� ���a�17t G� '��._-��.
<br /> . S7.3'�¢usfer of Ehc F�pe�4y ar u Bza.�fcfaS�n'!�-�4 im Bnrro:ser.If a{I or any part af the ProFerty or any interest in it __
<br />: 1.� is sold or tr�,.asferced(or if a benefic�al3nte�st in Batcotiver is sotd or transferre�and Borrowcr is not a nntucal�serson)without -_
<br /> ',,c s��.�*;T_�Ln�tse�ti�Haurev�erptthi�ouit�o shall not tse e ercis�by�I.ender'��f exerpc'�se�is�rohiti t�d b federaf la�of the date �u�
<br />. �-" P Y �,_:,.:;
<br /> ,. af this S�uriry irstruznent. -
<br /> u
<br />�� . � If Lender eaet�faes this option.I.ertder shall give Borrr�wer notice of acceleration.The nouce sh3i1 provide a period of not C�r==�::
<br /> iesa�than 3p d�ya from t$e dst,e the ootice is deliversd or mailed within v�hich Bormwer must pay a!1 sums secure� by ttris .��,,..
<br /> ' Setvrity Znstrutr�ent.lf 8anvwer fr�is ta y chese sams prio7 to the expiradon of t5is perial.Lender may invo6ce any remedies 6�,�.,
<br /> pxmtitt�d by t�is Secp'ry fYf�t� L�t i�rthee notice os demaud on Borrower. �r
<br /> � 1$. BosravsesT i•E���R��ate, �°Borrower meets certflin condisions. Eoaoiver shalF have the rigtu to have
<br /> '` eaf'orcemr.nt of thl�.��� tnsotutnenCdis�ntinued at any time prior co th:.eariier of: (a)5 days(or such other yeriod as �:`
<br /> -�'" apptipbte luvr may spaaify for reiastateateIIij befare sale of the Praperty puasuant to any power of sate con�ained in this �_
<br /> ___ �n�y�,�rn�r�,e�t;oir(b)emry of a j¢dgment enforcing this Security Instrumeast.Those conditioas are that Borrower.(a)pays �''�
<br /> :x��;��:::
<br /> .f L,�ndes all sums which then wauld be due umder this Security insaument and the Note ss if no accetzration had occurrd: (b) —
<br /> �`,;' ca�•es Ap�•de��.vIt of any oth:r covenants or agree�ents; (e) PaYs all e�ttses ittcusied i1�enforCing this SeCUrity i�lstmment, ---
<br /> '•�° : flncltc�'it�g.buE nas limited to.r�e�sonabt�auoraeys' f�s;and(d)taYes such astina as Lender m�y reasonably require to assure
<br /> ,°`t that the I��rs of this Securiry It�strum�nt.Lcud�c's ri�hu in the Ptopertg+and Borrower's cbligazion t�pay the sums secured by �'`�Y`
<br /> ' this Serurity Lt9t[ttmeGt sball coniutue unchanged. Upon reia9ta�merst bY Botrower, this Secauiiy Instrument and the �`' :;:
<br />:``::
<br /> ;;�+: � o6iigaaons sec�aYad h:reby shall masain fuUy effec6ve as if no Ecceleration had occurred. However, ttds right to reinstate shall F_,-.,_•:
<br />,=;.s � not appty in ths s�se of acxeiesation un�r gamgra�h 17. �':°,
<br />=1� .,`. 14. S�le of 1�Iat� Ch�t$z off I.o�n S�vtcer. 'tYte Note or a partial inLerest in �e Nore (eogether with this Secvrity =-_-_-
<br /> � Inspyment)may be sold one m more times witiiout prior n�tiaz to Borrower.A sate a�y nsult in a change in the eatity(Imown �:��_
<br /> �F,.�, as the."Loan Servicer')thai collaccs cnonttily payments due under the Note and this Sgcurity Instnsinen�There a]so may be.oue ��;;
<br /> �`•: oz ntore chaages of the I.oan Setvioer uarlate�to a sale of the Piote.If thzre is a c}�ge of the Loan Servicer.Borrower u:;ii.7� �
<br /> given w�itcen notice of the chxng;�in a�mrdance with paragrdph 14 above and applicabte law.The anti�arill state ti�e r.�rttmd� . ��':-
<br /> a c�
<br /> ' ad3rasaaf the new Lnan Servioer 3ad the address to�v1ricl�payments should be mad�. 'The notice w-�i also co��i:r�t3r at��r ' �
<br /> infomrttinn�equired by app7iatblelaw. ��
<br /> Zp. gyr�ndp't�;Sn�tances.gorcower shall noi cause or pemrit the presenc;e.use,disposal, storage,or reIease of auy _ � �:
<br /> - Flarardous Sa�xst�xs on or in ehe Pmpeay. Bormwer sbaU not do, n�or a}low anyone else to do, anyth�ng affeMing the
<br /> K
<br /> . progtrty that is in violation of aay Environmental Law. The p�it�,���o seateaces shall aot apply to the presr�ce,use,or, . . �
<br /> storage on the P�operty of small qirandties of Haxasdotis Substa�tht�c�re genecally reoognized to be appmjsriate to norms3:::.
<br /> resideatial uses and to maintenaace of the Pinperty.
<br /> Borrowes shal!prompity�ive Leader written notice of any investigation,���tin,�3emand.lawsuit or oiher action by any
<br /> ovetnmental or reg�latary ency or grivate pazty involving the Praperty and any�rdous Substanoe ar Environmen�l Law �_:
<br /> 8
<br /> of whis�Bortower has a knowtedge. If Borrowes tearns.or is nohfied by any governmental or regulaiory authoriry,that �,,,
<br /> �r., ':'; any cemuv�or othes remediation of any Hazardous 3ubstance a�ffecting the Property is necessary,Boaower shatl pmmp8y take -
<br /> ail t�ce$satyr rem�ia!actions in accordanc�w�t Favimn�ental Law.
<br /> • � As usec�in this ParagraFlz.a0. "gla�ar:r�st Substanoeg" are those substanses dr�'uied as toxic or hazaidous sabstanees by �..
<br /> �' E�virionmeata2 Law and the Ps�u��wuig snbstances: gasa'sne. kemseae, otlher flam'uisf�de or toxic petrole,um prodacts, toxic -•=•••
<br /> r
<br /> 'Y ��::. ��i�r�des and hetbicides,voi�fl�e solvenu.materiafs co�ing asbestos or formal�r�]�tt,a,ard ra.dioactive materiats.As us�i in , _--
<br /> ' ti�is�paragra,a�20. "Environmental Law" mean:+federnf laws and laws of the j '� ���tirr.e wl�ece ttte Pro�ertY is tocated that.,.�: � �
<br /> .;':'�' � relze to Qealth�safea7/or em�ironmental psatectian. " �
<br /> ����� � NaY U;u'�dRM CO`TENAI3T5.Borrower and Lender funher covenanc and agaee as follows: � �°:
<br /> � ' ;��:Arae�om,L�eme�es.Lcnder s6al1 give�T�to Busrnwer psIor W s.xedec�ctan foldoRin$Bosrnwer's bmscb
<br /> �9'��sn}�;c�i��nt ur a�in dils �ecuriiy In�d tbut nat prioa w.�ar.��ration�der paragaap6 17 anless --
<br /> , �tla�nln�a�:�+ratiidas o�Lse).THe nattoe shAll�: (a)the detstalt;(b��tite sdton reg�►ired to cmc the dci��it. .
<br /> �..:;'if;��' (c)o da2�n�i.fm�4t�an 30 days from t6e dzte t6e notfce is given to Basro�er.by.wfiicb the dctautt masi be cared;aad �~
<br /> ..�;',1� tcn that fatt�s+c to cure tbe defand3 on or bef�re t�e date spedf��d in the notice a+ary.res�(i in xcetesatfon oY the sams -
<br /> + secarcd by ttris Sec�ti9 I�ent and s�afe oP the Progerty.'�'ae notice s�a11 fa�L'�i�;c�Ea:ran.s�i the ctb..tit to
<br /> ' reiaatate t�#ter arc�lernt�on Rnrsd the rigbt to 6rin�e caa»actfon to assert We nqa�e�tsia�e ot a def�nl4 or any oE3ies
<br /> dedease of Borrawer W aszad�Yattan�ad sat�If the defaait is not cmesB on os�o�i�tPate spec'�es7 in tlae nutfce. �
<br /> � �n��zT,a�t�.a optFoa,nnx9'�^ytuire imm�iate P�+Ym�t in[all of all suass secareil by thls Secarity Instr+m�ent witho� � -
<br /> • Q.
<br /> .t��r d��t��m�y im�:.�e th2 g�nP�r of sale and tiny other i!emedtes pPrmi�ieif by appliqbie law.Ls�der sbafl�e
<br /> . ,��°{,� ��.::. i�tX�il tb. '.�a11 eBPevs��tre�iu�ynisu[nS the remedies pr�;nfi@�in t6is paragesi�Zfl,inciadtn$,but not llmi�&� ��_
<br /> , ' �+6��re��ttoraeYs'fecs and casts af fidc evldffice. �. � • �. , �
<br /> ,::..If the pov�'er o,f sak i�.�aked, Trostee s�u i l l c¢aa r d a no t�ce�a Y d e faq 4 x��io��c h c o u e t 9 i n w L i c�a�..g a r t o f t i t�' . _���::'
<br /> ' f��t j��9 La�ted and si�sx�'matf mo p�es o!s�rb aotfce in the manner prrsda'��q��y a�plkAble taw to Br�rswer antl to �._--
<br /> '. . s�t��tiscr.persoas pres�ibed by applicable taw.Attee t6e time reqni�ed b3+a p p�a�b l e law,'�v s tee s 1�a 1 1 g ive�h I F e n a t� _
<br />;•,:.+:;�;7� � oY saie ta the�.,�as�ancl tn the manae�p�scribed 6y mp�lirah9z lavs.Traste�wit6ou!demand on Borrawer,smtt seli �.
<br /> �r,+Y '
<br />;�;:����;� ;�:. t�s�r o p�y r��b f t e a a�o n t o t h e h x�6 l d d e r a t the time and�}ace stnd cmder the t�nns 8csignstecl Qn the not�Ce of
<br /> ;N, .,,.• :� �y po�po of the
<br /> <,:.�,?���,. . .sasR in one u��ir�mre pa�e[s and in any order'Trustee determiaes..',�II'u�s�tee m ne salcaf r�11 or a�paroel. _
<br />?;�1r?`�t��i,;� �r{�y b q �C annotuU.�.:�t at the ttme and place of siny p3►es:ousty schedalatl salr. Lender or its desf�ee may . �
<br /> ;r,tf- �.�';,tss�se the Paogerty 9i su;yr+a�3e.
<br />����,.;f�''1, . � ' - � ' - R".
<br /> `.�.ri�� . �. . . . ,
<br /> . � a
<br /> .�.5li3ti; :t� ' , . - ��� i� __ _
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<br /> .�• , , . . - A .,_.
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<br /> . . . � . , ..,� .' ' _� . .. � ' iv�s�� . ., ,_ . - , i�'.
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