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<br /> `i �D E E ID �� T I�iJ S'�' � �'�_
<br /> e:`
<br /> 3`HIS QEED OF'T1�U�.m�a�a 4bis 12�'n d�y of July,19g6,by�d�aaag I�i:��h��€�, �
<br /> � ;c: HoL�teins,Inc„a coapo�atior�,�.ose maiii�g ad�is 6449 N Q€�andt Rd.,�ntl Iulsna,i��� �
<br /> �.::�-" 6�8 0 1,("'�n i c 4�p"A,Ch�t�rs R I�Isser,Atwaney at Lav�i,whose mrfiling add�s,s is�0��3uK 639, --
<br /> �` (3�Id I31 ^8�I1`s�bY:'a�B 68802�NTYUSL4�`°)��II$A11�o28 CO-Qp�eaBtOt Co.��dlose m�i��j�d�dcesQ ,,,_.
<br /> �R-
<br /> �.='�,<� is Fp��+rn Z09.Aurora,ATe�raska 6��1�,(��fc�iar�►"�. (:
<br /> � FOR VEII.UABLE CONSI��RATIOI�T,TraEtur naevoca62y transfeis,conveys,aat'i�s��s �;"'
<br /> `:, w Ti�ustee,IN�Rt:��'I',WI'�I PaR►'ER OF 3ALE,ford�beae�tand s�c�r ofBer�trl�,�Q�u� —
<br /> � aad snbl�t ia t&��cr�s asid conditio�s of t�is Ds�d of'�rust,�reai progezt�r,lecated£�,dfe CiBy � �-
<br /> 1;,� ofCnaud Islaaa,Couary offIs�I,Sm�of'Rieb�aska,aad leg�llY descn'bed as follaws,(4he"PcuP�`�
<br /> •«'��t to-�vi� v:--
<br /> .�:.���[�.
<br />.:f:� 5'� ��.:
<br /> , .�,.i�
<br /> �,.>�;..�. The Sou4�i+�rest quarier(S�V214)a�d th�W�t on�balf (WI12)of tfa�Smu�.essS �=
<br /> .,.(`�•.f,_ IE:
<br /> ,;,,r�w'; qur,�fter�(�Ei/4)of Se�tion�ir�en(13j,Tuwr►�.biP 7Cvrelve(12),Ran�N"sa�(9} � vRr
<br /> , „��� " :'�Yest of the 6�P.1�/d.I�€all��mty,Nebzssk�a —
<br /> ..��r.�; ._
<br />. ';„
<br /> ���if,<
<br /> .s�,g� ' . ' T(j���Sll IL�IIL4,�11L2I1L5s�CPSq]IIt4LIB3LS lII 2�0�ljP�IQa'�4I�S'�3'gs �-•
<br /> ' �`{�' aad buildinp on said premises s�ab,�ect to a&�I�.af Tiv.st os =-
<br /> ;�3,�, ., and alleys, iiu�v��nen4s,
<br /> :�Ef: Martgage ds�eed November 1,1944 aud dtane 10,1944,imder wluch Ne��a�te�aett,Osh�osh, c:
<br /> ,,,,.
<br /> ,..�,i�.�. Nebtas�ta,is ttre se�uecD pa�ty t�ving a first lien on said above descn'6ed rrzS e.staxe.
<br /> :,,,.. :
<br /> ,''�'� .� The ra snd the cnti�e estise and inr,er�sts co�veyod to the Tiustee are r�ferred xo
<br /> ;,� P �Y �
<br /> ;t `�� colle�tnvely as 4�"Tmst EsFate."
<br /> .�;�. FOR'�.�URPOSE�F SE�:iJ�IN(i:
<br /> •�. � , . .,
<br /> :��, __
<br /> ;�.� , a Payme�af in � ,�ess irs�m to�a1 pri�cipal amount of Su�ty F�ivo-'Pho�Oae
<br /> ;x::.. �'. .
<br />:�ri�.;..: _ �tl�ItlB�01�8IS SIIt�1�4'IJtf�%13�C C�ffi�($�,�1xi.3�),8t IZ%�Cl�C�tii4'II�3�SS CVI��i _
<br />'�r'`;`..�� '� - that certaia Trust Deed K:t���even dat�(tt�e"Notr�")wi3h a�aLvrltgr dat�of IJeceffiber.1,199rI, ' ,
<br /> � ex�t6y Trustrr�w��ul�s bee,n d�elivered aa�d is payable W 4I�oader of Seneficnary a�wbach ,;:•:�:
<br /> � � . __
<br />=� by tlus refere��1���.�a part t�rea�aad any a�d a�ffiodificatians,extei�z��aa,d. �:',.;-,�
<br /> ,:�` � ,,.�•., =-_
<br /> �;,� renev�rals ther�oF� . ."`�
<br />'�r".,-�,` . � •
<br /> . � �- .,.. . b. All gay�tents t��.��,to he ad��by the�cro�ficiary to gsmte�t the Titus�'''�"'� .
<br /> ' � . Fst�te,sha1D bear inter��i f' �rat�d�I�:t,s��(������usr:�nfs�.
<br />'��J.e1 . - . " � ' ' -
<br /> . �
<br /> ;�'.,�''�� This De�d of Trust,tdf�N�rte,and ar►y oth�.�ent��en to�:�tcs ar further secure
<br />�;_:�":•�;;H . -
<br /> .. the paym�nt and gtrfomaaace of aay o6ligatian secured hex�eby:r�refetred to coll�ctively as th� -
<br /> , "I.oau L�stcuments:' . :<::...
<br /> , . � � .
<br />`�;,����.. l.�PA�IT OF IIJD 'I��1ttt�SS. Tn�s2ar shall�y v�'nen d�se the ptiuciy�a�,o$aad tbe
<br />'�,%- , . interest an,t15ss indebtedness evideaced Lq�t�e Note,cbarges,fe�s and all other sut�s�t,�vvided in -
<br />;����, th�Xi,��II�.,^t�uffients. _
<br />-!?:!W.Rfr:ti.'i � .
<br />�'��;;;�Y�'" Z, T�� Trustor shall,gay each ia�c�t of all ta�ies and sge�i���F°.,�sesstae��of every
<br /> �:r;., �
<br /> ` '"• kin�d,now or1��'2erlevied a�ain,st tlte T�st Fsmte ar sny ps�:t�i�u���delinqaizn��,v�r3+�aut
<br /> ... ,,.. . _
<br /> '"`;;�,;.��, notiCC OT dCntSH�;aIId S��j3tL�DVIdC BED�618[gi vJ1.4�J @dI�CNTC t5i�2ILC p8yA�3fi t7�dr�,:�t�: Tiu.,^toY -
<br />,�;�:r�'�Y�;, . sl�al!pay all tt���td a��.+��sB�v�hich may be l�6ried upo��eae8ci�+'��ir�tairs�£t�ieln or ugoa
<br /> ac3a: _
<br />._.�:yy�u', —
<br /> -_ this Deed of T�`-t or the debt secuced hereby,withQUt��to aay Iac���t�y be enacted _
<br /> �Fo�S Pal+maaQ of thc�whole or any gart thereof ugon ttte l3eflefctary. �_�
<br /> ,.,,,; .'�. : 3. iNS1IR.P�N�`E_.A�REP,AIRS�. �'r�utor shall maintain fire and extended cov�era�ge =_
<br /> .��,,k(�',
<br /> °���r��� . ins�raace insurin�the improvements and buildiags constit�ting part of tlte TmsE Estate for an -_
<br />,'{s;'` �; amount no less ttwn the amount of the unp�id gsiaciga!balaIIte o�the Nate sscure8 by this lR�ec�of
<br /> �����: . _
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