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<br /> � ACKNfJ�AfLED�l4�Et11T TO DEED OF TRlJST ;:t;�
<br />: 1�� Tha undareigned°Truster'as identiflsd�n t4�a fallo�ving Dasd of Trust,avhethst or+e or mor�,underster+d tha4 4i�e
<br /> `= artd tit�t t?su p��rQr ot�ete g��v[d�4or
<br /> �;..'<-� doe�ne�i��+�y��a�3tnut ta esscute!s���a`t l'stast a�r�i a rn�at��. ,-.�`,,
<br /> �n the DaeB of Tvurm pro�+3�a3 suhnYanY3a11y diifNrant�ig�4s and obllguttons to tt►o�arrovr¢rs YP►an a mort�agfl in tQ�a �`; •,.
<br /> � `'� svant af a defautt or brea�7�o�.ait!!p-►ticn unatsr t?�e Oead of Yrust,inciading,but not limited to,t➢�e�anefldIIry's d�ht
<br /> s�-_:,
<br />..'�.`s..;i a —
<br /> :��,y; to hava Y4ta�roperty identifte�in tfnfl fo{;awtng Daed of Truat sold dy the Trustea v�tY�au4 any jutDiciet proceadartg. !',`�-`'
<br /> Trustot cepr�sents and wanents th�t this Acknawiedgment vsras eue�utAd by tham Bsfase the exFSCUtion af the E3ectd : ••
<br /> •��� of Trnst hersa�4er se2 far�h. � "'""°.-'
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<br />:.��� � tuCk�RO c ar�TJ n.-t2 aifi!cc�l►$ �3. BusHtr.m�lSA+�Us
<br /> �F herainet3er ca11'4vufrt[�r.°.Nlhesv mailircg sctdrmca ts ��11 ROBSA�.��i, aru�t� ss�. �TFt 68803 �'
<br /> - ;as"Ycu�tee°:and Hamq 6�ot9t;ra1 Savinflp end E�an Assactatlon o4 Qr�rt�4 Islc�rsd,whoso F=_'-
<br /> mailing dddre�s is 221 South LoaunY.P.A.eor: 1009, G►nn�t tslund. Nebsastse 88tftD2. as'BeReflciary•. ��
<br /> ��' Far vaiue6la cansidar�tion,'[tiusrror irtevaoabty grasna.transfera. corneya endf ais�fgns to Yrustes,in trusf,with �'=r'
<br /> -,:, power of asla,tor tho banefit end sacucity a?,Bttrrpficiary,llRdBf 8Rd�UbjBII[t0 LI18 481ITi8 ARiI 4^Dfi��Otlfl O�tF1�8 DEB�
<br /> � � 04 Trust,tho faiiowing Qescribad proparn/lue�4rid in � _�• � •
<br /> . ' t;
<br /> ,�' '� Netxaske,tm wit:
<br /> .�j'. IAT ItIVi3 �5y• EN�BtACR Q2I8 «)'. � °R�7t-1� SIIBDZ9TJSON°• IidCATBD ON
<br />'..,,F' � PAxiT OF � 50DT�W85T GU111i3'�!t O�'� $ ST SiVISIt'I73R (SWl/4 SWl/�} -
<br /> � oB SHCPZ02i TWSP�PY-OATB tZi3._ 7Pi ZgY1i t�21l�� t3�.�)�'�EloRTB. RAL�TI�S NID�:
<br /> (9) WBST OI� �A8 327;T8 P.M., 7L� HIi�L CL�iZ3C. HSHf�A�SY}T� SXCLPTYAIO TBFJElF3-
<br /> F1tQM TFlFi PAF1T.%�BA�OF D$$t�tIBFID•AB F'OI+Y,451'3 s B8(3IfilTJIi[i AT T� 230RT� �� '
<br /> CQ312tfSR OY� $If�fJ•IaT 5 T8@TCB RIDiI7�i8•SQifT.Ei4�iST8ElLY W�ONd 7� SAST�iL7C•
<br /> . LIt7� OF SA31b•Ld� 5 R.�I9�.QldCB OF 87.a E�!F3S� �+0 T,� SO�AST MRAiBR OP �':.
<br /> SAIi3.I�O�i 5; T�iCi3 &�11lU3T#4 HORT�+Y AlID�Pl�nn**•T�• TO T88 WBST LINS OF �:
<br />' &AiD LOT 5, A DISTR�iCF� (3�' 3Q0.95 PBST � A POItv'T ON T� NORTHSA.g��RI,Y
<br /> ` LINB OF Ldot 5. T'�d8h°CS�<3�fL�I�i(3 SOT3T�ASTBRLY ALOh�3 T� HOaT�t3STERLY �::
<br /> I.II� 08 F�OT S, A D�I�uTIl�ICg OH 5�.1 FEST TO T� POA3T OH BBaINtllt:fl. __
<br /> . . �.:
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<br /> � togetP�er wiN aD buitt!!�,fixtures,improve�mta arcd qoAurtenartr�s titareunto delonging,it be{ng:agreed that aSI e4�-�.� `� �
<br /> �� tha fors�ain�shall p��{iareinaftr�r raferred to�qhe`i�'cPott�l°. ::.. !'
<br />�,-:�. FOR THE PUiiP�SE pF SEC��tifs�i per4ana'►flnco of each apreement und covenarit af Trustor hormi�cmnt�i4n8d end ,�=
<br /> .. ,�; the paymern o4 the'principai sum�:� x�rst� zxavsum ao�s �xo/cee�rs �°^
<br /> t2allsr�t8 33,000.oo � ►,s��vi�inced by r� Home Fedorel Home Equity Loan Agraement betweart
<br /> � Tnsstor aad Beneficiary{4?ie'Loan Agr�em�`S',pursuaM to which Berteficiury will advance funds to Y�uat�r trom 41me .
<br /> to time at the interest rates and�u�n the 4erma provided therein, together wJth any sum o�cums ot r�oney with
<br /> . �� interest thereon whieh may haroak�r bo paid or advanced unQer the terms of thiy Q�e�o!Trust,both prir�lpai sum
<br /> and iMetest thereon beln9 payable accordin47 to the terms set forth in the Loan �t�reemen�, rotarenco to whfch is
<br /> hsroby made, et the offfce o!tho Beneflcisey i�Grand Isi�nd, Nebraska,or at such other ptrur.rs as EY�neticlary may ___
<br /> , ` •' , designate in wr(ting.
<br /> �� TRUSTEF�dC�610�EIV�FlC1ARV e4'f�P�tAtYY ANO AGREE AS F!]LLOW�: �-
<br /> � 1. IAtart�ntY ot Tftl�. Trus�.�i�tawfully s�ixed o�tir�Property;has good rig�t and lawful a�l4hodty tty oall and -�--
<br /> . convey th9 propnrty;tho Propercy i9 frte �r�d cfr��r o��14 liena and artc:jmbrances except Ilens naw o! record; and = �
<br /> Trustor wi8 waRaM�.r,nd�defend 4ho titfe to titr�P.o;�aetd unto the Tru.�e and it� successor�and assigna foreurr�y . �-_.
<br /> ageinst the ciaima of atl.perr;onu. ==:F
<br /> 2. Pa^�nnartt ot Pdndp�l en�i�1r�tr�tt. Tcuator sh�;��sunctuaity pay tho prin�ipnl of,and interest on,etl ttdvFititCa�i• F`--�"
<br /> urtder the Loan Agreement end a:iiT�nu�cuemYy perfarm�!rt�veoments,conditiona entf proviaiona of sny othor aeautirf
<br /> � �• � insttument given in connection�nrith this t�ur�oli4n. �'`��
<br /> 3. Prqevattan ond C98in2n�anco 09 4�ro�a�ty�. Tru�or wiit not camm4Y any v+rsste upon the Property et wii1,at �-
<br /> . e0 times, rt�aintain the sa�no in quod ordar En�ca�c!{ife�a and will mafze, from timo to time, afl �epairs, renevrels, -�-
<br /> � reptacemones,additiono end im9�ovamon4c;whicM aro snnrresnably ro�uI�ed to prevent v�aste,impairment or deterloretion �'°°-
<br /> ' of said prapetty. No building ot improvemerrt now or hereafter erected upon the Property shat!bo altared ramoved ��-;_;
<br /> � � or demollshsd wi4hout the prtur written consurri of Benaffciary. _
<br /> ' 4. Inaurasscs. 4ruator,t�t iV3 oxponse,w1I1 maintain witt►insurera epproved bV Beneficiary,inaurence with resqoat t��__
<br /> to th9 irnpravements end personat property conuti4utinp the PropoRy against losa by fire,lighminp,tornetto and other ___=
<br /> perlfy�avar¢d by standard oxtandad c�verego ortdaraomsn4 tn an amount aqunl to at teast one hu��dre percant of the r{
<br /> -- - �ul;r;,�l;„rms�a2 t�siss its�ss�f,��!€n���?nce!+��1nat sur+�other haxards end in such ambunt asiei ci��onta�il�cfurlad t r:
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