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<br /> If Uie arttounu hetd by L.endsr for Fsc�ow Itrrta�excerd the amuw�ts percraitte�ta be hetd by RFSPA. Lendcr �'-
<br /> - shali ascount to Borcower for the cxc�s funds as requi�eel by R�PA. If the umnun�s�f furui,hcl6 6y Lende�at any �
<br /> tirn,.is rtot sufncient to pay the Fszrata [tems when dle, l.e�tder cnay n�tify the I3nrmwer and require Bnrrower to �.�:��
<br /> ' make up the defuiency+as�ennitteci by L�SPA. --�-
<br /> ` ' 7'tie Esrro�v Funds are pledgeif as 2dditional security for al! SUSI75 SeCt]i2� �y llli5 Security Insmsment. If
<br /> � Harro�vfr tenders to a.ender the fup payment of all such�ums.Borrov�er's ar�ount shall be crcdited t�rith¢he 6alanee ��
<br />! ��
<br /> .��..,- rep�inin�For all ir�tallment items(a).(b).and(cl and nny mortgage insur,u�c�prertuuin installmEnt th2t l.�wer ha5 �'^�
<br /> n�t bernme obliaateii to pay to the S�cretary. artd Lender shalf promptiy re�innd any exsess funds ro 4ltmarw�r. '�':
<br /> Immediatefy prior to a foreclosura sale of the Peoparty or its acquisition 6y Lender, Bsr�wer's acmunt sha11 be ���
<br /> credited witfi any balance remainin�for all installments for items(a).(b?.ansl(c)- •°-P:.
<br /> • 3.ApplIcat4nn of P�yatenLs.Ail payr�enas under paragraphs 1 and 2 shail be appleed by Lender�foltow�: --
<br /> • F'ir ,w tt:e mo�igage insuaance premivan to be paid by Lender to the�cretary or to the manthly charge by ehe __
<br /> ` Seeretary instc�d of the monthly mortgage insurance p�mium: _.�.
<br /> �'-::
<br /> S�ond•to any tanes.special assessments.lea�choid paymer►ts or ground,reats.and fire.flood and other 6a�ard .
<br /> insurance Esmmiums. as tequieed; �""'-
<br /> � hT rd' .to intetest d¢e urr.der the I�Iatr: �
<br /> - °.*�f Fa�,w amoreizaiion af the prinripal of the Nato:aad sr�x�
<br /> F,�'fth,to late charges due under thE Nnte. • �f�b
<br /> 4.Fdre,F7oa�aad Otf�s�Z+d Ycts�a�e.Borsower sh�1 insmre all improvemeats un the Propett+,�,:�rh�er ,. ••'.?'
<br /> ,, r�w w existence or sabse�uentty ero�te�..against any hazards.cstttialues,and cantingeeicies, int'1�ding fire.for cvfhicb ",�.�-'
<br /> ��'' �' Lender requires insueance. 7`his dasuts�ce sliaU be maintsinrd•in the amounts ar�d for ffie �iads that Lender 4. �`..
<br />�.�:.,::,; .
<br />,��%���:. requites. Eorrower s�afl also iasure a1i impraveraents on the Property. wiuethfx'now iu extsi�sae or suDsequeadq' �n v�::
<br /> �' r '• erected.against lass hy floods to the eatent aeqnired by the Secretary.All Insutauce s�a11 be carried with wrrtpanies '��"-'
<br /> •`•v,�" approved Cy I.ender_ �insuranae policies and anp senswaLs shall ba held by i.ender and sliali inciude loss payabis -_.._
<br /> � `��:,,.
<br /> •. .7: ciawes in f�ver of.and in a form accepra6le to,l.eudt�. �
<br /> ` f In the eseiu of lass.Soirower shall give Lendez immediate�vtice by mail.Lender may make proof of tass if uot `� . --
<br /> '.. made Promptly bY Borr��arer.Fach insur�ce oom�tany concemed is hereby authorized and d;rected co mxke payrner.t �:;_-
<br /> • for such [uss diredly oa:Ienc[er. iastead of to Sogmwer and to I..ertder jointly. AII ar any part of tha �nFUr.rnce �'�
<br /> ..;;,,;� pmoaeds ma;!t1e apglicat by Ixnder.at its eption.either(a)to the re�uctian af the indebtedness urider thc�fi�ate and
<br /> e
<br /> ;�i:;:� this Secueity T��.��.first to any d�quent amoants applied in tGe order in pa�agraph 3.and thea w ptegayment �.v.
<br /> •<<�d :. t n . , IICdUOQ:O�I�18 IOCC2.f�4� 1�1C f:;^
<br /> ;�,i . of princi��I;.c�ts� to t��r�stt�►�ina,�ir repair of the damaged ProPenY• Ar►J�aPP� 1P .
<br /> � r, �� ,�,`-'=':;:'
<br /> • principal s6all not er.te�ui:a��co�s��e�tf�dae date o£the montiily payments w�ich are referred�ta in ptiln�aph 2,or • _.___
<br /> cLan e the araount ot siti:�i. , ments.Any excess imsua�ace praaeeds over an aanm�nt rzquired to all:nutttaudin �'r k:::
<br /> g p�y P�Y � �.�.s_.....
<br /> irtdebYedaess under tl:e�tvfs�aad this Security Iast���e¢t shall be paid to thE�tit}�ltgaUy entid2�d tl�rew:�.'. '=�'��
<br /> In tI:e event of for�lasare of this Securiry Inst�vment or other transfer of title to the Property that eatizigttishes �=�'�`?�''
<br /> � � the indebtedaess, all right. atle and intenst of Barrower in and to insorartce poliries in force shall pass to the -----�
<br /> � . purcAaser. �
<br /> � 5.Ooc�paucp, Pmservattoa;MainiemBCe wu�Prot�lon o!tise Ppo€�ea'tY,Borroarr's Lo�a Appitc�ttup;
<br /> ' Leas�ottts. Bonower shall occupy.escablish.at�,f:��ise che Property as F3orrawer's principal residence wit�in siaty
<br /> .:;,,; days after the execuciun af diis Security Insan�ca*.(or within sixty days of a later sale�or transfgr of the praperty)
<br /> ' �}%r � aud shafl uanrimie to occupy the Pm�uetsy as Bonower's�rincipal residence for at least ane year after the date of
<br /> . �'���ti• •
<br /> , ;:r ocenpauc�r;uti2ess l.ender deter�inec��sni:t�yiirzrrent will cause undue hardsfup for Borrawet,or untess�ctemiating :
<br /> � ' rircuin_��tUa��exisY w)s}ch are 6eyuad �rs�sr��r.'s conupl. Barrower st�alt �wtify I.cnder of any ekteauating ����
<br /> �: : ' -��?e;-:iq�:Borraz�tit�rsGiall nat commit wastxra;��:suay.damage or subsutntially change the Praaetty otrataw the :�..�,`.�,�;
<br /> � '}•; .�'ifi ,
<br /> ' . :.� . ':�:'�'tm�, ,�;t���ci�.erioraie,teasona6le wear and t�c t�.��,aaed.Lend:r rn�y inspect the Property if the Propectyr�i�vacant .
<br /> • .• ; a�;�;ti�u�t�dynatt�or the loan is in defauJt. I.eader ut�j.�take reasonable action ta protect and per.s�+xe ssct�:�ia�ant ar .. "__
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