<br />shall remain fully effecdve as if no accelerarian had occurred. However, ttus right to reinstate shall not
<br />apply in th� case of acceleration under Section 18.
<br />20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servioer; No#ce af Grievanae. The Note or a partial interest in
<br />the Note (together with this Se�urity Instniment) can pe sold one or m�ore times withaut prior notice to
<br />Borrower. A sale rnight result in a ct�ange in the entity (known as the "L.oan Servicer") that callects
<br />Periodic Payments due under the Nace aand this Secu.rity Instrument and perforn�s other mortgage loan
<br />servicing abligadons under the Note, tbis Security Instrument, and Applicable Law. Thcre also might be
<br />one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale af the Note. If there is a change of the Loan
<br />Servicer, Horrower will be given wnitten notice of the rhange which will state the nune and address of the
<br />new I.aan Servicer, the address to wluch paymeaats should be made and any other information RFSPA
<br />requires in connecxion with a notice of transfer of servicing. If the Nate is sold and them�tter the Loan is
<br />serviced by a Loan Servicer other than tlxe purchaser of the Note, the mortgage loan servicing obligations
<br />to Borrower will reix�ain with the �..oan Servicer or be transferred to a successor I.oan 5ervicer and are not
<br />assurned by the Note purGhaser unless otherwise provided by the Nate purchaser.
<br />Neither Borrower nor J ender may cotnmence, join, or be joined to any judicial action (as either an
<br />individual litigant or the member of a class) that arises frora the ather party's actions pursuant to this
<br />Security Insmu�nt or that alleges that the other party has breached any provision of, or any duty awed by
<br />reasan of, tlus Security instnnnent, until st�cch Borrower or I.ender h�as notifiett the other party (with such
<br />notice giv�n in cc�mpliance with the requirements of Section 15) of such alleged breach and afford� the
<br />othex pariy hereto a reasonable period afte�r the giving of such notice to take corrective action. If
<br />Applicable Law provides a tiune period which must elapse bcfore certain actian can be tak�en, that time
<br />period will be d� t4 be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph, The �aotice of acceleration and
<br />opportunity to cure given ta Borrowe�r pursuant to Se�tion 22 and the nodc� of acceleration give� to
<br />Borrower pursuant ta Section 1$ shall be d� to satisfy the n�otice and opportunity to take co�xective
<br />actian provisions of this Section 20.
<br />21. Hazardous Substanae�. As used in this Section 21: (a) "Hazardous S�bstances" are thosc
<br />substances defined as t�aic or hazardous substances, pollutanta, or wastes by Environmuental Law and the
<br />following subsCances: gasoline, kez�o�ene, other flamxnable or touc petroleum products, touc pestic�des
<br />and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive m�aterials;
<br />(b) "Environm�ntal Law" �ans fe�eral laws and laws of the jurisdiction where tt� Property ia located that
<br />relate to health, safety ur environu�ental pmtection; (c) "Environnaental Cleanup" includes any response
<br />action, remedial action, or re�va] action, as defined in Environmcntal Law; and (d) an"Envirornne�p;ta1
<br />Condition" means a condition that can cause, contribute to, or otherwise trigger an Envir�onmentat
<br />Cle�nup.
<br />Borrowex shall not cause or penaiit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardaus
<br />S�bstances, or threaten to release any Hazardous Stibstances, on or in the Prap�rty. Borrower shall not da,
<br />nor allow anyo� else to do, anything affecting the property (a) that is in vialation of any EnviromnenWl
<br />Law, (b) which creates an Environmental Condidon, or (c) which, due W tbe pre�ce, use, or release of a
<br />Hazardous Stibstance, creates a condition that adveisely affects the value of the Prapeaty. The precedin�
<br />two sentenc:es shall not apply to tl�e presence, use, or storage on tt�e P�roperty of �nall quantities of
<br />Ha7a�ous Substapces t�at are generally recogniz,eci to be appropriate to no�nal residential uses an,d ta
<br />maintanance of the Propeny (including, but �t limited to, haaardous substances in conswner p�aducts).
<br />Horrower shall pmmptly give L�der written n�otice of (a) any investigaticra, claim, denoand, lawsuit
<br />ar othe�r action by any gavemmental or regulatory age�y or private party involving the Propeny and anq
<br />Hazardous Substance ar Environmental I,aw of whicla Borrower has actual 1�now1eii8e, (b) anY
<br />Environmental Condition, includi,�ag but not limited w, any spilling� leaking, discharge, release or threat of
<br />release of any Hazardous Substance, and (c) any conditian caused by the pres�ce, usc or release af a
<br />Hazardous Snbstance which adversely affe�ts the value of the Property. If Borrower leams, or ia nodfied
<br />N BRASICA - Single Family - Fannie Mae/F�add� Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMFIV'I'
<br />-B�NE) �08t 7J Papa 12 of 15 i�rc • Form 3028 7/07
<br />