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<br /> ---�• �'� a licable law may�pecify for reinstatement)beforc sale of�he Aroperty pursuunt to any power af sule contained in lhis
<br /> ._:��.°�;,;�'��;.:� , PP
<br /> �___N�.�...�� �,tir��y Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enfbrcing this Security Inst�ument. Thor,e condilions are�hut Burruwer. 1�+) —.
<br /> __�_� payc I,ender �11 sumc which then would be due under�hfs Secudty Inatrument and the NAte ux if na urcelciptiun had
<br /> ..�, ��jy occurred;(b)cures any defAUlt of any wher covenanta or agneements;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Secudty
<br /> '�`��� ' Inswmen�,including,but not limited to, reasonable auomeys'iees: and ld) tuker such nction ux Lender may reosonahly
<br /> .n+�y����:':'�..�
<br /> . . requine to acYUrc Ihal the lien of this Security Instrument,Lend�:r c r�ghts in thc Rapeny anJ Burrowerk abligatian to ps�y thc
<br /> ��• : r���•�, sums secured by ihis Security InswmeM ahall contlnue unchunged. Upon reinalalement by Sorrower, Ihis Security
<br /> ��"� �. :-•. � Inspument and the obligations Recured hereby shall remain fully effeclive As if no acceler+�tiun hai accuRed. However,ihis
<br /> _ ��� • _ right to reinstate shall not npply in Ihe cnse of acceleration under parasraph 17. c
<br /> �x����.ij" 19. SWe o/Nole: Chan�e o�L�oan Servker. The Nae or u p�rtinl intcrcs� in the Notc Iwgethe�wi�h ihiy Security
<br /> «ti
<br /> '�° �� �� Insuument)may bc soLd one or more times without p�ior notice to Borrower. A sale muy rerult in u change in the entity
<br /> 'j�``�`='*�',�;,,u�; • �{�o��s�he^Loan Scrvlcer')U�at collects monthly paymenls due under 1he Nate and this Security Inctrument. 'fhere alsa
<br /> -.:.,.W.,a_v:.�.:...
<br /> • • --�� may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelaled lo a sule of the Nac. If therc iti a chunge of Ihe Los+n Servicer,
<br /> Borrower will be given written notice of the change in siccordunce with parugraph 14 above And upplic�+ble luw. The naice �
<br /> -_ ° ,� � �,,;,n: .;}rt will state the name nnd address of the new Loun Servicer und the address to which puyments chauld be made. The notice will _
<br /> - � �,,,.r • a ., also cantain any other iniormadon required by Applicuble law. _ _
<br /> i+�;�� 2(1. Hazardous Substences. Borrower shall not caur.r or prrmit the prcsence,use,disposul,storoge,or relcnse of nny
<br /> —'.�.�..`•.-; . .., -. ' • (
<br />-.� �:,„.�;�,,,,�;;:1�i �, Fluzardous Substctnces on or in�he Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow �nyone elxe�o dn,anything uffec�ing thc c __
<br /> -- — - . Propeny thut is in viol�tion af any Environmeotal Law. 7t�e preceding two senlences shall not upply to�he prckucr,u,�:,ur
<br /> ' s�arnge on 1hc Property of smull quantities of Hazardous Subslances that are gencrsdly rccognized to be appropriute to normal �_.
<br /> _� ' � .. residential uses and to muin[enance of the Propeny. �---
<br /> --____ � ^ Borrower shall promptly give Lender writ�en notice of any invea�igation,cluim,demand,lawguit or alher uction by any _
<br /> --"=� �. . govemmeMal ar regulutory agency or privute pnny involving the Property and any Huzardous Substunce or�mironmental �;
<br /> '�"`�" � Law of wl►icb BoROwer has actuul knowledge. !f Borrower IearnF, or is nrnified by any govemmentul or regulatory
<br />-%'-rya�� ,� ' .' . �-
<br /> nuthority.thnt any renwval or ather remediation of uny Hazardous Substunce uffecting the Propeny is n�cessery,Borrower �_;_=
<br /> - == " .. • shall promptly talce ull necessary remediul actions in acconlrance wilh Environmenlu)Lnw. —
<br /> • � As used m this parAg�uph 20,"Hazardour Substnnces" are thase substances defined as toxic or huzardous substnnces by `.:_..._
<br />'`-"'' � • � • Environmental Law and the follawing subswnceti: gasdine,kerosene,other flammuble or toxir petroleum pr«iuc�s, taxic
<br /> , , �;;:
<br /> - ° ` .•„.� '�, pesticides und herbicides, volatile salvents,materiuls cantaining a,bestos or formaldehyde. und rndiouctive muteriak. As "'> .
<br /> `' used in this purugraph 20,"Environmemnl Lnw"mcuns federal law.r•und lawa of Ihc jurisdic�ion whcre ihc Propeny is la:atcd �m
<br /> " � " thet relate ta health,sufery or environmcntul praection. --
<br /> .0
<br /> _- NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BoROwer und Lcndcr funhcr covenant and s►gree us follows:
<br /> - • ^ 21. Acceleration; Remedies. L.eader shall give nolfce to Barrower prior ta acceleralion following Borrower's �
<br /> ' breach oP pny covenant or agreement fn this Security Instrumen!Ibul not prior to acceleration under ps��agraph 17 —°—..
<br /> } ' � ��- unless applicaMe Iow Provides otherwlsel. The notice shall speclfy: Ia1 the dePault;(bl the actlon required to cure the =_
<br /> •r.1, �'. • A defaull; (c►a dnte,not less tlu�n 30 dpys from Ihe date the notice iw given to Borrower.by which the default must be �
<br /> - �-
<br /> :�..�. _
<br /> � � " cured;and Idl that�oiiure to cure ihe deiauii un ur iirfurr iiin drie specitied in iiie nuitce may result!a srrrlrr�!art a - -
<br /> '� ���' the sums secured by this Security Inslrument and sale of the Property. The noUce shall i'urther inform Borrower of �.R-
<br /> � � " the right to relnstAte after acceleratiap and Ihe righl lo brinR a court acNon ta asserl the non-existence uf a defuult or —_
<br /> � any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sAle. IP the dei'ault is nut cured on or bePore the d�te specified in �:���
<br /> � the notice,Lender At its oplion ms�v require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by Ihis Securlty Inslrument _
<br /> �� without iurther demand and �m�� invuke the power oi'wle and uny other �emedies permitted by applicable la�: �,,�-__.
<br /> � Lender shall be entitled tu callect ull expenses incurrrd in pursuin�the remedies provided in thi� pars�graph 21.
<br /> ° � , including.bnt not limiled to.reasonuble attorneyw'fees und co���oi titk evidence. �...-__
<br /> IP the power of tiule is invoked.'IY�ustee shull recnrd a notice uf default in euch county in which any part oi the � �:
<br /> .�u
<br /> , � „ � Property I.s located and shall mail copies uP such notice in Ihe manner prescribed by upplicable law to Borrow•er und to �-„x
<br /> ., , the ot her persuns p r e s c r i b e d b y a p p l l c A b l e l a w. A F t e r t l i e t i m e r e q u i re d b y u p p l i c a b l e l a w.7 l r u s t e e s b w l l �iv e p ublic �::
<br /> � ' notice of sale to the persons and in the manner preticrfbed by applicable luw. 'I�ru�tee.wilhuW demand on Borrower. �',_'��'
<br /> , sh�ll sell lhe Properly at public auclion to the hishesl bidder ut the timr and place and under the terms designated in �5"".
<br /> ; the natice uf salc in une ur mure purcels und in anp �Mder l�ustee determines. 7Yuctee may postpane sule oP all ur any ---
<br /> ^ ps�rcel of'the Properly by public unnuuncement�1 the time and place of any prr�•iowly scheduled sule. Lender or its _—__
<br /> � designee mAy purchase the Property al any sule. .
<br /> Upon receipt of payment oP the price bid,7Yu�1er shvll deli�•cr lo the purchaser '11�ustee's deed conveying the
<br /> Property. The reckuls in the Trustee's deed shall be prima fucie c�•idence oP thr Iruth of thr statements made Iherein.
<br /> , . ° � 71�u�tee shall apply the pruceeds uf t6r�ale in Ih�e folluwinR order: Iul lo all c�ts nnd expenst�s oPexere�Cing Ihe power _
<br /> ■�rt:�
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