. 1.. . . . . � . . . t .
<br />- ' "i 'f�v�Lt-2� � Y`' .G,t :4S 'C' _�'T�`iv -- . r.
<br /> � ' r ������OiB� �''!.
<br /> � 5. Ide�und os Peu�cty tn�uruare. Bt�rro�ver shalt kee� the improvem.°nts now existing or hereaRe�ere�ted on 4he ��
<br /> Prapesty insure�against tass by tire,hazard.c included evithin ttte tenn "excended coverage° and any other hazards, itiutudi�g �_;,
<br />�,s�� T, floads or flaedis�g. for�vhich I.ertdrr rcquires insurance. Tl�is insuranc�shall be maintained in tha amaunts and for the periods ��::
<br /> • that i.end�r requires. Tii.insuranc�carrier providing the insurance sha8 be chosen by S�m�wcr sub�ect eo Lender's npproval ===
<br /> ` which thall not be unrcasnnsbly ctiithheld. If Borrower faiis to inaintain covzrage described nbnve, l.ender may, ut Leeder'� �
<br /> � �ptta�.obtnin wvErage to protsxt L.ender's rights in the Praperty in erxrordunce�vith parsg�ph s. �-
<br /> t`�;.," Aq insutanm palicies aad r�nc�vats slu�ll be uaxp�uble to Ler:der ond sh:ill itrcludc a st:uidard ►nongage clutise. l.ertder —
<br /> • sha11 hovc tfi�e ri�ht to hold thc polfcics aruf rcsetiv�ls. If L.en�ter�equires.�armwcr sliall pn�mptly give to Lender aii receipu of
<br /> paid prenuums ond renewal notices.tn the event of loss.Borrower sh:il!give prompt notice ta the insurance carrier und Lender. �,.
<br /> -- Ler.der may mske pmof of loss if ro�t made prompdy by Harrower. �
<br /> - Unfess�.ender ansi Bettoivcr otlierwhe agree in cvriting,i�svrarECe p�cerds shall bc applicd to aestumtion vr repair of the — _ .
<br /> , • Propesty damaged,if the�estoration oT repair is economirally feasible and Ixnder's security is not lessened.If the re3toration or —�_
<br />'e.:�i�-;�i repair Bs not economirally feasibl�or Lend�r's security would�e lessene�, the insurance praceeds shall be applied to the sums �__
<br /> • secared by this Szcurity instnuitsnt, whrther or not then due. �vith any eacess paid to Borrower. If Bomo�ver abandons the �..
<br />:_;�;: ; Properiy.or does nc�t aaswer within 30 days a natice from Lender that the insurance carrier kas offered to setde a claim,then
<br />'::',f�; Lendet may colIect the irisurnnce proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or resioie the Property o; 4o pay stuus �.-�
<br /> secared by zhis 3ecu�ity Instnuaent.whether or nat then due.The 3Q-day period wiU bc�C when the nntice is given. ,�_,
<br /> '`�, ` Untess Le�an�Borrower othErvuise agre�in writing, any appliration of proocetls to principal shall not eatead or '����
<br /> postpnne the due d2!e oi ths montAiy paymenu rafrned to in patagraPhs 1 and 2 or ct�ange the amount of th�paymenis. If
<br />� `' � under pazagraph 23 ths Property is acqvired by Ler:d�a. Sorm�ver's right to any i�n�rance poficies and pnoceeds t�sulfing from
<br /> � dam�ge to the Praperqr prior w the acquisitior�s6afi pass W Lender to the extent of the sums s�cured by this Security I�ume� �'`-_
<br /> immediate8}r prior to tt��.�oguisidon. -=
<br /> 6.Q�upancy.�rvatfoa,Maintenance sad Prai�iun ef the Pro�te�riy,YioremRer's I.oan A��AIratio�I.ease6olds. �-`.`.
<br /> ��
<br /> + Ba��rr shall occupy.establish,agd use the Property as Bercr��,�i s principal resideace vr�thin sixty days after ths execation of
<br /> this Saac�ity tnsrivanent and shalfl�tinue to occupy the ff�S�as Borrower's princi�.-i➢�idence for at least a�ea y.�r after —__
<br /> -- tfce ct�of ocaapancy, unless I.E�i:�atherwise ag�ees in wciti;u�;.wtuch consent sdali c�2 Ooz UnreasQr.�ly withher�1.�r unless �;'`:�
<br /> �� eacte�uztin; circum.uances exist which are tseya-.�di Bonuwer's wntrol. Borrower shal! a�t deserov., aCfiinage or impair tha
<br />�� f� � Pr allow the Pro to deteriorate, or s.�mit wsiste on the Pro Borrower shall be in�fault if an forfeiwre
<br /> apertl'• PertY st pertY• Y ox�••
<br /> ~�'' aaron ar proceeding.whether civil or criminal,r begun thai in Lender's good faith�nd�.Pnt could resWt in forfe�uu�e of the e�°:�
<br /> Prog�.=t�or othernise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Ir�'i�.s's securiry interest.Sc�a may �
<br /> (���'��: c�+a.5ncf��default and reinstate,as provided in��'agraph 18,�y causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed+�a s ralinp �
<br /> �j";<<< �,:;��.:,�aQer's,�awi faith determination, g;�:�es forfeiuue of the�orrower's interest in th$Property or other material . _
<br />:°`.��;:?:� �aur.'srnant of ttie 1i�rn creaxe�by tfiis$eacsi��-r�m�xst er ixuder's securiry interest. Borrower shz�also be in�efaalt if —
<br /> t"T�^..
<br />��'^;;'�, B��av�:,cFuring the Ioan applicatian.process.,�v materb�.,fs�,�e or inaccucate informa�on or sra:�ts to Len�ct�a�tr�failed
<br /> to p.ro�r,i�i.es�er with any matesut�5€µformation)in conneci�,�r��th the laan evidenced bgr t3t.e hete,iacInding,6ut�z�4�imitad --�
<br /> to.Tepresen+s*z.ions wnceming Eomrwer's occupazxy of the Property as a principal cesidenc�.If this Security Instnunent is on a �„_
<br /> leasehold. Bflrrow�r shail oomply with all the provisio.as of t6e lease. If Borrower acqulres fee title to the Property. the --
<br /> Ieasehold anA the fee tifle shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in cvriting. �;.,
<br /> 7.P�tectFoa of I.eader's l�igi�4s in the Property.If Borrower fa�1s to perform the covenants and agreemenis cnr►tainat in �:. .
<br /> . . tbis Secarity Insuument.or there is a legal p�ding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Pcoperty(such as a
<br />: pmcecding in banlnupicy.probate.for cundemnarion or farfeituie or to enforce iaws or regutadons).th�n Lender tcray do and �•
<br /> pay for whatever 1s necessary to pzotect the vatae of the Pmperty and lender's rights in the Property. Leader's actions may
<br /> : include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Securiry Insuument. app�aring in wurt, payin� ���
<br /> .;, ; reasanable attomeys'fees and err.asin�an the Praperty to make cepaus.A1Wongh Lender may Wce astion under this paragtaph �
<br /> .. �;-
<br /> %••• �: �.Leader does not have to do so.
<br /> „�.��� •, --
<br />:;�_�;'.....:�, Atry.e�3ur,�nts disbursed Isy Lender under this Para��b 7 shall become addiHonal debt of Botrower secumd by ihis �``
<br /> ;:". Security Ir�dniment.Unless Borroiver and Ler.der agree ta�dxzr tera�af paymeat.th:se auwunts shall bear interest from 3he ��_-
<br /> • d..te o+F disbntseaaem at the Note ratc an�!shall 6��.ay:�s.[c.. with interest. upon notice from Lender to Borrower reqaesting
<br /> ,7.',•� ��„�. �- _
<br /> �� c: .
<br /> �"�'� � .�'�,..EYYortgage Iasat�nee.if F�der r�qui:�:r�:r.:�.;�.;..�,ir�e,..-*ance as a candition of m��dng the to�secured by tfu..g Security
<br /> . Insmusn�auS, Borrower shall pay tt*.�premiums�w��! t�.;r��rr�c�tain the mortgage insu��.ce in effect. If. for any.�►�on, th° __
<br /> '; � mortgs�g�c i�surance coverage required t�y Ler�'.�ar&�pr-es^r�nzm��s to be in effect.Borrower sha11 pay the premiums�r:��ir�d to �.
<br /> obtain•coveruge st��r^�.ntially equivatent to the�:�..�age�ns�:,ce previausly in effect,at u oost svbstantialJy equivaiQat to the�
<br /> �'�+ cost ta Borrower of the mortgage insurance�:�+inusly es���t.from an altemate mortgage insurer approveA by I.ender. if —
<br /> • .:'; subst�3a11y equivaleut mortgage.io��:rance coverage is nas:�si.,,�r�:�ble,Bonorrer shal!pa�Efl Lende�each month a�.�qaal to �'
<br /> ��� �� onatw.r.lJth of the yeariy mortga�r aswarance pzemium 6e:�}�eri`by Borrower when t�CC:irns�uanee coverage lapse��rnr,ti�sed to —
<br /> 6e in�ect.Lendet will accept.use and retain tit�e p�yme:ss�:s a loss reserve in lies �sl' �artgage irrr:arfance. 1✓i+�.rs resesve �
<br /> L� Farm 3028 9f90 ""
<br /> � �S , �a3of8 `'--
<br /> ;7
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