, . � .. . . ..... ... __
<br /> r= . .
<br /> �.•:..
<br /> . 9� �rr ' �":_
<br /> . . m�nts nu� s;o tonaer 6�tequired,at the option of LenQ�r. i6 rt�zt�t;e insurance coverage(in th�z�t' t �r the gPria� —.
<br /> • paY u�y a
<br /> th:t i,end�r requires)Qrovided by an incuret apgraved by Le.�tzr agaies beoomes ava�ltsbie asv�is obrfwrc�d.�orrativer si�tl p�y _-
<br /> ��,;� the prenuun�s r+equire�to u�ir►tain u�nrtgage insuranse in eitc�,or co provide a toss r�e�e.un*.i3 L�:re�nr•�'-fos mQr!gage Q
<br /> ,. _... ._...
<br /> �� Insurnnc:ends in accoadaa►r�e wiih ony writt�n a�m..ant�iiv�a��rc��re:ar.i[.c:r,i�r�a p��t�r. —_
<br /> �.�.; 9.Iw�p�ctTott. Lcnder az its ngent inay m.�ka:reasor.a.bL.en�ti�.s apon ar.d inspectiong of tti:P�o�¢�+. Les�der shall give �
<br /> Bor��uer naticc a¢the aine af or prtor to an inspeetiun spEC�ifj�an,g reuso�abL�cnuse far�h�in�p�ct9oa. _-_
<br /> :. � 1�Condemnnt�on. The gtocc.�eCs of su►y award or cEaim faT dasnsges, ditect or conseqaentiai. in corcv:ccic�.a�fsh any �'
<br /> ��`.,�� cond�annation er other taking of any part of the ProgenY.or for omnveya.�az in lie�s of condzmn�tia�,��ir:r�ry assignrd and _
<br /> �t . slt�tl b�paid to Lcnder. —
<br />�� ln thc even:of u tatal caking of the Pra�erty,the praceods s��ll be applied ta alrs su�s sec�rred trs th�s S�rsiii7•Instrum�nt.
<br /> � whether or na1 t h�n due, �rith any escess paid to Borrawe�. In ttes event of a pasti�i t�king of tFr��a��in Khssh c6e fair _
<br /> -'�` market value of tha�o�erty immadflatety Defam the ta4ring is e�,�i to ur gr�ater ih�tt�.a�u�nt of sh�scntq s�rt�3 by this �,�:---
<br />�'�f. Security Inswmsnt im�nedss�tely before the taking.antess Ba�rawer ar.tt Lender otherwise afl,,ree in azitiag,th.sums secvred by =_
<br /> this Security Insmunent shall be reduced by tir�amaunt of tta� procaeds multiplied by ths follt►zvang fm�xim: (a)the tatal
<br /> ' ' aiaoaat of the sums seaued immediAtely liefoce thE tating,di����d by(b)the fair m-�rlves vadu�oF t�►:Pr��immediately =
<br /> 6efore the talditg. l�ny batan� shsiU be paid to 8orrower. In th�ev�ut of a pastial ta9sing of ttE.Pro�+sctp in.vstut�.the fair
<br /> s
<br /> _ markei vatue of t8e Fmperty inamediately before ehe taking is less dr�n th�amount of th.sums secured imm�di�ftdy b:`ore i6e �_`
<br /> tating.antes.s Bormwer and Lender otheiwise agrze in waitin3 ar nni�ss applirable laa othawi�e gmvid�s.ds:pmx�ds shall --
<br /> • be applied to the sums secuned by this Security Insttum�nt cv��.3 or arn tht sua�s are then dns. —
<br /> If the Propezty is a6andanad by Borcower,or if,aftes natioe by Lens�es ta�ozron�s tba�ths am�t��r off�cs to malce an .,
<br /> award or ss2tls a tlaim f�r da�ns►ges, Barrower fails to respn�,i to Ler.sl�within 3f1 dttys aftez�:�e sh$r�,r,ip��s.S�`ren• __
<br /> � Lender is suthorizt�[to caltect amd apply the prooeeds,at its optioa.eithez tq restoiaoian or rc�tfs::�:�:ii1�L�iogert}�ar•ta�re sums
<br /> �`; � secuned by this Securir�r Inshwrcen�whether os rtot then due. ' • : .' "' _ .
<br /> � •,-�, Onless Lensier and Burrower otlternrise agree in waiting, anY aPPli�tian of pto�eds[ci�.3hal1 Qqt�.'^�nd or —
<br /> . postpone tke due datg of the monthfy puyments r�fe�red to in p�a�aphs I and 2 or ch2ug�the amea��Ct��sh pa,}?ri�t�:.
<br /> 11.8ar�oev�er leiat�L�t�s�:Forbesran��9 I,end�r N�z o�'la�a.Exteaclon of Yt��cim�for ps�nmeni ar,�?c�ion;s �::
<br /> of amortiTation of the sums serumd 6y this 8ec�r�ry Insunm�t gr�!ad by Lender w any s�xessor in interest of:�os�+swer shait'�, �.
<br /> ' aat operate tn retet�sr the lia6ilflty of the origin:��B�rrowef os Hano�•ez's suo�ssots in i�erest. Len3er shsaJ nos be reqiuied to . m
<br /> cama�e pmaeedielgs againsL any successflr in imeresc or refuse to exte�am�for pa}mi.nE ar oth�e modi�J am�rtiration
<br /> 4�' .' of the sa�ns seau� by this Security Insuument by rea.on of any d�m�sd made by ths u�gin3} Aii�rowei or Bonower's --
<br /> ' successois in interest.Any f�nlsearanae by I.euder in exercisi�,a aary rigl�t or mm�y shall no3 b��w3iver of:er��ecia�e tbe ,_.
<br /> f.; ,.' e�cercise of any rig6t or�medy. , ..., , -_
<br /> A2.S�accssorF.aad A�figns Ba�d;aoia4 and S�reual Liability;Cm-signe�. Tir���e�•s.::x�l gS�°�!$og this
<br /> • Securi�3r Inst�vmeasi:.�,a�I bind and benefii thr:ssocesso�aa�a�si&ns oF l.ender and Bonawesr,,su�rr�:{o dw g�?isioas of °.
<br /> P:
<br /> . patp�lr. 1T� IIinm�r's covenants and agn�r.ats shadl 6.,joint an� several. Any Bamnwer wDf'a:;�'t�s&ns this 3�urit5►
<br /> IU5t�'F�(C yi�i dOG, ROt gxeCUte the NO!6: (a)is�cosigniceg this Sa9uity Insmime�t on1s�.to mnrtgage�grans;tia�:t�'eY tltat _
<br /> Bora�,rrac�:interest in the Pro�rty under the t�¢ans of this�zriity Insnum..°nt;(b)is nat'�fivso�lty o6lig��ed,tu,g;,�G�f�t sums
<br /> secund 6y�thLs SecurltY Inammtem:and(c)ag�c�:that Lea�J�c'�d any ather Borrower u�ay agraa to��?ead,:�if�l.!'sss�ear or � . , _
<br /> � . maYe any aacommac�ions with regard to tha t�ms of this Ss�curity Uistncm.�t or the I�ote withm�t,th�f�Bn�ras�r's cansent. _
<br /> � 13.Wan CitarB�..IF�he toan secvr�d try�,�is Sec�erity Insmnn�t is subj�t to a law wt�irb sees°r�x3ms�m toan chuges, ' .
<br /> ,,-
<br /> and that taw is finaUy intetpr�,�2ed so that t�e intemst or otto:s Ioan ch��oollectad or.to 6s coU�t$d in oonr.xtion with the
<br /> laan exceed the pemuued timits.trra�:(a)arry such loan cEa3a�sL211 bz t�adua�d bp thu;nmr,:int a;a:ssa�+w r�uu�th�charge . _.
<br /> . to the pemutted limit:and(b1 a�►y sums alr�w wllec�ed from Snrrojver w4�ich exc�✓'.�y���r�tt�'limits m1i be refunded to
<br /> Borrowa. L�ender.mny cboose to mafce thi's:r.�fsad by rod�:r3ng th� prir;ra{�a�t owed uliQ�ii the.K�it�u�ar by ataYing a direct _
<br /> .. ��.> �.. PaYm�at w Bor.a�ren If a refund reduces �ip,sicip�l. ch� c�edus�ian,v1flf;�Ge taeated as a�suts`3l,;:�yment without any
<br /> ° • _ «: �.mt charga under tha Note. �. • ' ..�,. . .� --
<br /> � ' ��::��..Nobia�,s.Any aottce ta Borrower provlded for in ttds.5ecurity Insunm�^sl sbil�i�s��*�ven by dblivering i0o,��(�'�v1in8
<br /> �.� Ic by�iast cl�ss mail unless upp7icahie law eequirss use af a��1h.r m°.thnd.'i�n�rttae sfsal�be dire�2Cd to th�Piv�esfg�AddreSs
<br /> 1e�.��,, :+:•. �• or any other addtr.ss Bonower designutes Ly rn�ice ta Lea�:r. My n�tiee w Ler�t sfiaU b��t��*.��by fir�t ciass mfnl to
<br /> , . ,.;.., ,,_
<br /> ;��t?:.,`.,, ;� LeMet's addt�ss stated�cereia or any uthez�di�s E.eades desi�nat�by mtioe w Borrower. Aay,�n�ta�provided for in thls
<br /> :''':`'''�;•'� Insirument rha11 be deemed to hnve hsen givea to Bcnrower or Lendez wy�giYCa�:ds provifled�in t�is pa�gapb. .
<br />,�...�,:i;;.'�' �'' � ��'� : �
<br /> -�±�,�.;•pi:'.;,`..•.� .�#��>Gaverafug lctw; Sevcz�dr�3Sty. Ttus Secusity L�tnuu:nt sh�ll br g.mn.�ra[.lr'� federal 1aw arld�th�.tas�v of ti�e
<br /> ``"'��'';.." ' �• jurist�i�s�;;on in whicb t&o Propeir}�.�lacated.Im the evert ttsit eny provisIon os cluaie�f�t4�is Socusity.Instsumn"art'isr tlie Note
<br /> � :�:'��� :.:. •. �:.�with applicat►le law.such'oonflict s�a�lC'•.aot affoca oth:s pzovisions of this S�xiarity Insttumrza�s�nr.tine No49�r�t;4ab can be
<br /> .,,f. ,-� p
<br /> •:;;.:.;, ,. : gfvcv:�f'fect wldtnu¢tha canfl9ctin�provisio.. 'T"i�this e��ttc�pr�vioior.s of ttus�er.vrity InsttuuY:ni��tirL t�11iq�tre declamd
<br /> � • ta 1±r�.�sa�erabte.
<br /> . d(�Borp+uwtt's Copy.Hnreur��ar shall be givert o�cu�fn�rApy of tb�Natv sr.r��i ttiis SECtt�iiy.�r',statmyr;�t:.
<br /> � . � � ' Camv.5Y530 8180
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