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<br /> °�,,,,�,� s. Eliw�d or Property laweaoce. Bortower siwll kap thu improvemena now existing ar iaa�eafler eactad on the
<br /> _ R�,� Pn►perty insurcd a�winct loss by flne, hazar+ds included within the term "extend«I coverage" and any otiwsr hi►�.ar4+t, iacludin�
<br /> __�_ _ —�p� floods or fload9n�. for which Lcnder rcquircs incur�. Thls incurancc slu+ll bc muintalnc�d in the anxwnts and fuc thu perioda
<br /> - thet Londer roquirei. The insura�xe carrier praviJing the inwrance shall be chosen by Bom►wer Rubjec�to l.endcr'c�ppz�aval
<br /> ---==s;;� which �hall not be unrenconably withheld. If Bnrrower fuils tn maintain coverage describad abnva, Lender may, At i.�ndier't
<br /> -•-�--° option.obtain rnve�e to prMCCt L.emier's�ighis!n thc Pruperty in u�curdwkr with parsigraph 7.
<br /> T.��'��' ���'��� Q�„ AU Insuranee policie� anJ renewala shall I+e acceptable to l.ender und hhall include a .rtundord mnrtgagc ciAUSe. I,�ender
<br /> ��' --— shall have the d�ht to hold th�policies�and renewals. If Lendee roquircs�,Barrowcr shall pramptly giva w Le.ndar all rocafpe af
<br /> ��� _ _ ��'-- paid prcmiumA and rcnewal no�icea. In the event of locs,Bormwer ehall give pmmpt naice to the insurance cartier and l.,e�der.
<br /> "_�� _ -�- Lender may make proof of loss if nrn made promptly by Bonawer.
<br /> , ,,�,, � � ,�,:; Unless Lender and Borrower ott�ervviee�agmc in writing, insurance pmcecds stwll be applied w re�;toratian oo rcpai�af the
<br /> -----'"�`t-'��'`=�',�� ' Property dvnaged, if tha restor�tion or repair is cconomically Pe�ciblearxl Lender'x security iw not lessened. If ttw re.unration or
<br /> -v�;�fir�?.:���'::�
<br /> ,s�.`.«;��,����,•��` repair is not economicully feasible or Lendcr's securiry would be lessened,the insucance procreds shull be appli�;tl to tiw surns
<br /> ,�. .: M�;.. � � secured by tbis Secu�ity InstNment. whether or not Ihen duc. with any excess paid tu &►rrower. If Borrowar ubandana the
<br /> ;*,.,...�1� ?�:,�,; .�
<br />__ ._.._�;.,,;..z.��s�r`u�1�. �r. •: Property, or daes not answer within 30 days a notice from l.ender that the ineuranc�e curricr has offered tu settle a cleim, then
<br /> �;�'��-��''��" Lender may collect the insurance praceeda. Lender may use the proccods to rcpair or restore thc P or ta a sums
<br /> ---� �RS' P Y
<br /> _ -- _-�_�-�-�-;_`w� s�x.�ured by thin Scx:urity Inetrument, wluther or not then duc. Tis� 30�day period wUi Ix�in whrn tl�u n.aicn ir givcn.
<br /> -��f�%���' • Unless L.ender and Borrower atherwise a ree in writin , an a I�uition of roceeds ro nnci al shull nut extend or
<br /> ;.�.�?�. . � 8 S Y PP�' P P � P
<br /> _ �'�`"'�"'���•-`. postpone the due date of the monthly payments referced to in parugrnphs 1 and 2 or changc the amUUnt of the poymants. lf
<br /> '����,�r'••r�•+.fi. P�B P PertY � 9 Y � Y � P� P 9
<br /> �v;,,;�;_3���,��l., under ra h 21 the Pro �s ac uind b I.ender.Borrower's rl ht ta un �nsurnnce licies and rocc�eds resultin from
<br /> r,�f:� �,,:.3.. ,; damage ta the Property p�lor to the acquisition shall pass ta Lender ta the extent of 1he sums se�cured by this Security In�tnumnt
<br /> _-- '".'�`"=��;`''-'-:_ inunediatoly prior to the acquisitinn.
<br /> °��i�,,, . ;',�..���;�1u:,: 6.Oeeupaney,Precervation,Mpintetuiace and Protectlon af tbe Praperly: Borrower's I,aan AppJication;l.e�rebolde.
<br /> --=-=°.- "'^,•'';` ;� Borrower shall occupy,estnblish. end use the P rt us Borcowci'F rinci
<br /> . �= rope y p pal residcnc�e within sixty days aftcr the eaccution of
<br /> �T=��� .,���� �"�" this Socurity Instniment and shall continue to accupy the Propqrty ns Borrower'ti principal residencr for at leust one yenr after
<br /> — —- -r'-•, •
<br /> --=• -• �-�� the date of occupancy, unless L.ender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent stwll not be unrcason�bly withheld,or unless
<br /> _°',;,���" � ~� "• axtenuating circumstances exist which Are bcyond Borrowcr'rc contml. Rnrrowcr shall noc destroy, damage or imp�ir thc
<br /> ._:,:.:�� � Property, allow the Property to detcriorate, or commit wnstc un tht Ptuperty. Burrower shall br in default if uny fort'eiture
<br /> __-- �-:..x..•::..� . � action or proceeding, whether civil or criminul,is begun thut in L.ender'n goad Fulth judgment could result in forf'eiwre of Ihe
<br /> ��=_���� � - Property or utherwise matcri�lly impair the lien crcated by this Seeurity lnstrument ar l.encler's securUy interest. Borrawcr may
<br /> - w,� • cure such a default and reinstate. as provided in pars+graph I S,by cau�in�the uctii,n or pnx�oeding to h�dismi�scd with a mling
<br /> '^�t�� •• � "� ;,• . � that, in lender's good faith determinution, prccludes forfciwna of th� &�mowcr'�s imarayt in thc Property or other rmterial
<br /> � '_��!�_ `_-=�?��?'^'$-`�;t_��!�` lmpairment of the lien crtated by this Security Instnemens ar 2.esul.:.'z °.e�utity intcccyt. Rur:ow•cr sfiall alsa ts�: ia d.:fauii if
<br /> �1''� �!, ... Borrower,during the lot►n applicatiun process,gavc materially false ur inacr,urute infurtnation or.ts►tements to Lender(or failed
<br />�''? :� ., • , to provide L.ender with any material information)in connection with the loan�uvidonoe+ci by the Note, including, but not limited �.
<br /> '-`-.`- �.f ' ; ta,representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Pruperty a�u principat na►idence. If this Security Instrumant is on a -
<br /> � + � ' ' . leasehold, Bc�rrawer shall comply with all the provisions of the Icuse. If &�m�wer acquires fce tide to thc Property, the -
<br /> � G, leasehold and�he fee title shull nut mcrge unlcs.r Lrnder a�rces to thc mergcr in,wricing.
<br /> ' . 7.AroteMlon of l,ender's Rtghts in the Propert�,if Borrower fuflR to parForm the covenunts and ugrcements contuined in
<br />, � this Security Instrument.ur there is a Iegal proceeding thut may significanUy uffcct Lender's rights in the Property (such ns a -_
<br /> �
<br /> • ' '�"` proceeding in bankruptcy,probatc, for candemnation or fortelture or to onfnr�cc luw� or regulations),then Lender may do und -
<br /> v ,: :.,:;;�,,. pay for whalever is necessAry to pn�tcct the valuc of thc Pn�erty and I.endcr's rights in thc Property. Lender'r aclions may
<br /> ' •� include puying uny sums �xureJ by u licn which h� priority over Ihiti Securi�y Instn�ment, appcuring in court. paying
<br /> ' . �, reasonable attomeys'fees und entering on the Propen��to mukc ncpuirs. Although I.�:ndcr muy �ulce ection under thia paragraph
<br /> „ • • �_ 7, L,endcr does not have�o do u�. _.
<br /> ' . , Any amounts disbursed by Lendcr undcr this parugrnph 7 shall lkcomc addition:►I dcht uf &�rrowcr sccurcd by this -
<br /> ° . Sccurity Instrument. Unless Borrowcr und L.cndcr agree to othcr tcrni, ul'paynunt, these anu,unts shull bcar intcrest fram the ('
<br /> • date of disbursement nt the Nnte ratc anJ shall be payablc, with intcnxt, up�m nntice t'mm I.endcr to Borrower rcquesting t
<br /> • � . payment. -
<br /> , ' S.Mortgage Insurance.If Lcndcr rcyuircJ murtgagc insurancc a� a r��nditi��n ul'muking thc loun tiecumd by this Securit} -
<br /> ; u"'�r Instrument, Borrower shull puy the premiums rcyuired t�i maintuin ihc mortgugc inwrancc in et'fcct. If, for uny reasan, the �
<br />. ° :rr ; �� mortgage insurance covcragc required by Lendcr lupscx or cca,es ta Ix; in effcct, &�rr��u•�r shull puy Ihc premiums required to �
<br /> ::;:,{ '� obtain cove►age substantiully cquivalem to thc mi�rtgugc inauruixc prtvi�wsly in ct'tcrt,at a riis�substuntially cyuivcilent to the p`
<br /> � cost to Horrower of the mortguge insurunce previuusly in clf'ecl, from •rn alternute mort�!agc insurer appmved by I.ender. [f �-
<br /> , substuntiully equivalent mortgugr insuruncc covcragc is not uvailablc.Borrawer xhall pay ta L�nJrr carh month a sum equal to
<br /> " ane-twelf'th of the yearly mongage insurancc prcmium Ixin�t paiJ h�• Borro�rer�vhcn thc in,urancr r�wrragc lapsed ur ceared to ,
<br /> be in eifect. [.ender will uccept, ux anci rotuin the.c payments•rs �loss rcscrvc in lieu �N' m�ingogc inauranca I.��ss mserve �,
<br /> t �° . � Form 3028 9/80 F.-
<br /> � a�aae
<br /> ,
<br /> '• � ' 1 .-r� - - , �1, ,
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