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� • <br /> � <br /> _..,, <br /> __ ---- - „ <br /> �r�a . �.�� .. -_..,-.- <br /> 'a" „ . .�.:,.. ,,,,,... ., :.:��- <br /> "� " • <br /> - - -��- - - ---- -- <br /> �-- ., .. . <br /> � • � - - - - -- _- <br /> �. <br /> -��*--�`�� . 92-- �0�41 <br /> _ — c��nctcmnvtion or ullxr lukiny�of wny pan of tix Prop.rty,or for cumcywuc in lieu ot'cwulcmn•riiun,urc hemby u�Ki�ned wid — <br /> �~'—"•,,••° «IWII bo puld w Letulcr. <br /> ----=__--""° In thc cvcnt uf•r total tuking of �he Pm�r1y, Ilm prucccJs ,h:►11 Fx: applied �a thc tium+ xcureJ by thi� Srcuri�y -- <br /> --- Inxtrumcnt,wlx�hcr or not then duc,with any cxce.rr p�id lo Ba�n►wer. In�he evcn�nf a purtiul tukin�t n(ihe Pr��xny in <br /> which Ihe f�ir markct valuc uP thr Pmperty immrdiutriy beforc�hc iuking i�ryuul w ur greater�han�hc um��unt uT�he tiumr . <br /> �ured I:y this Security In�trurmnt immtidiatnly befure thc tuking.unle++Burrowcr anJ Lcndcr o�herwiK ogrec in wri�ing. <br /> ,���� •J.'� �M +um�ticcurcd by thiti Sccurfly Imlrumcnt+hAll hc rcduccd by �h� umuunl uf thc pnx:ccJ.multiplic�l 6y �hc t�ullowing _ <br /> fmction: (al�hc twul amount af►Fx�umx M�urcd immcdiatcly bcfom Nu�akin�t,JiviJed by Ib1 thc fuir murkct voluc uf Ihc <br /> •��,,,��, ��;k• Propcny immrdiutcly Ix�forr�hc wlcing. Any balrncc�hall t+c p•riJ to BuROwer. In thr cvcnt uf u panial tuking of'!Ik L <br /> RapcAy in which thc fuir rtuuicet valuc ut thc 1'mpeny inmw:Jiu�cly hrfurc d� tu{.ing iti ICti�(I1JI1 IIk:IIIiW1U ul'�b� .unn - <br /> �,-y��..r�. � sccu�+ed immcdialely t�forr Ilx� uilcing, unlcs� Borruwer unJ Lerxler iNhenvl�e ugnc in wri�ing ur uolcs�uppli�uhlr luw _ <br /> _� otherwixe proviJe�,the prc�ccds�fwll tx ypplied�u�he.uma secund by Ihis Seruriry Inztrumem whc�hrr ur n�H�hc rum.ure <br /> �-�;.��+�„ then Jue. — <br /> ;�;��+�,�:'� I If the Prupeny is ubandoned hy BuRUwrr,or iF,afte�noticc hy Lender tu Borniwer tha�thr cundemn�x�►ffcr.�o make <br /> ;,.a�,�� � un uward or+ctde•r cluim 1'or damuges.Bi�RUwc�fuilti tu rc+pond�u Lender within�11 Juy+aficr the Jatr thc m�ticc iy�:iven. <br /> _ 4ender ix nwhorized.o rnllcct and apply the pnxerds,at il�uptiun,rithcr�o re,turLtion or rcpair oi'Ihe Pmpcny ar to du <br /> g'";;. • . , +wmti+ccured by thi4 Security Instrumcnt,whethrr or nut�hen due. �"� <br /> —`=��`�,,."�'`''''�`.�`=�'- Unlcss Lcnd�:r and[iaROa•cr othcrwise agrcr in writing,any upplicution of prix�rdti to principal �hull nol ex�enJ or <br /> .`�:°�jq� pustponc thc duc datc uf thc momhly puyment,rcfenrd to in para�t�uphx I und 2 urchangc the umuum of,uch puymem4. <br /> _���"•- " 11. Borrower Not Releasedi ForbearAnce By Leoder Not a WAiver. Bxten,ion oi th► timc f��r puymcni or <br /> .: .,�,..-. ,� , <br /> '��_:�;..,�t a modificution of umortizution of thr.ums.rcuRd by thi�Security Inwtrument grunted by Lender to any.ucce.,or in intere.rt <br /> }"���� of Barrower tihall not apemte W relcu,c ihe liubility of�hc ariginul Borcuwcr or Barrawer: +uccc+son in intcrr,t.Lender <br /> �'-'"—" shull nat be mquimd to commence prcxeeding� uguinrt uny nurre+sor in inlemM or refuse u�extenJ �imc for puymem ur <br /> _--- '•���-•-�--'"�--=�"-.-� otherwise modify nmorti�ntion of the�um.ticcurcd hy this Ser.urity Instrunxnt by reason ot'uny demand mude by the oribinul <br /> —�°-',.T T�'s l � Borrower or BoROwer;�ucce++on in intercrt. Any fi►rbaan►nce by Lcnder in cxerciving smy rigM ar remedy+hall nut tx u �-• <br /> _- j'4?_�,'�,�`'�� i wuiver of or preclude the exercise of any right ur remedy. <br />- '" " � ' 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint and SeverAl LinbHity:Casl�ners. Thc covenum+und agrrcmcm+af this <br />=��. a^• i <br /> __,. , Securily Inxtrument +hnll bind and benelil the tiucres+un and ussigns of Lender and Borrowcr,wbj�cl to the prcwi�iom of <br /> �,�— '�." �' � p•rragmph 17. Borrower's cavenunts And agrcements .hull be joint und srveral. Any BoROwrr K�hu co•,igns thi.Securily� <br />=•�� � � " Instrument but does not execute the Note: (ul iti co-xigning Ihi+Security Inxtrument only tu morlguge,graot und cunvey tha� <br />�� ...v�,.� � ..' . ' . Horrower's interest in the Pmpeny under the terms of thi�Security Instrumcnt: Ib)is not penonally obligutrd io puy�he wm+ <br /> _ secured by ihis Securiq•Instrument:und Ic)Lgrocti thut Lender auNl uny o�her Born,wer may agrce to ex�end,mcrlii'q.fortknr <br />�^ ° �� ' ,. or moke any •rccommodatiom with regurd 10 the terms of thi. ScYUnry Instrument or �he No1e wi�hoW Ihut Bnrrower� <br /> , . ,�.: ' , rnnsent. _ <br />"!;�,�� • 13. I.oan Chnrqes. If the loan secureJ by thi.Securiry In.lrunxnt is ,ubject io a 1•rw which kt.muximum lo•rn _ <br /> l=j;,� ,_„�.��.�� � charges,and thnt luw i+tinully interpre�ed+o thut Ihe imerest or uther lo:ui chnr�tes collecteJ or to he collecteJ in connertiun <br /> _ - - = �.—° witi�U�r iuwi e���d it��x:rmiited limits.ttsc�: tal any�uch lasn char�e sh•r!!!se rcdaced by the amu�snt necsss�ry to redw�c ----- <br />'7'�� � Ihe churge ta the permitted limit::uid(b1 uny sum.uln•rJy collected t'rom Borrower which rxceeded permitteJ limit+will be <br /> ' �� ' � � refunded to Barruwer. Lendrr may chuosc to muke thi�rci'und by redurin��he princip•rl owed under Ihe Note or by makin�a �pw., <br />���':' .%"`' direct payment to Borrower. It'a refund rcducrs principal.the rcduclion will be trruted vs�p�niul prcpayrnent wi�hout Lny <br />`y.:: prepuyment churge uixier the Nutr. <br /> • � ' �• 14. Noticcw. Any noticc to gorrowrr provided iur in thi+Sccuriry In.trument shull bc Fiven by delivering it ur by <br />;_;T,�. ' muiling it by tirst muil unleti+applicublc luw rryuim.use ut':uwlher metlxxi.The n��tice tihall lx:Jirected W the Pruperty - <br />';:�:�� � ,,, . � Address or uny other uddnrti Borrower de�ignutrs by notice to LenJer. Any nuticc to Lender�hull be given by fint clas� <br /> �y,��t�: „�, muil lo Lenderz uddre,ti stated hercin or uny uihrr addreti�Lender dc.ignatr,by noticc�a Rurrower. Any nutice proviJcJ for <br /> in �his Security {mtrumcnt shall bc d�rmed ai huvc hecn Fivrn lo Borrowcr or Lendrr when given vs provided in this <br />_ ,:,°;...n '� ' paragmph. <br /> _ ° IS. Governin� Law: Severability. Thi. S��urity In.irument �hull Ix govrmed by frder.�l luw unJ the Inw ul'�he _ <br /> `�= jurixdiction in whirh th�Propeny i�I�xaleJ. In�hr rvcnt that uny provision or rluu+r aF thi,Security Imtrument or Ihr Notr <br /> :��,�!`,�•'� conflicts wilh applicablc law,sunc�ontlic�+hall not affect wher provi,iom of thi,Securiry In.trument or the Notr which can �"` <br /> ;„ .•�� ` �:.� <br /> .:�,::,_ �,,;; , be given effect without the contlicting pruvi,ion. Tii ihi�end the provisions of�hiti Srrurity In.�rument and Ihc Note arr <br />"`' � . . � i decltued tv be.cvcrublc. <br /> • ' �. ' 16. 8orrower's Copy. Borrawer.hull Ix givrn onc amfumud r��py of thr N��tr and uf thi.Sccurity Intitrument. <br /> 17. 7lransfer of the Pruperty nr a Beneficial Imerest in Borruwer. If ull or any�pan�►f Ihr 1'ro�xrty or uny inleretit in �= <br /> i� is sold or�run+tirrnd(or if u txneticial inlere�l in Bnrruwrr i�yold ��r Iran.ferteJ unJ Born►wer i�no1 a nulurul pc:nonl <br /> �:- <br />,!,;� ; without Lender;prior�vriarn run.ent. l.end�r il,upliun.reyuire iironcJi•r�c paymrm in t'ull uf all wm.,rcurrd by d;._•_ <br /> ... . ° ihi�Scrwtity Imlrumrnt. Huwevcr,thi.opti��n�hall nui t+r rxrrci,rJ by l.ender if exrrcinr i,pruhibitrd hy federal law ,�� <br />_�°'�°'7+' .. the dote ot'thiti Serurily Imtrumrnt. <br /> '�,s_. , � <br /> _:� . �.'' If Lender exerci.r.thi.opiiun.l.rndrr,hull givr Bi�irowcr nutire ol':wccicrati�i�i. Thr nalicr,hull provide a periixl nt' ��-'� <br /> ;�' � •.•���; niit Ic�,than 3(1 duy.from Ihe Jate Ihr noiice i.JelivrreJ or m�ileJ�vithin��hirh Rurcow�rr mu+t p•r}•all.w�i�,reurcJ by 1hi, � <br /> � , A' .- �•.;=� 5ecuray Invtrumrnt. IP Bi�rrawrr f+�il.�o pay thr.c ,unn priur w the rrpiration uf Ihi,�x:rial. Lcndcr muy invoke uny <br /> ., ,�. rcmeJie�permitted hy lhi,Security In.trumcnt wilhuut(urthe�n�uicr or demand un Hurruwer. <br /> IS. Borrower's Ri�ht tu Reinstate. II' HorruHer mcrl� cenain rimditiun.. Rnrrow�r.hall huvr thr right u� hav� �,.� <br /> . , enforcemem oi'Ihis Security In.trumem Ji,cominurd al:ui� ume�+riur u+Ihr rurlier ul: la�5 Juy,u�r,uch ulher Fxriixl a. <br /> Sm�le 1=.unil>--Fwnnie�1we/Freddk�trc l'\IFOR�IIV�TRCIIF.�1'-�14W��m�c'���en�nl. 4i9U �p,�c�•��/n�w�,�r�i L� <br /> �r-. :. <br /> U '• , i �»1.. <br /> k <br /> _ _ ,..., <br /> .l � . . ... . .� <br /> , . � <br /> i <br /> +� .r . _. _� . .__._ _. .__ - _ <br />