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<br /> . '.s��j�h�f.�.' �:�' � -
<br /> . � 92 lD �r?�`'0 _.._.
<br /> ,.,; , .. _ � _
<br /> r.�+eu_,.,� °. �',�.. andal�a�scments.uppurcen�.,u�d
<br /> �` ��a.-, , TppE7'yp,R WITH dl the improvanenu now or hueafter erocted on the propeRy.
<br /> -��i��� �' ^:. • Rxtu�es now an c�rcaRer a pa�t of �he propecty. All rcpl�oements and Additions sFwll alca be coveral by this Socudry
<br /> 'S.�if�Gi�_i�. - �.. i..
<br /> ��?•���:z� In�trument. All of the forcgoiog is referred w in this Security Insaument ps thc "PropertY•" � _
<br /> ���:
<br /> - — :�sa BORROWER COVBNANTS Ilwt Bonower is lowFully seised of tho estatc hcreby caaveycd and haa thc�ight tu��nt
<br /> ° ""���'. .� ,". convey Ihe Property and that the Propeity is unencumberod.except for encumbrsuues oi record. Barmwer wamnts and will
<br /> rsu
<br /> �(" :,t.: .
<br /> '���;�'�:,M . . defend genernlly the title to the Property agalnst�II claims and demu�ds, subjoct to any encumbrances of rocord. �
<br /> ,�;` • b� TH(S SECUItITY 1NSTRUMEN'P combines uniform covenants for nationu) use and non-unifarm coverwnt�wilh limited
<br /> . n �.- �'�.�. `••S� .i. r
<br /> �y:��Y, •. variationa by jurisdiction to constiNte a uniform security instNment cover�ng real properiy• r
<br /> - UMFORM COVBNAN7'S. Bnrmwer uid l.ender covenant and agree as folluws:
<br /> � -' .�.�-+��.�.•'� l. P� ot Priad wd Interesli �Y�� aad I.ate CI�e9. Bormwer shall promptlY PaY when due the ` - ------
<br /> - � ;.�.�.�•_ Yment PW
<br /> � ' � princip�l af nnd interest on the debt evidenced by ti�e Note and any prepayment And late chorges due under the Nate. _
<br /> -. ` ..v . .. 4-�4 „ ������,T��� ����� �p����o applicuble law ur ro a wriitcn waiver by Leniier, Borrower shall pay to
<br />�' " '• � ' '� L,ender on the day monthly payments are due under thc Note.until the Note ls paid in full,a sum(`Funds")far:(u)yearly taues
<br /> '-^1-Y;��r�il�%'�-• ����nts whtch may atwin priority over this Securiry Instrument as u lien on the Property:(b)yearly leusehold paymcnts
<br /> `: `,,,.��...., or round rents on thc P rt .ii en :(c)yearl twzur�d or insurance remiumg:(d)Ycarl flood insu�nce remiums� _._ -
<br /> �. .. . g � Y Y Y P�nY P Y p _. -
<br />. ;, ��;,�,�;:'...��..� if any; (e) Yearly monguge insurance premiums. if any: and (� any sumg payable by Bornower to l.ender, in acxordance with
<br /> C " °'�-�" ' the provisions of paragcaph 8, in lieu uf U�e puyn�ant of tnuRgage insurancc prcmiums.Thcse item�sue called "Escrow Items,' �—_.�.
<br />��:�°. � ° Lrender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an wnount not to exceed the m�imum amount a lender for a federally ___
<br /> R,: • " r�elated mortgage loan may require for Bormwer's escrow account u�dcr the faie�al Real Estatc Setdement Procedures Act of �
<br />�' : �. ` 1974 as amended from time to time. 12 U.S.C. 5ection 2601 et seq. ('ItESPA"). unless enother law Ihat applies to thc Funds
<br /> '• : set��lescer amount. If co, I.ender may. at eny time, collect und hold Funda in an amount not to cxceed the le�ser amauu. �:.�===
<br />��f�� �� � Lender nwy estimate the amount af Funds duc o�the basis of rurrent data�nd rea.sonabk estimatea of capenditu�os a�futum ��
<br /> r,.,:' " Sscrow Items or otherwfse in accordance with applicable Iaw. '",�
<br />�t' `� � ' � The Funds shall be held in en in9tilutian whose deposits ure insurad by a fadcral agency, instnimentality. or entity
<br /> �'::;
<br /> • (including Lcnder,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Hume l.oan Banl�.I.endcr shall apply the Funds to pay the �•- -
<br />`'' ' " Escrow Items. l.ender may not charge Barrower for holdin and I in the Funds,annuall anal zin the escrow account,or �'��''�`�`"
<br /> 8 gPP Y B Y Y � �==_a
<br /> , . • vedfying the Escrow Items,unleas Lender pays&►rrower intenest on the Funds nnd applicuble law permits Lcnder to malce such G,�,
<br />� a chargc. Howcvcr, Lcnder may rcquire Bormwer to pay a one-time chargc for a� indepcndent rcal sswte wx repurting scrvioe ���-.�`_:
<br /> r,�••--• -
<br /> � � ' used by Lender in connection wlth this loan, unless applicoble law provides otherwise. Unless un agreement is made or P.-�_t,,.
<br /> . ' ' ' applicablc law requires interest to be paid.Lender shall nat bc required to pay Borcowcr any intemst or carninga on thc Funds. �.i_.�:��-
<br /> . ,' Borrower and Lender may agree in wrlting,howevcr,that interest shall 6c paid on Ihc Funds. Lendcr shall givc to Borrower, ���._._
<br /> � without ch�ugc. en annual acrnunting of thc Funds, showing crcdits and dcbits ta thc Funds and the pumo.r-c Por .which cxh �";i;�''
<br /> - debit ia thc�unds was s�cle.T'he Funds arc Pledged a"���innal�ecurity for nll curt►�securod by this Security Instrument. �'r�;�i1�<�;;.:�:"
<br /> if'1he Funds heW by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be hcld b licuble luw,l.ender Khnll•account to Borrower �"��`''"•'' �
<br /> Y aPP �t'�?,t,�•`^',:<;..
<br /> - �. " for the excess Fund�in accordancc with the rcyuiremcnts of upplicublc luw. If the amount of thc Fund.c held by Lendcr at;u�y r:..•�.i
<br /> �. timfs is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Uems when due. Lcnder may so notify Ba►mwer in•writing,and, in such ca+e Borrowrr ���';t�;��:�'-'=_
<br /> .,�..�•�.r,.�;.;-;
<br /> :�..' shall pay to L.ender the amount neeeswq� to maku up the deficiency. Bormwar xhall,mzk¢ up the deficieix:y in no more than '•���::��s"��•=�~
<br /> i.s�;-
<br /> . . twelvc monthly paymcnts,at Lcndcr's solc discrction. ����"
<br /> .. Upon payment in full uf all sums sccured hy thix Security Instrurrant,�l.endcr shull prompdy refund to eorrowcr any ��:�� }�v
<br /> Funds hcld by I.endcr.If,undcr parngruph 21, I.endcr shull acyuirc or sclf the Property,Lendcr,prior to the acquisitian or salc �,�►=='�.�- _
<br /> v.�•_� of thc Propeny,shall apply uny Funds held by Lcndcr ut Ihe timc of acquisition or sule vu n credit agains�the sumv sacured by .��;.•::--::,...`"
<br /> this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> .. " � 3.Appllcolion ot P�ymen44.Unlesti applicuble I•rw provid�H othen►�ivu.ull paynwnts rcrc�civcd by L.endcr undcr p�ragcaphs ..•,.;�•�•.r-,-�
<br /> • 1 and 2 shull bc upplied: first, ta Any prcpaymant churges due under the Nute; sccond,to�mounts payublc undcr puragraph 2; _.:r�_ `
<br /> .° " third, to intcrest duc; fourth, to principal dwt: unJ lust. to any latc churges duc undcr thc NiHC. ��'�� --
<br /> 4.Chwr�es; I.Iens. Borrowcr shall pay ull tuxes, asscssmcnts,churges, fines und impositions uuributable to the Property :•�•�-r-.-.
<br /> ' . ' which may uttstin priority uvur thi� S�xuri�y In,�rument, and Iwschcild p•rym�:nts or ground n:nts, iP uny, Rorniwcr shuU pay .
<br /> •�`:.; these obligutions in the munnar providcd in pur.�graph 2,or if n��t puid in thut manncr.Burrnwcr shull puy thcm�m timc dirccdy ,
<br /> '� -�'"�' ` � to the person owed payment. &►rrower xhull prumptly furnish ta I.ender all nuticeti of umounts to bc p•rid undcr this pan�gruph. -- --
<br /> " �' If Horrower makes thesr p�yments dircctly,&xmwer�hull promptly fumish ta l.cnder reccipt,eviJencing the payments. Y��•���T
<br /> r ''�� ��� � � , Borrower shul{pmmpUy dischurgc any licn which hati prio�iry ovcr this S�tiurity Instrument unless Horrowcr: (u)ugr��es in � -�
<br />-• � „ writing to thc paynx:nt of thc ohligution xcurcd by thc licn in n manncr ucccpwhlc a►Lsndcr;(b)contcst�in g�wd failh thc licn �.-.,,��.,,,___,,.
<br /> . ° by, or defends aguinxt enforcement of thc li�n in, Ie�al prix.tidings which in thc l.cnJcr's apinion operutc ta prcvent the
<br /> enforcement of thc lien; or(c)securcx fmm thc huldrr iN'the licn un agnxment zutisfaclury to l.endcr subordinating thc lien to
<br /> ' this Security Instrument. II'L.cnder detcrniinc� that uny part of thc Propcny iti xuhj�wt tu a licn whirh mny uttuin priority uver
<br /> ,.. ' this Scxurity Instrumcnt, l.cnJer may givr li�►rn�wcr�niwirr idcntil'ying Ihr licn. &irr��wcr shull r:utixfy thc licn�ir tukc onc or �,
<br /> t ' tnore of thc actiuns set forth�abovs within 10 days uf thc giving ul'notirc. �
<br /> Fam 3028 9190 �
<br /> , v.y.a or e k .
<br /> �}
<br /> , 1
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