. . .... `a. c _ . . � '�Y. s . . , . •_ _ _
<br /> , • ��� �����r . R
<br /> �'�� —
<br /> .,;!:'�y: .
<br />.:."�:f s;:� Tn�taad�naFe se�r�d by II�d of't'�t or Nd�ga�e�edhich l�i�roa�.a Co-�E�evatoz Co., • t°
<br /> :;;;�, . . _
<br /> •`��';, r�f(3xaad Yslan�,IVE is ttr� secured party rsfen9ed to abc�ve, (ca-ir�suranc� n�Y�xc�ng�U�'/o
<br />. �t't±- a'-.
<br /> ,',' a;; pemaitced). S�k�in�ua�ee goticy shall c�n�in a sgat�d esari��cla�s�in f�raY of�p�es
<br /> . .,;:. tot�exte�t of thelr�erast t€�e�escl s�ail no3�s�1a�1�,tealai�able or�adifiable�ari�ut _
<br /> , �=�.;�
<br />��.;.:.�-� ��IQ��yg� �, �
<br />• �.,..�,:; �a�a�tisx to Henefeia4y. Ti�rst�r�l g�omF3byr c�pair,�in�ia�aad r�P
<br /> � .�.�` �T�st F�iy os ar�y p�rt th�af so�at,ex�ePZ for ordix�sy wear atul tear,the Trust Estate s�a11 --
<br /> �;;: � --
<br /> ,..,�;:�_ aot dz2erioraie. In n�event shall th�e'�rust�Y co�wast�an or w�.�'r� �,
<br />-�i,�{�f53i;:� --
<br />_-i.'}�.:ti..
<br /> :F-<;�:°. 4. ACTII�I�S� ��_�T�NS�'TdtL1�T E�TA7�. T�p s�all sp,p�ar ia contest any --
<br /> :;;�}<;<:.; action asg�ac�in&gu�pos��o affe�3 ttrt�s�cueity lr�.a�ff os the�ights or pava�of Benefciaty
<br /> ��:;�<�s�,:
<br />':s'�<•F:�s az Tiuste�,aad°' �all��e��s„iin�Iudi�cast of��ac�of�e sad atto�ys fees. -__
<br /> � �'-°" � in�v�a'scl�H��ciary or Tnrstee may app� Shouid Tn�stor gail _
<br />>��„�`;F���: in aay sucSa s�cun ar p�uw�nng' -
<br />��;�:t=�tr:,: to�aal�e anp pay�t msw d4 any sctas aa��ath���zovidrdias.�y af4he LQan In�..�,
<br /> �;...._;:;,: :
<br />';F'��: Benefic9�y ar�d/mr 1Tnist�,each iaitsawadiscaetion,wit�tobl��nso�n do aad w�itt�ouino�ce
<br />�s�;�,��?� ". =_
<br />�:;�;;-:��; : L��?aCID3�11�DII T�YS�'L4C4F Stt��ViYIL01E$II�EI�BSA��TIt�3GTP fifOE�!S�j�Q�J'j1g8E[��ffi+3j►III3�E��P a@�
<br /> :,�''r�yf . .� SAIII'2 IIIS93:C��Eti'S�40 SiEL�'3�2S��8 Yi3331�o.,�.�'9�L'D giO4�$S�,�C' �CCI3gTEy�� �
<br /> �;at.<•� -
<br />';:�<<�� . Trust�oa sla�ll,ina�Ip u�oad�a�t�ere�rb3►Be�a�:ary,��coses���� -
<br /> :'�y`'��y :�. . by Beaefe�i�yr in c��eaia�a�th�ex�acase by��raaYg►of tt�e foregc�i�rightq,ia��ing
<br /> ���"`"'�`�. �utlimitationcrosisof�d�ce oftitle,Couri casts,a�gia�s�,�mveys amdatinmeYs f�. �nY -
<br />;<:;�,,,:;
<br /> `' �'�-��� � �tch costs au��xp�aat paid witl�.in t�(10)days o�wii���d sbait draw�a�� �
<br /> ;�';s,-i�? de�'ault rate pmvid�in the l�ote. __
<br /> ,� __
<br /> .4:;:
<br /> �`;c:;-�..•. g, Et�d�N�]'�DOIUL�iN. S3votatd�TnLSt E�taL�ar amy pa�t thez+��or inte�st th�,be `
<br /> ;r.�.��;;. ��__-.
<br /> c:��jt , tak�nordamag�ji�'�asonofanypu�S3�cim�wovementarc�demm��onp�oc�i�g,oriaanYaB�a
<br /> ,�...,,.
<br /> ����',;;,', maan�ia�eludiII�tt�ia tieu af Couc�m��n("Coudemnat��".�;�r shQUtd Tinstor�+ecr�any •_=_
<br />;�;;;r��'S! ;'< . notice or other�.�atioa sega�ding such pmecedi�,Tr�stoa�gve�Ca�p't�it�ss�c� ;�
<br />,'%�:i;N, �f;''�� thereof to B�fic�ia�ay. 8e�ficaaYy sY�l t�e entitle�r�+�e�xtznt of ben��s inLeaest is t�e
<br /> �.�`,;;.�;a��`�� atio awazds aad o�r ^dP I8y1P�tI1�I�OY�and shall6e . . -
<br /> r;.;;� r,, sabjact real�;r:m all co�pens �, PaY�� -
<br /> �`>`;}. entitted �t its a�j�sEi�a to c�rnmenc� aPI�ear in and pros�cuo� �::i�4s awa naffie any actaon or
<br /> � :�:`'� ` � � proce�diu�s.�s�d"s�iaty s�a1u also 6e entitled ts make�y ca�se or setdem�nt in cannection --
<br /> �:'.,,.��,, , . �, -.._
<br /> °.�;;i};s, :;. ,, , wiiti st�-�az�aanage. All s�ch comge�s�at�s�r;�i�,��tights ar acti�n and p�oceeds
<br /> ���''� ' aw�d+"e��o Truswr(t2�e"Pr�ceeds'�a�h�by assig�;{Ac i3eaefaciarY and 7I'rastor agraes to�xe�u� .
<br /> :.;�
<br /> .,_.s; .� . . � -
<br /> ;+` , :.,., s�ch�er assi�ents of the Proceeds es��geficis.-�oz Tnrst�maY�1�- � _
<br /> „ . . .
<br /> � .,:i: � •: ,. r:"
<br /> ;�4''y`•i�i` . 6. AP�i1�S7�4tENT t3F Si�G�SSO TRU�`� �Jene�Cisry may,�*em 4ime t���,b3►
<br /> ,;,si;��t,�:, '• a writtea in�.ent�x�ct�si:s�ud scl�oa�iedged by B�if�eficiary,maiied tra.�'�i�and recorded'ut . .
<br /> .�,, . . _
<br /> . t�e Coumy ia w$rc1�:�,�Teust Estate is located and by ot�xvvlae�iPly'mg wifi�the provisions of ��:.;:;.�.;: :,,.,..:-
<br /> .. tbe�pplics�le I�ja���clL�e State of rtebraska substittrtrt�a suacessaPC���:cessors to tbe Trastee naaao� ' ,<`-.
<br /> � , ,;-
<br /> �� ..t�.�:'-
<br /> ' . herein ar 3cti�:ltt�o�des . � .. ' -
<br /> � � ?. 3U�''+,,,t:,'T���.nRS�Ni�as3 (iNS. This 1?eed�f Ti x�st 3i�t,�,ctuu^es Yn 4he benefnt of �
<br /> �. . . _ � aad bin�da all g�ajii��r.l:tereto,their heits,le�uhee9,d�visees,Peisa t�:�.'�t,td�.:es,stu�.�zrs� _
<br /> � � assigas. The tem�"�eneficiary"shall raean t�h�awner aad holder af Y7ae Natct�:rt�.�er c.��na�ed -
<br /> �'r.';R��S"`�;:�:>�.� �, ' as Beaeficiary he�ein. �
<br /> . .at1b�
<br /> . 8. ffi:�A��3TON5. B�aeficisry,or its agents,represenmtives or woskmen,axe a�rtiwsiz�d -
<br />.���.::`;�,'.� to entet at any�nable time upon or in any part of the Trust Es�ate for th�p�rgoss of inspect�ng� :ii:-
<br /> � . � diesame andfarthe�inpose ofperforming aay ofthsr�ts it is�rthor�edto perfmm undertheLerms
<br /> . . of anX�f 4$e E:�au I�st��nts.
<br /> ' . 9. �W!1�['�oF DEFAULT. As�,�o�4ke follownn�ou�.t�s}�U b�deera¢d an.�vent of
<br />- . . default t�er���:
<br /> +rr,'
<br /> . :���' a Trustor s6all have faited to mnke poy�ceuL c�fs any.��s.yl�a��at ar i�.�erest,priaoipril,or -
<br /> priacipoi and interest or any other sum s�c�d hereby when dne;r�e
<br /> � . � b. Therel�s acciured a bm�cl�of or default under�ny t�,�covenaa�i,a9r�aem�t,cand'ation,
<br /> .. pn�visiaa,representation or waasnty containcd in aay of the I.aan InsOrum�nts.
<br /> �•. � ,
<br /> � . . 2
<br /> , . .... ... ._ . ,, , . . . �, -— -
<br /> .�,, . . . ,._ ... :. � ; .. ��•
<br /> .
<br /> . . �..� ..:: ••,.� ... , ,.. , .: �.. . • • ., . , . �.
<br /> .. - � _ ... - .. , '.4: . , . . . �z.��..
<br />. 1�... _. � . ' . ' . .. , ' ... . . .. .. _ • . . - . . t
<br />