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20100844� <br />(U) "P�Iodic Payment" means the regWarly echeduled arr�unt due for (i) principal and interest under the <br />Note, plus (ii) any amounts under 5ection 3 of this Security Inswment. <br />(P) "RESPA" means the Real EstatB Settlement Procedures AcC (12 U.S.C. 5ecxion 2601 ex seq.) and its <br />imple�nenting regulation, Regiilation X(24 C.F.R. Part 3SOU), as thcy might be aymended frorn tirne to <br />time, or any additional or successor legislation or regularion that governs the sam� subject matter. As used <br />in this Security lnstrument, "RESPA" refers to all requir�ts and resritictions that are imposed in regard <br />to a"fe�erally related r�rtgage loan" even if the Lo�n doea not qualify as a"federally related mortgage <br />loan" under RESPA. <br />(Q) "Succ�or in Inter+est of Barrower" means any Party thax bas�tak�n ritle to the Property, whether ar <br />cwC that party has assumed BorrowBr's obligations under the Note and/or this 5ecurity Inst�ument. <br />TRANSFBR OF WGHTS IN THE PRUPERTY <br />This Secucity Instmunent secures to I.ender: (i) thc repayment of the Loan, and sll renewals, extensians and <br />modi�ications of th� Note; and (ii) the performance of Borrower's covenants a� agr�ms under this <br />Security Instrument and the Note. For this purpose, Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys tn <br />lkustee, in trust, with power of salc, the following descritred pmperry located in the <br />COLTNTY of HALL . <br />['�'ype of Recotding 7urisdictian] [Name of Recording Juriadiction] <br />sss s�r��c�r A A�r�t�n �o sas $r�csr. rroa�a�:4000as9eo <br />z�a sar�rse�rs eHOOr� $s ��r zo: �r,�.s a�n�ao � tm��vs, �.o. �oa <br />ii�o�., �c, xs o�ioi4�oi <br />Parcel ID Nurnber: 4Qp0�8980 wl�ich current�y has the address of <br />i�a�o x cvs� Av� �s�t� <br />�� =s� [c�ryl, Nebraalra 68803 <br />[ZiP Codel <br />("Property �°►ddress"): <br />TOGETHER WITH all t� improvcm�nta now or hereaftar erected on the P�P�Y. and all <br />�ts, �purtenances, and t3ature� now or hereafter a part of the property. All repla�nts a� <br />additions shall also be covered by thi� Security 1ns�wnent. All of the foregoing is referred W in this <br />Security Instiument as the °property." <br />HORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the e�tate hereby wnveyed and has <br />the right W grant and canvey t� Prvperty and thait the Properry is �d, except for encumbrances <br />of rvcord. Horrower warrants and will defend generally the tide to the Property against all claims and <br />demands, subject to any encumbra�es of record. <br />NEBRASKA - Singb Famlly - Fenr� Mp/Freddir Mnc UNIFORM INSTRUMENT � <br />�-BINE) roe�u p.a• a m�e in�a.�: Form 30�8 1/D9 <br />