bur.�wer's Lo$n�ppHcatien; �;`
<br /> ` � LensehoPds.�orc+�wor ah�ll ocxupg.esiablisb.�ttd u�the Pmp�rty as Borrawer's principal r�sidenos cvithin sisty d�ts
<br /> ��; ° �ft�nr tfle a�eecotian af tlile SECUnity instntment apd aball ooutfinue w occupy the Property as Bnn�awer's priaatsal �'
<br /> : t�ido�i�►farr,atleast ane pesr afterthe date of aceuprncp,uAla��ender otheravise agrees in writing,whiah coasent shEll -
<br />' , aot�»�ius+�aQaablg wi43sheld,or�ml�s catenuating circam�fiucs�.�xist w1ucD are beyoad Bosrowet's control.Barra� :��`::
<br />' , ehaU�uat dc4i�ug.d�mq�or impair the Prnperty,allow the Pr�saety tn deteriorate,or comYnit waste on the Ptag�tp
<br /> m
<br /> � Harrower shall be iu deu�t�uii it any forleitare ac4ion or psocadin�.whelfisrc ciuil or criminal,is begua tt�t ia Lendsr`s
<br /> . . g!nte�faith judgmen4.aould rasult ia forfeiture oY the Property or othorwim materIally impair the lie�n created by this
<br /> . '. $�cimtq InstrumenY�Qr.�eradra's security inter�st. Borao�ver maq cura such a �te€uult aad reinstate.as provided in 4.
<br />:-�_��;�;: pa�Br�Pb lA. bY c�u�ii►II thn suzlou or pnaceerling to be dismissed with s rulia� t�� in l,euder's goad faitts '�, ;;
<br /> :;r;;� determinstinn.P�ecludes forFeittrra a1f,tho Borrotves's interest in t�e Praperty or atht�r asAierial inepairmeat o�tha lian � -
<br />':;,,��; aneated by tli�Secusity Iastru�eat:ar.�.ondes's s�curity inte�st.�orrower sha11 also ha�n,de4sulE�f Barro�ver,dusi�sg .";.
<br /> �1i��aau application praces4.gave mntosially futus or inascurate in4ormatioa or sta4ameats to Leader (or failad W �'��
<br /> :. 4
<br /> " �s,nde Leadas wiP1i aqq material infonmatianr�irs.cet�snection with the Ioaa evidensed by the Note.iaduding,hut not ,,''
<br /> � '. 1ts�si�to.rePsrsentatione waceming Botaoc�+st'�a ru�ar�oas�y of the Pmperty as a principal residenoe 1f this Sec�axc9 �,:��
<br /> � t� Lq�tt�ins�nt i�on a teasebnld,Borrocvar ehcU cQmp�g�rLu all tha g►mvisions oi the lease.If Borrower acquirrs fee title to
<br /> . � t.he�*ra�t��,tita tea�ehold and 4he fee 4�tle d�ll�merge unitc�I.ender agc�to the mes,rsr ia wsiting.
<br /> '��t*�s�tion o�I.eadcr's Rijhts in tha�nperty.if��rrawer fails to perfarm the covenants end agreements
<br /> a
<br /> . , pr,�taisted ifl 4hie 3e�vrity.Iastrument,os there is s�7�1 pra;eeding tbat m�;y si.�u�scantlp afYect Legder's rights ia the
<br /> h Le
<br /> ' �kopestp (sucb as a y�rcr�oding is► bank*uP�9, Pnobate. for condesnr��.� +�r forPeitUre or to enforce taars or �;,�..
<br /> '� ' regulations}�then Lender map dn an3 pay for wha�ever is necessary m prowcc�a value a�the Property and Lendefs
<br />�`:S'';:;; rights ia tt��Prope�ty.Lende{a ectia�•moy include paying anq sums secure�by a lic�s,v�tsich has prionty over ttus _-
<br /> ,,�`'';i $ecun�it9IasWment,appearin$in couttw f�S"�R�oaable attarneys'fees and enteriag oa tist:g'roperty w make regaica. �-
<br /> .. l.�though Lender mey uYo action under t�'re pzsugrn.��7.Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> ' �Any amounLa disburse8 by Lender und�r tt�is�`,�aph 7 shall become addi4ional debt of Bono�er�cu�ced by thio �
<br /> �zsiYy InstrUment Ualesa Bonawer and Le��n��to qt�terms of payment,these amouAta��S�II�bear iaterest
<br /> .�.�s'i�,ch$&s;�e�of disburaament at the Note rat�an,i aLatt�be pa�xtstry with intenst.upon aotice from I.�.d�s�ta Bomsa-er
<br /> 'c�;�.ffl�y�s.lament ---
<br /> .. �,ii�r,�a�e Easusaace.Ii L.emder requirec4 n�art�ege insuran�e as a condition of malcing the ta�.a,rr�cured�i`YJ�Ia
<br /> - �CCra'ritp Instrumea�.Bannwer shall pay tb.e grezss�:u�ss required to maintain tise rnortgage inaurance i�.al�'s�4.U.for anp
<br /> � rc�n�the mortgag�insuanxtce coverage tequu�z�k� L,eader lapsee or ces�ta be in effect,Borro�aner shall pap ihe �Sti:
<br /> � ` ' piemiums requirod to obtain covorn��;.bstasrti�l:f��valent to the mortgage insureace previoeisly in eifect.at a cost --._
<br /> r
<br /> subsW►tiallq equivalent w the coat iav II�rrowet oi the mortpge insuranca previously in effect�from nn alternata a_
<br /> martgage iasurer agproved by Leru�ct;. if subsmatially equivalent mortgage insurauce coverage ie aot aveilable,
<br /> . � Borrower stiell psy to Leadet each maa'.ri a sum equal to one-twelfth af the pearly mortgaga inaurance ps�mium beiag _
<br /> � pai8 by Bornnwer when the iasivance coverege I��d or ceased to be in effect.Lender will accept,use and tetain thase _
<br /> peqments as s lo� r�servo ia lieu oi mort� imsurenoe. Lo:� reserve gayments may ao loa�er be requit+ed.
<br />-� `� �..
<br /> .. H� 90EY !/9 4..
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