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f►•I1][1Z1�:�f:3/.] <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(�vntinued� <br />pa�e 4 <br />required to deduct from paymenks an the Indebtednes5 secUred by this type af Deed vf 7rust; {3) a tax pn this type oF peed of'Frust <br />chargeable agafnst the Lender or the haldar af the Nate: �nd (4) a specif�c iax on all or any portian aF fhe Indebtedness or an <br />payments af principal and interest made by Trustor. <br />Suh�equent Taxes. If any tax to whtch thfs seefion appl�s is enacted subsequ�nt fn the date aF th€s L?eed oF Trusl, this event shall <br />heue the same sffect as an Event of nefault, and Lender may exercise any ar all af its availabie remedies for an Event of Default as <br />providad below unlsss Truator either (1) pays the tax bafore it becomes del�nquQrrt, ar (2y contests ths tax as provfdad a�ove in the <br />Taxes and Liens sectior► and deposits with I�ender cash or a sufficient corpora6a surety bond or ather securiiy sati�factary ta Lender. <br />SECUW7Y AGRL�MEPt"f; FINANCING STATEAA�NTS. The failowing prnv(sions ralating to this Dead af Trust as a security agreement are a <br />part of this I7aed af 7rus#: <br />Security Agreement l'his instrument shell constitut� e Seaurity Agr�emer�f to the extent ar►y of the Property constitutes fixtures, and <br />Lender shal! hav� �II of the right� of a secured party under the Unifarm Commercial Code as amended 4rom time �CS time. <br />8acurity ir�terest. Upan request hy l.ender, 'Trustor sha[i take whatever action is requested by Lender #n perPect and eantinue Lender's <br />security irtterest in tt►e Persana! Property. In sddltinn to recarding th�s peed of Trust in the real pro�aerty recards, lendar may, at any <br />time and w3thout furH�er authoriaativn #rom Trustor, fite executed courrterparts, copies or reproductions af thts Dged n# T"rust as a <br />financing stabement. 1"rustor shall r+�irr�ur�e Lender for a!I expenses inaurred ir� pe�Facting or cantinuing this s�awr(ty Interest. Upan <br />default, 7'r'ustnr shali nqt remove, sever ar detact� the Personai Prvperty frqm the Property. Upnr� default, Trustar shall assemble arty <br />Personal Property not afflxed ta the Prvperky in a mannar and at a place reasanably cahveniQnt to Tnistor and Lender and make it <br />available tn Lender withirt three (3J days after re�ipt of writ#en demand fram L.ender ta the extent peRnitted by appiicable taw. <br />Addresses. 7he mailing addreeses of Trustor (deE�tnr) and Lender (secured party) from which informat�on conceming the senurity <br />interest Sranted by this Aeed of T'rust may be qk�tained (eech as required by the Uniform Commeraal Code) are as stated nn the flrst <br />page nf this Deed af 7ru�t. <br />PUFiTH�R ASSLIRANC�S; ATTOFtN�Y-IN-FAC1'. The #al{awing provisions reta6ng to further assuranoes and aftorney-in-f�ct are a part of <br />thls Deed of Trusr <br />Further Assurareces. At a�y �me, and from Ume ta time, upan request of Lender, Trustor wiEl make, execx�te and deliver, nr witl cause <br />ta be made, executsd or defivered, to Lender or to Lender's design�e, and when reqUesb�d by Ler�ler, cause tv be filed, revorded, <br />refiled, pr rerecnrded, as the case may be, at such times and in sucfi of�ces and piaces as Lender may deem appropriat�, any and all <br />such mort�ages, deeds of trust, security deeds, securiCy agreements, financing stalemerrts, continuatlon statements, instruments af <br />further assuranae, certifica�es, and other documerns as rrray, In the �ole vp�nian af R.ender, be neces�ary or desirable in order tn <br />effectuate, c�mplete, perFect, cpr�tinue, ar preserve (1) 7rustar's obligations urtder the Note, this beed of Trust, and the Related <br />Documenta, �nd (2) tlte liens and securlty intere�ta created by thfs Deed af Trust as first and prior liens on the Prnperty, whether <br />nvw owned or hereafter aoquired by Trustor. Unlesa prohibited by law or Lender ag�aes ta the contrary in writing, Trustor shall <br />reimburse Lender for all casts �nd expenses incurred In r.annectivn with the matter� referred ta in t�la parsrgr�ph, <br />Attorney-in-Fact. If Trustor fatls ta dp any cf the things referred tv in the precedi�g p�ragr�h, Lender ma}r da so f�r and in the name <br />af Trustar and at Trusto�'s e�ense. For such purpqses, Trustor hereby irrevocably appoEnts Lender as Trustor's a#tamey-in-fact far <br />the purpose of making, exeeuting, deliv�ring, fiNng, recording, and doing ali other thireg5 as may be ne�ssary or desirable, in Lender's <br />soie opinion, to accvmpEish the matters referred to in the prersding patagraph. <br />Fi1L.1. P�RFQRAIiANGE. If Trustar pays all fne Indebtedn�sa wh�n due, and athervvlse performs ail tha abligations imposed upan Trusfar <br />under this Deed of Tru�t, Lender shall �xecute and deliver to Trus6ee a r+equest for fulE reconveyance and shalE execx�te and deliver to <br />Trustar �utt�bla statements of terminatiar� of arry flnanang stabamer�t an frle evldancir�g Lend�r's security ir�terest In the Rents and the <br />Personai ProperEy. Any reconveyancae fee r�qufred by ]aw shatt be pald by 7rustar, If permitted t�y appiicable i�w. <br />EN�M1S pF dEFAULT. At Lender's option, Trustor wiN be in defauit under this AeeQ nf Twust if any af the followfng happen: <br />Payment DePault. Trus�ar fails to make any payment wh�n due under the Indek�f�dness. <br />Break Other Pramises. Trustor breaks any promis� made tia Lender or fails to perform promptly at the time and strictty in the manner <br />provlded fn this Deed aF Trust or in any agreemerrt related W thls Dead af T�st. <br />Campliance pefaul� Failure to comply with any other term, abi(ga6an, covenant or cond�tinn cnntained in this Daed of Trust, the Note <br />ar in any vF the Related Documents, <br />Default nn Othar Payme�s. Failure af Trust�r within the time rsqulred by this Deed �f Trust ta rnak�r any payment far taxes or <br />Insurance, ar any o#her payment necessary tc prevent filinq of ar ta effect discharg� ot any Elan. <br />Fatse Statemants. Any rapresentatlan ar stalement made or furnished t� Londer by Trustor vr on Truatar's behalf under this qead a� <br />Trust qr the Ftelated Documents is false ar rnis�ading in �ny materi�l re�ped, elther naw or at the time made or fumished. <br />b�factive Coll�teraliza�ion. This Deed of Trast nr eny of the Related Dacumer�ts ceases to be In full force and efFect (including fallure <br />of any oollatera[ dacument tp create a �alid and perFected, security intorest or Ifen) at any time nnd for any reason. <br />Death or Insvlvenay. The death aF Trustor, the insolvency of 7rustor, th� appa3ntmsnt of a raoeiver for any part af Trustor's properry, <br />any assignment for the t�r►efit of creditors, arry type qf creditor woricouF, or tha oommencement of any prqceeding under any <br />bankre.Eptcy or insolvency laws hy or against Truskor. <br />Taking af the Property. Any c�edibor or govemmer�l�agency tri�s to take any af the Property or any other of Trustvr's prop�rty in <br />which Lender has a lien. Thls includes taking pf, garnlshing of or levying on 7rustor's accnunts with E.erxler. Fiawever, if Trustor <br />disputes in gaod faith whethar the. ciaim cm whlch the taking of the Pr�perty is , based is valid or reason�ble, snd ff Trustor gives <br />Lender written notice pi the claim and fumishes L,ender with monies or a surgty bor�l satisfactary ta Lender to sati�fy the claim, tMen <br />this dofgult provision will nvt �pp1y. <br />Breach af Gther A�reement, Any breach by Trustor under the terms vf any other agreemerrt between 'Trustnr and Lender that is nnt <br />