`��;�� `� 3�r ���� �::�;.:::
<br /> :` r.`, payffisnts may no longer bg rer{uimd.st the opdon of I.ender.if*nort c insuiaace cuvera �tin the a�a�t aryt€c4 G;r:�x:P�;td �-:-
<br /> ' � g a
<br /> ' .Y� t�:: �.
<br /> that�erder requeres)provid�3 by an ia�surar approved by Lender again 6ecomes available and is ob�air.ed.Ac.�svv�cz sl�ilf�•�iy
<br /> the premiums cequic:d to maintaim m��spge insurance in effect,or w provide e loss rescrve.until ti;e req�r*zn:,��t fz*mcr.ig�t}{B
<br /> �- irsu.�:.�#r.a.�.,��x�'Kh scy r.Yritt�t sos�beLwP?n Rnrrn�ver and Lender ar anpli�ble law. =,.
<br /> ��.f.��� 9.Hnspeztiou.Lender or its age�may maks reasonable entries npon and inspECtlons of�1ae Pr�gerty. LardP.c�al.t�iY�. �*"`_�'
<br /> ` Barrower nntice at tite wne of or priar to an insQection sp�:ifying re�sonzble cause for the ins�cction.
<br /> � '� fl0.CondrmnaYton. The proatds of any awurd or claius for d�nages, direct or cansequential, in car.r�ecu.� �vic�,cn;� ��'
<br /> � ooademnarion or oti�er talang of any part of the Propesty.or for conveyance in lieu of candemnation, are hersby assie,�d.�rr� �`'.�.?:�:
<br /> � ' shall be paid to Lender. �`
<br /> t=-..�•: In thc event of�torai taking of the Property.the prooeeds shaU be applied to the sums secured by thes Secuzit}�Irurtra�era, ��
<br /> ��• " - wheiher or not then due. �vitb any exoess paid to Borrower. In the event of a paatiai takit�g of the Pragerty in wts�ah t�,��ai4 ��
<br /> ;'�-� market valne of ths Pcopsrty i�nmediately before the taking is eqaai tn or greater than c1►e amount af ihc sma�s seru..'�d by zL�'r.s ���"
<br /> S�rity Instium�nt unn►ediatelY befare the tal�ng,unless Borrovrer aad Lender oihervrise agroe in writin�.the su�rs s�.-at I�y
<br /> this Security Insuument shall be reduced by the amount of the prooeeds multiplied by the followi�� frPCtios�: (a} t�e uva! P��
<br /> �•,,,: amout►t of the svms Setut+ed immerliatply i�efote Ihe taldng,divided by(b)tha fair market value of tt� P�y�eaty icr�iaicly.
<br /> �before the taking. �iuy balance sha!!be paid to$orrower. In the event of a partial tat�ng of the Prn�erty in wlacch th.e fa.�r �
<br /> a
<br /> market value of the Prop�ty immediatety befora the taking is less than the amonnt af We sams secuned im���a P�y nefar.�e
<br /> . taldng.unless Borrower and 1 ender othemrise agree in writing or antess applicable law otherwise paavi�,the p��o�ceeds sf�lt --�i-_.�
<br /> � �� trz applied to the svau s�by this Secuaity Insmiment�vhether or not the sitms are then due. Fe .,
<br />��'`�� ,' If Ihe Pro�xiy is abaadoned by Sn:rawer.or if,after natice by Lender to Barrower that the coIIdem.tamz affe�s to�a� • -
<br /> award or settte a ciaim far damages, Bosrower fails to respond w Lender within 30 days after the date t8e aa�oe is gave�. ��`
<br /> ;�:,. � Leuder is authoriz�ed to colteci and appiy the prooeads.at its aptiun,eiGher w restaration ar repair of the P•ra�erty ar�+u th�e su�c�a =-
<br /> : .. - s�cured by this Secwity incrr�_me.±�-whethet or not Wen das.
<br />-�:t '� Uatess L�eader and Borrawer other�vise agiee in wridng, anl+ aPPli�stian of proneeds to prin,cipal sha1�nm't exur,dl ar =_
<br />�;-:,���;'� Postpone the due da2e of the monthly gayceenis ceferred to in paragra�hs 1 and 2 or c6ange the amount�f such�Sayn�ersr�. .a
<br /> •°„""��� Il.�arm�er 1�iot Ret�Ea�rsnoe By I.�der Not g�Y�ive�r.Extension of die time faz pay�eat or.r�adific�cri
<br /> :::.�;.��:�
<br />:-::w'.UVR(�
<br /> �`"��;`� of amortization of the sumc secnred tz�?t33�Security Instrument grau�by Lea�der to arry suocessor in nnt�esi of Barrov;er sh�13 -_-:=r�
<br /> �` F;cf
<br /> .:: � not operate to release the liability of ttie original Borrower or Borrower's suooessora in interest. Leudr�r shalI arrt be requ.irod to ��.._
<br /> • :;,. .
<br /> .:�`,:����•.�, , c�mmenoe plooeedings a,ga;n�any sucaessor in interESt or refi�se to extend time for a ent or other�vise rnu�i.:;y ar�a.�tx�c� , .
<br /> P Y� .'.�4;.
<br /> ,}�`i` ..�.
<br /> -;� .�`. . . . . of the su�s �ecured by ttris Sesurity Instrument by reason af any demand made by the orignal B�rn��w�oz �arm�i�a's ::
<br /> I trume
<br /> ���;�: suc��ssots in interest.Any fos�oeardnce by Lender in exercising a�}right or rcmedy shall noi be a waicei`c�or Qr�r�i�t� :`;E, �
<br /> ��;---"' exercise of any tight or remedy. ` `•
<br /> . � • � l2. Suoc�oss�•4ssIgos ItaQnd;Joiat aad Seveasl LiabUitgi;Co-�i'g�te�s. 'I'he covenants and a�errs a���st ":a•'`::•
<br /> n
<br /> � � � Security lastiament r+h�13':�;�td and benefit the successois and assigns of L�e and Borrawer, snb,ject ta the pz•nvisioas o�
<br />,., :;' paragraph l7. Bornaw�:-s covenants and agreements shafl be joint and sevE:.u. My Bonower who co-sigm this Secwrit�� . ', �,.
<br /> ..:-,;.� ar.,d cas�•ey t�ut
<br /> ;;;.1,�:..;, �nt 6ut daes noi execute the��la►�: (a)is co-signing this Se�curity Instram�nt only tm m�rtgage. S�an�t
<br /> �,n��'.•• Bostvwer's interest in the Propezty c:�d�r the terms af ttus Securiry Instniment:(b)is not p�nally o��agt�te+d io�ay tte:•r:��A
<br /> ms tite
<br /> • secured by this Ssauit,�'P�ans;an�(c)agre�s tic�x i,ender and arry otker Haa�ower may agree to exta'.d�,�a�iffY.fozbr.nr a�•
<br /> . maice arry a�acammod�tEd�s with regazd w the terms:{af��3as Sscuriry Ins�nment or[he Note without t5at SQrmwer's s��ent.
<br /> • . 13.I.oan Chsrges.If the loan secared 6y tlus Sea+rity Instrume.�t is subject w a taw which s�2s maxim�3uc�ch��a. ':°�---'°
<br /> ' and t�t law is final2y inierp�+eted su that the interest or other la;�.shargcs collectad or to be oouecxed in oar��araa wi�tt+� '�`'�;,;-
<br /> .— - loan exseed the permittad limits,then:(a)any such loan charg�s!�'�.f�redUCrd by th�amouni neae�ry 40�oduse zhe ch�rp,e
<br /> ,� ..�' to the peanitted limit;:s�d(bl�nY sums aiready sallected from Bcxst�sc�r a- '6a�e^`.excaeaed permitted liAaits wil�be refn�tu �,�;,,�
<br />. •� . ..Bormwer. I.endes ma�i��«iQooEe to maYe this re�'und by irducing the.��.al���+ed ander tltc Noie o3 by �naknr.r�o.diro�t, �;;,�,.�;':
<br /> • . payment to Borrower.��iY a refund r�duces principal, the reduction u+�31'S�s w-rated as a P� P�J�� vn^.�OUC any
<br /> ls_� ;
<br /> ';f;�c��ii:lS,� P�Y��8�ut►der We Note: ,
<br /> ' � � �14.Natic�.Anyr noticc to Born�-er pmvided for in this Se�uity I�ent shalt be�i•W�by deiiveri�it ar.6Fy mnilic�r �.
<br /> ?'�. .;l,1�,,,:',
<br /> it by fitst class m a i i u n t e s s ap�li c a b le law requ i r e s ase o f ann t her m e t t to d.�'�c a t i o x s h a ll b e d i c e c R e d¢q e�e P r o�t y t k�r t r s
<br /> • � os any ot9er a�id�ss&J�zower designates by nntice to Lender. Any nntica�r��Lender sball be gi�'+:rs:�l�y��ir�t ciuss ciea�:ta .::, �
<br /> a .,
<br /> � ' Lendsr's address stataB.LQrein or any otI�address Leader designates by notic..to Borrower_ Any ua�fr�.r�roviA..°d for isc t t i fn�� '`;;�',
<br /> Seaurity Instrument shail be deemed to have been given to Bortarr,,*r as Lcnder when given as p�vided in ehis par�gr.u�,t�• ' �'
<br /> ri lnstn�t'�2 sheil be ovemed b fedctal tavr aad the lavr of� ���..'' "�
<br /> IS..�"��ming l�t�; �vt�ab�i3y. T(us S�v ty � Y ,<_�:•_;-
<br /> jurisdict�au f�i wt+ich�'�.Property is tocated.In the event that amy�pmvisian or clause of this Security Iuctauxaeac az ffta:Dladx '.�._=�--:;.
<br /> � . �s;� confli�s c.+�t rap.flc�if��'naw.sach conftict shall nat effect othes pmvisions of thls Security Instrumene or tfl��.Na?e wh:ch ca�b�3�
<br /> . � "%�, given efftr:ta.:u mtt'�Oiv�wnnflicting provision.To this end the pmvisions of this Sewrity Instrument arld!d�r Noie azc decl2tt�rt� ' .
<br /> . i
<br />.,�.Y;-4;_,,: Lo be seut;�tti�t�. '-_:...
<br /> ;44r...; iG�;iCni.sr��ve,�s Copy.Borrower shall be given one canformed copy of the Note and of this Secucity Ir,amL..-�ng. �: �+;s':.,
<br /> • ��-:;::.:
<br /> • . � � fa�m3ft?P. �J13ED :as."-,
<br /> _ .• ' . . . . Fa�sofe . . ��;�.'i_:.
<br /> .. ...• .It• - .. —_
<br /> '�'il)r`', _ _
<br /> :�!!���1} � �
<br /> • ���':J�. . �'�i:
<br /> �''�l� �. y ti �YL� � A "!�� , . . � t • • .. . . '•�''`,;1._:?,.�i�:l��'"r',���i'
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<br /> � ;�,,,�,,F,,;���;. - - _ -i-. ` . --�;�t . . - - -,� , � _.. . . . . ._i�,l{�� .
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<br /> • ., - .. . . ` . : � . - _ . , . - _ � - .'+�S}� _, '
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