w�r&s:._ •_ . ..:r..:z.::� ..y.._�_�,�....yb.i.�,,,_.
<br /> s . � �+m �.�+4�'1��8 ��tl
<br /> � 90 � T
<br /> ''`,, TOGETHER �IITH a11 tho improvemeats nop ar hem.after erECeed on the pro�p, aud �11 eassmen9s.
<br /> . �.�.
<br /> aptsvrteusu�.end fiatisrea�a�v or hen:after a part a4 t�a propsrty.All eeplucesnaats end.estdiciona shali�iso�e covered
<br /> ���-_..
<br /> � by this Security Instaument.Atl of the tvrcgoing is refer�ed�o in thie Ss�uritq In..Mnlme�tR a�the"Proparty." ks-x--
<br /> -=- ��.jzl�t,'.lFt3 CC7V�AW'f`5::t�t�?rmr:�r iq L �st��-�!�r�-.�:tr h�l+y��vsj�a3►d has the reaht to ��_"�
<br /> �nt and cronvep tiza Froperty ea�that tt�e Fre�ia u�neucvmbs�re3.aYCSgi Por bncaim�rancts oY re�ord. �orro�rer ��-_
<br />..` � ceatrasits end will de�easl ge�a�sl1�•the title to the 1'ropesty against ail cluima an�dazauvc�.a.sub�ect to eny encumhrances �
<br /> ,� 09 record. ��Qy��
<br /> � THIS S�CLJRTTY II�STRUi�f�l'i'csmbines tsnniforrn covenants for uatianal u���td r.anvniform covenanta witb
<br /> cm
<br />..". ,� limited vatiation�by Nrisdiction to cunstiwtea u�iform security inshq�meat cac=2sinB r�l grm}te:t�r. ��.
<br /> � UNIFtORM�V15NAI�'TS.�orro:�er�nd Lextder�vanant aad ap�ee as foflo�vs �_
<br /> �: , D.Payaien8 af Preaclpal and Inter�Frepaqc�e��aad I a4e C4�nrQes.Ho,�o��r snnli p4ri�nptl8 gay when due
<br /> the grinsigal of aa�intere3t oa the debt evidenoed bq tha ATnie and anp prepaymeat and 3rrta a'nn,��us unt�a�ths Not�.
<br /> ' 2.Fe�sd��as Ta�ss e�d Ias�as�.�3ub�cS to��ieabls law or to a writean wsi�rrs¢�by Lemdar.Bvrracrer shnll _ :
<br /> ` pay to I.cnder on the doy ra�attilY PsYments are dt�e undez the hote,until the I�'ote is gaid in full.a sam(°Fu�ds')for. `��
<br /> (a)pearly EeYes asid a�smente v�hich�oy attaia priarity over this Srauret�Ins3rument as a lic�n on the Prop�rtp;(b) �L.�
<br />" yearly l�ehold gayments or gmun�n�n4s an t4ze Pmlaertq,i#any,{cy Y`,r•rf�,�ha�rd ar prog�j insurauee gr�niurn� �
<br /> (d)Yesriy ftood ia..�ra,zo�premiume.if anq;(e)Yearly mortgags ir�eu�aaa ps�►iu�s.i�an�;and(Y)arsy sums papable _
<br /> bq 8orrorrer w Lender,irt cIIaordffis�with t�e provisions of gara�P���fn liou��1R p3ginefl4 of taortgdg8 in..tuTatice F!':
<br /> . premiuYas.Thasa items ere aellad°Fs�racv Items."Lendes muy.at any tim0.�11uct r�8 hald Fuads in aa ar�ouat not �
<br /> .�, w a$�ceed the maaimnm a�ouut a leader for a federally relr,ta3 anar+tpge loan muy requirs far Barra�ser's�e.�raw
<br /> • accauat uador tha fuderai Real Fstate ScttiEmcent Precaiures Act af 171Q as ameaded fram.dstie w ti�ne. l2 U.S.C.
<br /> Section 7b'Ul crP a+aq. I�RE��'A').ual�s auat6er lurv thut agplies tn t4a Fu�ds se�a lesser amnun�Tf so.Leader msp, �°-":-
<br /> �� � at any t'sme,co!!�Y�nd hold F�mds in an amoun4 not.to etc�d the Irs�er smount Y.ender anap estimate th�a araauut of �����
<br /> ' Fauda 8ue vn the ba�s a4 cin�+ent dam aad rea:�nnbls estimates of es�senditur�of fueura F.�.�raw Items ar athenvise in Ly;-:
<br /> ...,�, accurdrsica withapplicable law. ==
<br /> s .' 'The Fundp sbaU.b:held in aa institudua:who�e dep�asits are inau�i bq a fedaral agency.instrurnestsality.or entity —
<br /> �� ��' I�ncluding Lendt�."q1'r Leader ia sisc�aze inntttutton}or aa anp Federal�Hnme I.or.n�Hcak.Letcder shall apply the Funda to =-
<br /> .�'�Y,` . a t�e Eserow Itamna Lendar ena no3 c �orrotcer for holding and a �' the Funds,aanuaUy saalyziag the
<br /> P ]�.. . Y � PP bn�fi �T�
<br /> �cme�aaGnunt.or verifping tha Fssrow Items.:uiless I.eu�gc pays Enrmcser intt�'t on the Funds aad applicab2e tacv �_;.;.
<br /> . p�ri�ts Leader to ma3ca s��St a c�.tge. Howaver.L.end�r moy n�qui� �urnecnor w pxy a one-time cbarge for an I�t:;r;:_.
<br /> � instsp�dent r�!•wmie taz r«.-nortiag s�vica u�ad by Lender in counact}tm with this loan,unl��pplicable lasv provides -�W�,
<br /> :, otherwis,,.UnytsB sn�agseemeut is ma8e or h�able law rs9 irttt�tcsst w be d,I.eadut�hs11 aot ba reqnired 40 . �`��;
<br /> .,u. � tgp' r�qui ttt gai
<br /> � Pa9 Bosmcver ers�.intor�st ds earaings on tha Fuarls.Baraotver aad Lt�i�3er map sgrea ia writiu�,however.thatiat�rest �•-:-
<br /> s�lib.p2id on 4h�Funds.�:�ander shall give to Bomswer.without otier�,an aanna]axounting of ttte Funds.showimg ����
<br /> � ct�itb�►d debiis�o the Fua�,snd the purpose f�r whiob t¢�h de6it to the Fuads wns madc�Tha Funda ere pledgest as • �''��
<br /> adctitfaasl securiip for ail sumssecured by this�ecettibl Jt�sttnmanx
<br /> If the Fuuds held by Lender eYC�d_gha amounte grrinitta3 tn f�held hy apglicable law,I.ender shall account to ��
<br /> Boreower far 8ha e�FuaBs ia acsas�eiiaQ cvith the requiremente�aC t�rpliceble law.If tfle amouat o4 the F'u�ds hel� �`;
<br /> � � , by Lettder at apy dme is not�vif'icient w psy.�the Faccaw I¢ems wi�i:r3t�s,Lender map Eo notify Bortower ia writi�g, _-
<br /> � an�i.in�tch cass BanowaY:3ieU:pay to Leader the esaonnt necr�sary�saake up th.de�ciency.Honower shalt ffiake
<br /> - up 4tla deucien�y in no mor�*hsn 4welve montiily papmaator at Lender's sqle discrrstitin. --
<br /> '� � �;t�gan•p�y7ntmt in full oi a11 sums sec�red 1�Y tL3$�uritY Inst�meat,Lendces�shnll psomptlp refund to Bonawer
<br /> � aap Fands�uii�b�Lcnder. Ii.under ParaBraPh 21. I.ender shall �r�sre or sell the Property. Lender, Prior w the . �"•
<br /> aa�uis�tian ar,ca4f��'Y�the Property.sl�all apply auy Funds held 6y 1:EUder at the time of acquiaitioa or eale ss e ctbdit '
<br /> ug�Fe 4he aurne s�cuted bq t�is 3eeuritp Ir�W��.n� __ _
<br /> �:.Appkcs4ion oi Payments.Uale�s egpficable Im.w gmvid�s otherwise.nll paymenta received by I.easlcx uader
<br /> � ,. parngrnp!►s l and 2 shaU be applied:fu�t,to aaY PnFeY��at charge�s due uader the Note;�ecoad,to as�ougti��SU�ble �;
<br /> uuder parap,raph�tt�'srd.to interest due;fourth,to priucipal due;and last.w any laie chargea due undar tha Not�•
<br /> .. 4. Chu�s:Liens. Bornower sha11�y a21 taxes,a�menm,c2�rgea iines aad�mpasitiqns atteibutable W t��:. — .
<br /> ' Praperty wbioh msy attaia prIority over t�€s�tq Instrume�t,aud leasehold paymen4a or grouad r�nts.if aag.;;:,,; !�'�
<br /> Borrower shall piy thess obli tionc�m ttja��araaaer p�vided in paragraph 2.or if aot peid ia thas manaer,Borrowe�;�..�•�
<br /> s�all�psY shem on tircee dir�3�tn:tfis paasen owod paymen�Bornawer shaDl pmra.p.�Jy furnish w Lender a}1�otices ot:� .
<br /> Y
<br /> • . smaunis to Ue�id under tiri��i�pg.�.'�orrower maY�theso payments direa�q�Boarower ehnll pram.�tdpo famisffi� :"°.. �".
<br /> .,, . . to I.ender s�ceiptq evide�g tlae pAynnen.ti�' � �
<br /> . � Borrower sSiall pramptly discharge P�rmn�rluch hes priority cs��this Savr�ty Iasuument antess Borrocver:(aY�,� �
<br /> a�a i A w ri t i a g b�t h e p a y m e n t a i t h e obl��o a s e c u r e d b y t he lie�i'st a menaer a o x ptable to Lender.(b)contests is� F•�
<br /> gry�i��h the lien by�or defend�against enforcemeat o4 the liea in.tegal proceeding�whach ia the Lender's opinioa �_:
<br /> � � � a�tt�w pr�vtnt the enfotrament ot ttv.�lien;or(c)secures trom the holder of the lien an agt+eement eat�sfactory to �T�
<br /> . � tie��subordinating tha 1ie�a to thte Securlty Ius3rumen�Ii Leader deteraniae�that eny part of the Property is subjoct --
<br />.� . w e iiaa whioh may attain g�siority over sJtih�ecurity Inswmen�Lender may give Borrower a notice�dentifyiog the f-�::
<br /> -_- tien.$orrower sLalt satisty tha lien or tukr:rsLO or more of the actiarua.a:t forth above within 10 daya of 4he giving oi �
<br /> . ,—-; AQt�pG �
<br /> 1'�i. �
<br /> .. � �s�� �isa �
<br /> ._ �(�Ti�tottfln.s �m O.or e InttU7f: 1�N� —
<br /> �. �/.% --
<br /> ' ,, � • y�rt,�Nr , ;� �l'�.•;.,; . . �` .. �y . . • • 1f�Y� .
<br /> '.,'' , � ����f� ,?� f�� t � f•,�•r� _ T `�hy ' .
<br /> ,,.�sa:,���� ,�'�•h 1 . . j
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<br /> �t�1ji Z' " a`���1\�{�t-���'�Y������yV�i�r�� �.y�i�"����5� � . � _ ''�(�� i��� . , . -!�j``�� - �i•�;�1'-`.;
<br /> ;r� � . � �'`�y�j j!€��d.' t:` . _• . . `Y'.t�� ��„ . . . '' .
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