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��1�• 'K+r e�wR .,• �.y�k'���; _ n.:...,.:, _._.�.__�--�- - ._... <br /> ._ � , • ..�a. �-::-- <br /> .. ��n` <br /> li�f:.r_..:�r. • .-�3:te�-� �::;_...- <br /> � ..a.: .yw,.��...... •`T.t�- <br /> "�' . a::.Y.s1nW' � <br /> ' ''t�.11� (�i��'.-.�.�. '- -sK..►' <br /> � 'ev'• " .._.......�IdY��_.__ <br /> � � �2- �.03�r� ___ <br /> 91_ , <br /> -.---_ ''t:-�'�� <br /> .,�.a,�—���`y <br /> —;�����,.. pe�3ods that L.cnder rcyuftcx. 7hc inxurunce carrler providittg thc fnsurancc shall be chciren by Sorrower xubjccl to Lender x <br /> —�a,�;,����_� oppruval which:hall not be unre3sonably withheld. IF�a'rower iwilr��a mulntain coverugc dcKrlbed At�ave,Leniler <br /> ___ _„�. Lender's option,obtain covCrage to protect l.ender Y righls in the Property in accardunce wi�h pu�ugruph 7. <br /> All insuronee policies w►d rene�vu�a�hu��b�+��P�pble to Lender anci shell include a atandard martguge cluus�e. L.e�cter <br /> _��j� +�'� sh�ll huve the�ight to hold the pc�liclew ond renewals. If Lender requirea,Barrower sholl promptly Kivc to Lender aU rceciptn <br /> -'�""'<.°'� ' of puid premiumx und renewal naices. In the even�af lozx,Borniwer shall give prompt notice a►tlu in►ura�uc caRicr ond <br /> � �= L,onder, I,ender mAy make pronf of lo�x if not made�rr�mptly by Borrower. <br /> - Unlegs[.ender und Bc,rrower othcrwixe ugree in wrl�ing,insursuuc pr�ceeda shall be appliecl lo rc�wrution ar rcpair oi <br /> re <br /> •- -;��-';�'-°'.�, '��� �h e p rop+.rt y d a m u g e d, i f t h e r e s t a r a�i n n o r r e pair ia economicull y feacihle und Lender's r,crurity is not ler�sened. If �he � <br /> - , ,,,,,,, �''` restoration or►cpnir ia not economically ieubible or Lender's securily wuuld be lex�ened. the in�urance proree dn+hu l l b e <br /> � 'F"'�-°�',: "° applied to the suma secured by Ihix Security Instrument, whether or not lhen due,with ar�y excesx paid ta 8orrower. If <br /> — �":.•� <br /> �„�!+?°.. '�°�R:'' � Barrawer ubundons the Propeny,or doe�not unswer wUhin�U duyx a naice from L.ender�hut the in�urunce carrier hus _ <br /> •:?Tr;',��'".`a�" � offered to retde u cl�im.�hen Lender mny collect the inxurance proceeds. Lender may ure the procecds h�repair or regta�e __ <br /> '`'��'•4` •.i°'`; . the Roperty or to pAy sums secur�ed by this Securi�y Instrument. whetharor not then du�. The 30-duy period will be�in when <br /> , . , �ha natice is given. ��-� <br /> Unlr.�s l.ender und Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any uppliculian of proceeds io principul shull not extend or �_� <br /> � � � �s� �p�"s '. postpone the due date of�he monthly puyments referred to in p=uagrophs 1 +utd 2 or chsu�ge�he amount af the paymentx. If <br /> -- - -- =�=±°��� ,r' . under parngruph 21 the Pn�pehy is +�c4u�red by Lender,Bamawerti right ta any insurrnce policiew und proccedx resulting __ __ <br /> �-- . .. ;;,, ' . :� from damage ta the Property prior to the acqui�nion shall�asx to Lender to the extent af tha�,umx secured by iF�ia Secur�ty _ <br /> �`;:;,', .^''� ''''�,., Insuument immediately prior�a the acquisition. <br /> =--� x�':•.:.�.:`�,. ' 6. Occupancy. Preservadon. Malnte�wnce and Protectlon of Ihe Propertyi Bon'ower•a l.oan Appllcalioni __ <br /> - � � ' l.estsehoWs. Borrower shall�Ablish,and use the Property ns Borrower�principul residence within sizty duys after <br /> � � the execulion of this Securiry lnsuument and sholl continue ta accupy�he Property us Barrawer�principal residence for nt _ <br /> ..ti�9 ' ' L leust one year nfler the da�e of cecupancy, unless I.ender othcrwisc agnees ia writing, which con+sent sholl not bc � - <br /> '•� � �'; ,.:; "�'.. ��.�,� ." unreasonably withheld,or unless extenuuting�ircumstances exist which ure beyand Borrower4 cantral. Borrower sholl not _ <br />•�}:• � �° • destroy,damage or impai�the Property.Allow the Prapeny�o deteriarote.or cammit waste on the Property. Borrower sh�ll <br /> '' ':• be in default if ony Porfeiwre uc�ion or proceedins,whether civil or criminol, is begun that in Lenderi good fuith judgmen� __ <br />�,`�� ���°�*F. : could rasult in forfei�ure of the Propeny or whenvir,e materially impair the lien creuted by this Security Instrwnent or ---- <br /> ,���.. <br /> ,�;!•1'�;y��' Lender'w�ecurity interest. Borrawer may cure such a defuult ond remslnte,uc provided in paragraph 1 R,by cuusing the action <br /> -' ` , .. • . ' . or pmceeding to be dismissed wi�h a rulinB thn�,in Lender ti good faith determination,precludes fortei�ure of Ihe Borrower� �,_,.-.. <br /> t'•� � interest in the Property or a�her material impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's r+ecurity �_ <br /> �`-'•i' f ' •� ' interest. Borrower xhali Also be in defnult if Borrower, during the Ivt►nn upp��cu�ion process, gave muteriully fulse or <br /> v <br /> ��-- <br /> ._•,.�:�� ° � inuccua►te infarmation or titatementti�o l.ender lor fuiled io provide Lender w it�any material informution)in cannection with �_ <br /> � ' the laan evidenced by the Note, including. but not limited to,representa�ions conceming Borrower's occupancy of the �_ <br /> �'' •` ' property as o principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on u len�ehold,Borrow•er shall comply with all the provisions ��, <br /> � ••' -- •=?�-�'�--°'a �--� of tt�r le�se. lf R�rmwer ucyui�es fee tille to the Propeny��he�easehold and thc fee�ide shall not merge unless Lender agrees <br />�f5t.,(, • —__.:._. <br /> • " to the merger in wriling. <br /> . ' 7. Protection of I.cnder's Rights in Ihe Property. If Bormwer fuils to perfortn the covenunts and s�grecments �.: <br /> ' �.,, �.;,.,; . coMUiaed in this Security Instrnmen[, ar then: is u Icgnl proceeding that moy sign�ficandy affect L.ender s rights m the �r�.• <br /> , „ �,,<;?.t;:,,,;", PropeKy lnuch ati a praceedin� in bankniptcy.probate,W�cnndemnution�r forieiture or to enforce laws or regula�iansl,lhen �, <br /> ,�; • ' �y�V'I+.;:,;,�r�,:,;;,� . Lender may do und puy for whutever is necessary�o protect the vuluc of�he Property and Lender ti rights in the Pro�n}'. �- <br /> ., }lliyt�l4{�� Lender's uctions may include paying uny�ums tiecurcd by u licn which has prlixity over this Security Instrumem,appearing __ <br /> :�� . ��^ ' in court.paying reasonuble auumeys'fees nn d enterin�on the Prope r ry ta ms�ke repairs. AUhough Lender muy tukr action --� <br /> ' ' under�hi�purngrnph 7,Lcnder dces not havc to do xa. <br /> ' `' Any amounts disbuned by Lender under this purugraph 7 shull be:como addilianal debt of Borrower secured by this �;_-. <br /> � '�'� • Security Instnimen�. Unless Bartower und Lender ugree to Mhcr terms of pvyment,thetie amounts shull beur intercst frcxn the _�- <br /> .. � " '�'% dute of disbur.ticment at�he Note rute�nd xhall be puynblc,wilh interest,upon notice f'rom Lender to Bortower rcyuesting ,",�; <br /> � . payment. �,- <br /> ' • " • 8. Mortgage lnsurpnce. H'LcnJer required mortguge insurancc u�u rondition of mnl:ing the loan uK:ured by Ihis � <br /> � • Securiry Instrumen�, Borrower shull puy the premiumx reyuired ti� maint�in �hc mongage inxurunce in effect. IP, for any __ <br /> ' _ ;,,,;�5� .' reuwn, the monguge inxurunce coverage reyuircd by l.ender Inp.e, ur cec�k+ to be in effec4 Borrower shnll puy the __ <br /> • premiums reyuimd to obtain cove�aFe substuntially eyuivulent to ihe martguge intiurunce previously in effect. �+t a cost �`�' <br /> • �� ' � .'�}'�SL``` substuntially eyuivulent lo the cnst w Borrower uf the mortgage imurwue previously in effect, from an altemAte mongage —_ <br /> .' insurer approved by l.ender. If sub+t:uuiully eyuivulenl mongage imurance coverage i.not uvuiluble.Borrower shall pa y to =__ <br /> � Lender each monih u xum eyual to one-twelfth of ihc ycurly mongage insurance pmmium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> `��1:� insurnnce caverage lupsed ur cea�ed ta he in efl'ect. Leixler wil l accept,use unJ rctuin these paymem�as a loss reserve in lieu �• <br />� , ' q�.�. .. of mortgage in.ur.�ncc. Lotis reserve paymcnt� may no I�mger bc rcyuired, ut�he option of L.ender,if mortgage in+urnnce `` <br /> • • � coveruge(in Ihe amount und tix�hc pericxl thut Lendcr reyuirc�l providcd by :m in�urer upproved hy Lender u€ain berometi _ <br /> " � uvufluble and is obluineJ. Borrowrr+hutl puy the premiwnti reyuiRd to maintain mon�uge in+urance in efi'ect,or to Qrovide a <br /> , ,� •;,,� , .. ., " loss reserve,until�he reyuimmcnt for mortgage insurunce enJti in urcordunre with any wriuen ugreement 6etween Borrower " <br /> ,, and Lender or applicuble Iaw. r <br /> ' � 9. Inspectlan. LrnJer or its:��rnt ma��makc rca���nuhle�nlric+ u�xm;md in.pectinm of the Praperty. Lender xhall <br /> give Bormwer notirr at the�ime of ix priur to an ins�xcli��n��xcifying rea,onuble�au��for�hc in,�ction. �� <br /> . }. • 10. Condemnation. Thc prcxeed.uf any aK'arJ��r rluuit tnr damageti.Jircri ar runnertion with:uiy. • <br /> � • Sm¢Ir Fam�N--Frnnle\tue'FrcddM�1nc l \IFtIR!q 1`til'Rl\1F:�T•-l�nit��m�e'�n.nant. 9/90 ipu�te�n�n p,�Ktsl <br /> ,.. �qra�W1n tws�nna ri�.lx ■ �" 1.. <br />- , Tu11�N71:W1 I�S.b9397[_P�x BIR7A1•IIS1 . <br /> � <br /> i .� ..�y� � `. <br /> "'�'� <br /> �.__n---.� . �. ._ _ . . . _ � <br /> ! J <br /> � <br /> i <br /> - ' � �"`-— - -- --- - -- ---. . <br />