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<br /> ". �g:iy1:.
<br /> .�< of Borm�ver's cavenants and agreements unde�this SECUriry Inssrumer►t and t9�e Nate. For this purpose. �orrower �.=-�
<br />�.,.= imcocably grants and conveys to the'�rustee,in mist.�vith power of sale.the faltow'sng daszribed property iocated �
<br /> . in HRLL Countg.Net+raska: �'___.
<br /> . THE SOUTH 20 FEET 0� LOT 93 AND THE �"=`�
<br />- ` NORTH 30 F�ET OF LOT 92. HA4lTHORNE �``
<br /> �� PLAC�. CITY UF GRAtJD ISLAND, HALG —�°���_
<br /> - CfJi3t�TY. hEERASKA. ���:;
<br /> �`":., .
<br /> �r,;s��
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<br />.:- � -- -..
<br /> ..., �137. DES �iOINES, IA 5���65137
<br /> •�-,; which i�s the�d[t�s of 94(� 5�u��� �?kAI; S`T, GRANa I SLAND tsu+�►.c'as�l,
<br /> ('t
<br /> I�EbT3S'63 ��Q�1 IZipCu�) {�Ffo�KRty E4ddIE55"): _--'-",''
<br /> .•,��' 'i�GETf�6A WfTH a11 the irrmar►�m�ts.now or hereafter � on the Propeity and all �, ��
<br /> :
<br /> `,:��;' ,mA�tntsnan�s and fixtures no�v on c�n�itirr a�zrt,af.t�n p:aperty. All reptacements and aGditio� shalt alsa @e �.
<br /> om�r:e�by this Security Instmmeui.A!i of ths fnregoin�3F r�ferred ro in tUis Secvrity f��tnunent as the'Properry.' �"
<br /> • �'-i�-,
<br /> SORROLViiR CO�ENAI�STS tl�at Borrar�er is ta�vfiilly seized of ths estate hereby�cyed�d has the rigUt to � �� '
<br /> grant and conr.ny th8 Prnperty and that tha Atop�rry is unPncum6ereQ,exczpt for encumbrances s*d�r.c�cord. Borrower
<br /> :;.�":I;; war�ants and will defcmd geneiafly the aittu te the P�perry against all claims aad dc�d� sabjeri to any .,��_'_
<br /> :;.:';,: �ucumbtanres af rcxotd. �:.'Y
<br />�:<<-� THIS SECUR3'i'Y II�STR.�.�SE,11S'C er.mbines uaifarm covenants for nataanal u��d cnu-urrifarm ooveaants
<br /> <:•-:� with Gmited vadatinns by juri�iarinn tn�onnsatute a uniform security im�vment caver�c�t�ty. ' ��.^
<br />::�:`. �
<br />_:i!.;� Borrower and Leader cav�t and•uptee as fallows: . C��.•�,
<br /> ,..,,..
<br /> ��;t'. . ,UIUIFORM COVENrWTS. ,
<br /> . �;��. Faptnm4 of P�i�c3pa1, Inie�si:atnf E.ate�. Bnmawer shall pay when due the priacipal oP. ratvl �_:,
<br /> � � €1tU�cest on,the dcbt evidenced by thQ Nptu�ail�late c]�arges due undsr tis�t3ote. , � P=.�z=-
<br /> � �� ' � � 2. Montlil� Pbymen2 af Tas�. Fnstlemnce� �ther Cflus��. Bormwer shall incl�irr.each montisly ' �,,;.,
<br /> ., ' " �p2iyment.togeiher with tha prinr��a1 a[xi iertenst as set forth in the Note aad any late charges.a sui��iCr(a)taxes and .
<br /> � .�.. und rents an the �-
<br /> ' � special assessmenu tevi�l ar•tu be 1$vlad against the Property. (b) teasehalQ payments or gro __,
<br /> ' � Properry,and i�?Pi+emiwns fot insutswe�s�uired ander paragraph 4. Isn any yeaz in whic6 the I�der mnst p�y a �.
<br />� `� mort�e intiirip►�premiwn to[he 5c�."�r.4��;of Hausing and Urbaa Deve2apmenc{"S�c�etary").er in any year in
<br />��',��1` � , which sach p ..hai�um w a a l d h a ve b e s n.n#r{�i t+�1 i f L e a d e r s t i l l h e l d t h e S e c u r fl ry I m�t r u m e n�e n ch mantltl y�a y ment � _- -
<br /> .'`'•:� �b�t�atso include either.(i)•p s�un far.l tie:�i�i�a a l awr�.`��insnr.mce p r e m i u m t o b e p a i d b y L e n d e r t o t h e S e r t e t n ry, —
<br />. , .�
<br /> :::s� • . ,rrr`,(l�j a monthly charge instt��df,a:tiit�tt{��.instvanae�remium if this S�rity In.tra�rient is held by tt�Sr,��t2�ry.
<br /> • •> iri:ti,t�aso�.btc,�maunt ta�ti:determii�oti•�i,v..the�e�.^retary. Eaoept fos t h e mo n t Wy c h�r�e by t i i e �t i�t a ry;t'&e s e —
<br />..:;,`,`;l� , ..,, items arre ca1lW1:�'ff�.Bcr�aw(tems"and�d�e��i�us�paid to i.ender are caltcd'ESCmw Funds." . _-
<br /> �.'. � Lend°z ciip�;�,•�x any wne,collect 3n'3'�t�itd amaanu fnr Fscrow Ie�in an aggregaie amoun}�t to exceed the __ _
<br /> , •�; ...,;.:,' .
<br /> • � .maximum amairoi that may be reqoiied for Borrower's escrow accaunt under the Reul Estate Setc�ement Praoedures
<br />}:��:-' . llct of 19?4..12 U.S.C. $?�ttlsrn.260� et stq. and implen•,�eruing regulatians. 24 CFdt Pti:t 3500. as tGey ma�y be . , `.
<br /> :� � ainended from time to�Imr'(°fl�SPA").exoept that tIte cushion or reserve peratiued by RESpA for unanticipated �,
<br /> ��.;;. �,��=:,�t�:• disbursemcnis or disbursemQnts brfom Eh:Borrower's payments are available in the aocount nrav aot be 6ased oa --
<br /> ���•���`•-'' �� amounts due fnr.the atortgage inswans�prcmi�m. � '� =
<br />��:':�:.,.:; � Z108tt80 NEF��A�i435-2 __..
<br /> ..A, •'�� . Ce�,q4-.ltll8 . —
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