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rx.s�;�,,�.T . . �, a�. r� .. - ...,,;.1;�:.arn.�a..:— . . .. °— <br /> ..�-.r-'�`�'-_ <br /> ___u��.:�•I ..•}„� ... ��r� ___ __ <br /> .. i) ' ro' Mw�+rMW4.�u__�rirl� --� <br /> - 'E.'_"'.Y.u�i_ . __ <br /> �_u ° -- =� �2_ iO3'�'3s <br /> _ o;,:.:. <br /> .�c�_`!�-�-i�� <br /> _�•�=F�.-��:�;?:�:;�. c��nde��nution ur�Hhrr tuking uf uny part ot'tlx Prup�:rty,or i�ur awiveyurue in lieu of cunJemn�iiun,ur�Ikreby uiwiYneJ wwl <br /> ��..__. �-r""'�;'`- shull fx paid tu Lcndc�. <br /> - " (n thr event oi' a twul tuking af thc Pruperty, IIK pnxc�d+ �hull t+� upplicJ tu thc �umti.erurrd hy Ihi+ ticcurily <br /> —_?-�?� <br /> �,�:��� Ins�rumcnt, whctlxr cir nut thcn Juc, w•itb ony cncry,p•rid i��Boirawcr. In�hr �vcnt uf u pahiul�uking nf�hc 1'ru�xrly in <br /> 3rK_.�. <br /> '.----^�_,�„�., .;.; which the fair marke�vuluc nt�hc PmEx:ny immediatcly Ix:fure�hr�uking i�ryuul t�i or grratrr�h:m�hr unuwrn oi�Ix�wnr <br /> �, . _.. ° , sccurcd hy thi.Securiry In�irumem immedia�rly beti►re�hr tuking.unle..Burn�wrr uixl l.encler udierwiK ugnr in writinR. <br /> ,�;;;�-.'.'. Ihc numti++�xureJ by Ihi�Sccu�ity In�trument �hall tx mduc�J by ihr umuunl uF�Ix paxc��l�multiplicd hy �bc lidluwing <br /> ��:. �"`�` fruclien: IuD tl�:totul am�xint uf�Ix�umx�wurcd immixliately inf�,n�h�wking.divided My 1 hl�hc fair murkc�voluc��i'�Ik <br /> _ � - �� Prup.rty imnkdiatcly tkfare thc a►king. Any balancc shall i+e pa�id n► RoROwrr. In ilr�event uf u paAi�d takinµul'dk � -_- _�- ._ <br /> �``�';"'�;:: .;��.� ' Propeny in which�he fufr murkrt vuluc uF thc Prup�ny immrdiu�ely Ixl'urr�hc �uking i� Ic+. Uirn thc wnuum�►f�he +um+ <br /> - :'' .. . hecur�J immediuirly befarc �hr �uking. unl��., Borruwcr und Lrndrr uthcrwik agrrc in wri�ing or unle"applic�hlr luw <br /> �+•�"s�-4•� `�� ��- cNhcnri.e provides,tlx pnxc�,�ls xhall bc upplird tu tiu xum.xcured by�hi�Security Inrtrunkrn wh��hcr ur nut tlx+�umx arc <br /> -�__.�.�.�.w <br />�: T"'�°' Ihcn due. <br /> ' ' If�Ix Propeny i+ub:u�daned by Borrowcr,or it',uflrr nnticr hy Lenclrr�a Burrowrr tha�thc cunJrmnur ulfer+io mukc <br />�� ' � un awurd ur.c�tle u claim far damagr,.BoROwer fuil,tu rctip��nd tu l.cnJrr within 311 Juy,al'ter thc Ju�r�he nuiirc i,givcn. <br />�� ' LrnJrr i,au�hurieed to coUect and npply the pr�xerd�.at it� uptiun.ri�her tu rc�toration ur repair uf tix Pro{x:ny or�u the <br />�, � sumx tiecured by thix Scrurity Inslrumenl,whe[hcr or not�hen duc. <br />-,�.�`,'�-�_t..�_��;:�:.; Unless Lender and Borrower utherwi+�u�!rce in writin�,any applicatiun uf pi.w�uJ,k. pri�i���;o1 ,bull nu1 c�►�cnJ ui °=- .-- - <br /> pox�pime the Juc date of the monthly paymen�+refcrred to in p;uugruph.r I unJ?�r changc the umuunl uf�uch puymunh. <br />.�• ^ _ �, ' 11, fbrrnwer Not Released; �orbearance By Lender Not � Waiver. Ex�en,wn uf ihc timc for p•ryinrnt ur _ <br /> mc�diGcution of amonixation of the,ums secure�by this Scwuriiy Instrument grunted by Lencicr�a uny�u�cc��ur in iiurrert <br /> of Borrowcr xhull not operute ta reMcise the liability of the original BoROwer ur BoROwcr's wcc�+,or. in inter�+�. L�nJcr <br />, 'z.. .,r , _ _ � � _ shall not i+e myuireJ lo commence proceeding+ugainst any xuccexwr in intercxt or refuse tu cxtend timr fix puymcnl ur <br />�:�;' � „ aherwiu�mcdit'y omortizatian of the rum,secured by this Securiry In�c[rument by reu.wn of any JemunJ mude by tlic uriginal �_ <br />� y . � . � Barrawer or Borrower's successon in interest. Any forbearunce by Lender in excrcising :uiy right or remcdy xholl nat be u � , <br /> '?" .. waiver of or prerlude the exercise of uny r�ht o�remedy. <br /> ` ' l2. Successors and Assiqns Bar�l:Juint aad 5rversl Liability:Co-signers. The covcnunts und agrrcmcm+uf�his ���-�- <br /> r <br />'�;;,.'.• Securiry In+lrument shall bind unJ benetit the suc«.�+n:u�d•rssigna of Le�xier and Borcower,tiubjcct tu Ihc pnwi,iunti oP <br /> . . paragruph 17. Borrower; covenant, and:�an�emenh.hall t►e juint:uiJ severul. Any Borrower who co-,i�n+ lhiti Srcuril� _____ <br />�;:�.:• ' " Instrument but dce�not execute tM N�xr: la)is co-si�w�ing thi+Security Inxtrument unly tu murl�eagr,grunt and ranvey�hut �-:-=..��._ <br /> j;:�• `��: Borcuwer;inlerest in the Pn�perty unKier[he terms of ttos Sccurity In.trumenr Ib)is not per.wnully ubligulcd lo puy Ihe timnx _,o,,,�`o <br />'' �,;�.,<i%; tiecured by thix Scruriry[ument;iuid lc)agreea that Lender nnd uny ather Borrower may ugmc Io cxtend,muJil'y,f�xbcur _ <br />�.,�:: •�� ar muke any ucconunc�daeims with t�egard to the terms of lhir Seruriry Inxtrument or the Note without Ihu1 Borcower ti <br />�c�:��, consent. <br />�'�'•� l3. Loan Cl�rges. If thr loan�ured by [hi,Security Instrument is zubjert �o a luw which +c�ti muximum lo•rn <br />�'��••' �'��••� '' � �•hl�rgr�,smd�ha�low i.ti�wlly interpret�ti so thnt 1he interest or uther luan churRe+callcwted or w be coUccted in conneclion <br />{'� ' ' with thc loan excectii tk�e perniitted limits,then: la)uny such loan charge shull be reduced by the amoun�nece.�ary�u reducr - <br /> '. :��;r��� the churge to�he pem�itteci limit;and(b1:u�y xums ulmady collected from Borrower which ezcerJcJ rmittrJ limit.will be �''' '�`"`'"`" <br /> � ,�--- ----- ..__ <br /> � '•,:�:t;;, refunded to Borrower. Lender may choosN to make this retund by reJucing the principul owed unJer the Nar ur hy muking a o;,��.� <br /> "' '• • direct puyment to Borrower. IP u refwxi reduces principul,the reduc�ion will be[reat�d u.u purtiul prepayment without uny �-��u•• <br /> • � ' � prepuyment charge under the Note. <br /> • •� .�' „ 14. NWlces. Any noticr to Borrower provid�d for in �hir Security Instrument +hall b�given hy drliverin�! i� ur by �-- <br /> � • � � mailin�;it by tirst cla,x m�il wilas,a�licable law reyuircs u�e uf unother methai.The notice,hull t+r dirc�:trd to the Pro�xny ��,r=��- - <br /> • � I Addrttis or:u�y other addr��.s Borrower de�ignutes by nutice ro Lrnder. Any nolicr to Lendcr+hall he givcn by lir+t rlu+. 'r°��� � . ,_ <br /> • ' muil tn LenJer�udclrrx��tatcd herein or•rny othrr uddre�s LenJer dc.ignates by nulirr lo Borrc�wer. Any iwtice proviJ�J ti�r <br /> ' in this Security Instrument �hull he ckemed ti� huve Ix�en given tu Borrower or Lcndcr whcn given a� pruvided in �hi�: ' • <br /> p;vugruph. �`` T"�=•- <br /> 15. Go�erning tieverubility. This Security Intitrum�ni tihall tx govemeJ by� f�deral luw and Ihe luw iif Ih� • •�.`=� <br />_ � uriuliction in which the Pro rt is IcxuteJ. In thr evenl thut un mvision or clau.0 of thi+Sccurit In+tn�ment or thr Nuir `'�� � <br /> ' J Pe Y� Y P Y �; ,:_j_w _ <br /> f ; contlictx with upplicabl�law.sunc�unflict+hall not uffect other pruvi.i�m.of thi.Security In+trum�m ur�hr tiu�r which can �� � <br /> ! be given ci'fect without thr contlicting provitiion, To thix end�he provixiom��t'thi.Srcuriiy In+�rumenl and the Note are �`—r ' <br />� ' � declurcJ tu Lx,r�-�rablc. ���.' <br /> I6. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull he given nn�c��nGxmeJ cupY ul'Ih� NWC:�nd of Ihi,S¢curiry Instrumenl. ���TM�� <br /> �,- <br />` � ' 17. 'Il�ntifer oP the Pruperty or a Benef1cia1 Interest in 13��rrower. It'all or any pun ot'�hc Pm{x:ny or:iny intcre.t in � •zi•�` <br /> "' it ix wW��r IramPcrrcd lur if a Ixncticial interc�t in Born�wcr i� wld ��r tran�icrnd unJ Borrowrr i.not a nulural �xrunl �. . - -- <br /> i ' without LenJer;priur writtrn cunsenl.Lender it+optiun. nyuire imtnrdiate puyment in(ull of all .um�,ecurcd by ' <br /> s; , �his Sccurity Imtrumenl. Howrver.thix op�iun�hull nut tx rxeni�ed hy l.ender if�x�rci�e i+prohiNitcd by federal law a+uf �-:°=== <br />'�� . tlx date of�hi,Security In,tromcnt. �`^'��� <br /> If'Lcndrr rxrrcisc>this option. Lcndcr+hull givc Bom►wcr n�nicr of acrrlrra�iun. Thc noticc.hull pruvidc u�xri�xl ot� I��• , <br />. not Icsr thun�0 Jay+from thr date�N�nu�ire iti Jclivrrcd�rr inailcJ within whirh Borruwcr mu,�p:ry ul).um,.ccurrd hy thi, <br /> .• Srrurity Intitrwmm. If Burrower f'aih �o puy thc�e wmti prior tu the cxpiratiun uf Ihi.�ruxl, Lrnder nwy invuke uny �,�, � <br /> . � remrJicr permiucJ by thi.Scruriry hi.trumem withuui lunhrr nulicr ur demunJ un Burr��wcc <br /> IS. Bnrrnwer's Ri�ht to Reinstate. If Borruwer m�ch crnuin r�mditi��n+, R��rr�,�►rr �hsdl I�i�re �hc ri�ht �o hnvc • <br /> I' �. cnfoncment uf'�hi�Scruriry In.irument Ji.runtinucJ a� an} timc priur iu Ihc r:irlirr ul: �:u S J:n.iur.urh�ahrr�xrial:i. <br />��' ., 1inFk hamd�� Pannie�1ue�Fnddle�lnc l'VIF'UR�1 1\ti'1'RL'11E\7' -1'ndum�t',�<<•n.m�. V�411 �p,��r J,�/n�u��n� <br />'�`: . . <br /> I ' <br /> - ------1--- . <br /> �. <br /> . , � <br />