<br />(J) "Applicable Law" means all controlling applicable fede► state a�id local stahrtes, regulations, ordi►aances aud
<br />adit�inistrative rules sud orders (that liave tl�e effect of lavv) as well as all applicaUle ��aal, noti-appealable judicial
<br />opininns.
<br />(K) "Comn�unity Associutfion Dues, Cees, �►nd Assessments" means all dues, fees, assessiuents at�d other charges
<br />that ara imposed on Borrower or the Prope�•ty by a condominiuiii associatinn, lioxneowuers association or similar
<br />organizatian.
<br />(L) "�lectronic �unds '1"ransTe►�" i�leans ai�►y tra�isfer oF fiinds, other than a transactioi� originated by check, draR,
<br />or six��ilar paper instnunent, wl�ich is initiated t(iro�igh aia electronic let'atlinal tele�l�ouic instruuae��t, computer, or
<br />maguetic ta}�e so as to arder, instruct, or �uthotlxe a�1�a��cial irtslilutiou to debit or credit an accaunt. Sttch ternl
<br />izicludes, bttt is uot limited to, point [ransfers, auto���ated teller l��achine traa�sactivns, trar►sfers initiated Uy
<br />telephone, wire Cransfers, and autom�tecl clea��inghouse tra�asfers.
<br />(M) "Escrow Items" means ihose items tl�at �re describecl i��. Section 3.
<br />(N) "Miscellaneous I'roceeds" �nettus any compeiisatioi�, settlement, award oF da�nages, or proceeds paid by auy
<br />tliird party (otl�er tlian insurailce proceeds paid utadeJ• die coverages describecl iu Section 5) for: (i) damage to, or
<br />destructiou of, the Property; (ii) coxidemnatio►1 or otlYer taking of all or any part of the Property (iii) conveya�lce in
<br />lieu of concie��:��aatian; or (iv) tnisre��raseutatio��s of, or omissio��s as to, tlie value and/or condition oFtlie Pro�erry.
<br />(0) "IVlortg�ge Insu� means insu►�ance protectir�g Lender againsf tl�e nonpaynie�it of, or default on, the Loai�.
<br />(P) "Perioclic 1'a��ntent" means tlxe regularly scheduled ainouAlt clue for (i) priucipal and iuterest under the Note,
<br />�his (ii) any ai��ou�its u�ider Sectio�i 3 oF this Security lustrii���eait.
<br />(Q) "RESI'A" meails the Real Estate Settlernent Procedures Act (12 CJ.S.C. §260! ek seq,) aud its imple���ettting
<br />r.egulation, ltegulatiou,X (24 C.C'.R. Part 35UU), as t(iey a��ight be amei�ded from fime to tiine, or a�ry additional or
<br />' successor legislation or regitlation tlaat governs tlie s�tne subject matler. As usecl iu tltis Security Instruntent,
<br />"ItESPA" refers to all req�rireineiats ai,id restrictioi�s tliat �re iu�►posed iGa regard co a"federally related uiortgage loaia"
<br />evan if the Loan does ayot qualify as a"federally related inorlgage loa►i" under RESPA.
<br />(R) "Successor Iat Inte�-est of �3o�'ro�ver" nteans any party that has takeo title to tlte Property, wl�ether or not that
<br />party has assumed Borrower's obligations uuder the Note and/or this 5ec�irity Instrument.
<br />The beneficiaty of tliis Security Instru�nent is MERS (solely as noii�iuee for I,ender and Lender's successors and
<br />assigns) and the successars aiad assigns of MEl2S. T'his Secu� I�istrun�ent sec�u�es to Le►�der: (i) the repaya�lent of
<br />the Loan, aud all r�nevvals, exte��sio»s nnd moctilicatio��s of t1�e Note; anci (ii) the �erforntance o� .Bort'ower's
<br />cove�la��ts a�id agreeinents under tlais Security instrut��e�at a�id tl�e NoCe. F�r tliis pur�ose, }3orrower irrevocably gra�lts
<br />and couyeys to T��ustee, in trr�st, with power of sale, tlie followii7g descril�ed properly located i�a tlxe
<br />COUNTY o� HALL •
<br />['Type of Recarding lurisdictio��]
<br />(Nan�e vf R�cvrding Jurisdictionj
<br />ALL O�' LO'I' N1N� (9) AND THE EASTERLY 2 1/2 FEET OF LOT EIGH1' (8), SLOCK TWQ (2),
<br />wl�ich currencly lias the address of
<br />170NI PHAN
<br />[CitY]
<br />1�6 E BROOKLYN AVE
<br />[Slreel]
<br />, Nebraska 68832-%49 ("Property Flddress"):
<br />[zip Code]
<br />TOGETI-IBR WITII all lhe impro��ei��ents now or hereaiier erected on the property, a►id all easements,
<br />appurtenances, and �xtures �iow or hereat7er a parC pf tlie }�rvperey. All replacemeuts aud additio�is sliall also be
<br />covered by this 5ecurity [nstrumenl. All of the fvregoing is referred to ii� tlus Securicy lnscr«me�at as the "Property."
<br />Borrower understands aud agrees that ME�LS holds only legal title to tt�e interescs gra►lted by Borrower in this Security
<br />Instrume��t, bG�t, if necessary to comply witl� law or c�rstom, MERS (as ��ominee for Lender and C.ender's saccessoa�s
<br />and assigns) laas tlie rigl►t: fo exercise any or all oPthc�se interests, i��cluding, but i�ot limited to, the righc to foreclose
<br />and sell the Propercy; �nd to take any actioti rec�uired of Leuder incl�.�di�i�, but ilot liiatited to, releasing and cauceli►tg
<br />tl�is Security Instrument.
<br />BORROWER CO'VENAN"CS tll�t Borrnwer is lawfi�lly seised of tl�e eslate hereby conveyed and l�as the riglit
<br />to grant and cou'vey the Pro�erty and tl��t the Pro��et•ty is unetictunbered, except for enciunbrances of record.
<br />Borrower warrants ai�d will defe�icl �enerally the title to the P��ppercy agai�ist a1t claims.sud dema��ds. subject to any
<br />encumbrai�ces of ��ecord.
<br />NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie Mae/Freddle Mac UNI�OFtM INSTRUMENT - M�RS DOCMAgIC P.��$Y1TIfiS� 800-649-1362
<br />Form 3028 1/01 Page 2 oF 11 www.docmagic.com
<br />