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<br /> _��;,�;M_�_;� ursuan� ta�n wer of!u►le ccmtAincd in this
<br /> upplicablc IAw may spccify for rcinstatemcnt) befarc xale �f thc pmp��ty p Y 1�
<br /> °��"�`_„�' _�;��� Security Instrument;ar(b)entry of u judgment enforcing this SecucilY,ln�wment. Those conditions are that Borrower. (a► _
<br /> ----- .,.,::sy. pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this Securitv,lnswmenl s�nd the Note uK if no accelerAtion had
<br /> ��`; ,. � accurred;lb)cures uny default of uny aher covenums or agreement�;.IN?puys ull expenses incuRed in enfi►rcing tbis Security —
<br /> Inattumenb including,but nat limited to. reasonable ultameys'faew; ++nd(d)tukes huch uction us Lender may reasunubly
<br /> a"�' ' "''} '�. reyuire to assure thut the lien of this Security Instrumcnt,l.encleF'•+rigMts•in thc Prop.:ny unJ Borrower's abligution to pay the
<br /> .. ,�..•i;. .� --
<br /> sums secured by this Security Insuument shnll continue unchur��pl. Upon minalutement by se�rruwcr, �hi�. Security
<br /> •.,,,���`' Instrument und the obligations secured hereby shall remuin fully effecl�1ve u�if no arcelcr�lion hAd occuRed. However.thi�
<br /> -y�n *�;�. right to reinstate xhall nut apply in the w,e uf uccelcrati�m under.p�c•r�i�ph 17. �—_--_ - -�_--
<br /> :. ,. 19. Sale of Note;Chwa�e of I.oan Servicer. The Nae ur a qartiol imerewt in thc Nac (tugcther wi[h ihia Security
<br /> ',:��' '� Instrument) may 6e t;old one or more times withaut priar no�icc U�Rarrowcr. A xulc muy r��;uU in u chunge in the entily
<br /> �_.,�;, �•� 4�� (known as the"Loan Servlcer7 that collectg monthly payments rlue�unFkr�hc Note nnd�bis Security[nstrumen�. There ulw
<br /> - ' •� �,'a";"� f ° may be one ar more chnnges oP the Loan Servicer unrelated tn u�ale�f�the Note. If Ihere ix u chnnge of the Loun Servicer, !
<br /> � . ��`' Borrower will be given written notice of Ihe change in uccordtu�ce with purugruph 14 above und upplicuble luw. The notiee ,.
<br /> �•• � �-- ••� will swte the name and uddress af the new l.oan Servicer nnd tho addrst,r ta which paymenls should be made. The notice will _
<br />,a� _����,��. ulso contain nny o�her informotion requircd by Applwubltl Ivw. _.°=------
<br /> �?�� . � � 20. Hazn�doua Substonces. BoROwcr shall nat cause ar�xrrnil.Ihe prcrencc,use,di::pnsal,+tor�ge,ar releusc of any ��
<br />__��� -• •; Harardous Substunces on or in the Nroperty. BoRawer shull nut Qu,uur ulluw anyonc clsc to do, anything affecting the „�, -�-� -
<br /> ' • � .h . Praperty Ihat is in violation of uny�nvironmental LAw. The precedinp,iwa tientences shnll nat upply to the prexence,u+c.or �. yr ,._ �;
<br /> :���' ' :';,N•��;,, , storagc on the Prupeny uf smull quantitie�c af Huzurdoux Subsianceti�hay{are genernlly recogniz�i w be uppropnatc w normLl ��_._
<br /> ;;_�:��.�.�_:,;,. :• ^,;: residential unew and to maintenuncc of thc Ropcny. =----
<br />--_,� �� �.A•�'�; . Borrower shall pramptly give Lender written notice of'any invti.rtigutian,cluim,demund,luwauit or ather action by uny _ _
<br /> ,��_;w.. � _ . gnvemmental��r regulatory�g�ncy or privop:p�uty invalving Ihe Pm�rty And uny Hulardous Subscunce or Environmenwl �,,,,�„��,
<br /> . � Law of which Borrower has uctuul knowledge. IF Borrowcr leurnh. ur is notified by any guv�rnmental or regulutury , t .-
<br /> -.•„ .�,. . ' aulhoriry,thut any removal or ather�emeJiation af uny Hazurdoux Substunce uffecting the Propeny ix neces�ury.Barcower �,,,'-
<br /> = shall promptly take ull nece,sury remedinl uc�ions in accordtu►ce wi�h,finvironmenwl Law. —�
<br /> _ � As utied in this parugmph 20."Hcuurdouz Substances"ure those subswnces defined us waic or hazardous sub.rtaneeti by �,1�n�`•
<br />� • . , Envimnmentul Luw and the follawing�ubytanceti: guxoline.kero�:ene,oiher Oummuble or toxic petroleum procluct+,toxic �,;" .
<br /> ' pesiicides und hcrbicide., volutile solvenls, mairriuls contuining nytM:ttos iir formuldehy�, and radioactivc muteriuls. As � �
<br /> , used in thin purugraph 20,"Envirunmenwl Law"meuns i'ederul luwx und laws ui'the jurixiiction where the Property is locuted
<br /> '' ' „ ;-� �3 � that rclnte ta hcullh.sufe�y or environmental protcction. _ '
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und l.ender funhCZ ruvrnunt und ugree us follow�: oy�;r�-;�.
<br /> � ° 21. Accelerntion; Re�aedieK. L.ender slwll�ive nulice,lo �iorruwer priur tu ucceleradun t'allowing liorrower's �==-`�- -
<br /> breach oP any covenwnt ar ugreement ia tbis Securily Inat�umsnt Ibut nut prlor tu acceleradun under paragrs�ph 17 __ __
<br /> " � unleag applicpbk law pruvWe�otherwise). The notice xhal)rpectfy: lal the dePault;lb1 the s�cUon required to cure the ___„
<br /> - '� '' `'" dcfauli;{r)a dzte. aot lrs.s tlsan 34 deys f�om the dete the nntic4 ix�iven t��Borrnwer.by w6icb the dei'aull must be
<br /> ---__ _
<br /> ._... ___ � --
<br /> � cured;and Idl tAat failure to cure the dePault on o�befare.tha�dute specitied in Ihe natice may resull in acceleralion uf ��_,;..._
<br /> Ihe rumr secured by this Security Instrument and sale oP tB�r,Property. The notice shall furlher inPorm Borruwer of �•r,�e�,•:
<br /> , �e,,... the ri�ht ta reinstnte af'ter acceleration and the ri�ht W 1►rin�{,a court uction to usyert Ihe non-exi9lence uP++default or ��.'�'"��'=_
<br /> any other dePense uf Sorruwer to s�ccelerulinn and�+ale. IP 16a dePaull is nut cured on or before the date speciiied in =_',_,Y;�, .
<br />: ` . Ihe nutice.l.ender at its optiun muv rcyulre immediule pa�•m��t M Pull��f ull sums secured by this Securlly lnrtrument ��
<br /> without Purther demand and muy invokc the puwer nf!�alu uod any nther remedies permitted by appllcablr law. ._ _
<br /> ' ° I.ender shall be entiUed tu c�dlect ull expenses incurrad ia pursuinu the remedies pro��ided in this prry{�rs�ph 21. ° _
<br /> including,but not limited to,reutionuble uttornryti'firs und c�►��ti oP title evidence. y A '.,,•-'..:'
<br /> � If the puwer of rule is In�uked.'lYuslee.hs�ll rrcnrd u notice uf default In euch county in whirh any purt ol'the , •��• _ _
<br /> Property is lauted und shull muil cupies oP such nutice io Ihu munner prruriUed bv upplkuble law tu Borrower and to ,.,�r•.•° -�
<br /> , Ihe�►ther pennns prescribed b}•upplicable luw. After Iha tlms requirrd b�•upplicable IA��t 71�u�1ce shall Rive public � �=�''�'
<br /> : �....•„ .
<br /> � nutice of tiule tu thr perwns und in the munne�prrr;cribed I���upplicable luw•. 'll�u+tee.withuut demand on Borrower.
<br /> .•u
<br /> vhHll�ell lhe Propertv at public auclion fo the hiuhe�l bldd��f ut the limr und pluce s�nd under the terms designuted in
<br /> • • the noticr of'sule in onr or more purcels und in un��order 71ru�lee determineh. Tru�tee mup postp�me sule oPall or uny
<br /> - parcel of the Pruperty bv public unnounremenl ut tnu timu s�nd plucr of uny pre��iouslp scheduled sule. Lender or ifs �-:�_....
<br /> ` dc�i�nee may purrhase the Properly ul unv tiale. �� —
<br /> Upun receipt uP puyment uf the price bid,'IYu+tee•hull deli�•er to Ihe parchuser 7Yuster'z deed con�•ryin�; Ihe �;�`�=
<br /> . Pruperty. The recituls in Ihe 71�usler i deed.hull be primu Pucic c�idence aP thr truth oP Ihe xtutements mude Iherein. • • �,
<br /> 7Uustee shwll apply Ihe pr��re�ds oi'the wle in Ihr Pi�llu�rinu urde�: �ul�o ull cosls und rxpenses uf exercising the pu���er .
<br /> , 1 • „ . �� ���d-'
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