<br />(Continued)
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<br />remedied wikhtn ar�y grace per(t7d provld�d th�tein, including without Ilmitation any agreemenf conceming any indebtedness ar ather
<br />obligatian of Trustor to Lender, whether existing now ar Iatdr.
<br />Events Aflacting Guarantor. Any of the preaeding events occurs with respect ta arry gu�rantor, endorser, surety, qr accammadatlon
<br />party of �ny of the In�btednesa or any gu�rantor, endors�r, surety, or accnmtnodation party dies or benomes incompetent, or
<br />revokes ar disputes the vaiidity of, or Nahility under, any Guar�nfy of the Indebt�dnes�.
<br />RtGHTS AMD REMEI'NF� ON DEFAULT. If an �v�nt of Default occurs under this Deed of Trust, at any time thereafter, Trustee qr l.ender
<br />rnay exercis� arry one or mare pf the fallowing riphts and remedies:
<br />Accelerattan Upon 1]efauft; Addltional Remedies. If any Event �f Default occurs as per the tert'ns of the Note sacuret! hereby,
<br />l.ender may deciare ali Indebtedness sscured by this peed af Trust tv be due and payable and the same shati thereupon becarrre
<br />due and payable withaut any presentment, demar�d, protast ar notioe of �ny kind. Therealter, Lender may:
<br />(a)' �ither tn parson ar by agent, wtth or wlthaut bringing any action or proceeding, or t�y a recei�er appainted by a oourt and
<br />withouE regard to the adequ�ay of its secur�ty, enter upon and take possesslen af the Properiy, or any part ther�af, in tts
<br />own name or in the name of 7rustae, and dn any acb which it de�ms necessary or desirabls to preserve the value,
<br />marketabilkty pr rentabiiity af the Property, or part of t�e Propsrfy or interest in the Property; €ncrease the fncorrta fram the
<br />Praparly or pratect the sE:curity of the Property; and, with or without taking possession o�t the Prape+ty, sue ior ar ntherwf�e
<br />coflect the rents, Issues and profits of the Property, inGuding thvsa past due and unpaid, and apply the same, lesa cpsts and
<br />expenses of operation and coliect(on attorneys' fees, tp any indel�t�dness s�cured by this �eed of 7ru&t, all in such order as
<br />Lender may determine. '�he entering upan and taking possession of t,�e i'roperty, th� collection of such rents, lssues and
<br />pralits, and q�s applicatlon therevf shall nat Gure or walve �ny def�utt or notice of def�ult under this Daed af Trust or
<br />lnvalidate any act dane in roap�nae to such dePault ar pursuant to su�h notice ot de�ult; and, nolwithstanding the
<br />continuance In posseasion of the Properly or the coflectior�, repeip# and appiicativn af rents, iasues or proflt&, Tru&tee or
<br />Lender shali be erititied to exercis� every right provided Tar in the Nnte ar tMe Related bocuments pr by law upa� the
<br />occurrence of any event of default, including the rigtrt to exercise the pawer af aale;
<br />(b) Commance an actEon to fareclase this peed of Trust as a mortgag�, appoirtt a receiver or speoifically enforce any t� the
<br />covenants hereof; and
<br />(a) C7eliver ta Trustee a written declaratinn Qf default and demand for sale and a wriften natice of dehault and gleutian to
<br />cause Trustpr's inberest in the Property to be sotd, which notic�s Trust�e shall cause to �e duty filed for reoord in tha
<br />appropriate officea af the County in which the Aroparty Is located; and
<br />(d) Wfth respact to aA or any p�rt of the Persanal Prnperty, Lender shall hav� ali fhe ri�hts and remedies of a secur�d party
<br />under the Nepraska llniform Cammarcial Gade.
<br />Forec�asure by Pvwer of SaIB. If L�ander elec,ts to foroclose by eycerdse of the Power of 5ale her�in cont�ir�ed, Lender shall natify
<br />Trustea and �hali deposR wlth Trustee this Deed oT Trust and the Note and such receipts and evidence of expend3tures made and
<br />securad by this Deed of Trust as Trustee may require.
<br />(a) tJpon raoaipt af auch notfve from Lender, Trustee shall cause tn be r�car�d�d, published and del9vered to Trustor such
<br />Natice pf Default and Notice of Sale as then required by law and by this �eed of Trust Trusbe� shall, �thvwt demand on
<br />Truatar, after sttch tirria a$ may then be required by law and after recordati0n af such Natice of pefault and after Nofic� of
<br />Sef� having bBen given es required by �aw, aell tha Property at the tim� and place of sale fixBd by it ln such Nofice of S�le,
<br />either ae a wh41�, or in �ep�rate lots or pares� ar items as Trustse shall deerr� �xpedient, and in such order as it may
<br />determlrre, at public auetion ta the h9gh�s# bidder for cash In lawful money of tha Unit�d Statas payabl� at the time of aale.
<br />tnrstae shall dellver to such purchaser nr purchasers thereof its gaod and sufflciahf deed or deeds conveying the property sn
<br />soid, but without any covenarzt nr warranty, expr�ss vr implied. The recita(s in such deed oF any matt�rs or facts shaU be
<br />concluslve proa�F vf the� truthfulness therepf, Any peraon, including withaut Ii�nitatian Trust�r, Trus6�s, ar Lsrider, may
<br />purchase at suah sate.
<br />(b) As may be permtfted by law, after deducting all costs, fees and expenses of Truste� and of this 'Frust, Including cnsts af
<br />avidence uf titia in connectipn with sale, Trustee sFrali epply the proceeds of sale to p�yrw��nt af ti) alf sums expended un�er
<br />khe terms ai thls Ased af Trust or under the tarms of the Note not then repaid, Inoluding but not limited ta accrued inferest
<br />and late charges, (ii) all other sums then secured heraby, and {iii) the remainder, it any, to the perspn or parsons Iegaily
<br />en6tled ther�oto.
<br />(c) Trustee may in the manner provlded by law pastpone sale af all or any partion af the Pr�perty,
<br />Rem�dies Not �xciusiv�. Trustee and L�nder, and each qf them, shatl be �ntitled to enfor� payment and perfvrmance of ar�y
<br />indebtednnss or obtigaflans s�curecf dy this �eed af Trust and to exarcfae all right� �nd ppwars under this Deed aF 'Trust, under the
<br />tdote, under any at tha RelaEed Dxur�nts, or under any pther agreem�nt nr sny laWS now or hereafter in tarce; notw3thstanding,
<br />some ar ail of such tndebtedness and obligatians secured by this �eed aF trust m�y now or hereaiter be atherwise secured, whether
<br />by mortga�e, deed of trust, pladge, lien, assignmsr►t or othervvise. Ne�ther the accaptance pf this Deed of 7rust nor its enforcerr�nt,
<br />whether by court act�on or pursuant to the pawer af sale ar other povu�rs contained in this !]ssd of Trust, shall pr�judlce ar in any
<br />manner affect Trustiee's or Lenders riQht to realize upon or enfnrc� any pther securlty now vr hereafter held by 7rustee ar Lender, It
<br />k�eing agreed that Trustee and I..ender, and each af them, &haU be entit��d to anforoe this C)eed pf Trust and any other security now or
<br />hareafter held by Lender nr T'rus�tee in such oraer and rrr�nner as they ar either of them may In their ahsotuta discration determine. No
<br />remedy cnnferrvd upan or reserved to 7rustee or Ler►der, is intended M be exclusiv� vF any vther remedy in this Daed vf Trust or by
<br />law prov�ded or permitt�d, but aach shall be cumutative and shal) be in eddifion to avery othnr retnsdy given in this Deed of Trust or
<br />now ar hereafter existing at law ar in equlfy or by statute. Every p4wer pr remedy given by the Note qr any of tF►e Related Documents
<br />to Trustae or Lender or ta which eRher af them may be otherwise er�fidad, may ba exercised, cona.+rrarrtiy or independer�tly, frpm time
<br />ta time and as oRan as may be deerre�d expsdierrt by Trustee or Lender, and elther of them may pursue inconsistent remedies,
<br />Nothing ln this tleed vf Trust shall 6e construed as prohibitir�g Lendar from aeeking � d�ficiency judgment against the 7rus6er to the
<br />extsrtt such actlon i� permlttod by law.
<br />