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����: . _ ,�_�v. : �. <br /> :�_r.�. Lkr '�''�;w�,;�• ' ' ..� `" <br /> _. , <br /> =.���.:�:�:�;,�:���.�`:� 92- �03�� -� -- <br /> .�����. . <br /> ��:�n"?;��'� c�ndcmnAticwi ur uthcr talcins of any pnrl af Ihe Praperty.�+r ic►r c�mvcyanre in liru�►i'r�NUkmnalion.u�e hcrcby u�rign�,�d antl <br /> :-,�a�"_tW,:�.�y•�"� shnll bc puid t��Lcndcr. <br /> �_�'r: , In thc event of a t�►lol laking af Ihc Proper�v.Ihe pnx:ecdY �holl he upplied �o �hc xum�Mcumd by Ihia Securlty <br /> ,`p��� Inslrumcnl.whether or nol Ihen duc,wi�h uny cxcc�ti p•rid u�BormWe�. In Ihe evciu��f u punilil toking i�f�hc Pruperty in <br /> . ��'t ���d which the fuir m;vket vulue of thc Pn►�xny imm��diately hefore�hc taking iti eyuul tu or grculcr thun ihc umaunt oP ihe r�umr� <br /> �.'�. ��. , T -,.r� . <br /> K���:.c'l�%•' �'v�A- <br /> ,,� a� .., xrcurcd by thiti Securiiy Im�rumcnt immrdiutely fxfore thc taking, unlex.Aurri►wer unJ Lcudrr otherwi�c u�rec in writing, <br /> '�: A,�'� ''� ' tlu humK�ecured by thi�Securily Ina�rument .holl I+e reduce� hy�he umuunt ul'�he pr�KCCdx muliiplied hy Ih�fUllAwing <br /> '-� `�����. fraclian: lal ihe a�tul amount of ihe,um.Kcured immediutcly befnre the�uking,divideJ by Ih1 �hc fuir mui1:et voluc of thc <br /> ����,� Prupcny imnudiu�cly lkturc the I:�ing. Any balanre shall t+c paid to Hnrtnwer. b► Ihe rvem��f u puninl luking of 1he �_- _ <br /> __�,��_.r, Propeny in which tlu fuir market voluc uf Ihc Pmprny immediutely hefi�re�hc iuking ih les�;thun ihc um��unt of the xumx <br /> secumd immediutcly heli�re Ilx �akin�t, unlc�r BoROwcr a�xl Lencicr a�henvi�e ugrce in w�iling ur �mle.� u�licuble law <br /> ,�-,v�� othenvisc pmvides,tiw pnkcrdr tih•rll hc upplicd to��e�ured by�his Seru�ity Irtxi�umeni whethrr or nrn�he xums are <br /> �;:,� •'• :.�`. <br /> __ `��-'' '•.� ��n If�he Pn��xA�•i�uhrnd�med hy HoROwer,or il:atier nn�ice by I.ender�o Aorrowcr thu�ihr condemnor offcr�to muke <br /> �— ""`'°'~""``'�"'' � on uwanl ix.eQle u cluitn fnr dumugeti,Borruwer fuil+�o m�pnnd to Lender within 311 duy� vf�cr ihc dute�hc notice is given. �_� <br /> -� ~� � � � Lendtr i�authuritrd tu rallect unJ upply the pr��cecds, ut its oplian.either to re�torotian or r�puir nf�he Propeny or to�he �- --� <br />_ ��'�t.•'� sum�xecun:d by thiti Secudry Inxtrumcn�,whelher or nm then due. <br /> �''����'�. ��:';s:_:•;..� U n l ecc L e i x k r n n�t P�x r�►wrr�Wh�•rwi.e u grcr in wrilin g. an y u p pUcution oi pnxecdti ta p�incipul shnll not cxtcnd or - - <br /> _ -- . E - - <br /> '. . .�;':. ...,'-• , poxtpone Ihc due d:ite ol'the m�mthly puyments mferred to in parugmphz I u�d�or�hunge the umoum of+uch paymemx. _---__ <br />- • • ; ;, .� I1. 1lor�ower Not Relea4edi Forbearance 8�� l.eoder Not a Waiver. Ex�cnxion nf ihc timc far puyment or _--�_ <br /> madifiraiion of umunirutiun of the�um+�ecurcd by Ihis Securiiy Insirument grsm�ed by LcnJer w any succetixor in interc�t <br /> -��'""' af BoROwer+hull na uper��e tu rclru.c�he liubiflty of Iha originul Borrower or Bi�rrowcr ti xucccx.orv in intcrext. l.ender `�� <br />_ .;i;�,'�,,,;�_�•_,, shall na lx rcyulred lo comnunee proceedin�ti aguinst uny r�uccessor in imerest ar refusu: �o exiend timc ior pnyment or ______ <br /> ,.,_:� <br /> °�—� " 6,• � othenviu madify amanizu�Nm oP the sum.+ecured by thi�Security Intitnimcm by nution of•rny Jemand mudc by thc originul " <br /> � `• .,.:,}�,,•^��. Born�wer or Barmwer's succexwn in intercst. Any farbeunmce by Lender in cxereiwing uny�ight or rem��dy+hall n��l he a _ �-_-__ <br /> .. u'�� a��;"`"� waiver of ur prrrlude Ihe exerci�c of uny right or remedy. __�— <br /> " Il. Successors And Assigns Bound;Jofo!And SeverAl LlabiBty;CasiRnetw. The covcnumti und u�!reement+of this =._______ <br /> =- °:,�n� ' Securiry Iminament+hull hind and Ixnetit the wccesu►n und asxign.r of Lendcr und Born�wer. +ubjcct to�he provixions of w—- <br /> . • pur+�g�ph 17. Borrowcr ti covcnunls und ugrcement+tihall bc jaim und xevcral. Any Burrowcr who co-,ign. thi� Securit� <br /> -- ,;� Instrument but dcez not execule the Nole: lu!i�co-�igoing Ihis Security Inxtrument only U� martgage,grnnt and cunvey tbut �°���"�� <br />-f;, Borrawer's interest in the Propeny under�hc term.of ihis Securiry Intitn�mem; (bl i,not per�cmully obliguted to pay the tiums (�t;�;-� <br /> ��' • � �;�;,._,,,�� xecured by thi�Security In+�rument:and Ic)ugrcex Ihut Lender and uny other BoROwer muy ugrec ta exlend,mndify,forhenr �'k.'i���"x�r� <br />;'-�',X � �.-..:r:=.: or make uny acci►mmnciutionx wilh regard lo thc temiti of Ihis Security Ins�rumc:m or Ihe Note wi�how tha� Horrower's ��-"�= <br /> r,�'�....:.. ... con!�nt. <br /> ' 13. I.oan Chs�rge.v. If�he Inan securcd by thix Securiry Mrtrument is suhject to a luw which se�� muximum Ioan <br /> , churge�.;md thin I��w i.fianlly interpreted.o that�hc intrretit or ather loan cFwrue�callected or tc�t►e collected in connertion �-�� <br /> s:'•`` � � w�ith thc loan rxreed�hc permined limits.then: lu)uny�uch I�ian churge�hull be reduced by the umc►unt nece+xary to reduce —"-�--- <br /> � ' �he chur�e�a the pc:rmi�teJ limii; und(b1 any sums ulrcudy collec�eJ Gom Borrower which excecdeJ pem�iued limitti will hr �°'''``==`� <br /> � '��`r= ,� � nefundeJ�u Borrower. Lender muy choo�e�o makc�his refund by rt�ducing the prinrip•rl aweJ under Ihr Note or b}• a — <br /> ' dircc�paymen�to Bormwer. If u mfund reducex principul,�he rrduc�ion will be Ireu�ed u�u partiul prepuyment w�ithout am <br /> ' p�epuymenl chu�ge under the Note. __--- <br /> 14. Notices. Any nmice�o BoROwer pre,vided li�r in ihi�Security Inti�rument .hull l+e�iven by deliverinE it or by =-- <br /> :� b mailing it by fin�clusx muil unles�appliruhlr lua rt:yuirc�utir of unothrr mclhal.The notice,hall be dir��:tcd to the Pn�peny q�;��.,� <br /> �' ' ° Addmtis or uny other s�ddress Borrower dr.ignme. by noiicr to l.ender. Any nutice�o LenJer+hull tx�given by tint clu.r, �``'�"`�'' <br /> - � ' � ' - mail to Lcndrr's uddr�ti+.mted herein or any o�her udJrc„Lcnder Jr.ignute+by notice�o Barniwrr. Any notice providcd for ����;':;�,, <br /> ' in thi+ Securily In�uument �hull tk dcemed to huve t�en givrn to Borrnwcr or Lenckr when �ivcn nti pmvideJ in �hi� E__`-` <br /> � � .. Psungraph. ---��_.. <br /> � ° t3. Cnvernfng Law; tieveruMlity. Thi. Sccurity Ins�rument xhull Fx govrrneJ hy fcderul law und Ihc law of �hr =___-.___ <br /> • "� jurisdiclion in which Ihr Pn�peny is I�xa�ed. In Ihr rvem thin uny pravi.iun ur cluu�r ol'ihi�S�curity Imtrum�m or the Nixr ,,;.��" <br /> � canflicts with u licuhle law,wch contlir�rhull not al'f�ct�+tlxr mvitiiun,uf ihi,Seruri� I mlrumenl or Ihe Nute which cun �`'�' <br /> PP P Y ,�.•:-���. <br />, " � be givrn eifert witNout the conilirNn�provixion. Ti.thi.end �he �xm�isii,ns of thi+Sccuri�y In�trument and ihc No�e orr ��.__�•__--. <br /> � ; :�,, declanda�tx tievrrvble. �.,;�_vsr,+ <br />`;�. .�;;... 16. Bnrrower's Cap}•. 8urr�urr.hall Ix gi��n une ruNi,mie.i cupy ol'Ihe No�r anJ�►f�hi.Security In+mimem. ., �, <br /> � , . .�'��!' 17. 7YancPer oPthe P�apert���a Benef�rlal Interect b Borrower. If ull ur uny pan of ihc Pn�Exny or any interc.�in . <br /> ,'�"• it ix+old ur 1ran,frrrcd ��,r it'a Ixnelirial intcn+t �n Norni�vcr i.r��IJ or Iran�fcard und Borma•rr iti rn�t a na�urrl prnonl -��-.`T.' <br /> . ,;, � wi�hout Lcnckr±prior wriucn c�mr�nt.L�nJrr it+optiun.rryuirc immcJiate pa�•mcm m fuU uf,,ecured by <br /> ' thi.Seruri�y In.trument. Hu�vev�r,ihi.option xh•rll mn tk exrrei+ed by Lend�r il rxcnik i.preihibited by i'ederal la�� as of ���-=__.-.-- <br /> . ,�.';'• .:-- . . <br /> - ; .1" „ • :.+": the dute of Ihi+Securiry In.lromcn�. . ..: -: <br /> . ,•.:."'''�'" If I.ender cxeniu�this optiun.L.nJrr�hall Rive Horn�wrr nuticr ul'accclrration. Th�nutire.hull pravide u peri�xl oi :^?�--=`= <br /> � •. not less thun 3(1 da s Gom thr Jul�Ih�nutirr i�dcliveRJ or muilcd��ilhin�vhich li��nuwrr rnu,t �����rurrd hy �hi. '�``' <br /> p:, �:'.'' - <br /> ,, y 1:gi�:�;,- <br /> Security In+lrument. It Ik�miwrr 1'uil��n p.�y Ihr�c +um+ priur 1�� Ihe ��pirrti�m al'�hi. �xri�xi,Lrndrr m:�)� invoke uny <br /> ,. � mtncdics permitlyd b��P�i�Srcurity In�trumrnt ui�huut t'uhhrr niHirc ur drmand un Burto��rr. �•,. __-_. <br /> ;�'i�;s�, IS. Borrower's INRht to Itefn�tutr. It' N„rra��•�r mect.rrnuin r�,ndi�iun.. Borrmver.hall ha��r thr right ta ha�c t <br /> ;,•�.,, <br /> •'.�'ti;sln. enforcemrm of�hi�Securiry In+trumem Ji,run�inurd:u am limr prior tu�hr rarhrr ul: �a►S Ja�,�or.urh��Ihrr�xriai a. <br /> .. ` .1�1�F��2' Sm�l.l•.�mik-•Fvnnir�txFrartdir\lucl"\IFIIR�f INti'fNl�lE\'1 �-Ilw�•rm�'��.rn,wi. 4911 ��merJ������a���•.� <br /> .. 'I'r ,�.e: E ' <br /> , ' . . <br /> • <br /> 1 ' <br /> . � <br /> �, � _ - - � - <br />