<br />zbn�r � c 32s427z
<br />infarmatian RESPA requires in oonnectivn with a notice aftransfer af servicing. Ifthe Note is sald and thereafterthe I..oan
<br />is serviced by a Loan 8ervicer other than tha purchaserof the Nate, the mortgage Inan servicing obligations to 6anrower
<br />will remain with the Laan Servicer or be #ransferred ta a suc�essor Lo�n Servicer anc! are nat assumed by the Note
<br />purchaser unless otherwise pravided by the Note purchaser.
<br />Neither Borrower nar Lender may commence, join, nr b� jained to any judicial actinn (as either an indi�idual litigant
<br />ar the member of a ctass) that arises from the other party's actions pursuant to this Sacurity Instrument or that alleges
<br />that the other party has breached e�ny provision of, or any duty awed by reason of, this Security Instrument, until such
<br />Borrower ar Lender has notified the c�ther party (with suGh notice given in compliance with the requirsments of Section
<br />15) of such alleged breach and afforded the ather party hereto a reasanable period after the gi�ing of such notics to
<br />tak� carrective action. li Applicable Law provides a time period which must elapse before certain action can be taken,
<br />that time period will be deemed ta be reasonable for purpvses af this paragraph. The natice of acceleration and
<br />op�ortunity to cure given to Borrower pursuant ta Section 22 and the notfce oi acceleration given to Barrower pursuant
<br />to Section � 8 shall be deemed ta sa�sfy th� notice and appartunity to take corrective action pro�isions of this Section
<br />20,
<br />21. Hazardaua Subatances. As used in this Section 21: (a) °Hazardous Substances" are those substancas defined
<br />as toxic or hazardous substances, pollutants, arwastes by Environmentai LaW and tYte following substances: gasaline,
<br />kerosene, other flammable ar taxic petroleum products, tawc pesticides and herbicides, �olatile sat►rents, matarials
<br />cnntaining asbestos orformaldehyde, and radioactive materials; (b) "Environmental Law" mear�s fiederal laws and laws
<br />of the jurisdictian where the Property is located that relate to health, safety or en�ironmental prc�tec#ion; (c)
<br />"Environmental Cleanup" includes any respanse actien, remedial a�tion, or remo�al actian, as de�ined in Environmental
<br />I..aw; and (d) an "Environmental Condition" means a conditian that can cause, cantribute ta, or otherwise trigger an
<br />Environmental Cleanup.
<br />Barrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, dispasal, starage, or release of any Hazard�us Substances,
<br />or threaten to r�lease any Hazardous Suhstances, on ar in the Property. Borrower shall not da, nor allaw �nyane else
<br />to do, �nything affecting the Property (ay that Is in violatian of any �nvironmental l.aw, (b) which creates an Environmental
<br />Canditivn, or (c) which, due to the prasence, use, or release of a Hazardous Substance, creates a condition that
<br />adversely affects the value vfthe Property. The preceding two sentances shall not apply to the presence, use, or sto�age
<br />an the property of small quantities of Hazardaus Substances that are generally recagnized to be appropriate to normal
<br />residential uses and to maintenance of the Property (including, but nc�t limited to, hazardous substances in cansumer
<br />products).
<br />Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of (a) any investigation, claim, demand, lawse�it ar other action
<br />by any ga�ernmentat or regulatory agency ar private party invalving the Property and any Hazardvus Substance or
<br />Environmental Law of which gorrower has actual knowrledge, (b) any Environmental Condition, including but nat limited
<br />to, any spiliing, leaking, discharge, re�ease or threat af release of any Hazardous Substance, and (c) any candition
<br />caused by the presence, use or release af a Hazardous Substance which adversely aifects the value of tha Qroperty,
<br />If Borrawer learns, ar is natified by any gavernmental ar regulatory authority, ar any private party, that any rema�al or
<br />other remediation of any Hazardaus Substanca affecting the Properly is nec�ssary, Borrower shall promptly take all
<br />necessary remedlal actions in accardance with Environmental Law. Nothing herein shall create any obligatinn an Lender
<br />far an Envlronmental Cleanup.
<br />NON-UNIFORM CdVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further oovenant and agree as follows:
<br />22. Accvloration; Romodlas, l.vador shall glv�► notica ta Borrowor prlor to accolatatlan following Borrawer's
<br />breaoh af ar�y covanan# vr agroamant In this 5RCUrlty Instwumont (laut not prior ta accalerativn under Sect�on 1 S
<br />unlos� Applicebl4 Law pravidas otherwiso). Tha notic� ahall apocliy: (a) tha dQfaul#; (b) tha acifan requlrad ta
<br />cure thQ default; (c) a date, not I�ssthan 30 day�fram the dato the natica Is givan ta Borrow�r, bywhich iho d�fault
<br />must be curQd; and {d) that fallura to curo tho dofauit on or bqforo tho dato apaclflad M th8 notl�e rriay result ln
<br />acoolaratlon of thQ sums �curod py thls Spcurlty Instrumont and sale vf th4 property. The natica shnll further
<br />infarm Borrowar af tha right to ralnsteie t�fter accRlaradon and thv right to laring a eourt actlan t� �ss4rt tho nan-
<br />exlst�nce of a d�fault ar any ather dafenaa of Borrawar to accalaratlon and salQ, If th4 deiault Is not cured on
<br />or beforo tha date spQClflod In th� noqca, Landor at Ita option may requlra Immedlate paymant In fe�ll of all sums
<br />securod by thla Socurlty Instrumont wlthaut furth�r damand snd may invokQ tho powor at sula and any other
<br />rem�dtea permittod by Appllcabl� L.�w. Landvr shal! be antftlad to ooll�ct all axpansaa Incurred In pursuing th�
<br />remedies pro�+ldad In thls Sec�lon ?2� Including, but nat Itmltad to, r�asonablo attornpys' f�s and aosts of #ltle
<br />evidanca.
<br />If tha power of salo I� InvakQd, Trust�w shall rocord a noticQ of dofault In oach county In whlch any pert of
<br />the Praporty ia lvcatQd and shall mail Cnples of such natica In th� mann�r prQSCribad by Applicabla Law to
<br />Borrower and to the othor p�rsans praacrlbed by Applicabl� Law. Aft�r th� timo requirod hy Applicable l.aw,
<br />Trustaa ahall gi�+a put�llc natico of sal� to tha p4rsons and In th. mannar praacrlboc! by Appllcable I„aw. Trustae,
<br />without d4mend on Borrawer, shall aell tha Property at publlc aucUon to th� hlghaat biddar at the tlrrtv and place
<br />�nd under the tvrms destgnated In th� notice of salo In onQ or more parcala �nd In any order Tru�ta� detQrmir�as,
<br />Trua#ee may postpono sale of all or any parcal of tha Rraperty by public �nnauncamerrt at the tlmo and place of
<br />any prevlously schedulad sarle, lAr►dar of Its d4stignee may purchaae thR Proparty at eny sale.
<br />llpon recelpt of payment af the prlc4 Fald, Trustao ah�ll doliv�rto tha purchs�or Trustoe's d�ad conv�yln� the
<br />Pr4party. The rQCltals In th� Trustee's daad shall ba prlma facle �videnco of th� truth of tho stet�m�nts made
<br />thereln. 7rustee shall apply the p�acQOds of the salv In tho follawing ardvr (a� to a�l coats and �xpansas af
<br />exerclsin� the power of sedQ, �nd tho �afa, Includln� tha paym.nt of tha Trustaa'a faas actually incurrod and
<br />roaaonablo attarnays' fava as parmittad by AppllaablQ Law; {6) ta all aums �acured by thls Sacurlty Instrument;
<br />and (c) �ny axcess to tha parson or parson� I�ally ontltled to It.
<br />23. Roconvoy�rraa Upon.payment af ali sums secured by this Seourity Inatrument, Lender shall request Trustee
<br />tv re-convey the Rroperty and shall surrender this Security (nstrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this
<br />5ecurity Inatrument to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Pr�perty without warranty ta the person or persans legally
<br />entitled to it, Such person or persons shall pay any recordati�n �osts. L.ender may charge such person or persons a
<br />f�ee for reconveying the Praperty, but only if the fee is paid ta a third party (such as the Trustee) fdr services rendered
<br />�nd the charging af the fee is permitted under Appiicable Law. �
<br />.�
<br />NEBRA8KA--Singls Family—Fan�ia M�o/Froddl� Mao LFNIFpRM INSTRUMENT Form 3osa i/at ini�ialg � � I f ���
<br />� 196�-2W7 Online Dxurtwrrts. Inc. PAQ! 8 qf 9 EDEED 0705
<br />