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<br /> ��c.:
<br />. ��Lc,-Y.t.
<br /> n. ,f ���� `~.;.
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<br /> �. �er �o�°ty insurance. Borro�r shall k� tliee impmvea�enu no��eu�s-G'ng or heceafter erzct�d on the ���_-
<br /> Property iasurEd against loss by fire, halards ia�cluded within the term'extendQd covernge" and any uther hnzards. iacludins �-
<br /> • _ goods or ftonding,for wtuch Lendcr requires uuur.u►ce.7'his insatartce sha11 be m�int�ined in the amoueu aad for the periods
<br /> s �
<br /> ' th;1t r.eader r�uires.'Itie insura.lce carrier providiag ehe insurance siiaii be chmcn oy 8ufn:.� szc'��:..z tL '..:.=�r'e a�re••� —:—.
<br /> �vtush s9uilt nat be unr�onably �it1d►eld- If Barrovr�r fnils to mnfntain covernge describ�d above. lxnder may, at lrender's �_,�
<br /> option.abtain cove:ar,e to protect Lender's rights in the�tope�iy in eesordanse�vith paragrctph 7. �-�
<br /> ' AU ir�suranoo polic�ts and renew�ls shall be uccepmble to Lenst�r�rtd shall inciude a stnndanl mungage ciau.3c. l.e�cr �`
<br /> `' shall hnve th�ri�ltt to hold the p�licies nnd rene�vals.lf Lsnder requirc.�s.Q�rrotv�r shull promptly give w Lznder all msci�ts of
<br /> �•-�
<br /> '� t, paid premIutns and rene�w�l aotices.In the event of loss.Borrutver shall�ive prompt notioe w ehe insuranze carricr ar.d L�r�ler• �_
<br />� [,ender m�y make proof of loss if no�cnade promptly by�or[ower. --'
<br /> Untsss Lender and Borrower othenvise agrce in writing.insumnce prac�ds shnll be applie�to restorntion or re�air af the �,�
<br /> - propeiqy damaged.if the restorstion or cepair's economically feasible and t.er�der's security i�not lessene�.Zf tt.c ru�ar^tt.;a^ar -�
<br /> . repair i�not�noaucally feasic'.e or Lee�er's security would be lessened. the insurunce pr�s sha!!be appli�to th�svsas �";
<br /> seciued by thia Securiry Inscrument. w�r��r�r or not then due, with any excess paid to Bortower. If Borrower ah,��'�a the �i�^.�
<br /> ; P�o�erty.or does not answ�r wit�iri 31f ri�ys a natioe from Leader that the insw�nce carrier has offered to seute a clai�.,tt�n �^
<br /> E.ettder may rnflect the in:�rau�e praoeeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Pro�erty or to poy sums �
<br /> secured 6y this Sertuity Inst�n�menl.whet8er or uot then due.The 30-day periQ�wifl br.�in«hen the notioe is given. __�
<br /> ' !'f Untes.s L�ndes and Barrow�r otherwise agree in writing. anY aPPlication of prooeeds to principal shal! not e.Qir�d or
<br /> • posYpone th�due date of the montlily pa}rments referred to in pamgiaphs 1 and 2 or change the amouat of the paymeaLs. If �_
<br /> �� , eu�der paragaph 21 the Pmperty is acquired by L,ender.Borrower's ri�t to uny insamnce policies and procceds rewltin�fxam �'_
<br /> damage to the Property priar to the acquisition shall pass co Lendcr to the extent of the sums secured bY Efiis SecuritY'Instnt'ment ��.�'
<br /> ' immediatety psinr to the acquisitian. __=_
<br /> � 6.po�a�y,Pt�seivattoa,Majntenaace and Protettion of tfte Prope�iy;Barro�er's Los�App1'statinn,L�nsehs�lds.
<br /> ..'}:�, Bairower sha13 occapy,establish.and use W,z Property as Borrowei s princip�!residence vrithin sixty days after t�he e:x�c[t3��II of �
<br /> . tbis Serurity IAsaume�aad s6ail continue to occupy Y�e Prap�rty as Borrower's principal residence for at teasi o�yarr af�xr r�_,
<br /> ' ' tIte dat°.of occupancy.unless Lender othetarise agae�: in ariting,which wnscnt shati nat be wueasonably wit�crt�,oz,untess �_-
<br /> . ° eatenuating cirwmstances eicist which are beyond Borrower's controi. Borrawar shall not desuoy, da��e or sitt:�ir the �°
<br />: Property,allow t�e Property to deieriorate.or commit waste on the Frap�ty. Borrawer shall be in dafEUlt if ariy fcrafeiture �s;
<br /> �� action or pr�ing,wt�her cyvil or crim'snal.is begun that in�er's good faith judgment could resutt in forfei�umof the ___.
<br /> � Property or a�.,rn�+ise materially impair the lien creutad by this SecaeiaY insaument or Lender's security interest.Brrrrim�er may �'
<br /> � �� cuie such a default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 1�.by��g ttte adion or prQOe�ding to be dismis�ed wT;��ralinS '��__
<br /> ' thnt, in Leader's good faitYa deteimination, precludes forfeiture of t&e�omawer's interesc in the Praperty oY o�hea•�cerial �-
<br /> • , . imgaument o��Jia lien rrea�d by this Serurity Instrumeat or Le�vl�s seauity intere�t. Butrawer shal�also �e i�d�ault if [':�:
<br /> Bormiver.duenr���:lazn application,lr.m�ss,gave materially faLe:Qr�cwmts informationor slatements to Lea�dzr.(�?•&i?�i
<br /> . • to provide Lender wn✓a��;,r°�,...ateriai iid'�rrrn-.,.+ation)in cannection cvir�:.t��an evictenoad by the Ncv�.inctw.�in..a�,6r,ut nr.l�.ii�7ta�:�. . --
<br /> � � to.reFmsetttations cars�s;e�,$nirower's accupancy of the Praperty as a princ's�stTi rtesidenoe.If this Security Insmur�t59�is o::'�
<br /> feasehold, Eorrowez sTkl'�2.,auY�ply with all t6e provisions of �e tease. Yf B��rn�+�•�r aoquires fe� titte ta d'�e P.cay�:�tfy.�t�e �_:
<br /> � leasehold aud the.fee titte s';.�i ttot merge unle�Leudea sgce�z�r u1e�;�z�tgep in writing. :
<br /> ' 7.Prot�of Lender's Rfglfts In the Peo,�erty.If rn�_�2cvrc�'r�'.s.ta perform iha covenants an�a�er:ts as�'.idur�i:� �,:,:;
<br /> . t3�"�F�",�'�ument,or there is a legal prace2ding t9at�;�:�s4�"hv�ai�tly affect Lender's cig6ts in the Prapestg�(st��•as a _
<br /> , �,� � - g m e�anlan�tccyr.Pmbate,for condemnation or.�iz�N�:��x 20�nforce taws or regulatioasp,then Le�td2c ttaf;,3o and
<br /> - -- pay for whatever is�y tn pmtect the walue of t''�; 'Si'r?=3s�.� �t Lender's rights in the Fropeeiy. 1.�..nr1�r's.r�,ci8t'�tnay ��
<br /> . ��% � include payl.�,�any sttN,z�;�s�cu�d by a lien w6ich bas pric�.;+ ,rraa this Security In�xrument, aPpearir;3 �a�av�:;93Y�3
<br /> ��<,,,� reasons�is:s��r.;eys'fees and eniering:,►�ihe property to ma�is i�at��,.Alihaugh Lender may Falsie�sxion urd�a tb;is��1s?;. . -.
<br /> �ms�,�b;. . 7.1,.err�er '�x�have�•�oso. : . . . / :•, ,.
<br /> Y x�r ,; , Mq�'�s�.��c� by Lender under this ,.^.a.�graph 7 shali becotne zddirianal d�:�qf l�orro�rer�scctitodr��y �tr;• t
<br /> ,. . '•�r�ri ¢�'"^�ment.�L`-�,�L�orco�er and Lender a�.to athmr torms of�Qayrx�nt, these s�nount4 sha!!baar.ii;fac�t:�'�ori��?e. ,:��
<br /> :-.,�aa of d��ment at� Note rate�and s h a 1 1 be�s€�r�b le. w i�i imterest. upan no Uce f i+�m L a n d s s t o$s�a:a w s����i�S
<br /> . . ' �n���"�.°••� .
<br />� 8.��lbiigage Yas�anee.If Lender m.quirad mott�aga i�+:�-,�-�cr�tu a con�ition of malcIn�the loan secorn�Dy tfi%s.�'v'c+uity
<br /> � .'.:15�tmment. Borrower shaU pay the premiums requires!to m�:.;-�*� th�mortg�ge insuranc�in effect. If. for aqrr remanQ� tiie
<br /> : � '.':�rtg�e insurance wverage required by Lender lapses or oe�es co be in�effee4.Bonower shalt pay t0e p�mn�a�re��tcred to
<br /> ' obiain cay�e substaatially equivatent to the mortgage in.,°umacr-��,evlous!}r In effect,ut a cost subst�n¢iaL1y r.ru��'.A�to the t'"
<br /> �ost to Bdr7i�ur of tfte mo»gag�in:tur�ace previously in effect,.f�aa�tltemate mort�age�sissurer ap�aravod by LEtidlirh Yf R
<br /> �
<br /> � substantia�i�ca;ti.ivalent mortgagz insurance coverage is nat avaitujl�:..l3orrower shtill pay to�xlnfer eact�mor,�,h.n str��qv�Ji tr� �,_:
<br /> one-iwe3ftT�'cd"i`-�Y�Y�rtgage insuranse premium being pp,id by�iarroNer�c,�en the insurance wverage l�red��to �,.,�
<br /> - bc in effect.l:en�.z viiii;u��t,use and retain these paymeats as a I�ss n:setye ur� lieu of m4rtgage insu�nee. Lo�s sesenre
<br /> . Fomn 30,��A:.CilQ�9
<br /> � �s.act.n: �
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